Selam everybody.....Merhaba from Turkey..... 👋
First of all, I's like to thank you for visiting my blog. Hope you can come back again and again to check up any Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
Yessss....Chiffon cake again! 😊
If you are my regular reader of my blog you might be already knew since I purchase new chiffon cake pan I can't check my "waiting list recipe to try" least at this moment.
And since my husband and kid tasted my Chocolate chiffon cake from my previous post, chiffon cake is now become regular cake in my house.
Yes, chiffon cake is such a beautiful and easy cake to make and widely can vary in flavor we like. Check also my hearty spinach chiffon cake also, you gonna love it and your kid will never notice they eat vegetables in their cake too.
My today post is orange chiffon cake with chocolate marble. I'm gonna finish my orange stock in my fridge cause orange and citrus family is on season now..they are cheap! If you have orange stock as well, you should make this. Or try my orange curd or lemon curd here.
Well, back to my orange Chiffon cake... this cake absolutely super yummy! I'm not talking lie to you. This chiffon has cotton soft texture. You'll taste orange cloud soft when you bite it. I use fresh squeezed orange juice to get real fresh flavor and taste. Please don't use carton box orange juice.
And because I adore and love marble pattern in my cake I combine this orange chiffon cake with chocolate marble.... Nothing can compare the twist of orange and chocolate afterall isn't it?
Some friends of mine sometimes told me how they got difficulty to make marble pattern in their cake...Sometimes their marble only on cake's surface so when the cake cut the pattern didn't appear inside the cake. Other said, they got chocolate and white batter mixed up because they swirl it too much.
Well, beside you can do it by marbling by dollop some chocolate batter over white batter then swirl it away (see my butter marble cake here). You could try my other tips below how to make marble pattern easily and it will turn out beautifully marbled!😊
So... are you ready to make this yummy beautiful marble chiffon cake? Bake this, and I am sure your family will ask you to bake more 😊
This recipe is using 24-25 cm chiffon / angel food pan and enough for about 12 to 16 pcs, depends how big your cuts.
Orange Chocolate marble Chiffon Cake and tips how to make marble pattern
By: Çitra's Home Diary
For 10" (24~25 cm) tube pan
🍊 7 large egg yolks
🍊 55 gr caster sugar
🍊 145 gr all purpose flour
🍊 25 gr cornstarch
🍊 110 ml fresh squeezed orange juice (from 2 big or 3 medium orange)
🍊 95 gr oil
🍊 1 tbsp orange zest
For Meringue:
🍊 7 large egg white
🍊 1 tbsp fresh squeezed orange juice
🍊 100 gr caster sugar
for chocolate marble:
🍊 2 tsp dark cacao powder
🍊 1 tbsp black forest/ mocca pasta (or few drops brown food coloring)
1) Pre heat your oven to 160°C. Prepare one 10" tube pan ungreased. Sift together all purpose flour and cornstarch, set a side
2) In big bowl, whisk egg yolks with sugar just until sugar dissolve. Whisk in oil, fresh orange juice and zest, whisk to combine. Then mix in the flour, whisk to well combine (see illustration #1). Set a side.
3) In big clean (probably aluminium/ glassware) bowl, with electric mixer whisk the egg white with 1 tbsp orange juice till foamy. Gradually (in 3 batches) add caster sugar while continue to beat until it stiff peak.
4) Add the meringue into yolks mixture in 3 batches, fold to combine in each addition.
5) Separate 1/3 of the batter in other medium bowl, sift in dark cacao powder and add black forest/ mocca pasta, fold carefully to well combine, don't over mix to deflate the batter.
6) Now trick to make marble pattern; carefully pour back the brown batter into white batter then with rubber spatula, from bottom part of the bowl FOLD the batter ONCE!, that's it. Once, otherwise you'll mix it up. How to marble your cake
7) Pour batter slowly into prepared pan, try to flow brown and white batter down at same flow to your pan so the marble pattern will formed by it self. Bang the pan few time on counter to remove any big bubble trapped inside batter.
