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Tombik Ekmek (poolish ön mayası) / Turkish style burger bun recipe. Poolish method

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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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Tombik Ekmek (poolish ön mayası) / Turkish style burger bun recipe. Poolish method | Çitra's Home Diary. #poolishmethod #poolishbread #bigabread #burgerbun #burgerbread #turkishbread #tombikekmek #önmayası #reseprotikhasturki #resepmakananturki #reseprotiburger

Just like other European countries, bread is a staple for Turkish. Turkish people eat bread (turkçe: ekmek) start from breakfast to dinner. Bread is of such importance in Turkey that even to throw bread is an insult. No bread should ever go to waste

We eat bread with a slice of white cheese, dip it into olive oil for breakfast, spread with jam or tomato paste (salça). Eat with Turkish sucuk (dry spicy sausage) and eggs or just simply dip into a creamy soup.

Bread in Turkish culture varies according to the region, the way it is cooked, and its ingredients. Dor an example; Trabzon bread, one of the famous bread from Black Sea region. It differs from other bread it has long making process. 

There is also "bazlama" which is famous from Ankara. It's a single-layered, flat, circular, and leavened bread with a creamy yellow color, found in Turkey. It has an average thickness of 2 cm and diameters ranging from 10 to 25 cm, cook over pan instead of baking in the oven.
I will share this "bazlama" bread next time.

Gömeç ekmek (gömeç bread) also call "breakfast break (kahvaltı ekmeği), a specialty from Konya Province. It's a flatbread similar to ramazan pide (but different). Traditionally made by a group of women and bake in the public stone oven similar to the tandoori oven.

Tombik Ekmek (poolish ön mayası) / Turkish style burger bun recipe. Poolish method | Çitra's Home Diary.

The list could be long ( I mean very long) if we want to talk about bread type in Turkey. Besides I mentioned above, there are also Pide bread, lavash bread, katmer ekmek, sandwic ekmek, mısır ekmeği ( cornbread), and many more. 

"Tombik" Ekmek is a bread which often we find in kebab restaurant or traditional Turkish toast stall. This kind of bread I am going to share today with you. Tombik ekmek is a Turkish style burger bun but has a chewy texture. Different from normally burger bun which soft in texture. 

This bread usually used by kebab sellers to serve with sliced döner kebab sandwiches.  
Or slice this bun half, spread with some tomato paste, sliced of roasted sucuk (Turkish sausage), some cheese, and press grill over a toaster. This toasted sandwich bun is popular among Turkish people for brunch or anytime you want, called tost ekmeği.

Tombik Ekmek (poolish ön mayası) / Turkish style burger bun recipe. Poolish method | Çitra's Home Diary.

Today I will share how to make this popular bun with poolish method. The Poolish method produces a crunchy crust and chewy interior marked by irregular holes. So this is perfect also serve with soup or any meal you like.

Tombik Ekmek / Turkish style burger bun recipe. Poolish method
By: Çitra's Home Diary

Yield: 8-10 pcs


For Poolish:
🍞 250 gr AP flour
🍞 250 gr water, room temperature
🍞  tsp of instant yeast (not more than 0.5 gr)

Mix all poolish dough, cover with plastic wrap, and let stand in room temperature for about 12 hours and double or triple in size.

Main dough:
🍞 whole batch poolish dough
🍞 225 gr water, room temperature
🍞 450 gr AP flour
🍞 4 gr ( 1 tsp) instant yeast
🍞 15 gr (1 Tbsp) sugar
🍞 45 gr (3 Tbsp) cooking oil
🍞 9 gr ( 1½ tsp) salt

🍞 milk
🍞 soft butter ( for after baking)

Tombik Ekmek (poolish ön mayası) / Turkish style burger bun recipe. Poolish method | Çitra's Home Diary.

How to make:

1) Add water to the poolish mixture and mix well. Add into a bowl with AP flour, sugar, and yeast. Knead until perfectly incorporated. Add in cooking oil and salt, continue to knead until you get a smooth and elastic dough. Check the windowpane test. Use an electric mixer or with hand to knead.

2) Move to a lightly oiled bowl. Cover and rest about 45 minutes or until it doubles the size. It will depend on each room temperature, just put in the warmest spot in your house. Or place in the oven with a lamp on or a glass of hot water.

3) Pour the dough into a lightly floured surface and divide into 8-10 equal part. Shape them round then use your palm to flatten the dough a bit. Move them and arrange over a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Make a space about 5 cm from each other. Cover and rest for about 45 minutes or until noticeably puffy
It will depend on each room temperature, just put in the warmest spot in your house.

4) Preheat oven at 220℃ at least 30 minutes before baking. Brush the surface with milk. Bake 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. Once out from the oven, immediately brush them with butter. Place over a cooling rack and cover with a clean kitchen towel until cool.

Enjoy and happy baking.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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Tombik Ekmek (poolish ön mayası) / Turkish style burger bun recipe. Poolish method | Çitra's Home Diary.



السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟

Roti dalam bahasa Turki disebut "ekmek",adalah makanan utama atau pokok selain beras dan gandum (bulgur). 
Orang Turki sangatlah menghargai setiap makanannya. Membuang roti dianggap dosa (gunah) dan menyia-nyiakan rejeki. Tidak boleh ada roti yang terbuang percuma. Roti-roti sisa dan tidak termakan lagi biasanya dikeringkan lalu dihaluskan menjadi tepung roti (galeta unu). Bahkan roti yang sudah berjamurpun akan ditaruh di kantong plastik terpisah (dari sampah basah lainnya) dan dikumpulkan untuk makanan hewan.

Tombik Ekmek (poolish ön mayası) / Turkish style burger bun recipe. Poolish method | Çitra's Home Diary.

