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Chiffon cake is a very light cake made with vegetable oil, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, and flavorings.
Its distinctive feature is from the use of vegetable oil, instead of the traditional fat which is solid at room temperatures, such as butter or shortening. This makes it difficult to directly beat air into the batter.
Its distinctive feature is from the use of vegetable oil, instead of the traditional fat which is solid at room temperatures, such as butter or shortening. This makes it difficult to directly beat air into the batter.
As a result, chiffon cakes (as well as angel food cakes and other foam cakes) achieve a fluffy texture by having egg whites beaten separately until stiff and then folded into the cake batter before baking. Its aeration properties rely on both the quality of the meringue and the chemical leaveners.
A chiffon cake combines methods used with sponge cakes and conventional cakes. It includes baking powder and vegetable oil, but the eggs are separated and the whites are beaten before being folded into the batter, creating the rich flavor like an oil cake, but with a lighter texture that is more like a sponge cake.
They can be baked in tube pans or layered with fillings and frostings.
A chiffon cake combines methods used with sponge cakes and conventional cakes. It includes baking powder and vegetable oil, but the eggs are separated and the whites are beaten before being folded into the batter, creating the rich flavor like an oil cake, but with a lighter texture that is more like a sponge cake.
They can be baked in tube pans or layered with fillings and frostings.
The cake tin is not lined or greased, which enables the cake batter to stick to the side of the pan, giving the cake better leverage to rise, as well as support in the cooling process when the cake is turned upside down to keep air bubbles stable.
Chiffon cake is such a beautiful and easy cake to make and widely can vary in flavor we like. Check also my hearty spinach chiffon cake also, you gonna love it and your kid will never notice they eat vegetables in their cake too.
Also, check my Orange chocolate marble chiffon cake, I bet you gonna love it and it's such a repeatable cake to bake.
And for you, strawberry cake lover.. you should try my previous Strawberry chiffon cake.
And for you, strawberry cake lover.. you should try my previous Strawberry chiffon cake.
Once you made chiffon cake you will never bore to experiment more and baking more flavor of it. I love to bake chiffon cake as much as I eat it. Moreover, if your chiffon turns into wonderfully cotton soft and light like a cloud.
More cake? you can check my "Cake" category here, there are 80+ cake recipe for you to entertain your family and friends 😊
More cake? you can check my "Cake" category here, there are 80+ cake recipe for you to entertain your family and friends 😊
And today I will share another chiffon cake recipe with peanut butter. I added chocolate flavor as a marble pattern to make it not so boring, but it's optional for you.
Peanut butter Chiffon cake recipe
By: Çitra's Home Diary
For 18 cm tube pan
🍰 60 gr smooth peanut butter
🍰 5 gr milk
🍰 30 gr vegetable oil
🍰 30 gr caster sugar
🍰 3 yolks (medium)
🍰 55 gr AP flour(*)
🍰 5 gr cornstarch(*)
🍰 ½ tsp vanilla essence
🍰 3 egg whites
🍰 pinch of salt
🍰 ½ tsp lemon juice or vinegar
🍰 30 gr caster sugar
Note: (*) You can use 60 gr cake flour
For marble pattern (optional)
🍰 ½ tbsp cacao powder
🍰 ½ tbsp boiling water
⥤ Mix cacao powder and hot water until becomes a paste, set aside.
For 24 to 25 cm tube pan
🍰 140 gr smooth peanut butter
🍰 10 gr milk
🍰 70 gr vegetable oil
🍰 70 gr caster sugar
🍰 7 yolks (medium)
🍰 128 gr AP flour(*)
🍰 12 gr cornstarch(*)
🍰 1 tsp vanilla essence
🍰 7 egg whites
🍰 pinch of salt
🍰 1 tsp lemon juice or vinegar
🍰 70 gr caster sugar
Note: (*) You can use 140 gr cake flour
For marble pattern (optional)
🍰 1 tbsp cacao powder
🍰 1 tbsp boiling water
⥤ Mix cacao powder and hot water until becomes a paste, set aside.
