Resep dalm Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah
Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
Soto can be prepared with chicken or beef and some mix with offal, along with vegetables.
In Indonesia, you can find many kinds of "Soto" represents their local heritages and they vary from one another.
Jakarta, which is the home for Betawi people, has their own “Soto Betawi” with its sweet, creamy, coconut-milk base. Some regions also have Soto Ceker, a chicken foot soto which is usually offered as a variation of the usual Soto Ayam.
Using a cow’s or goat’s tripe in soto also very popular in many regions. Like Soto Madura (from Madura island) also use tripe (or offal). Soto Betawi (from Jakarta) also use offal served in yellow spicy coconut milk soup with vermicelli, potato, and vegetables.
Soto Tangkar, a Soto made of chopped goat or beef ribs and beef brisket cooked in coconut milk soup with various Indonesian herbs and spices.
You may like INDONESIAN FOOD; COW FOOT (trotters) SOUP
Today I will share another soto recipe, it's one popular street food in Indonesia, Chicken soto. Especially at Surabaya streets, this dish is the top ten people's choice when they are visiting Surabaya. I remember when I was working in Surabaya a long time ago, this Chicken soto almost my everyday lunch.
There are some famous spots in Surabaya that recommended to enjoy this delicious, addicting meal. But the most famous is in "Ambengan" area. Oh My.. this is a legend 😊 but as Surabayanese of course I know many other hidden spots to enjoy this dish, one of that hidden spot was inside "Pasar Blauran" or Blauran market Surabaya.
So today, far away from my beloved Surabaya city, here I am... missing my favorite food 🥣
Making this dish at home actually pretty simple. You will not see the long list of ingredients in this recipe cause this is really simple comfort food to make.
For the complementary list, it is okay if you don't have all those ingredients in your refrigerator-but I doubt you do not have those daily ingredients.
Most important is you MUST make the key of delicious sprinkle, we call it "koya". It sprinkles over your soto soup right before serving. This key ingredient is a real matter to get an authentic taste of this dish.
Make from some fried shrimp cracker, mashed finely with fried garlic, simple but make a big deal, so do not skip it.
By: Çitra's Home Diary
🐔 1 kg of chicken meat, bone-in.
Ground Spices (A) :
🐔 10 small shallots (or one medium red onion)
🐔 8-10 cloves garlic
🐔 1 segment (2 cm) ginger, roasted
🐔 1 tsp peppercorn
🐔 3 ~ 4 candlenut, roasted
🐔 2 cm turmeric (or 1 ½ tsp turmeric powder)
🐔 2 tsp salt or to taste
🐔 1 tsp sugar
🐔 Chicken bullion (optional)
🐔 Enough cooking oil for sautéing
Herbs (B):
🐔 1 stalk lemongrass, crushed, set aside
🐔 1 stalk lemongrass, crushed, set aside
🐔 2 kaffir lime leaves
How to Cook:
1) Boil chicken in enough water just to cover the chicken, boil until boiling then discard all that 1st water. Add another water about 2 to 2½ liter and cook the chicken again until boiling. lowest the heat.
2) Puree all ingredients A (except oil for cooking). Heat enough oil on a skillet or a wok, saute ground spices together with herb (B) lemongrass and kaffir leaves, stir-fry until fragrant and oily for few minutes, pour it into chicken pan.
3) Continue to cook for a few more minutes. Take and strain chicken from the broth. Then fry the chicken just until dry on the skin, then roughly shredded. Set aside.
Note: You can strain and fry the chicken later before you serving.
Serve this Soto Ayam with some complements here.
🍴 Chopped celery
🍴 Glass vermicelli noodle, soak in hot water just until soft, drain.
🍴 Fried potato chip
🍴 Boiled eggs
🍴 white cabbage, finely shredded
🍴 Fresh lemon juice
🍴 kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce)-optional
🍴 Koya (see lower part how to make it)
🍴 Chili sambal (see lower part how to make it)
How to make koya:
🍴 2 Tbsp fried garlic
🍴 5-6 big pieces of fried shrimp crackers
Use mortar and pestle to mash everything until powdery smooth. Use before serving.
