Yaayyy.....Cookie again.. after a while I didn't post any cookie recipes. Not because I didn't bake any... but mostly because my kid and husband always request the same cookies so many times. You can click the "COOKIES" category on my page if you are curious about my other cookie recipe.
You can find 50+ different cookie recipes starting from cheesy savory to addictive chocolate cookies.
Start from traditional cookies from Indonesia until Turkish-style cookies/shortbread.
Yep... For new visitors....welcome to my colorful web page with a wide variety of diverse recipes and posts 😊
For you who wants to travel the taste to Indonesia, you can check my popular PINEAPPLE TART COOKIES a.k.a NASTAR.
Or you are looking for cookies with aromatic spice, you should check my Speculaas butter Cookies or Spicy checkerboard cookies or American classic; Ginger snap cookies.
And don't forget to check my Macarons recipe as well for you macarons lover 😍
So.. today I will share with you my latest cookie recipe which is my new fave. I twist everybody's favorite- chocolate with the delicious bitterness of coffee.
Raise your hand if you agree on the chocolate and coffee pair perfectly ✋
I use only 1 tbsp instant coffee..but of course, you can add the amount depending on how deep the coffee flavor you like in your cookie.
A few weeks ago baked with 3 tablespoon of coffee but my kid could taste it and she didn't like it.
So here I write my latest Chocolate coffee cookies for you chocolate lover and coffee lover 🤟
Best Double Chocolate Coffee Cookies Recipe
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Yield ± 600 gr
İngredients :
🍪 400 gr AP flour
🍪 15 gr cocoa powder
🍪 50 gr cornstarch flour
🍪 50 gr milk powder
🍪 ½ tsp baking powder
🍪 ½ tsp baking soda
🍪 1 tsp fine salt
🍪 180 gr brown sugar ( see my homemade brown sugar here)
🍪 100 gr caster sugar
🍪 200 gr butter, soften at room temperature
🍪 2 yolks
🍪 40 gr sweet condensed milk (chocolate or white)
🍪 1 tsp coffee essence
🍪 180 gr vegetable oil
🍪 1-2 Tbsp instant coffee mix with 1 Tbsp hot water
🍪 ±200 gr coco chips, separated
How to make :
1) Sift together AP flour, cornstarch, cocoa powder, milk powder, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.
In a mixing bowl, put brown sugar, caster sugar, butter, yolk, condensed milk, and coffee essence. Then mix at medium speed for a few minutes. Mix in vegetable oil and coffee, and continue mixing at low speed until well combined.
2) Sift in dry ingredients and slowly mix until well combined. You can use a wooden spoon to mix. Add in half part of the chocolate chips. Use a wooden spoon to mix the batter until thoroughly mixed. Cover with plastic film then refrigerate it for about 30 minutes.
3) Preheat oven at 150°C / 140°C (fan force). Line 3 wide cookie tray with parchment paper. Take the cookie batter then start to shape it into a small ball, mine is about 1 Tbsp each.
Arrange them onto a baking tray with some space between them. Sprinkle with the rest of the chocolate chips then gently push with the back of a fork. Do to the rest of the batter.
Bake in preheated oven for 20-25 minutes. Chill to harden before transferring them into your cookie jar.
the cookies will soft after out from the oven and it will be hard after cooling.
Adjust the temperature according to your oven condition.
Move the cookies into an airtight jar after they are completely cooled.
Enjoy 🍪
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Sudah lama rasanya tidak posting resep kue kering ya.... Maksudnya resep baru gitu 😊.
