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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
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It is a dumpling type made by cutting the thinly rolled dough into small rectangles, then filling it with ground meat inside, then folding it into the form of a bundle, and boiling it like pasta in water. There are two ways to cook this Mantı, either you can cook in plain boiling water or you can cook them in tomato sauce.
But mostly it is eaten by pouring garlic yogurt sauce, butter, and sauce on it.
Check this Sarımsaklı Yoğurt sosu / Turkish garlic yogurt sauce for serving with this mantı
Manti is a type of dumpling popular in most Turkic cuisines, as well as in the cuisines of the South Caucasus and Balkans, Central Asia, Afghanistan, and Chinese Muslims. Manti is also consumed throughout Russia and other post-Soviet countries, where the dish spreads from the Central Asian republics. The dumplings typically consist of a spiced meat mixture, usually lamb or ground beef, in a thin dough wrapper and either boiled or steamed. Size and shape vary significantly depending on the geographical location.
You may love this Mantı Çorbası/ Turkish dumpling soup
Mantı is one of Turkey's most delicious and most loved local dishes. When you think of this mantı, Kayseri comes to mind first. It is traditionally made in some villages of this province, as well as in the villages of provinces such as Niğde, Sivas, Çorum, Yozgat, and Tokat.
I made this mantı regularly since I live here more than 11 years ago. I had posted my first homemade mantı recipe a long time ago. And today I will share my latest homemade version of Turkish mantı. Both recipes work well for me, you can choose which one suits you best.
And I made a simple video on how to make this delicious dish. Hope it can guide you well to experience this Turkish cuisine.
Don't forget to subscribe and activate the"bell" sign to get a notification anytime I have a new recipe video for you 😊
Ev Yapımı Mantı / Turkish Food Recipe; homemade Turkish ravioli (Mantı)
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Yield: about 1,5 kg
For the dough
🍽 800 gr AP flour
For the dough
🍽 800 gr AP flour
🍽 1 tsp salt
🍽 4 medium eggs
🍽 4 medium eggs
🍽 200 gr water, room temperature (add gradually)*
For filling
🍽 400 gr minced beef
🍽 2-3 big onions
🍽 4-5 cloves of garlic
🍽 2 tsp salt
🍽 1 tsp black/ white pepper
For filling
🍽 400 gr minced beef
🍽 2-3 big onions
🍽 4-5 cloves of garlic
🍽 2 tsp salt
🍽 1 tsp black/ white pepper
For serving
🍽 Garlic yogurt sauce (recipe here)
🍽 Good quality butter
🍽 smoked sweet paprika powder
🍽 dried mint
🍽 tomato paste (optional)
How to Make:
1) Place flour and salt in a big mixing bowl, make a well in the middle. Crack eggs in the middle, add half of the water into the eggs then start kneading the wet with the flour. Add the rest of the water gradually while kneading. Keep kneading until you get a smooth dough.
2) Start to mix the liquid in the middle and slowly mix with the flour until you gather all dry ingredients into the dough. Knead well to make smooth and elastic dough.
3) Cover the dough with plastic wrap and let sit for about 30 minutes.
Make the filling:
Finely mince onion and garlic. Place the minced beef in a bowl, mix in minced onion+garlic, salt, and pepper powder. Mix to combine well, use a wooden spoon or spatula. Filling ready to use.
How to shape mantı
1) Take the dough and divide it into 4 parts. Do one part at a time. Roll the dough until very thin. You can use a rolling pin or pasta machine if you have one. Cut the rolled dough into small squares (about 3-4 cm²). Place enough amount filling in the center of it and start to close by attaching 4 sides at the center of the sheet. Do to all the rest of the dough.
How to keep mantı
I place all manti over a wide tray in a single layer and put them in the freezer for 30-40 minutes or until frozen. Then gather that frozen mantı in one ziplock bag. You can in a portion if you like.
Sometimes I also put my mantı over a wide tray in a single layer, then put it in the preheated low-temperature oven (100-110℃) until it is just dry before keeping them in a ziplock bag.
