Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah
Merhaba from Türkiye 👋
Indonesia has many....probably hundreds of variants of snacks. Start from traditional snacks e.g many kinds of kueh basah (literally means wet / moist snacks), fried snacks (in Indonesian call gorengan) and other type of jajanan (snacks) mostly known as street food/ snack; for example batagor, siomay, kerak telur and more.
Kueh basah are more often steamed than baked and normally have a sweet taste, but some are savory as well. But not all of them using a steamed method, named kue basah mostly because they are moist.
Just like what İ want to share today. İt's including in kue basah- calls "Bolu kukus mekar". İt's a cup cake-like, cooked by steam process instead of bake in oven. We call it "Bolu Kukus Mekar" in Indonesian language. Bolu means cake, Kukus= Steamed and "Mekar" means blooming like a flower.
As you can see on my pictures here the steamed cup cake has crack surface like blooming.
This is also one of Indonesian traditional snack that been exist from long time ago.
Old recipe mostly required local (Indonesian) soda drink in the ingredients. But when I tried to make it here with local soda water/ drink, I never make it correctly. The "blooming" couldn't appear nicely like my grandmother/ aunties made. So I start to find a way how to make that "blooming" effect appear. One time I browsed over internet and find another Asian dessert similar with this cake calls "huat kuih". That cake has blooming appearance like our bolu, steamed also, but totally different recipe, no emulsifier require. So I made that Huat kuih once, the texture and taste different from our bolu kukus mekar which I'm looking for. But I wonder how that Huat Kuih can have "blooming effect".. Maybe it use self raising flour plus baking powder in it.
So today I will share my recipe how to make one of Indonesian's heritage "bolu kukus mekar" This recipe I modified from my previous Sunkist orange steamed cup cake. But instead of using orange juice today's recipe I use "gula jawa" or javanese palm / coconut sugar. I add some spice calls " spiku" or speculaas spice mix.
Result..... yuuummmmyyy!
You can taste the sweet of legit from palm sugar meet with fragrant speculaas spice mix..they are meant to be together 😊
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Prepare palm sugar syrup 1st:
🌾 200 gr palm/ coconut sugar, finely sliced
🌾 20-30 gr brown sugar or white
🌾 about ½ cup of water
🌾 pinch of salt
▶️ Boil all syrup ingredients until sugar dissolved. Let sit to room temperature then weigh it 280 gr. Add water if you have less.
Ingredients for making cake:
🌾 280 gr palm sugar syrup above
🌾 140 gr AP flour
🌾 10 gr cornstarch flour
🌾 1 egg
🌾 2 tsp emulsifier
🌾 2 tsp baking powder
🌾 2 tsp speculaas spice mix
How to make:
1) Heat enough water in your steamer pot to produce enough steam.
2) In big mixing bowl, put everything for making cup cake. With electric mixer, beat with high speed about 15-20 minutes until become very thick batter and beyond ribbon stage (When you spoon the batter and try to pour it back, it'll take few second to drop back). Check video above to see the batter consistency.
You need to get the batter to reach this thick stage otherwise you will not get blooming effect in your cupcake.
3) Pour the batter into cupcake paper until full. Steam in high heat about 15-20 minute. DO NOT open the lid before 15 minutes to prevent cake deflate or will not crack on surface.
It's very important to mix batter until really thick.
Use high heat to produce many steam and do not open steamer lid during steaming process.
Assalamu'alaykum .....
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya... 👋
Apa kabar...Inshaallah semua dalam keadaan baik dan sehat semua ya.... Disini udara mulai mendingin. Angin bertiup kencang hampir tiap hari. Kondisi khas musim gugur. Kalau udah masuk musim begini kudu siap-siap ramuan anti flu buat keluarga. Campuran jahe, sereh direbus ntar minumnya pake madu plus jeruk nipis peras.
Daaannn..kalau dingin-dingin gini biasanya mulut pengen ngemiiiilll terus ya. Minumnya hangat-hangat..mesti cari "teman" buat minuman hangatnya 😃
Naahh.. bikin yang mudah dan cepet itu pilihan pas deh.. semua bahan cemplung jadi satu... dimixer semua terus dikukus..... Bolu kukus mekar!!