Kalau bikin kukis sih masih tetep ya... rutin... secara anak saya tidak terbiasa beli jajanan di luar jadi di rumah harus selalu ada camilan untuk dia. Juga bapaknya...hahahaha.. alasan banget ya..padahal saya juga "snacking" person ✋. Kalau gak ada sandingan minum teh atau kopi... masih tengak tengok cari teman ngeteh/ ngopi....hihihihi
Dan tahukah kalian jika di Turki itu minum teh dan atau kopi itu sudah tradisi. Semua orang ngeteh. Dimana saja, kapan saja, cuaca apapun juga. Pas cuaca dingin ataupun cuaca panas. Bertamu atau bertemu teman pasti minumnya teh. Acara kumpul-kumpul atau cuman nonton TV sore hari bersama suami.. pasti teh panas ada 🍵
Kembali ke laptop ya... (minjem istilahnya mas Tukul 😃). Postingan hari ini tentang kue kering. Resep terbaru saya dari hasil "pengembaraan" baking kukis sekian lamanya...hihihihi...*lebay.com
Kukis satu ini favorit baru saya. Ada cokelat dan ada kopinya. Setuju kan kalau cokelat dan kopi itu soulmate? 😊
Di resep kali ini kopi instant yang saya pakai cuman 1 sendok makan. Beberpa minggu lalu saya bikin dengan takaran kopinya 3 sendok makan, tapi anak saya gak suka karena berasa kuat rasa kopinya.. makanya saya kurangi takarannya.
Jadi jumlah kopi bisa ditambah sesuai selera ya.
Oke... yuukk.. yang pengen coba juga dibawa ini saya share resepnya ya...
Best Double Chocolate Coffee Cookies recipe
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary
Hasil jadi ± 600 gr
Bahan-bahan :
🍪 400 gr terigu serbaguna
🍪 15 gr bubuk kakao
🍪 50 gr pati jagung
🍪 50 gr susu bubuk
🍪 ½ sdt baking powder
🍪 ½ sdt baking soda
🍪 1 sdt garam halus
🍪 100 gr gula kastor
🍪 200 gr mentega, lembek suhu ruang
🍪 2 kuning telor
🍪 40 gr SKM (coklat atau putih)
🍪 1 sdt esens kopi (jika ada)
🍪 180 gr minyak sayur
🍪 1-2 sdm kopi instant, larutkan dng 1 sdm air panas, dinginkan
🍪 ±200 gr coco chips, pisahkan sebagian
Cara membuat:
1) Ayak jadi satu bahan kering; terigu, pati jagung, bubuk kakao, susu bubuk, baking powder, baking soda dan garam. Sisihkan.
Dalam mangkok besar lain mixer; brown sugar, gula kastor, mentega, kuning telur, SKM dan esens kopi (jika pakai). Mixer dengan kecepatan sedang sampai tercampur rata selama beberapa menit. Lalu masukkan larutan kopi dan minak sayur, mixer kecepatan rendah sampai rata saja.
2) Ayakkan campuran tepung dan aduk rata dengan mixer kecepatan rendah atau bisa dengan spatula kayu. Masukkan sebagian coco chip dan aduk rata. Tutup dengan platik wrap dan simpan dalam kulkas kurleb 30 menit.
3) Panaskan oven at 150°C / 140°C (dengan kipas). Alasi loyang dengan baking paper/ silikon. Ambil adonan kukis kurleb 1 sdm atau sesuai selera besarnya, bulatkan dengan hati-hati dan tata di loyang yang sudah disiapkan. Beri jarak satu dengan yang lain kurleb 3 cm sebab kukis akan melebar nantinya. Beri topping coco chip diatasnya dan sedikit tekan dengan tangan atau garpu.
Panggang dalam oven 20-25 minutes. Taruh kukis diatas rak pendingin setelah keluar oven hingga dingin.
Kukis akan terlihat masih lembek ketika keluar oven/ panas, tapi akan mengeras setelah dingin.
Suhu dan waktu memanggang sesuaikan dengan kondisi oven masing-masing ya.
Setelah kukis benar-benar dingin baru pindah ke dalam toples kedap udara.
Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat 🍪
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Double chocolate? AND coffee? I'm totally sold! I host a blog party and would love it if you shared this there - What's for Dinner? is the name of it.
I love this recipe and I'm so happy you shared it at our party! I'd love to see what else you'll bring to the party today! Have a great week.
ReplyDeleteThank you ... And so glad that you invited me to ur party :)