Jangan dibayangkan rasa dan tekstur roti disini seperti yang ada di Indonesia atau negara Asia tetangga lainnya yang mempunyai tekstur halus dan lembut cenderung berasa manis.
Karena menjadi makanan pokok, roti disini mempunyai ciri khas seperti roti negara-negara Eropa atau negara pemakan utama roti. Yaitu bertekstur liat (chewy) dibagian dalamnya, dan bagian luarnya bertekstur cenderung keras dan atau crunchy. Karena roti-roti disini dibuat cuma dari tapung, air dan garam. 

Ada juga yang dibuat dengan menambahkan lemak (mentega atau minyak) dalam pembuatannya, tapi disini orang menyebutnya poğaça (baca; po-a-ca, huruf a dibaca samar-samar). Dan biasanya dimakan sebagai sarapan atau teman minum teh saja.
Jika ingin mengetahui lebih banyak jenis makanan atau roti khas Turki lainnya, bisa di cek di kategori "Turkish food" atau "bread/ roti" dan juga di kategori " börekler".

Jika berkunjung ke Turki, kamu bakal menemui berbagai macam roti (ekmek). Seperti halnya Indonesia yang mempunyai banyak macam nasi (atau mie ya). Tiap daerah bahkan punya roti khas daerahnya masing-masing. 
Jenis-jenis roti ini berdasarkan bahan bakunya, cara membuatnya atau asal daerahnya. Cek kategori "Bread / roti" jika ingin melihat koleksi resep roti yang sudah saya bikin.

Tombik Ekmek (poolish ön mayası) / Turkish style burger bun recipe. Poolish method | Çitra's Home Diary.

Kembali ke postingan yang akan saya bagi kali ini, yaitu tombik ekmek atau roti burger khas Turki. Berbeda dari burger bun pada umumnya yang bertekstur relatif lembut, tombik ekmek ini mempunyai teksture lebih liat bagian dalamnya dengan kulit luar tipis tapi tidak keras. Biasanya banyak kita temui di restoran-restoran dengan menu kebab atau warung-warung yang menyajikan roti bakar khas Turki ( tostcu).

Yuk yang pengen coba bikin roti burger khas Turki ini kali ini saya bikin dengan metode poolish atau pre-fermented. Konon roti dengan metode ini akan menghasilkan tekstur roti yang kenyal/ liat/ chewy dengan crumb rongga yang besar tak beraturan, khas roti-roti di Turki atau Eropa lainnya.

Tombik Ekmek / Turkish style burger bun recipe. Poolish method
By: Çitra's Home Diary


Adonan Poolish:
🍞 250 gr terigu serba guna (atau tepung roti bisa)
🍞 250 gr air matang, suhu ruang
🍞  sdt ragi kering instan (tidak lebih dari 0.5 gr)

Aduk dan campur semua bahan diatas hingga rata. Tutup dengan plastik film dan simpan suhu ruang sampai volumnya dobeş atau tiga kali lipat tingginya. Biasanya 12-16 jam, tergantung suhu dan kelembaban ruang masing-masing.

Adonan utama:
🍞 seluruh adonan poolish diatas
🍞 225 gr air suhu ruang
🍞 450 gr tepung roti (bisa juga pakai tepung serba guna)
🍞 4 gr ( 1 sdt) instant yeast
🍞 15 gr (1 sdm) gula
🍞 45 gr (3 sdm) minyak sayur
🍞 9 gr ( 1½ sdt) garam
🍞 susu cair
🍞 mentega/ margarin ( dioles setelah keluar dari oven)

Tombik Ekmek (poolish ön mayası) / Turkish style burger bun recipe. Poolish method

Cara membuat:

1) Tambahkan air ke adonan poolish yang sudah mengembang. Aduk rata. Dalam mangkok lain campur tepung terigu, gula dan ragi instant dari adonan utama. Lalu masukkan campuran poolish diatas. Uleni hingga tercampur rata.
Masukkan minyak dan garam, lanjutkan menguleni hingga kalis elastis. Cek hingga windowpane.

2) Pindahkan ke mangkok lain yang disemprot atau diolesi minyak tipis. Bulatkan, tutup dengan plastik dan diamkan kurang lebih 45 menit atau sampai mengembang dobel. Lamanya tergantung suhu ruang dan kelembaban masing-masing ya.

3) Tuang adonan ke meja kerja yang bertabur tepung tipis-tipis. Uleni ringan saja, ambil bagian tepi adonan dan lipat kebagian tengahnya. Balik dan bulatkan.
Bagi adonan menjadi 8 atau 10 bagian sama rata. Bulatkan masing-masing adonan kecil tersebut dan istirahatkan kurleb 5 menit.

4)Ambil satu adonan dan tekan dengan telapak tangan hingga agak tipis. Taruh diatas loyang. Beri jarak satu sama lain agar tidak saling menempel ketika dipanggang. Tutup dengan serbet bersih dan diamkan 30-45 menit sampai terlihat mengembang. Lamanya tergantung suhu dan kelembabab ruang masing-masing.

5) Panaskan oven at 220℃ sebelumnya (paling tidak 30 menit sblm memanggang). Olesi permukaan bun dengan susu cair. Lalu panggang 15-20 menit atau sampai permukaannya kemerahan. Lama memanggang disesuaikan dengan kondisi oven masing-masing ya.
Begitu keluar dari oven, segera olesi permukaannya dengan mentega lembek. Dinginkan diatas rak pendingin dan tutup dengan serbet bersih hingga dingin suhu ruang.

Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚



  1. Great recipe!! I would love to have featured it at our party, but to do so I have to be able to use the pictures. In any case, thank you for sharing at our What's for Dinner party. Hope to see you this week!

    1. Thank you Helen Dear... You can use these pictures of course, click to picture you want to save and then you can "print screen" it.


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