Siapa disini yang gak doyan bolkus mekar??? Inshaallah semua suka ya. Jajanan mulai jaman baheula. Biasanya nenek atau ibu kita suka bikin. Jadi ingat dulu kalau mbah uti alhm dulu bikin, kocoknya gak pake mixer... tapi pake kocokan kue dari kawat mirip pir yang melingkar itu. Saya plus sodara-sodara gantian kocok itu sampe kental banget plus lengan kita keras..sakiitt!...hihihihhi.. 😃
Tapi jaman itu sudah jadi kenangan pait manis aja ya... Thank you teruntuk penemu mesin mixer listrk...hihihihhi..😊
Oh iya kali ini pengen bikin bolkus gula merah. Biar makin maknyus saya campur bumbu spiku...Waahhhh... harum dan legitnya...Mashaallah... Memang bumbu spiku cocok pake banget sama gula merah ini..Cobain deh..pasti nagih.
Resep bolkus ini saya sadur dari resep bolkus mekar jeruk sunkis saya sebelumnya tapi dengan modifikasi karena pake gula jawa menggantikan perasan jeruk. Dengan tambahan bumbu spiku pas dan cocok banget dengan rasa gula merah yang legit.
By: Çitra's Home Diary
🌾 200 gr gula merah, diserut halus
🌾 20-30 gr gula pasir (sesuai selera manisnya)
🌾 air kurleb ½ gelas
🌾 sejumput garam
▶️ rebus semua bahan diatas sampai gula larut lalu saring dan timbang 280 gr. Jika kurang air bisa tambah sampai ukuran tsb.
🌾 280 gr larutan gula merah
🌾 140 gr tepung terigu
🌾 10 gr pati jagung
🌾 1 butir telur ukuran besar
🌾 2 sdt emulsifier
🌾 2 sdt baking powder
🌾 2 sdt bumbu spekoek / spiku, lihat disini untuk membuat bumbu spekoek sendiri
Cara membuat:
1. Panaskan kukusan dengan api besar sedang. Siapkan kertas cup roti kukus diatas cetakannya.
2. Campur semua bahan dan mixer kecepatan tinggi sampai kental sekali. Adonan harus kental sekali, jika disendok dan dituang akan lama turunnya. Lama mengaduk tergantung kekuatan mixer masing-masing ya.
3. Tuang adonan kedalam kertas cup yang sudah disiapkan, isinya harus sampai penuh. Kukus kurleb 15 menit. Tutup kukusan jangan dibuka-buka dulu sblm 15 mnt.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
Kueh basah are more often steamed than baked and normally have a sweet taste, but some are savory as well. But not all of them using a steamed method, named kue basah mostly because they are moist.
Just like what İ want to share today. İt's including in kue basah- calls "Bolu kukus mekar". İt's a cup cake-like, cooked by steam process instead of bake in oven. We call it "Bolu Kukus Mekar" in Indonesian language. Bolu means cake, Kukus= Steamed and "Mekar" means blooming like a flower.
As you can see on my pictures here the steamed cup cake has crack surface like blooming.
This is also one of Indonesian traditional snack that been exist from long time ago.
So today I will share my recipe how to make one of Indonesian's heritage "bolu kukus mekar" This recipe I modified from my previous Sunkist orange steamed cup cake. But instead of using orange juice today's recipe I use "gula jawa" or javanese palm / coconut sugar. I add some spice calls " spiku" or speculaas spice mix.
Result..... yuuummmmyyy!
You can taste the sweet of legit from palm sugar meet with fragrant speculaas spice mix..they are meant to be together 😊
![]() |
Javanese Palm/ coconut sugar |
The cake texture is cotton soft with a moist crumb. You will not eat only 1 or 2 cupcakes. I make this steamed cake for our coffee or tea time and for my kid's lunch box. This recipe makes about 8 cupcakes, so you can double the recipe if you want.
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Cotton soft and moist inside |
So, tell me when you are ready to travel your taste bud with Indonesian sweets snack.. the recipe is very simple and quick to make. Just get ready with your (bamboo) steamer and you are good to go.
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Prepare palm sugar syrup 1st:
🌾 200 gr palm/ coconut sugar, finely sliced
🌾 20-30 gr brown sugar or white
🌾 about ½ cup of water
🌾 pinch of salt
▶️ Boil all syrup ingredients until sugar dissolved. Let sit to room temperature then weigh it 280 gr. Add water if you have less.
