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Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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KUE KERING KACANG JADUL / INDONESIAN TRADITIONAL PEANUT COOKIES. Recipe with Video | Citra's Home Diary. #kuekeringkacang #kuekacangjadul #peanutcookies #peanutbuttercookies #citrashomediary #resepkuelebaran #kuelebaran #Indonesianfoodrecipe #Indonesiancookies

This peanut cookie is one of many other Indonesian traditional cookies. I grew up eating these cookies.
It is made from a dough of flour, powdered sugar, cooking oil, and peanuts as the basic ingredients. and then baked in the oven until cooked.
It has a crumble texture and melts in your mouth, it's typical indeed for this cookie. 

KUE KERING KACANG JADUL / INDONESIAN TRADITIONAL PEANUT COOKIES. Recipe with Video | Citra's Home Diary. #kuekeringkacang #kuekacangjadul #peanutcookies #peanutbuttercookies #citrashomediary #resepkuelebaran #kuelebaran #Indonesianfoodrecipe #Indonesiancookies

These peanut cookies are usually made and served on holidays, such as Eid-ul-Fitr, Christmas, or Chinese New Year. But it isn't impossible to find it in traditional markets or some bakery shops daily.

The shape can vary, whether round, star-shaped, half-moon-shaped, flower-shaped, or heart-shaped. But the heart shape is the most popular one. You can check my previous peanut cookie recipe here with heart shape.

If you like this post, you may love to see this 
Or check on "Cookies Category" here for my other unique and delicious cookie recipes! 😊

KUE KERING KACANG JADUL / INDONESIAN TRADITIONAL PEANUT COOKIES. Recipe with Video | Citra's Home Diary. #kuekeringkacang #kuekacangjadul #peanutcookies #peanutbuttercookies #citrashomediary #resepkuelebaran #kuelebaran #Indonesianfoodrecipe #Indonesiancookies

Making this addictive cookie is very simple and fast. With only four main ingredients you will not believe how delicious and unique this cookie is. Main ingredient number one is peanuts.

Traditionally in Indonesia we use raw peanuts for making this. We roast the raw peanut (husk off) until cooked, then peel off the thin husk of the peanuts. Some people just leave the thin husk so the cookies' interior will have slightly brown in color, but it won't change the taste.
If you can't find raw peanuts, just use roasted one. It's okay, I use that one too. And if you can find skin-off roasted peanut, you are lucky!
I roast my roasted peanut again for a few minutes to bring them "alive" again.

Indonesian Peanut Cookies
By: Citra's Home Diary

Yield: ±75 cookies (1,100 gr)

🥜 250 g raw peanut. (see note*)
🥜 200 g powdered sugar (you can add up to 20 g more, but for me 200 g is perfect)
🥜 400 g AP flour
🥜 100 g cornstarch flour
🥜 1 packet (2 tsp) vanilla powder 
🥜 ½ tsp fine salt
🥜 200-220 g vegetable oil (add it GRADUALLY)

For topping
🥜 2 egg yolks
🥜 1 tbsp vegetable oil
🥜 sesame seeds (optional)

* You can use roasted peanuts as well. If you use roasted peanuts, just toast them for a few minutes to bring them "alive".
You can use skin-on or skin-off peanuts. The skin-on peanut will give you a slightly brown color for the cookie's interior but not change the taste. I prefer to use a skin-off one.

How to make:
1. Roast peanuts until cooked through. Let it sit to room temperature then remove the thin husk. You can skip this peeling step. 
If you use roasted peanuts, roast it for few minutes. You can roast it on the pan over medium heat or in an oven 100℃ until fragrant. Let it cool.

2. Grind the peanuts in food processor. Add powder sugar and continue to grind until powdery smooth.

3. Move the ground peanut into a mixing bowl, sift in AP flour, cornstarch flour, vanilla powder, and fine salt. Mix well. 

4. Gradually add the vegetable oil while mix them until you have a shapeable dough. Knead the dough with your hand to make sure you have nice dough. It should be shape-able and not dry.
You may add less or more oil in this step, it depends on the flour's moisture. Just add the oil gradually. Cover the dough with plastic wrap to prevent from drying.

5. Preheat oven to 160℃ fan force or 170℃ (no fan). 
Take some part of the cookie dough, Place the dough between 2 plastic sheets or parchment paper. Using a rolling pin start to roll the dough into 1 cm thick, then cut the dough with a cookie cutter, here I use a flower-shaped cookie cutter. Arrange them over baking tray. Do same procedure to the remaining cookie dough.

6. For the topping: mix egg yolks with a tablespoon of oil. With a small brush, apply to the cookies' surface, and sprinkle with sesame seeds (if using). Bake in a preheated oven for about 20 to 25 minutes, turn the baking tray halfway through. 
Note: Adjust temperature and baking time according to your own oven condition.
time and temperature only guidance. 

