♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Terbiyeli Tavuk çorbası ( Creamy seasoned Chicken soup)

Selam Everybody....Merhaba from Turkey...

Soup or çorba (read chor_ba) in Turkey is always served as first/ opening dish in dinner or lunch time before we go to main dish. If you check my other Turkish soup you will find that mostly Turkish soup are creamy one as people's preferred. Use yogurt and or flour as sauce and thicken the soup.

Unlike Indonesian or other Asian soup, Turkish soups are smooth and no big chunk of meat or vegetable used. If using meat, cut it into very small chunks. For vegetable soup mostly we blend it to smooth and creamy.

Terbiyeli Tavuk çorbası ( Creamy seasoned Chicken soup)
And nothing can comfort us during cold days than a family and good creamy soup on our dinner table. And this tebiyeli tavuk çorbası it might become your choice too for bring the warmth into your house ^,^

Serve for one hungry happy family ^,^
  • 1 chicken boneless thigh/ breast (about 250 gr)
  • 2 lt water
  • 2 tbp risoni pasta/ capellini corti pasta
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp flour
  • 2 egg yolk
  • 2 tsp salt or to taste
How to cook:
  1. Cook chicken in 2 lt water until chicken is tender and cooked trough. Strain the chicken and roughly shredded or cut into small chunks. Set a side.
  2. In other pan put olive oil and heat over medium heat, saute risoni pasta until it turns pink-reddish. Add in chicken and all chicken broth. Continue cook to boil.
  3. Mean while in small bowl, beat egg yolk with flour add half cup of water, whisk to smooth. Temper with a cup of boiling chicken broth then pour back the sauce into pan. Tip from me; you can run this sauce over fine strainer to get smooth soup.
  4. Season with salt, check the taste. Stir continuously until it thicken and boil.
Serve hot.


Menu yang mo saya bagi kali ini adalah Terbiyeli Tavuk çorbası yaitu soup ayam dengan campuran saus kuning telur hingga menghasilkan soup yang creamy tapi tetap lembut di lidah...jiieee.... bahasanya boook..macam sef aja, lembut di lidah...

Tapi memang benar kok..soup ini creamy dan enak-walau gak mau nambahin "banget" ^,^
apalagi dengan tambahan risoni pasta..menambah tekstur soup ayam ini makin oke.
Risoni pasta adalah salah satu dai sekian banyak jenis pasta yang ada, bentuknya persis banget seperti beras, berwarna coklat terang agak kelabu.
Arpa Sehriye/ Risoni pasta
Kalau di Turki sini disebutnya Arpa sehriye, biasanya dipakai campuran memasak nasi dan soup juga. Kalau tidak tersedia, bisa diganti dengan capellini corti pasta, dan kalau tidak ada juga, gunakan spaghetti yang di remukkan pendek-pendek.

Ingin coba juga bikin di rumah? simak yuk resepnya..
  • 1 buah dada/ paha ayam, kurleb 250 gr
  • 2 lt air
  • 2 sdm risoni pasta/ capellini corti pasta (bisa ganti dengan spaghetti yang diremuk kasar)
  • 2 sdm minyak zaitun (bisa gunakan minyak nabati lain)
  • 2 kuning telur
  • 1 sdm terigu
  • 2 sdt garam atau sesuai selera
Cara membuat:
  1. Masak ayam dengan 2 lt air hingga lunak. Ambil ayam dai kaldu lalu disuwir kasar atau dipotong kecil, sisihkan.
  2. Dalam panci lain, panaskan minyak zaitun, masak risoni pasta hingga kemerahan. Masukkan suwiran/ potogan daging ayam, aduk sebentar. Lalu masukkan semua kaldu ayam, masak hingga mendidih.
  3. Sementara itu, dalam mangkok kocok telur, terigu dan setengah gelas air, aduk rata.
  4. Ambil sekitar 1 gelas kaldu ayam yang mendidih, campurkan ke dalam campuran kuning telur, aduk rata hingga halus dan tidak begerindil. Tuang kembali larutan kedalam panci, bumbuhi garam sesuai selera.
  5. Masak hingga mendidih kembali hingga soup mengental. Matikan api.
Hidangkan hangat denga roti.

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