Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah
Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
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Rempeyek is derived from the Javanese onomatopoeia "peyek", depicting the sound of a crisp cracker breaking.
Rempeyek is often associated with Javanese cuisine, served to accompany "pecel/ petjel" (vegetables in peanut sauce) or other meals, or as a snack. Today, it is common throughout Indonesia, and is also popular in Malaysia following the migration of Javanese immigrants in the early 19th century.
It's my favorite cracker. Made from rice flour with some spices and fried in deep oil. The frying and making methods are typical and very unique. That is, on a deep frying wok, spread out the batter dough on the edge of the wok until it produces a very thin layer of cracker, I made a simple video also to give you an illustration of how to make this unique and traditional Indonesian "rempeyek".
Topping can vary from peanuts, green beans, black eye beans, small soybean, or dried small anchovies until dried small shrimp. A little tricky and need more patience in making it.
Rempeyek udang renyah dan nagih
Check also my Asian style Stuffed Pepper Recipe
Topping can vary from peanuts, green beans, black eye beans, small soybean, or dried small anchovies until dried small shrimp. A little tricky and need more patience in making it.
Nowadays, there are many rempeyek molds sold online or offline to make people easy and didn't hesitate anymore to make it at home. And with this mold, the size and shape can be uniform and looks better.
But I still love the old way which my grandmom used to make. Maybe next time I will post how to make rempeyek using a mold.
rempeyek mold |
Making the rempeyek batter is quite easy and quick. To fry it, as I mentioned above, need more patience and practice. But it'll pay off after you can taste this yummy and addicted Indonesian cracker.
Usually, I use my portable stove to make this rempeyek cracker, so I can sit down near my stove while frying it 😊
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Indonesian Shrimp in rice flour cracker
By: Çitra's Home Diary
🍤 250 gr rice flour
🍤 100 gr tapioca starch
🍤 1 egg
🍤 1½ tsp salt or to taste
🍤 ±1¾ cup thin coconut milk, adding gradually *
🍤 300 gr small fresh shrimp
🍤 enough cooking oil for dip fry ( I use sunflower oil)
* I diluted ¾ cup coconut cream add water up to the amount needed.
(1 cup 240 ml)
🍤 4-5 big cloves of garlic
🍤 2 small shallots
🍤 1 tbsp coriander seed
🍤 3-4 pcs candlenuts
🍤 2 cm fresh turmeric ( or 1 tsp powdered)
🍤 1-2 pcs kaffir lime leaves
How to make:
1. Blend all the spices ingredients until very smooth. You can use a mortar pestle or hand blender. Mix the ground spice with bitten egg.
Mix in rice flour, tapioca starch, and salt. Gradually add the coconut milk. Whisk well until no more lump in the mixture. You should get thin batter but not too runny.
2) Heat the oil in high heat. Use a deep frying wok to heat enough vegetable oil for deep fry. Yes, you need a wok for making this cracker. See my video on how to fry crackers using a wok.
Lower the heat to medium. Take a big spoon of batter, put some fresh shrimps into it then spread the batter evenly on the edge of the wok (upper the oil).
Part of the batter will stick into the wok while the rest will drip into the hot oil. It gives such a unique shape to this cracker.
3) Using a ladle, flush the cracker with hot oil until the edge part dries. Then release the cracker from the wok edge, continue to fry them until golden brown and crunchy. Strain and place the cracker over a paper towel to drain the excess oil.
Do the same method to the rest of the batter until finished.
Arrange the cracker in a big jar after cooling to keep crunchy.
Enjoy your Indonesian shrimp cracker.
Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Oh iya.. jangan lupa untuk subscribe youtube channel saya dan aktifkan tanda bell nya untuk dapat video resep baru saya ya.
Kudapan terfavorite nih. Terbuat dari tepung beras dengan beberapa bumbu dan digoreng dalam minyak yang banyak. cara menggorengnya pun berbeda dan sangat khas. Yaitu dengan "wajan" cekung dan dalam, disebar di pinggiran atas wajan tersebut hingga menghasilkan rempeyek yang sangat tipis.
"Topping" bisa berupa kacang tanah atau ikan teri kering.. Sedikit tricky dan perlu ketelatenan dalam membuatnya.
"Topping" bisa berupa kacang tanah atau ikan teri kering.. Sedikit tricky dan perlu ketelatenan dalam membuatnya.
Pasti semua sudah pada tahu ya...
Kalau di Indonesia bisa pakai cetakan rempeyek ya, selain bentuknya rapi dan seragam, juga mungkin lebih cepat dan praktis ya. ssayang sekali saya tidak punya cetakan rempeyek itu....😔
Udah masuk list daftar belanjaan pas mudik ntar 😀
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Rempeyek udang renyah dan nagih
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary
🍤 250 gr tepung beras
🍤 100 gr tepung tapioka
🍤 1 telur kocok
🍤 1½ sdt garam (sesuai selera)
🍤 ±1¾ gelas santan encer, tuangnya bertahap *
🍤 300 gr udang ukuran keci-sedang
🍤 minyak goreng secukupnya untuk menggoreng
* 1 gelas 240 ml
Bumbu (dihaluskan):
🍤 4-5 siung bawang putih
🍤 2 siung bawang merah
🍤 1 sdm ketumbar
🍤 3-4 buah kemiri sangrai
🍤 2 cm kunyit atau 1 sdt kunyit bubuk
🍤 1 lembar daun jerut purut
Cara membuat:
1. Campur semua tepung dan bumbu halus. Masukkan telur kocok dan santan encer secara bertahap, aduk hingga halus. Santannya diperkirakan ya.. jangan sampai keenceran atau terlalu kental. Campurkan irisan daun jeruk, aduk rata. Cicipi rasanya.
2) Panaskan minyak cukup banyak agar terendam. Masukkan udang kedalam adonan.
Setelah minyak cukup panas, turunkan api ke sedang. Ambil satu sendok sayur adonan lalu siramkan perlahan di pinggiran wajan cekung. Bisa juga pakai cetakan rempeyek kalau gak punya wajan cekung. Goreng hingga keemasan. Tiriskan dan simpan dalam toples setelah dingin.
Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.
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Indonesian mix salad with peanut sauce; Gado Gado Betawi. Recipe with Video / Resep gado gado Betawi |
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Rosettes / Honeycomb Fried Cookies / Kuih Loyang / Kembang Goyang |
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How to make Indonesian tender fried cassava / Singkong goreng empuk dan gurih |
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