8) Bake about 40~45 minutes or until skewer inserted comes out clean. Once it done remove from oven and immediately invert the pan up side down to cooling down. You might need something like wine bottle or any bottle with "neck" suit to your tube pan. Let it completely cool before you un mould it. Serve it as like that or dusk with icing sugar or any fruits/ chocolate sauce as your liking.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Kali ini pengen sharing salah satu kudapan kesukaan saya.. chiffon cake. Tapi ini bukan chiffon biasa lho.... tapi chiffon dengan rasa jeruk yang fresh dan segar dipadu dengan cokelat sebagai marmer nya...
waahh... dijamin gak bakal ambil sepotonh deh 😊
Resep marmer Chiffon cake jeruk
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary
untuk loyang tulban 10" (24~25cm)
Bahan A:
🍊 7 kutel ukuran besar
🍊 55 gr gula kastor
🍊 145 gr terigu serba guna
🍊 25 gr pati jagung (misal maizena)
🍊 110 ml perasan jeruk sunkist/ mandarin (dari 2 ukuan besar atau 3 ukuran sedang jeruk sunkist)
🍊 95 gr minyak
🍊 1 sdm orange zest atau bisa zest dari jeruk limon
Bahan B:
🍊 7 putih telur ukuran besar
🍊 1 sdm perasan jeruk sunkist/ mandarin
🍊 100 gr gula kastor untuk chocolate
Untuk motif marble:
🍊 2 sdt bubuk kakao pekat
🍊 1 sdm pasta black forest/ mocca (atau bisa diganti dengan beberapa tetes pewarna coklat)
Cara membuat:
1) Pre heat oven suhu 160°C. Siapkan loyang chiffon ukuran 24~25cm (10") tanpa dioles apapun. Ayak jadi satu terigu dan pati jagung. Sisihkan.
2) Whisk kutel dan gula kastor dalam mangkok yang cukup besar hingga gula larut saja. Campurkan minyak, jus jeruk dan zest, aduk hingga tercampur rata. Lalu masukkan campuran tepung sambil diayak, aduk hingga rata (gambar 1). Sisihkan.
3) Dalam mangkok besar yang lain (lebih baik dari bahan aluminium/ kaca), Kocok putel dan 1 sdm orange juice hingga berbusa (foamy). Masukkan gula castor dalam 3 bagian, lanjutkan mengocok hingga kaku (hard/ stiff peak)
4) Campurkan putih telur ke dalam campuran kuning telur dalam 3 tahap, Aduk balik hingga tercampur sempurna.
5) pisahkan ⅓ bagian adonan dan taruh dalam mangkok lain. Campurkan bubuk kakao (sambil diayak) dan pasta black forest/ mocca, aduk balik hingga tercampur rata.
6) Sekarang bagaimana cara membuat pola marble yang mudah untuk chiffon cake; pelan-pelan tuang adonan coklat ke mangkok adonan putih, lalu dengan hati-hati gunakan spatula, aduk balik (dari bagian bawah ke atas) adonan SATU KALI SAJA, cukup sekali saja ya, nanti kalau kebanyakan coklat dan putih akan nyampur.
7) Tuang adonan perlahan-lahan, usahakan menuang adonan yang coklat dan putih secara bersamaan hingga pola marble terbentuk dengan sendirinya. Ketok-ketok loyang diatas meja untuk mengeluarkan udara dalam adonan.
8) Panggang sekitar 40~45 mnt ATAU sampai dicek dengan tusuk sate, adonan sudah tidak basah. Jika masih basah bisa lanjutkan memanggang hingga matang. Segera keluarkan dari oven dan segera dinginkan dengan cara dibalik hingga cake benar-benar dingin (sekitar 40 menit tergantung kondisi lokal masing-masing ya) Gunakan pisau tipis untuk melepaskan cake dari loyang.
Happy baking, semoga menginspirasi.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Check my other yummy post:
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Banana fritter |
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Spinach Cake |
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Roll cake with cheese filling |
That's beautiful! I don't think I've ever even had a chiffon cake!
ReplyDeleteThank you Rebecca... you should try to bake them :)
DeleteThis sounds delicious! I can't wait to try it!
ReplyDeleteThx Merye. And let me know if you try this :)
DeleteWow, this looks and sounds yummy. I love chocolate and orange flavors together!
ReplyDeleteThe marbling is gorgeous! My husband would love this cake. Great job!
ReplyDeleteLoving the swirl! Delicious flavor combo, too :D