Ingredients for making cake:
🌾 280 gr palm sugar syrup above
🌾 140 gr AP flour
🌾 10 gr cornstarch flour
🌾 1 egg
🌾 2 tsp emulsifier
🌾 2 tsp baking powder
🌾 2 tsp speculaas spice mix
How to make:
1) Heat enough water in your steamer pot to produce enough steam.
2) In big mixing bowl, put everything for making cup cake. With electric mixer, beat with high speed about 15-20 minutes until become very thick batter and beyond ribbon stage (When you spoon the batter and try to pour it back, it'll take few second to drop back). Check video above to see the batter consistency.
You need to get the batter to reach this thick stage otherwise you will not get blooming effect in your cupcake.
3) Pour the batter into cupcake paper until full. Steam in high heat about 15-20 minute. DO NOT open the lid before 15 minutes to prevent cake deflate or will not crack on surface.
It's very important to mix batter until really thick.
Use high heat to produce many steam and do not open steamer lid during steaming process.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Assalamu'alaykum .....
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya... 👋
Apa kabar...Inshaallah semua dalam keadaan baik dan sehat semua ya.... Disini udara mulai mendingin. Angin bertiup kencang hampir tiap hari. Kondisi khas musim gugur. Kalau udah masuk musim begini kudu siap-siap ramuan anti flu buat keluarga. Campuran jahe, sereh direbus ntar minumnya pake madu plus jeruk nipis peras.
Daaannn..kalau dingin-dingin gini biasanya mulut pengen ngemiiiilll terus ya. Minumnya hangat-hangat..mesti cari "teman" buat minuman hangatnya 😃
Naahh.. bikin yang mudah dan cepet itu pilihan pas deh.. semua bahan cemplung jadi satu... dimixer semua terus dikukus..... Bolu kukus mekar!!
Siapa disini yang gak doyan bolkus mekar??? Inshaallah semua suka ya. Jajanan mulai jaman baheula. Biasanya nenek atau ibu kita suka bikin. Jadi ingat dulu kalau mbah uti alhm dulu bikin, kocoknya gak pake mixer... tapi pake kocokan kue dari kawat mirip pir yang melingkar itu. Saya plus sodara-sodara gantian kocok itu sampe kental banget plus lengan kita keras..sakiitt!...hihihihhi.. 😃
Tapi jaman itu sudah jadi kenangan pait manis aja ya... Thank you teruntuk penemu mesin mixer listrk...hihihihhi..😊
Oh iya kali ini pengen bikin bolkus gula merah. Biar makin maknyus saya campur bumbu spiku...Waahhhh... harum dan legitnya...Mashaallah... Memang bumbu spiku cocok pake banget sama gula merah ini..Cobain deh..pasti nagih.
Resep bolkus ini saya sadur dari resep bolkus mekar jeruk sunkis saya sebelumnya tapi dengan modifikasi karena pake gula jawa menggantikan perasan jeruk. Dengan tambahan bumbu spiku pas dan cocok banget dengan rasa gula merah yang legit.
By: Çitra's Home Diary
🌾 200 gr gula merah, diserut halus
🌾 20-30 gr gula pasir (sesuai selera manisnya)
🌾 air kurleb ½ gelas
🌾 sejumput garam
▶️ rebus semua bahan diatas sampai gula larut lalu saring dan timbang 280 gr. Jika kurang air bisa tambah sampai ukuran tsb.
🌾 280 gr larutan gula merah
🌾 140 gr tepung terigu
🌾 10 gr pati jagung
🌾 1 butir telur ukuran besar
🌾 2 sdt emulsifier
🌾 2 sdt baking powder
🌾 2 sdt bumbu spekoek / spiku, lihat disini untuk membuat bumbu spekoek sendiri
Cara membuat:
1. Panaskan kukusan dengan api besar sedang. Siapkan kertas cup roti kukus diatas cetakannya.
2. Campur semua bahan dan mixer kecepatan tinggi sampai kental sekali. Adonan harus kental sekali, jika disendok dan dituang akan lama turunnya. Lama mengaduk tergantung kekuatan mixer masing-masing ya.
3. Tuang adonan kedalam kertas cup yang sudah disiapkan, isinya harus sampai penuh. Kukus kurleb 15 menit. Tutup kukusan jangan dibuka-buka dulu sblm 15 mnt.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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