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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
Reyhan means Red basil while şerbeti from word şerbet literally means sherbet or syrup.
Not to be confused with frozen sherbet/ sorbet.
The sherbet, which is very popular in West and East Asia, comes from the Arabic word “shariba”. If it means “drinking".
The sherbet, which is very popular in West and East Asia, comes from the Arabic word “shariba”. If it means “drinking".
So what is this sherbet? Sherbet is a refreshing and healthy syrup usually made from fruit, flower extracts, and herbs. The main ingredient is sugar and water. The prepared ingredient is then diluted with water and sugar is added for taste.
It is also served with ice to add coolness. For some syrups, milk is also used instead of water. Lime juice is also added to most sorbet recipes. For this reason, lime water helps prevent the sugar from crystallizing in the syrup and enriches the flavor.
There are hundreds of varieties of sherbet can be made. Start from flowers, fruits, herbs, and spices. And they are not only prepared for hot summer, adding some warm herbs and spices, these sherbets perfect for warming up your body during wintertime.
My today post is about this ancient healthy yet refreshing beverage. And for cold down the summer heat, I will share Red basil sherbet or called "Reyhan Şerbeti".
I have a pot of red basil that needs to be harvested, so making this sherbet isn't just cool down my summer, but also keep my red basil plant alive and healthy 😊
Here some benefit of Red basil:
Diabetes Management
Fights free radical activity.
Fights Depression.
Good For Digestion.
Skin Benefits.
Supports Liver Function and Helps Detoxify the Body.
Promote a healthy gut.
Skin Benefits.
Supports Liver Function and Helps Detoxify the Body.
Promote a healthy gut.
Help people burn fat. With this feature, it's a good idea to be overweight.
Besides that, its good for dizziness and fainting, which occurs due to anemia and low blood sugar.
When Red basil sherbet rinsed in the mouth without sugar, it was stated that it was good for mouth sores.
This is an ideal natural solution in the nervous system. This gives people to relax and relax after stress.
To benefit from the benefits of red basil sherbet, you can consume it 3 times a day in the morning, afternoon, and evening without adding sugar.
Basil sherbet has a healing effect on the treatment of bee stings.
Let's gather some shortlist below and chill down this summer in a healthy and fun way 😊
Kalau panas-panas gini yang dicari pasti minuman dingin yang segar ya... pastinya! 😊
Reyhan Şerbeti / Turkish refreshing healthy beverage; Red Basil Sherbet
By : Çitra's Home Diary
Make 1 lt yield
You can double the recipe below for more yield.
🍂 1 bunch (about 100 gr leaf only) of red basil
🍂 ½ tsp citric acid
🍂 half lemon, sliced
🍂 ½ cup of sugar (add or reduce according to your taste)
🍂 1 lt of boiling water
How to make:
1) Roughly chopped red basil leaves and place into a big clean bowl. Add citric acid, lemons sliced, and sugar.
2) Pour with 1 lt of hot boiling water. Stir well and let it rest about 40 minutes or until room temperature.
3) Separate the sherbet by running it over the sieve, discharge leaves, and lemon slices. Move the sherbet into a clean jar with a lid. Keep in the refrigerator. Serve it cold, adding some ice cubes would be nice.
Enjoy your refreshing and healthy summer drink 🌻☼🌴
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Apa kabar semuanya? Inshaallah sehat semuanya ya, Amin. Bulan Juni- Juli puncak musim panas disini. ALhamdulillah... di Bursa suhu bisa mencapai 35an ℃. Dan siang hari juga lebih panjang ya. Kalau hari-hari gini, maghrib bisa pukul 21.00 malam. Jadi jam sembilan malam masih terang lho.... ☼
Eh.. tapi jangan asal minum yang dingin aja tanpa ada faedahnya... yang ada ntar malah sakit tenggorokan dan jatuhnya flue deh.
Niihh... saya punya satu resep minuman dingin yang suegaarrr sekaligus banyak manfaatnya bagi tubuh kita. Yaitu Reyhan şerbeti alias minuman herbal kemangi merah.
Kebetulan di balkon saya tanam kemangi merah yang lumayan udah gondrong dan perlu dipanen segera... Ya udah dibikin minuman penyegar musim panas aja deh. Dapet segernya... dapet pula manfaatnya.
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Tanaman "reyhan" atau kemangi merah |
Omong-omong, apa saja sih manfaat si kemangi merah alias red basil alias reyhan ini? Ternyata banyak juga lho... Diantaranya:
Mengontrol kadar gula (utk penyakit Diabetes)
Melawan aktivitas radikal bebas.
Melawan Depresi.
Baik Untuk Pencernaan.
Bermanfaat banyak untuk kulit.