How to make:
1) Preheat oven at 160 ℃, prepare tube chiffon/angel food cake pan UNGREASE.
2) In a bowl, whisk peanut butter, milk, egg yolks, vegetable oil, and caster sugar in a big bowl until sugar just dissolves.
Sift in flour and cornstarch. Whisk again to well combine. Add the vanilla and whisk. Set aside.
3) In a separate big clean bowl, beat egg white and salt until foamy. Add lemon juice. Gradually beat in caster sugar in 3 batches, continue beating until stiff peak.
Fold meringue to yolks batter in three batches, make sure to well combine in each addition. Take about ¼ of the batter and fold with chocolate paste.
5) Remove from the oven and immediately invert pan upside down to cool the cake. You may use a bottle or small long jar to prop your pan during cooling time. Unmould the cake after it completely cools down.
This cake really can keep at room temperature for up to 2 days and longer in the fridge. You can wrap with plastic wrap and keep in the freezer for up to 2 weeks.
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Semoga masih dalam lindunganNYA dan sehat selalu ya.. Banyak bersyukur agar kita makin hepi dan Insyaallah bertambah nikmatNYA. Amin.
Chiffon Selai Kacang
4) Pour batter alternately into prepared tube pan, bang a few times to counter to remove air bubbles.
Bake in preheated oven 160~170°C about 35~50 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean.
Bake in preheated oven 160~170°C about 35~50 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean.
Note: Adjust baking temperature according to your own oven condition.
Baking time needs to be adjusted as well depends on pan you use, the bigger pan needs a longer time. Just check the cake by inserting a skewer into the cake.
İf you are using a small pan, you may need shorter baking time.
İf you are using a small pan, you may need shorter baking time.
5) Remove from the oven and immediately invert pan upside down to cool the cake. You may use a bottle or small long jar to prop your pan during cooling time. Unmould the cake after it completely cools down.
How to unmold the cake; run a thin knife or spatula around the edges, pressing against the sides of the pan. Invert the cake to free it from the sides of the pan, tapping the base to help release. Then run the knife or spatula around the base to release the funnel.
Serve as it is or dust with icing sugar.
This cake really can keep at room temperature for up to 2 days and longer in the fridge. You can wrap with plastic wrap and keep in the freezer for up to 2 weeks.
Enjoy and happy baking
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Semoga masih dalam lindunganNYA dan sehat selalu ya.. Banyak bersyukur agar kita makin hepi dan Insyaallah bertambah nikmatNYA. Amin.
Hari ini saya ingin berbagi satu cake yang paling digemari di rumah saya, yaitu Chiffon cake.
Chiffon cake atau kue sifon adalah kue yang sangat ringan dan lembut yang dibuat dari terigu, gula, telur, baking powder, minyak sayur, dan perisa.
Ciri khasnya adalah dari penggunaan minyak nabati, bukan lemak padat (misal mentega, margarin atau shortening).
Hasilnya, chiffon cake memiliki tekstur yang mengembang dan ringan. Hal itu juga dikarenakan kue ini menggunakan metode pisah telur yaitu mengocok putih telur secara terpisah sebelum dicampurkan kedalam adonan kuning telur.
Chiffon cake ini dipanggang dalam loyang tulban yang tidak dilumuri/ dilapisi apapun yang memungkinkan adonan kue menempel di sisi loyang, yang membantu kue untuk mengembang lebih baik, Proses pendinginannya pun harus dibalik untuk menjaga gelembung udara tetap stabil dalam kue sebelum dilepas dair loyang/ dipotong.
Chiffon cake ini memang salah satu jenis cake yang mudah banget divariasikan ya.. dengan rasa dan warna apa aja tetap cantik dan gak bosan dijadikan teman minum teh.