7. Let the cookies completely chill before storing them in an airtight jar. 


Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you're making this recipe, please let me know. 
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KUE KERING KACANG JADUL / INDONESIAN TRADITIONAL PEANUT COOKIES. Recipe with Video | Citra's Home Diary. #kuekeringkacang #kuekacangjadul #peanutcookies #peanutbuttercookies #citrashomediary #resepkuelebaran #kuelebaran #Indonesianfoodrecipe #Indonesiancookies 

🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜 🥜


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türkiye semuanya 👋
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan pesan atau jika ada pertanyaan apa saja di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟

KUE KERING KACANG JADUL / INDONESIAN TRADITIONAL PEANUT COOKIES. Recipe with Video | Citra's Home Diary. #kuekeringkacang #kuekacangjadul #peanutcookies #peanutbuttercookies #citrashomediary #resepkuelebaran #kuelebaran #Indonesianfoodrecipe #Indonesiancookies

Di rumah, semua anggota keluarga suka kue kering. Mulai yang asin berkeju sampai yang manis. Maklum, di keluarga saya ini tradisi ngeteh setelah makan malam masih terpelihara seperti umumnya keluarga Turki lainnya.

Yang belum mengenal budaya Turki, mungkin in suatu pengetahuan baru bahwasanya di Turki budaya minum teh sangatlah kental dan melekat di tiap orang Turki. Teh di Turki selalu dibuat dan disajikan panas-panas. Diminum dengan gelas ukuran kecil berkapasitas kurang lebih 125 ml dan harus panas! 
Baik cuaca panas atau dingin, teh di Turki selalu panas, harus panas! 😊

Kalau orang Turki minum teh "sandingannya" ya ngobrol. Mereka suka ngobrol hal apa saja, yang paling populer ya ngomongin politik dan ekonomi. Kadang ada juga kwaci labu atau kwaci bunga matahari yang menemani acara minum teh mereka.

Bagi saya yang orang Indonesia ini, minum teh kalau tanpa didampingi camilan ya gak bisa 😊. 
Salah satu camilan pendamping minum teh saya ya kue kering. Kali ini saya bikin salah satu kue kering legend kesukaan, yaitu kue kacang.
Rasanya yang gak terlalu manis, cocok buat nge teh bareng keluarga sore-sore.

KUE KERING KACANG JADUL / INDONESIAN TRADITIONAL PEANUT COOKIES. Recipe with Video | Citra's Home Diary. #kuekeringkacang #kuekacangjadul #peanutcookies #peanutbuttercookies #citrashomediary #resepkuelebaran #kuelebaran #Indonesianfoodrecipe #Indonesiancookies

Jika kalian penggemar kue kering/ kukis seperti saya juga dan suka banget bebikinan untuk keluarga tercinta, coba cek resep-resep kue kering saya lainnya di kategori " kue kering/ kukis" disini ya.

Sekarang yuk kita buat salah satu kue kering jadul yang sudah tidak diragukan kepopulerannya.

Jangan lupa subscribe dan aktifkan tanda "lonceng" ya

Kue Kering Kacang Jadul
Oleh: Citra's Home Diary

Hasil jadi kurleb 1 kg

🥜 250 gr kacang. Sangrai dan biarkan suhu ruang.
🥜 200 gr gula icing (bisa ditambah hingga 20 gr jika suka manis)
🥜 400 gr terigu serbaguna
🥜 100 gr tepung pati jagung
🥜 2 sdt vanili bubuk
🥜 ½ sdt garam
🥜 200-220 gr minyak goreng (tambahkan secara BERTAHAP)

Untuk olesan/ topping:
🥜 2 kuning telur 
🥜 1 sdm minyak
🥜 wijen sangrai (opsional)

Cara membuat:

1. haluskan kacang tanah dengan food prosesor. Tambahkan juga gula halus selama proses penggilingan agar kacang tidak terlalu basah/ berminyak ketika digiling. Giling hingga halus menyerupai tepung.

2. Panaskan oven pada suhu 160℃ fan force atau 170℃ (tanpa fan).
Pindahkan kacang tanah giling dalam mangkok besar, Campurkan semua tepung dengan cara diayak. Masukkan juga vanili bubuk dan garam. Aduk rata dengan spatula/ sendok hingga rata.

3. Lalu masukkan minyak goreng secara bertahap. Sambil ditambah minyak, sambil uleni adonan dengan tangan hingga adonan lembab bergumpal dan bisa dibentuk. Jumlah penggunaan minyak bisa kurang atau lebih dari resep yang tertera tergantung kondisi adonan. Yang penting adonan sudah bisa dipulung dan cukup lembab, hentikan penambahan minyak. Tutup adonan dengan platik agar tidak kering.

4. gilas adonan dengan rolling pin, gunakan lembaran plastik atau kertas baking untuk proses penggilasan ini agar lebih mudah dan tidak lengket.
Gilas dengan ketebalan 1 cm. Lalu cetak dan tata diatas loyang baking. Olesi dengan bahan olesan dan taburi wijen (jika suka)

5. Panggang dalam oven yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu selama 20 s/d 25 menit. Pindah dan putar posisi loyang ditengah proses pemanggangan.
Note: Waktu dan suhu pemanggangan bisa bervariasi, sesuaikan dengan kondisi oven masing-masing.

6. setelah matang, biarkan dingin diatas rak pendingin sebelum disimpan dalam toples.

Selamat mencoba.


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Jan Hagel koekjes / Dutch spicy almond cookies

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Mango Sticky (glutinous) Rice / Khao Neow Mamuang.

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