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Banana Egg White Cake Recipe / Chiffon Cake Pisang dari Putih telur (Chiffon putih telur)

Resep Dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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Banana Egg White Cake Recipe / Chiffon Cake Pisang dari Putih telur (Chiffon putih telur) | Çitra's Home Diary.

Banana is always there in my table or my refrig. It's like a must fruit for every house because it fulls of benefits for our body.
There are hundreds of articles you can read about banana around the internet, magazine, or at the libraries.

A little bit about this humble fruit, bananas are known to reduce swelling, protect against developing Type 2 diabetes, aid in weight loss, strengthen the nervous system, and help with the production of white blood cells, all due to the high level of vitamin B6 that bananas contain.
Eating a banana between meals helps stabilize blood sugar and reduce nausea from morning sickness.
Bananas are high in antioxidants, providing protection from free radicals and chronic diseases.

Banana Egg White Cake Recipe / Chiffon Cake Pisang dari Putih telur (Chiffon putih telur) | Çitra's Home Diary.

That is why we should have bananas at home, every day. But sometimes we have an overripe banana on the table and we are not in the mood eating it. It happened to me a lot. Sometimes I froze it then end up making Double Chocolate banana muffin.
Or if you have overripe bananas and you love steamed cake, you should try my Steamed Banana Cake. Or try simple yet delicious snacks like Banana Fritters.

And today I will share my other favorite recipe using this favorite banana; Banana Chiffon Cake from (left-over egg white). So this recipe is a "keeper", especially for you who has much leftover egg white in your refrigerator. 
For other inspiration or ideas on how to finish up your leftover egg whites, you can click on my "Eggwhite" category here. 

Even make from just egg whites, I assure you this banana chiffon is delicious and full of flavor because banana enriches the taste and flavor on this spongy cotton soft cake. This cake also perfect for our tea/ coffee time, it soft and will not make you full because it is very light in texture.

Banana Egg White Cake Recipe / Chiffon Cake Pisang dari Putih telur (Chiffon putih telur) | Çitra's Home Diary.

Making this cake is amazingly simple than you think. All you need is just an ungrease chiffon cake pan or angel food cake pan. One thing you should always do when you make chiffon cake, you must turn over the pan upside down once it's out from the oven and let it cool to room temperature on that position before unmold.

You can check my other chiffon cake recipes like this healthy "Spinach chiffon cake" or my previous "Strawberry chiffon cake" from fresh strawberry, or my family's favorite "Orange Chocolate marble chiffon cake" here. And you should try this "Orange poppy seeds chiffon cake" here.

To see more how to make these cotton-soft cakes, check at my "Cake category" here.
So here my today's recipe; Banana Chiffon Cake from leftover egg whites

Banana Egg White Cake Recipe
By: Çitra's Home Diary

Make one 25 cm chiffon tube pan or two 16 cm chiffon tubepan

🍌 250 gr very ripe banana, mashed
🍌 50 gr caster sugar
🍌 150 gr vegetable oil
🍌 200 gr AP flour
🍌 50 gr cornstarch
🍌 20 gr milk powder
🍌 ½ tsp Baking Powder
🍌 350 gr eggwhites
🍌 150 gr caster sugar
🍌 2 tsp lemon (or 1 tsp cream tartar)

For marble pattern (optional)
🍌 2 TBsp dark cacao powder
🍌 2 TBsp hot water
Mix all to make cacao paste, set aside.

How to make:
  1. Pre heat oven at 160~ 170°C. Prepare your chiffon/ angel food cake tube pan ungreased.
  2. In a mixing bowl, mix mashed banana, 50 gr caster sugar, and vegetable oil using a whisk until incorporated. Sift in AP flour, cornstarch, milk powder, and baking powder set aside. 
  3. In a separate big clean bowl, beat egg white and lemon juice (or cream of tartar) until foamy. Gradually beat in 150 gr caster sugar in 3 batches, continue beating until stiff peak.
  4. Fold meringue into banana mixture in three batches, make sure to well combine in each addition. I use a wire whisk to fold meringue at 1st and 2nd addition, then using a spatula at last addition. Take about 2 cups of that batter and fold into chocolate paste previously made above.
  5. Pour batter into the prepared tube pan, alternately between white and chocolate batter to make a marble pattern. Bang a few times to counter to remove air bubbles. Run a chopstick into the batter with a circular motion to make a marble pattern.
  6. Bake in preheats oven 160~170°C for about 35~45 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean. (see note below)
  7. Remove from the oven and immediately invert pan upside down to cool the cake. You may use a bottle or small long jar to prop your pan during cooling time.
  8. How to unmold the cake, run a thin knife or spatula around the edges, pressing against the sides of the pan. Invert the cake to free it from the sides of the pan, tapping the base to help release. Then run the knife or spatula around the base to release the funnel.
Note: Time and temperature for baking it's only guidance, adjust according to your own oven condition.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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Banana Egg White Cake Recipe / Chiffon Cake Pisang dari Putih telur (Chiffon putih telur) | Çitra's Home Diary.


