Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah
Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
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What is "Putu Bambu"?
Putu Bambu, other name is "kue putu", is a traditional Indonesian "kue" (snack). Made of rice flour filled with coconut/ palm sugar and steamed inside a small bamboo tube (pipe-like)-hence the name.
This Javanese traditional snack is a street food sold by street vendors, and also can be found in traditional markets (pasar) along with many other traditional "kue".
You can find other Indonesian traditional "kue" recipes in the category "Indonesian Snack (Jajan Pasar/Kueh)".
Kue putu street vendors walk from alley to alley in "kampong/kampung" (neighborhoods) to peddle this old street food ever.
The seller makes a typical noisy sound like a whistle coming from the boiling water they carry out on their vendor. The sound is just like when you boil water in the kettle.
Hhhhh.... I miss my homeland 😥
The traditional way to make this snack.
This snack bite consists of rice flour, mostly with green pandan leaf flavor and color. But some just leave it white without pandan flavor.
It is filled with ground palm/ coconut sugar then it's filled into a small bamboo tube container. Subsequently, the filled bamboo tubes are steamed in a steam cooker with small holes opening to blow the hot steam.
The cooked tubular cakes were then pushed out from the bamboo tube container and served with grated coconut. It's served warm/ hot immediately.
When it's eaten while it's hot, the palm sugar bursts out like melting lava.... yummy!
How to make it at home.
Even if it is typical street food it doesn't mean we can not make it at home. In fact, it's amazingly easy to make. Generally, this kue putu is made from homemade rice flour. I made my own rice flour occasionally, it's better in texture and flavor especially for making Indonesian snacks (kue).
But if you can not make your own rice flour, of course, you can use store-bought one.
Since homemade and storebought are different especially in water content, I suggest adding the water carefully, you may need more water than the recipe below. Just check the dough's texture after adding the water. Watch my video to see how the right texture for this "kue".
The dough should moist, and lumpy but still grainy, not wet.
Bamboo tube mold.
As I mentioned this cake uses a bamboo tube as a mold. But I don't have bamboo tubes just like the street vendors, I think only a few people purchase that kind of mold. I can bring from Indonesia though, but it's not really necessary for me to purchase so many kinds of cake mold in my cupboard 😉
So I make my own mold that resembles that bamboo tube. Even my mom in Indonesia makes her own mold using banana leaves. Since here it's very hard for me to find banana leaves as well, I make my mold from parchment paper. You can see the video I shared below on how to make your own "bamboo tube" from parchment paper.
Btw, you can use banana leaf too.
Or last choice, you can use a small silicon cupcake mold. But the name will become "putu mangkok". Mangkok literally means bowl.
If you like this post, you should check this Indonesian Traditional Sweet dumpling snack from purple yam-KLEPON
How to serve.
This putu bambu is served with fresh shredded coconut. Some people like to sprinkle white/ brown sugar over it also, and some do not. It's a personal choice.
Putu bambu better serve while it's hot/ warm, and when you bite it, the melting palm sugar will deliciously burst in your mouth. Yum!
Putu Bambu (Kue Putu) / Indonesian Rice Flour Steamed Cake in Bamboo tube
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Make 12-13 pcs
🥥 250 gr rice flour (homemade is better)
🥥 1 tsp sugar
🥥 ¼ tsp salt
🥥 ¼ tsp pandan paste (optional)
🥥 105-110 gr warm water
🥥 250 gr rice flour (homemade is better)
🥥 1 tsp sugar
🥥 ¼ tsp salt
🥥 ¼ tsp pandan paste (optional)
🥥 105-110 gr warm water
🥥 ±200 gr palm/ coconut sugar. Finely grated.
For serving
🥥 fresh shredded coconut (from half coconut) *see note
🥥 pinch of salt
🥥 1 pandan leaf (optional)
🥥 granulated sugar (optional)
(*). You can use a desiccated coconut mix with coconut milk (ratio 1:1 in weight) before steaming it.
How to make:
1) In a medium bowl, mix shredded coconut with a pinch of salt, and add pandan leaf (optional). Then steam for about 15 minutes. Set aside.