How to Make:
1) Place flour and salt in a big mixing bowl, make a well in the middle. Crack eggs in the middle, add half of the water into the eggs then start kneading the wet with the flour. Add the rest of the water gradually while kneading. Keep kneading until you get a smooth dough.
2) Start to mix the liquid in the middle and slowly mix with the flour until you gather all dry ingredients into the dough. Knead well to make smooth and elastic dough.
3) Cover the dough with plastic wrap and let sit for about 30 minutes.
Make the filling:
Finely mince onion and garlic. Place the minced beef in a bowl, mix in minced onion+garlic, salt, and pepper powder. Mix to combine well, use a wooden spoon or spatula. Filling ready to use.
How to shape mantı
1) Take the dough and divide it into 4 parts. Do one part at a time. Roll the dough until very thin. You can use a rolling pin or pasta machine if you have one. Cut the rolled dough into small squares (about 3-4 cm²). Place enough amount filling in the center of it and start to close by attaching 4 sides at the center of the sheet. Do to all the rest of the dough.
How to keep mantı
I place all manti over a wide tray in a single layer and put them in the freezer for 30-40 minutes or until frozen. Then gather that frozen mantı in one ziplock bag. You can in a portion if you like.
Sometimes I also put my mantı over a wide tray in a single layer, then put it in the preheated low-temperature oven (100-110℃) until it is just dry before keeping them in a ziplock bag.
How to serve mantı
Boil enough water, cook mantı for a few minutes until cooked through. Taste one of them to check it. I need about 7-8 minutes to cook my mantı.
Drain well then place over a serving plate. Flush with garlic yogurt sauce generously.
Meanwhile, heat enough butter, dried mint, smoked paprika, and tomato paste until butter almost boil, stirring continuously to mix the tomato paste so it won't be browned.
Directly flush over the melted butter over mantı with garlic yogurt sauce. Serve immediately.
Afiyet olsun. Enjoy.
Ev Yapımı Mantı / Cara membuat dumpling khas Turki (Mantı)
Be my friend on Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Oh iya.. jangan lupa untuk subscribe youtube channel saya dan aktifkan tanda bell nya untuk dapat video resep baru saya ya.
Mantı baca huruf "ı" nya seperti hurup "e" dalam kata "beras" atau "entah".
Adalah salah satu hidangan lokal lezat dan terfavorit di Turki. Ketika menyebut nama makanan ini, nama kota Kayseri akan disebut terlebih dahulu. Karena mantı ini secara tradisional dibuat di beberapa desa di provinsi ini, serta di desa-desa di provinsi lainnya seperti Niğde, Sivas, Çorum, Yozgat, dan Tokat.
Membuat mantı sudah jadi kerjaan rutin sejak saya tinggal di sini lebih dari 11 tahun yang lalu. Maklum, anak dan suami fans berat makanan mirip dumpling ini.
Sebenarnya saya sudah pernah memposting resep membuat "mantı" ini dulu. Versi yang lama bisa dilihat di link ini.
Dan hari ini saya akan sharing resep homemade mantı versi lain. Tapi kedua resep sama saja keduanya menghasilkan mantı yang lezat dan otentik. Moms dapat memilih mana yang paling cocok sesuai selera. Mau coba resep 1 atau yang kedua ini.
Di versi ini saya juga buatkan video sederhananya untuk memberi gambaran bagaimana cara membuat "dumpling" ala Turki ini 😊
Jangan lupa untuk subscribe dan aktifkan tanda "bell"nya ya untuk dapatkan info resep terbaru saya.
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Hasil jadi kurleb 1,5 Kg
Untuk kulit
🥟 800 gr Terigu serba guna
Untuk kulit
🥟 800 gr Terigu serba guna
🥟 1 sdt garam
🥟 4 butir telur
🥟 4 butir telur
🥟 200 gr air, tambahkan secukupnya secara bertahap*
Untuk isian
🥟 400 gr daging sapi cincang
🥟 2-3 bawang bombay ukuran besar
🥟 4-5 siung bawang putih
🥟 2 sdt garam
🥟 1 sdt bubuk merica hitam/ putih
Cara Membuat:
Adonan kulit:
Cara menyimpan mantı
Setelah dilipat seseuai bentuk yang disuka, atur mantı diatas piring/nampan satu layer saja, usahakan tidak bertumpuk satu sama lain agar tidak lengket. Simpan dalam freezer beberapa menit sampai benar-benar beku.
