Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah
Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
During Ramadan, Muslim households will fast till dusk falls and break the fast with an iftar meal.
In Indonesia mostly we make or buy snacks to enjoy during iftar, we call it Ta'jil (read; taqjeel). Ta'jil itself comes from Arabic language means to fast-breaking, so it has nothing to do with the food. But in Indonesia, the term ta'jil is becoming commonly used as an expression of usually sweet iftar appetizers. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w gave the example of eating dates as the beginning of iftar.
Check category Beverage and Drinks for more ideas.
And now I will share one of the Indonesian classic beverage calls "Setup Nanas". It's a pineapple boiled in herb sugar syrup. Gives you distinguish healthy yet refreshing beverage.
Many kinds of "setup" base on the fruit used. There is "setup Pisang" which makes from half raw-banana, mostly Indonesian use pisang kepok or pisang raja (plantain).
Other variants are " mix fruit setup", with many tropical fruits in it.
In Indonesia generally, we mix this "setup" with sugar palm fruit we call it "kolang kaling".
But for my pineapple setup today I didn't add anything, I love simple and get the freshness pineapple flavor to the max.
This dessert beverage is best to enjoy after keeping in a refrigerator at least 5 hours after making. Add some ice cubes would be better.
This is also perfect for the upcoming summer ☼
Indonesia Classic beverage; #setupnanas recipe
By: Çitra's Home Diary
🍍1 large pineapple, peeled
🍍 enough salt
🍍 1 liter of water
🍍 300-400 gr rock sugar (depends on how sweet you wanna go)*
🍍 5 cm cinnamon sticks
🍍 5-6 cloves
🍍 2-star anise (optional, can be replaced with pandan leaves)
🍍 Yellow food coloring (optional)
* You can use granulated sugar
1) Cut the pineapple and separate the middle part (core) and the outer side (the flesh). Cut into bite-size. Sprinkle with fine salt and let them stand for about 30 minutes, wash and drain.
2) Boil water, sugar, cinnamon, cloves, and star anise (or pandan leaf). Cook until it boils and the sugar dissolves. Add the pineapple's cord part first cover the lid, and cook for 3 -4 minutes. Then add the flesh part, stir, and cook for another 3 minutes.
3) Add a few drops of yellow coloring (if used). Then turn off the heat. Allow cooling to room temperature. Move it to a container with a cover then store it in the refrigerator.
Note: You can add basil seeds before serving. Soak the basil seeds 1st until it swelled absorb the water.
Serve with couple of ice cubes if you like.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Masih dalam suasana ramadhan karim ya....
Kalau bulan ramahan begini para emak pasti mikir berat buat menyiapkan menu-menu variatif, sehat dan yang pasti lezat kesukaan keluarga ya... benar nggak? 👱
Mulai menu takjil hingga menu utama ya.
Naahh... kali ini saya ingin bagi satu ide untuk menu takjil di rumah ya moms. Salah satu menu klasik yang mudah banget bikinnya tapi segar dan pastinya menyehatkan.
Karena disini gak ada kolang kaling jadi saya gak pakein kolang kaling untuk setup nanas ini. Tapi kalau moms pengen campurin kolang kaling juga boleh banget kok.
Bisa juga ditambahi biji selasih ketika menyajikan. Kebetulan suami saya berasa asing dengan biji selasih jadi buat dia saya gak campurin biji selasih. Buat saya...tetap... biji selasih makin menambah nilai ya... 😊
Resep Setup Nanas Segar dan mudah
By: @citra.home.diary
🍍 1 buah Nanas ukuran besar, kupas
🍍 garam halus secukupnya
🍍 1 Lt air
🍍 300-400 gr gula batu (sesuai selera manisnya). Bisa gunakan gula pasir
🍍 5 cm batang kayu manis
🍍 5-6 butir cengkeh
🍍 2 bunga lawang (opsional, bisa diganti daun pandan)
🍍 Pewarna makanan kuning (opsional)
1) Potong buah nanas dan pisahkan bagian yang tengah (keras) dan bagian luar (dagingnya). Potong-potong sesuai selera. Taburi garam halus dan diamkan kurleb 30 menit, lalu cuci bersih dan tiriskan.
2) Didihkan air, gula, kayu manis, cengkeh dan bunga lawang (jika pakai). Masak hingga mendidih dan gula larut. Masukkan nanas bagian yg tengah (keras), tutup dan masak kurleb 3 menit. Lalu masukkan bagian dagingnya, aduk-aduk dan masak sampai agak layu.
3) Masukkan beberap tetes pewarna kuning (jika pakai). Lalu matikan api. Biarkan dingin suhu ruang sebelum disimpan dalam lemari es.
Selamat mecoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
Check my other recipe:
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Indonesian cold beverage "es doger" / Es Doger Tape ketan hitam |
Indonesian glutinous rice balls in herb caramel syrup / Sekoteng Karamel |
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Indonesian Lemongrass herb drink for chill days / WEDANG SEREH |
Beautiful drink and looks so refreshing! Can't wait to make this in the summer!
ReplyDeletethank you Elizabeth ( I think that's your first name ^,^ ) . come back and tell me how do you like it . xo