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Indonesian Classic; Pineapple Tart Cookies, best recipe / #resepkuekeringjadul Nastar

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Tรผrkiye ๐Ÿ‘‹

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’› 

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And Happy Eid-el Fitr to all my Muslim friends around the globe. May Allah bless you with happiness and grace your home with warmth and peace.

Pineapple tarts cookies are one of Indonesian traditional (and some neighboring countries) cookies that are commonly made and served during religious holidays such as Eid-el Fitr or Christmas along with many other traditional cookies like; kaastengelsputri saljupastel miniButter cokies or simple chocolate cookies and more.
In Indonesia it is called nastar which is the contraction of nanas tart (Ananas or pineapple tart).

Most of nastar in Indonesia have a round shape with a diameter of about 2 centimeters. The pineapple jam is filled inside instead of spread on top. The cookie is often decorated with small pieces of cloves or raisins on top of it.

We are never bored of it because we can vary it as much as we can. Just check my COOKฤฐES CATEGORY to see my "nastar" variations. You can make many variations base on shape and filling. Adding some cheese into the dough definitely enriches the taste of this classic Indonesian cookies. ๐Ÿ’™

The pastry consists of a large proportion of butter and egg yolk, besides using corn starch, giving it a rich, buttery, tender and melt-in-the-mouth texture. The pineapple jam is usually made by slowly reducing and caramelizing grated fresh pineapple that has been mixed with sugar and spices - usually cinnamon, star anise, and cloves.

Besides pineapple jam filling you can also fill this nastar with (homemade) apple jam, chocolate, or even cheese!. Yep, with cheese, check my Cheesy Nastar here and you will surprise how sweet it is. For apple jam filling Nastar, check my previous post here. 

Even you can vary these classic cookies in shape and taste. Like this Black Nastar here. Fancy their shape like a leaf in my post here, or just easy roll them up.
And today I made this cookie with pineapple shape.

For the pineapple jam filling you should make it homemade since we need it very thick (no liquid at all) and shape-able. Most Indonesian use homemade pineapple jam filling rather than store-bought due to that consistency matter I mentioned above and also it's about the taste. Personally, I never make my nastar with store-bought pineapple jam.

So before prepare ingredients for cookie, we should make pineapple jam first. See how to make homemade pineapple jam here.

How to make pineapple jam:
Put everything except sugar in a medium pan, cook over medium heat until thick water is almost dry. Add in sugar and continue to cook until it very thick and no liquid/pineapple juice at all, stir continuously. 
Let it completely cool and shape it as big as marble shape (I use ¼tsp)  Set aside.

See this link on how to make pineapple jam filling.

Indonesian Classic; Pineapple Tart Cookies
By: ร‡itra's Home Diary

Yield: ± 1400 gr
Cookies shell :
๐Ÿ 300 gr room temperature butter
๐Ÿ 100 gr room temperature margarine
๐Ÿ 100 gr icing sugar/sugar powder
๐Ÿ 2 egg yolks
๐Ÿ 425 gr AP flour (or use low protein flour)
๐Ÿ 100 gr cornstarch flour
๐Ÿ 100 gr powdered milk

Topping glaze:
๐Ÿ 2 egg yolks
๐Ÿ 1 Tbsp vegetable oil

About 900 gr homemade pineapple jam for filling.

How to make:

1) Cream margarine, butter, and powdered sugar just until combined. I use handled electric mixer for about 2-3 minutes. Whisk in egg yolk one at a time while whisking at low speed. Whisk just until combined.

2) Sift in flour, cornstarch, and milk powder, using wooden spoon/spatula mix until well blended. Cover with plastic wrap and keep in a refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

3) Preheat oven at 140°C. Take the dough (I use ½ Tbsp/ or about 13 g each), round on your palm, use your index finger and thumb to make a hole in the middle, and place the prepared pineapple jam filling. Cover again and round like a small oval shape. Use tweezers or a marzipan tool to make a pattern like a pineapple, optionally you can put clove on top of each cookie. (see video or picture for illustration)

4) Arrange on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Make space ±3 cm each other.
Bake in preheated oven at 140°C for about 20 minutes.  Remove from oven, brush with yolk mixture, and put bake again into the oven and bake until shiny for about 15 minutes more. Remove from oven and allow to cool.  Arrange in an airtight jar after completely cooling.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me ๐Ÿ˜Š Send me some ๐Ÿ’š

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Indonesian Classic; Pineapple Tart Cookies, best recipe  / #resepkuekeringjadul Nastar | ร‡itra's Home Diary



ุงู„ุณَّู„ุงَู…ُ ุนَู„َูŠْูƒُู…ْ ูˆَุฑَุญْู…َุฉُ ุงู„ู„ู‡ِ ูˆَุจَุฑَูƒَุงุชُู‡ُ

Merhaba dari Tรผrki semuanya ๐Ÿ‘‹

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

Masih suasana Idhul Fitri, perkenankan saya, penulis, mengucapkan :

"Taqabalallahu Minna wa Minkum
Shiyamana wa Shiyamakum wa Allahulla Alaik"

Semoga amalanku dan amalanmu, puasaku dan puasamu diterima-Nya serta disempurnakan-Nya....