Untuk isian
🥟 400 gr daging sapi cincang
🥟 2-3 bawang bombay ukuran besar
🥟 4-5 siung bawang putih
🥟 2 sdt garam
🥟 1 sdt bubuk merica hitam/ putih
Cara Membuat:
Adonan kulit:
Masukkan tepung dan garam dalam mangkok besar, buat lubang ditengah-tengahnya. Masukkan telur di bagian tengah tepung, lalu masukkan air sedikit demi desikit sambil diaduk dengan tangan sampai tepung dan telur tercampur semua. Lalu uleni hingga halus. Tambahkan air sedikit demi sedikit sampai adonan tidak kering saja. Adonan diuleni tidak perlu sampai kalis.
Tutup dengan plastik dan diamkan kurleb 3o menit.
Membuat adonan isian:
Cincang halus bawang bombay dan bawang putih. Campurkan ke daging cincang, masukkan juga bubuk merica dan garam. Aduk rata dengan spatula atau sendok, sisihkan.
Cincang halus bawang bombay dan bawang putih. Campurkan ke daging cincang, masukkan juga bubuk merica dan garam. Aduk rata dengan spatula atau sendok, sisihkan.
Adonan filling siap digunakan.
Cara membentuk/membuat mantı
1) Bagi adonan menjadi 4 atau 5 bagian. Kerjakan 1 bagian dan tutup adonan sisanya dengan serbet lembab atau plastik.
Cara membentuk/membuat mantı
1) Bagi adonan menjadi 4 atau 5 bagian. Kerjakan 1 bagian dan tutup adonan sisanya dengan serbet lembab atau plastik.
Gilas adonan kulit dengan rolling pin hingga tipis (tapi jangan sampai transparan ya) secukupnya saja tipisnya. Bisa juga pakai gilingan mie jika punya-lebih praktis 😊
2) Lalu potong adonan menjadi kotak kecil kurleb 3 cm². Lalu isi dengan adonan isi (daging cincang) dan bentuk menjadi seperti kantong persegi. Lihat video diatas untuk cara melipatnya.
Ada tiga bentuk yang saya biasa bikin. Lakukan hingga semua adonan habis. Pada tahap ini mantı sudah bisa dimasak langsung dan dinikmati. Atau bisa disimpan sebagai stok.
Cara menyimpan mantı
Setelah dilipat seseuai bentuk yang disuka, atur mantı diatas piring/nampan satu layer saja, usahakan tidak bertumpuk satu sama lain agar tidak lengket. Simpan dalam freezer beberapa menit sampai benar-benar beku.
Setelah benar-benar beku, simpan dalam plastik bag/ ziplock bag dan simpan kembali dalam freezer hingga siap dimasak.
Cara memasak dan menyajikan mantı
Didihkan api dalam panci, lalu masukkan mantı secukupnya sesuai kebutuhan. Satu porsi biasanya satu mangkok manti beku/ mentah.
Masak mantı dalam air mendidih beberapa menit sampai matang, biasanya kira-kira 7-8 menit. Dicek saja kematangannya jika ragu dengan ambil 1 biji manti dan dicicipi. Pokoknya masaknya mirip dengan kita masak pasta ya.
Setelah matang, saring dan tiriskan. Taruh dalam piring saji. Siram dengan saus yoghurt berbumbu bawang putih (resep lihat disini).
Panaskan mentega murni dengan sedikit bubuk paprika, mint kering dan pasta tomat sedikit, aduk-aduk hingga mentega agak mendidih. Siramkan segera diatas mantı bersaus yoghurt tadi.
Sajikan hangat. Afiyet olsun.
Be my friend on Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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