Assalamu'alaykum.........Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Apa kabar semuanya? ... Semoga dalam keadaan sehat dan berbahagia ya. Juga saya ingin ucapan selamat menunaikan İbadah puasa ya bagi teman muslim sekalian.
Ramadhan tahun ini msh jatuh di musim panas, tp udah bergeser ke bulan Mei yang hawanya tidak terlalu panas... karena mungkin masih deket-deket musim semi ya.
10 thn lalu, Ramadhan pertama saya di Turki jatuh bulan Agustus, puncak musim panas yg panasnya bisa sampai 42℃ diluar rumah.
Puasa hari ini dimulai saat fajr pukul 03.41 pagi dan iftar nanti inshaallah pkl 20.30 malam. Jadi praktis kita berpuasa 17 jam . Tiap hari ada pergeseran waktu 1 atau 2 menit waktu puasanya menjadi lebih lama.
Tadi pas ke pasar pukul 1 siang suhu diluar 30℃, tapi angin masih lumayan sepoi jadi tak terlalu panas.
Sebenarnya kalau Ramadhan saya cenderung malas makan, maunya buka cuman dengan minuman yang segar saja..sudah terasa kenyang. Tapi kan harus makan ya buat energi siang hari. Jadi saya masak kesukaan saya saja biar nafsu makan ada 😊 . İtupun saya makannya habis sholat İsya' jam 12 malam gitu deh.
Jadilah saya masak Lontong kikil ini, kebetulan anak sayapun suka, sampai mau nambah-nambah kalau makan 😤.
Karena saya asli surabaya jadi saya bikin lontong kikil ini yang khas Surabaya ya. Tapi memang masakan kikil yang terkenal ya dari Surabaya ya.
Lontongnya saya bikin malam sebelumnya. Untuk yang ingin tahu bagaimana cara membuat lontong pakai magic com bisa dilihat di link ini ya. Tapi saya kali ini bikin lontongnya gak paka magic com, tapi pakai plastik saja.
Yuuk..yang pengen wisata kuliner khas Surabaya di rumah silahkan coba resep lontong kikil Surabaya a la saya, dijamin ketagihan deh 😚
Lontong Kikil Surabaya
By: Çitra's Home Diary
🥣 2 buah kaki sapi (kurleb 1,5 kg)
🥣 80 gr bawang putih**
🥣 2-3 cabe merah besar**
🥣 2 kemiri**
🥣 5 cm kunyit atau 1 sdt bubuk kunyit**
🥣 5 cm jahe**
🥣 1,5 sdt mrica**
🥣 3 sdt garam atau sesuai selera**
🥣 1 sdt gula atau sesuai selera**
🥣 secukupnya minyak **
🥣 ± 3-4 lt kaldu (dari rebusan kikil)
🥣 1 batang serai, memarkan
🥣 2-3 lembar daun jeruk
Pelengkap; Sambal, perasan jeruk limau dan irisan daun bawang
Cara memasak:
Kikil; Bersihkan kaki/ kikil sapi dan rebus dengan 1 lembar daun salam hingga empuk. Bisa gunakan panci presto agar lebih cepat.
Setelah kikil empuk, pisahkan daging kikil dari tulangnya dan potong potong daging kikil, jangan terlalu kecil. Tulang-tulangnya nanti bisa dimasak juga, jangan dibuang. Masukkan kembali kedalam kuah rebusannya.
Haluskan semua bumbu (yang bertanda bintang diatas) bersama minyak goreng lalu tumis bersama daun jeruk dan serai. Tumis hingga harum dan terpisah dari minyaknya.
Sajikan hangat bersama lontong/ ketupat dan pendampingnya.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
Hallo everybody...........Merhaba from Türkiye 👋
Indonesian cuisine is one of the most vibrant and colorful cuisines in the world, full of intense flavor. It is diverse, in part because Indonesia is composed of approximately 6,000 populated islands of the total 18,000 in the world's largest archipelago, with more than 300 ethnic groups calling Indonesia their home. Many regional cuisines exist, often based upon indigenous culture and foreign influences. Indonesia has around 5,350 traditional recipes, with 30 of them considered the most important. Indonesian cuisine varies greatly by region and has many different influences.
One of popular and surely favorite is Surabaya-style cow foot (trotters) soup. I am originally from Surabaya city where this food comes from. Almost everybody will eat this meal at least once (or more) a week. We have many street stalls selling this hearty and healthy soup around the city. Mostly they open their stall as soon as the sun gets down.
Also, it highly produces gelatin. Gelatin is rich in protein and has a unique amino acid profile that gives it many potential health benefits. There is evidence that gelatin may reduce joint and bone pain, increase brain function and help reduce the signs of skin aging.
I cook this cow feet soup regularly, to get those benefits. Beside Indonesian style I also have recipe Turkish style cow feet soup that I will post soon.
So if you wanna to travel you palate, try my hearty delicious cow foot soup Indonesian style.
You can enjoy this soup with white steam rice or Indonesian rice cake (ketupat or lontong). See this link how to make rice cake at home.
İndonesian Foot Cow (trotters) Soup
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Serve about 10 share
İndonesian Foot Cow (trotters) Soup
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Serve about 10 share
🥣 2 clean cow feet (about 1,5 kg)
🥣 Daun salam (Indonesian bay leaf)
🥣 Daun salam (Indonesian bay leaf)
🥣 80 gr garlic**
🥣 2-3 red chili**
🥣 2 candlenut**
🥣 5 cm turmeric or 1 tsp powdered one**
🥣 5 cm ginger**
🥣 1,5 tsp black pepper powder**
🥣 3 tsp salt or to taste**
🥣 2tsp sugar or to taste**
🥣 cooking oil about 5 Tbsp**
🥣 ± 3-4 lt stock (from pre-cook the cow feet)
🥣 1 lemongrass, bruised white part
🥣 2-3 pcs kaffir leaves
Complementary; Chili sambal, lemonjuice, and slice of spring onion
Serve with rice or cake rice
How to Cook:
Prepare the cow foot; Put clean cow feet with 1 daun salam (Indonesia bay leaf) and pour enough water and cook with a pressure cooker. İf you don't have a pressure cooker you can but it will take a longer time until the cow feet get tender.
Separate the "meat" from the bone, I didn't throw the bone and put it all back in the broth. The soup will be more delicious. Set aside
Blend and make puré all the spice with the sign ** . Then sauté with lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves until it aromatic and oily. Add into the broth with the cow feet. Cook at medium heat until boil. Check the taste, you might need more salt, sugar, or black pepper powder.
Serve warm with rice or rice cake and the complementary.
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