ุขู…ِูŠّู†ْ… ุขู…ِูŠّู†ْ… ูŠุขุฑุจ ุงู„ุนุงู„ู…ูŠ

Selamat  merayakan Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1441H....

Kalau lebaran gak bikin kue kering apalagi nastar rasanya gak lebaran deh..hehehe ๐Ÿ˜ค
Biasanya saya bikin nastar beberapa hari sebelum lebaran biar gak habis duluan ๐Ÿ˜ค. Sebab memang nastar ini kegemaran seisi rumah terutama anak saya.
Tapi tahun ini saya bikin nastar sekitar pertengahan Ramadan dan bikinnya agak banyak. Gak pa-pa habis sebelum lebaran... sebab lebaran tahun ini gak akan ada tamu yang akan berkunjung disebabkan masih merebaknya pandemi covid-19 di Turki. Kitapun tidak pergi kemana-mana sebab selama libur lebaran, diberlakukan lockdown disemua kota dan provinsi di Turki.

Sebenarnya per akhir Mei in grafik penularan dan kematian di Turki sudah mulai menurun dan kondisi hampir kembali normal. Tapi rupanya pemerintah Turki tak ingin ambil resiko dengan kejadian 2nd wave nantinya. Makanya walau angka penularan di seluruh negeri menunjukkan dibawah 900 kasus dan kematian sudah dibawah 50 orang per hari, tapi tetap kondisi normal perlu dikontrol ketat.
Begitulah penanganan pandemi korona di Turki. Rapi, terkendali, disiplin dan terdata akurat.

Kembali ke kue kering nastar lagi ya... Sudah sering banget saya bikin nastar ini. Bagi pengunjung setia blog saya, pasti juga sudah tahu, walau bukan di hari lebaran saya suka baking nastar ini. Banyak sekali varian mulai bentuknya, isiannya sampai resep nastarnya sudah pernah saya sharing sebelumnya ya.
Untuk lihat variasi atau aneka nastar dan kue kering lainnya bisa dilihat di kategori " Kue kering/ Cookies".

Selain dengan isian selai nanas Moms juga dapat mengisi nastar ini dengan selai apel, cokelat, atau bahkan isi keju ! Untuk Nastar isi selai apel, lihat postingan saya sebelumnya di sini.

Bahkan moms dapat memvariasikan kue kering klasik ini dalam bentuk dan rasanya. Seperti Black Nastar ini di sini. Atau bisa dibentuk seperti daun di posting saya di sini, atau digulung.
Nah kali ini saya bikin nastar dengan variasi bentuk nanas.

NASTAR JADUL/ Indonesian Classic; Pineapple Tart Cookies

Oleh: ร‡itra's Home Diary

Hasil: ± 1400 gr

Bahan-bahan :
๐Ÿ 300 gr mentega suhu ruang
๐Ÿ 100 gr margarin suhu ruang
๐Ÿ 100 gr gula halus/ gula icing
๐Ÿ 2 kuning telur
๐Ÿ 425 gr terigu serba guna (atau bisa pakai protein rendah)
๐Ÿ 100 gr pati jagung (misal: merk maizena)
๐Ÿ 100 gr susu bubuk

Topping glaze:

๐Ÿ 2 kuning telur
๐Ÿ 1 sdm minyak sayur
± 900 gr homemade selai nanas untuk filing.

Cara membuat:

1) Kocok sebentar margarin, mentega dan gula icing cukup sampai tercampur saja. Lalu masukkan kuning telur satu per satu sambil dikocok rata.

2) Ayak tepung terigu, pati jagung dan susu bubuk, aduk balik dengan spatula/ sendok kayu hingga tercampur rata. Tutup dengan plastik film dan diamkan di lemari es kurleb 30 menit.

3) Panaskan oven suhu 
 140℃. Ambil sedikit adonan (saya pakai takaran ½ sendok makan), bentuk bulat, isi dengan selai nanas. Bulatkan lagi bentuk agak lonjong, lalu gunakan jepitan nastar, jepit kris-kros saling silang hingga mirip nanas.

4) Susun diloyang beralas baking paper, beri jarak satu dengan yg lain. Oven dengan suhu 140’C selama lebih kurang 25 menit. Keluarkan dari oven, poles dengan bahan polesan, oven lagi hingga kuning mengkilat (kurleb 10 menit). Sesuaikan dengan oven masing-masing ya.
Angkat, biarkan dingin. Susun dalam toples, tutup rapat.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me ๐Ÿ˜Š Send me some ๐Ÿ’š


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