2) Finely chop/ grated palm/ coconut sugar. Set aside.
3) Place rice flour in a medium bowl, add sugar, and salt. Mix well. Add pandan paste (if using). Then GRADUALLY add warm water while you knead and mix rice flour with the warm water. Continue to knead by hand while adding water slowly until you have moist, lumpy, and smooth grains of dough. You use less or more warm water. Just check you moistness of the dough.
Take a wire sieve, and push the moistened dough against the sieve until you get fine grains. Do to all remaining dough. Be gentle with the fine grains of dough, do not push or knead, otherwise it will become lumpy and rough again.
5) Take a bamboo tube (or any mold you have). Place the tube on your fingers to cover the bottom part of the tube.
Spoon the fine grains dough into the mold up to 3/4 full, make a hole with your spoon handle, and fill with grated palm sugar (about 3 tsp). And fill the tube/ mold again with the dough until full. Level it but DO NOT push too hard. If you push the dough inside the tube too hard, the cake will be chewy and hard, not crumbly after cooked.
6) Carefully arrange onto a steamer plate (pan with holes). Do to all grains dough until finished. Then carefully place the steamer plate over the pot with boiling water.
Put the lid on and steam for 20- 25 minutes on medium heat.
Note. If you don't use a bamboo steamer, wrap the lid with a kitchen napkin so the steam water will not drop over the cake.
7) Remove from the steamer and remove the cake from the tube mold. Sprinkle steamed coconut and sugar to your taste.
Serve warm immediately.
Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you're making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Oh iya.. jangan lupa untuk subscribe youtube channel saya dan aktifkan tanda bell nya untuk dapat video resep baru saya ya.
Siapa yang tak kenal dengan kue putu bambu ini. Salah satu jajan pasar paling legend se-Jawa dan Nusantara 😁. Bahkan kue ini juga jadi favorit di Belanda lho...
Ya nggak heran ya sebab kan dulu orang-orang Belanda ini nongkrongin Indonesia ratusan tahun sampai beranak cucu cicit, jadi lidah orang Belanda juga sudah fasih dengan makanan-makanan Indonesia.
Enggak salah kan kalau saya bilang ini kue "legend" ya...
Biasa dijajakan keliling dengan dipanggul atau dengan sepeda. Keliling kampung dari gang ke gang dengan suara khas mirip pluit kapal kecil yang berasal dari air mendidih di panci/ kuali yang dipasangi "pluit". Jadi pas ada suara "pluit" pasti kita tahu... Oooohh... tukang Putu bambu lewat... 😊
Mungkin kamu penyuka Klepon Ubi ungu juga
Selain dijajakan keliling, Putu bambu atau biasa disebut Kue Putu ini juga banyak dijual dipasar-pasar atau pinggir jalan bersama dengan jajanan khas Indonesia lainnya yang biasa menjual aneka "jajan pasar".
Oh iya, jika ingin lihat resep anekan kue dan jajan pasar lainnya bisa dicek di kategori "Indonesian Kue/ jajan pasar" ya.
Walaupun dikenal sebagai "street food", bukan berarti kita nggak bisa membuatnya sendiri ya. Ternyata bikin kue putu ini tergolong mudah ya, asal tahu caranya, Inshaallah seenak yang dijual-jual itu.
Walaupun dikenal sebagai "street food", bukan berarti kita nggak bisa membuatnya sendiri ya. Ternyata bikin kue putu ini tergolong mudah ya, asal tahu caranya, Inshaallah seenak yang dijual-jual itu.
Bahan utama kue putu ini adalah tepung beras dan gula merah/ gula jawa. Hasil paling enak memang memakai tepung beras homemade (bikin sendiri). Maka untuk resep kali ini saya memakai tepung beras yang giling sendiri alias homemade. Tapi bisa juga kok bikin dar tepung beras yang sudah jadi itu, asal perhatikan jumlah air yang dipakai, bisa jadi lebih banyak daripada ketika menggunakan tepung beras homemade.