Chiffon Selai Kacang
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary
Untuk loyang 18 cm
🍰 60 gr selai kacang halus
🍰 5 gr susu cair
🍰 30 gr minyak sayur (sy pakai canola)
🍰 30 gr gula kastor
🍰 3 kuning telur
🍰 55 gr terigu serba guna
🍰 5 gr pati jagung
🍰 ½ tsp vanilla essence
Note: (*) bisa pakai 60 gr tepung kek(cake flour)
Note: (*) bisa pakai 60 gr tepung kek(cake flour)
🍰 3 putih telur
🍰 sejumput garam
🍰 ½ sdt perasan lemon
🍰 30 gr gula pasir
untuk marmer (optinal)
½ sdm bubuk kakao
½ air panas
Campur dan aduk rata hingga menjadi pasta.
Untuk loyang 24 to 25 cm
🍰 140 gr selai kacang
🍰 10 gr susu cair
🍰 70 gr minyak sayur
🍰 70 gr gula kastor
🍰 7 kuning telur (ukuran sedang)
🍰 128 gr erigu serbaguna(*)
🍰 12 gr pati jagung(*)
🍰 1 sdt vanilla essence
🍰 7 putih telur
🍰 sejumput garam
🍰 1 sdt perasan jeruk lemon atau cuka
🍰 70 gr gula kastor
Note: (*) bisa pakai 140 gr tepung kek(cake flour)
untuk marmer (optional)
🍰 1 sdm bubuk kakao
🍰 1 sdm air mendidih
⥤ Campur bahan diatas menjadi pasta cokelat, sisihkan.
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Cara membuat:
1) Panaskan oven at 160~ 170°C. Siapkan loyang tanpa dioles apapun.
Campur selai pisang, susu, gula kastor, kuning telur dan minyak sayur gunakan wire whisk dan aduk sampai rata. Lalu campurkan tepung sambil diayak bersama pati jagung, aduk lagi, sebelum ditambahkan vanilla essence. Aduk rata dan sisihkan
Campur selai pisang, susu, gula kastor, kuning telur dan minyak sayur gunakan wire whisk dan aduk sampai rata. Lalu campurkan tepung sambil diayak bersama pati jagung, aduk lagi, sebelum ditambahkan vanilla essence. Aduk rata dan sisihkan
2) Kocok putih telur dalam mangkok bersih yang lain bersama garam dan perasan jeruk limon, kocok hingga berbusa banyak. Lalu masukkan gula 30 gr secara bertahap sambil dikocok kecepatan sedang hingga meringue menjadi stiff peak (jambul petruk 😊 ੭ )
3) Campurkan putih telur ke dalam adonan kuning dalam tiga (3) tahap. Aduk balik tiap penambahan hingga tercampur rata. Saya gunakan wire whisk untuk mengaduk penambahan kesatu dan kedua. lalu saya pakai spatula untuk penambahan ketiga.
3) Campurkan putih telur ke dalam adonan kuning dalam tiga (3) tahap. Aduk balik tiap penambahan hingga tercampur rata. Saya gunakan wire whisk untuk mengaduk penambahan kesatu dan kedua. lalu saya pakai spatula untuk penambahan ketiga.
4) Ambil adonan kurang lebih ¼ bagian dan campurkan ke pasta cokelat (jika pakai), aduk rata.
Tuang adonan putih berselang seling dengan adonan cokelat. Hentakkan loyang ke meja kerja untuk mengurangi air bubble. Bikin patern marmer dengan sumpit.
Pangang dalam oven 160~170°C kurang lebih 35~45 menit. Cek dengan tusuk sate / lidi.
Tuang adonan putih berselang seling dengan adonan cokelat. Hentakkan loyang ke meja kerja untuk mengurangi air bubble. Bikin patern marmer dengan sumpit.
Pangang dalam oven 160~170°C kurang lebih 35~45 menit. Cek dengan tusuk sate / lidi.
Note: Waktu dan suhu sesuaikan dengan kondisi oven masing-masing ya.
5) Keluarkan dari oven lalu langsung balikkan loyang sampai cake benar-benar dingin baru dikeluarkan dari loyang.
Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Need more ideas?
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