How to make simple chili sambal:
🍴 10-15 some red chili (depend on how spicy to like)-mix with bird-eye chili for spicier.
🍴 3-4 cloves of garlic
🍴 1 tsp salt
Boil chilies with garlic until soft then ground with salt until relatively smooth. Add enough water to make it slightly runny and cook until boil a few minutes. Ready to use.
How to serve.
Put the shredded fried chicken into a bowl, pour with hot soto broth. Serve hot with other complementaries.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Kali ini saya pengen sharing salah satu makanan terfavorit dari Surabaya, apalagi kalau bukan Soto ayam Surabaya.
Ingat banget waktu SD sampai SMP dulu almarhum bapak sering ajak saya makan soto ayam Pak Sadi di Ambengan tiap kali bapak abis ambil uang gajian dari boss nya. Kebetulan rumah si bosnya juga di Ambengan.
Waktu kerja pertama kali dulu kok ya kebetulan juga kantor pusat ada di deket daerah Ambengan juga, jadi kadang-kadang kalau bosan rujak cingur genteng kali, makannya ya di soto Ambengan situ. Tapi mungkin yang jual sudah anak atau cucunya Pak Sadi-bukan Pak Sadinya sendiri seperti waktu saya sama almarhum bapak.
Sejak pindah kerja di Jakarta sampai akhirnya menetap di Turki sini, saya udah gak pernah lagi makan soto Ambengan itu.
Selain di Ambengan ada beberapa tempat favorit saya yang enak juga soto ayamnya, salah satunya ada di dalam pasar Blauran dulu (sekitar tahun 1998 an). Gak ngerti lagi sekarang masih ada atau enggak.
Untuk tombo kangen sesekali saya masak soto ayam Surabaya ini, tentu versi rumahan ya. Alhamdulillah mirip-miriplah dengan yang ada di Surabaya 😊
Soto Ayam khas Surabaya
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary
🐔 1 kg ayam (saya pakai bagian kaki dan paha)
Bumbu halus:
🐔 10 bawang merah
🐔 8-10 bawang putih
🐔 1 ruas (2 cm) jahe sangrai
🐔 1 sdt merica butir
🐔 4 ~ 5 kemiri sangrai
🐔 2 ruas (5 cm) kunyit sangrai (atau 1 ½ sdt bubuk kunyit)
🐔 Minyak untuk menumis secukupnya
Bumbu cemplung:
🐔 2 batang sereh, memarkan
🐔 2 batang sereh, memarkan
🐔 2-3 lembar daun jeruk, remas-remas
🐔 2 sdt garam atau sesuai selera
🐔 sejumput gula (sesuai selera)
🍴 Daun seledri, cincang halus
🍴 bawang merah goreng
🍴 so'un, rendam air hangat sampai lunak
🍴 Kentang iris tipis dan goreng
🍴 Telur rebus
🍴 kol, iris tipis
🍴 sambal
🍴 jeruk nipis
🍴 kecap manis
🍴 Koya (resep dibawah)
Resep koya:
🍴 2 sdm bawang putih goreng
🍴 5-6 lembar kerupuk udang goreng
🍴 penyedap (jika suka)
Haluskan semua bahan koya hingga halus. simpan dalam wadah bersih.
Cara membuat:
1) Rebus ayam dengan air secukupnya sampai mendidih dan air busanya keluar, lalu buang airnya. Ganti dengan air baru dan secukupnya (kurleb 2-2½lt) lalu masak hingga mendidih, kecilkan api.
2) Tumis bumbu halus dan bumbu cemplung hingga harum dan berminyak lalu masukkan ke kuah ayam. Bumbuhi dengan garam dan gula, koreksi rasanya. Bila perlu bisa ditambah garam atau merica bubuk.
3) Masak hingga ayam hingga matang dan bumbu meresap, lalu pisahkan ayam dari kuahnya. Goreng ayam lalu potong-potong / suwir kasar.
Sajikan soto ayam dengan pelengkap.
Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
What an delightful chicken soup! I'm particularly intrigued by that koya sprinkle on top! Must add a nice touch.
ReplyDeleteI need to try this chicken soup love a good meal like this besides it is perfect for the weather.