Sebab kan tepung beras homemade tekstur dan kelembabannya berbeda dari pasaran.
Sesuai namanya, Putu Bambu dibuat dengan menggunakan cetakan dari bambu ya. Bagaimana jika nggak punya cetakan bambu? Beli donk.... hehehee... 😁 Kalau mau ya.. di Indonesia banyak kok dijual online. Tapi bagi saya yang bikin kuenya jarang-jarang juga... ya nggak beli lah..hehehe..
Bisa juga kok dicetak pakai cetakan silicon yang untuk cupcake itu atau cetakan kue bolkus yang ada lubang-lubangnya itu. Atau kalau mau mirip bentuk silinder mirip yang dijual itu bisa juga pakai daun pisang yang dibentuk menyerupai cetakan putu bambu. Ukurannya 6 cm dan diameter kurleb 4 cm.
Kalau saya disini daun pisangpun susah dicariya. Ada juga mahal bangeett! .
Tapi demi memenuhi kerinduan akan kue legend ini, saya bela-belain bikin cetakan dari kertas baking aja... eehh.. Alhamdulillah bisa! Nggak lengket juga dan mudah pas "unmold" kue putunya. 👍
Cek di video ya bagaimana cara bikin cetakan ala kue putu ini.
Yukk... yang pengen coba bikin kue ini di rumah juga. Tapi kalau masih ada abang-abang penjual kue putu, mending beli aja deh.. hehehehe.. 😀
Resep Putu bambu/ Kue Putu
ala Çitra's Home Diary
Hasill jadi 12-13 buah
🥥 250 gr tepung beras (saya pakai homemade)
🥥 1 sdt gula (opsional)
🥥 ¼ sdt garam
🥥 ¼ sdt pasta pandan (optional)
🥥 105-110 gr air hangat (sesuaikan dengan kelembaban adonan ya)
Bahan isi:
🥥 ±200 gr gula jawa, sisir halus
Bahan taburan:
🥥 kelapa parut setengah tua (separuh, medium)
🥥 sedikit garam
🥥 1 lembar daun pandan
🥥 gula untuk taburan (opsional)
Cara membuat:
1) Campur kelapa parut, garam dan daun pandan. Kukus kurang lebih 10 menit. Sisihkan.
2) Campur tepung beras dengan gula (jika pakai), garam, pasta pandan. Lalu tambah air hangat sedikit demi sedikit sambil diuleni (diremas-remas) sampai adonan lembab dan bergerindil. Jangan sampai terlalu basah, nanti kue putunya keras/ kenyal tidak "meprul"
Lihat di video tekstur adonannya.
3) Didihkan air dalam panci kukusan.
Ambil saringan kawat, lalu saring adonan lembab tadi sambil ditekan dengan sendok kayu. Hasilnya tepung beras lembab dengan tektur lebih halus. Adonan yang sudah diayak tadi jangan ditekan-tekan lagi agar tidak bergumpal lagi.
4) Isi cetakan (bambu) sampai 3/4 penuh, buat lubang ditengahnya, lalu isi dengan gula jawa sisir (kurleb 3sdt). Isi lagi dengan adonan sampai penuh, ratakan permukaannya tapi JANGAN DİTEKAN, cukup ratakan saja. Tata diatas loyang kukusan yang berlubang-lubang dengan hati-hati.
Lakukan hingga adonan habis.
5) Lalu kukus kurng lebih 20-25 menit. Bungkus tutup panci dengan serbet agar air tidak menetes ke kue putu.
Angkat dan pindah ke piring saji.
Taburi kelapa parut dan taburi gula jika suka.
Sajikan panas segera.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you're making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Check my other yummy post:
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Resep Klepon Ubi Ungu / Indonesian Traditional Sweet dumpling snack from purple yam-KLEPON |
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Resep Lupis ketan terfavorit! / Indonesian kue recipe: "LUPIS" (glutinous rice cake with palm sugar syrup) |
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İrmik Helvası. Classic recipe Turkish Semolina Sweets (Halva sweets). |
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