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟

Banana Egg White Cake Recipe / Chiffon Cake Pisang dari Putih telur (Chiffon putih telur) | Çitra's Home Diary.

Kali ini saya ingin bagi resep Chiffon cake Pisang yang cuman pakai putih telur saja. Habis lebaran dan banyak bikin kue kering, pasti nyisa putih telur yang lumayan banyak kan... Nah resep ini cucok banget nih buat habisin stok leftover putih telur.
Kalau pengen tahu resep-resep saya lainnya yang menggunakan putih telur saja, bisa dicek di kategori " Eggwhite/ putih telur" disini ya.

Walau terbuat dari putih telur saja, chiffon cake ini enak banget lho, karena dibuat dan dicampur dengan pisang yang membuat aroma dan rasa cake putih telur yang biasanya datar-datar aja, menjadi lebih kaya rasa dan aroma. 
Gak percaya? yuk dicoba.

Oh iya, untuk lihat koleksi chiffon cake saya yang lain bisa dilihat di kategori "Cake/ kek" saya disini ya.

Banana Egg White Cake Recipe / Chiffon Cake Pisang dari Putih telur (Chiffon putih telur) | Çitra's Home Diary

Chiffon Cake Pisang dari Putih telur (Chiffon putih telur)
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary

Untuk satu loyang chiffon ukuran 24 cm (atau dua loyang 16 cm)

🍌 250 gr pisang matang, haluskan
🍌 50 gr gula pasir halus/ gula kastor
🍌 150 gr minyak sayur
🍌 200 gr terigu serba guna
🍌 50 gr pati jagung (misal maizena)
🍌 20 gr susu bubuk
🍌 ½ sdt baking powder
🍌 350 gr putih telur, suhu ruang
🍌 150 gr gula pasir halus (gula kastor)
🍌 2 sdt perasan jeruk lemon (atau 1 sdt krim tartar)

Untuk pola marmer (opsional)
🍌 2 sdm bubuk kakao pekat
🍌 2 sdm air mendidih
Campur semuanya dan adul hingga rata, sisihkan sampa siap digunakan.

How to make:
  1. Panaskan oven at 160~ 170°C. Siapkan loyang tanpa dioles apapun.
  2. Campur pisang yang sudah dihaluskan dengan 50 gr gula kastor, dan minyak sayur gunakan wire whisk dan aduk sampai rata. Lalu campurkan tepung sambil diayak bersama pati jagung, susu bubuk dan baking powder. Sisihkan
  3. Kocok putih telur dalam mangkok bersih yang lain bersama perasan jeruk limon, kocok hingga berbusa banyak. Lalu masukkan gula yang 150 gr secara bertahap sambil dikocok kecepatan sedang hingga meringue menjadi stiff peak (jambul petruk 😊 ੭ )
  4. Campurkan putih telur ke dalam adonan pisang dalam tiga (3) tahap. Aduk balik tiap penambahan hingga tercampur rata. Saya gunakan wire whisk untuk mengaduk penambahan kesatu dan kedua. lalu saya pakai spatula untuk penambahan ketiga. Hentakkan adonan ke meja kerja agar gelembung besar hilang.
  5. Ambil adonan kurang lebih 1-2 gelas dan campurkan ke pasta cokelat, aduk rata.
  6. Tuang adonan putih berselang seling dengan adonan cokelat. Hentakkan loyang ke meja kerja untuk mengurangi air bubble. Bikin patern marmer dengan sumpit.
  7. Pangang dalam oven 160~170°C kurang lebih 35~45 menit. Cek dengan tusuk sate / lidi. Note: Waktu dan suhu sesuaikan dengan kondisi oven masing-masing ya.
  8. Keluarkan dari oven dan balikkan loyang sampai cake benar-benar dingin baru dikeluarkan dari loyang.
Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚


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