Mendukung Fungsi Hati dan Membantu Mendetoksifikasi Tubuh.
Membantu kesehatan usus.
Membantu membakar lemak.
Selain itu, baik untuk mengatasi pusing dan pingsan, karena anemia dan gula darah rendah.
Jika larutan kemangi digunakan berkumur di mulut, baik untuk luka mulut.
Memberi rasa rileks dan atasi stres.
Untuk mendapat manfaat serbet/larutan basil merah ini, kamu bisa mengkonsumsinya 3 kali sehari di pagi, siang, dan malam hari tanpa menambahkan gula.
Serbat kemangi memiliki efek penyembuhan pada pengobatan sengatan lebah.
Tuuhh.. kan banyak banget manfaat kemangi merah/ red basil ini.
Naahh... hari ini saya mau bagi cara membuat serbat/ syrup kemangi merah ini. Dalam bahasa Turki minuman ini disebut Reyhan şerbeti.
Serbat ini sangatlah populer di Asia Barat dan Timur, berasal dari kata Arab "shariba" yang berarti "minum".
Jadi apa sih serbat ini? Sherbet adalah sirup menyegarkan dan sehat yang biasanya dibuat dari ekstrak buah, bunga, dan banyak rempah-rempah lainnya. Bahan utamanya adalah gula dan air. Bahan yang akan digunakan direndam dengan air untuk mengeluarkan ekstraknya. Lalu ditambah gula untuk rasa.
kadang disajikan dengan tambahan sedikit es batu untuk. Selain menggunakan air, ada juga jenis serbat yang menggunakan susu sebagai pengganti air. Penambahan perasan jeruk nipis selain menambah rasa juga berfungsi sebagai "anti kristal" agar gula tidak gampang mengkristal.
Di Turki serbat sudah dibuat dan diminum sejak dahulu kala, bahkan di masa kerajaan Otsmaniyah dikenal sebagai "minuman istana" karena diminum dan disukai para sultan dan raja karena dikenal dengan manfaatnya bagi kesehatan tubuh.
Selain disajikan dingin, beberapa jenis serbat juga disajikan hangat dan dinikmati pada musim dingin. Biasanya serbat jenis ini dibuat dari rempah-rempah yang terkenal bisa menghangatkan tubuh.
Yuk... yang ingin mencoba minuman para sultan ini.. saya sertakan resepnya yang mudah dan cepat.
Reyhan Şerbeti / Serbat kemangi merah khas Turki
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary
Hasil 1 lt (resep bisa didoble jika ingin lebih banyak)
🍂 1 ikat kemangi merah (± 100 gr daunnya saja)
🍂 ½ sdt asam sitrat / citric acid
🍂 ½ jeruk lemon/ nipis, iris tipis
🍂 ½ gelas gula (tambah/ kurangi sesuai selera)
🍂 1 lt air panas
Cara membuat:
1) Daun kemangi merah diiris kasar, masukkan ke wadah besar yang bersih. Lalu tambahkan asam sitrat dan irisan jeruk nipis/ lemon.
2) Tambahkan gula, lalu tuang air panas. Aduk hingga gula larut. Diamkan kurang lebih 30-40 atau sampai suhu ruang.
3) Saring serbat dan pisahkan dari ampasnya. Pindah serbat ke dalam botol dan tutup rapat. Simpan dalam lemari es hingga dingin.
Serbat disajikan dingin. Bisa ditambah dengan sedikit es batu jika suka.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊
Send me some 💚
I love this post. I love the history, the information on basil and the recipe!! Pinned. Thanks for sharing at the What’s for Dinner party! Hope to see you there tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteThank you Helen, you are the best!
DeleteI have never heard of this at all. What a pretty colour. This looks like a nice drink for the summer patio.
ReplyDeleteThank you Gloria. xoxo
DeleteThis Red Basil Sherbet looks so refreshing! It is such a beautiful shade of pink, thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThis was such an interesting read and I loved all the information you gave on the benifits.
ReplyDeleteThis is a refreshing drink that's perfect for summer. I love the healing properties it includes too.
ReplyDeleteThis looks like an incredibly refreshing and tasty summer drink! It seems very unique and healthy as well
ReplyDeleteSo fun to read this post! I bet this is refreshing and full of flavor..iot sure looks like it from the photos!
ReplyDeleteLove the color of this drink. As I was reading your post I could feel thirst quenched. The flavors sound so fresh.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing!❤
I love all of the health benefits of this drink! It was so refreshing too, thank you!
ReplyDeleteI love all the health benefits of this and it was refreshing too, thank you!!
ReplyDeleteThat's one pretty drink. The color is so eye catchy. All I need is a big pitcher of this refreshing drink to beat summer heat