♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Breaking news from Indonesia

Please mighty God, protect our nation from your great nature.. And may Indonesian Nations given a strength to face all the disasters recently in my Indonesia land.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Recently, at 11:30 pm, Mount Merapi erupted again, spewing hot clouds as high as almost 3.5 kilometers. This is the second massive eruption along on this Friday (05/11/2010).
Observed from Balerante, colored balls and thick clouds rolled vertically into the air, with an estimated altitude reaches 3,500 meters. Because the wind from the north and northeast, the fungus blast moves toward the west and southwest. While the hot clouds glide leads to the upper Kali Gendol in the southeast. There has been no official reports of BNPTK about this eruption.
This information is direct visual observation, on Friday (05/11/2010) at around 11:35 pm. Some mountain slopes covered with thick black clouds . Relatively high seismicity detected by seismographs installed ringing signal on several posts to monitor. Residents on the slopes of the southwest, southeast, south and west requested extra vigilant.

As reported, the massive eruption of Merapi had previously occurred on Friday early this morning. Due to the massive eruption was carrying 55 people killed so far. Prone areas was extended from initially 15 kilometers has now increased to 20 kilometers.

Source : Tribunnews
Editor: Heru Margianto

Some picture release from Kompas.com

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Baru saja, pukul 11.30 WIB, Gunung Merapi kembali meletus, mengeluarkan awan panas setinggi hampir 3,5 kilometer. Ini merupakan letusan dahsyat kedua sepanjang Jumat (5/11/2010) ini.
Terpantau dari Balerante, bola dan gulungan awan berwarna pekat vertikal bergulung-gulung ke udara, dengan perkiraan ketinggian mencapai 3.500 meter. Karena tiupan angin dari utara dan timur laut, cendawan semburan bergerak ke arah barat dan barat daya. Sementara luncuran awan panas mengarah ke hulu Kali Gendol di arah tenggara. Belum ada laporan resmi dari BNPTK soal letusan ini.
Informasi ini merupakan pantauan langsung secara visual, Jumat (5/11/2010) sekitar pukul 11.35 WIB. Sebagian lereng dan tubuh gunung diselimuti awan tebal berwarna hitam. Kegempaan terdeteksi cukup tinggi berdasarkan denging sinyal seismograf yang terpasang di beberapa pos pantau. Warga di lereng barat daya, tenggara, selatan, dan barat diminta ekstra waspada. 

Seperti diberitakan, letusan dahsyat Merapi sebelumnya juga terjadi pada Jumat dini hari tadi. Akibat letusan dahsyat itu tercatat 55 orang tewas hingga saat ini.  Daerah rawan pun diperluas dari semula 15 kilometer kini meningkat jadi 20 kilometer.

Non Alcohol TİRAMİSU

This Italian Dessert is definitely Every one's favorite .... Combination of coffee taste in moist Sponge cake (or can be sponge finger) with delicate cream cheese plus a sprinkling a lot of chocolate ... hhhmmmm .... No other word than just   t i r a m i s u

Materials and how to make it:
1 recipe of chocolate sponge cake recipe can be found here
Ingredients I:
- 1 cup cream cheese (or Mascarpone cheese)
- 1/4 cup heavy cream
- 2 tablespoons unsalted butter. Softened at room temperature.
Whisk all ingredients I with electric mixer until completely mixed and smooth. Set aside. Ingredients I as a substitute for mascarpone cheese. So you can directly use the mascarpone cheese if any, use 1 + 1/2 cup, smooth it with electric mixer.

Ingredients II:
- 75 g whipped cream powder.
- 2 tbsp caster sugar
- 150 ml cold water
Beat using a mixer until stiff material II, Set aside and keep refrigerated.

Ingredients III:
- 4 egg yolks
- 2 tbsp caster sugar.
Boil water in a saucepan, beat eggs and sugar over hot steam above the boiling water (double boil system) until the eggs turn pale and the sugar dissolves. Set aside

Materials IV:
- 3 tablespoons instant coffee (can be reduced to 2 tablespoons if you do not want the kids too much coffee)
- 200 ml of warm water.
- 2 tbsp sugar (reduce to 1 tablespoon reduced if you reduce the coffee)
Stir to dissolve all the ingredients IV. Set aside.

Chocolate and cocoa powder to taste.

1) Stir and mix evenly  ingredients I and II  in a large enough container. mix in material III (egg mixture). Stir until all ingredients completely mixed, use mikser low speed only.
2) Prepare serving glasses or you could use spring form-- I use serving glass so I cut my sponge cake to glass size. Moisten with coffee mixture. Arrange on serving glasses, give cheese cream mixture,make it evenly smooth. Stacking with another moist cake and cream again, do same thing 2 or 3 stacks.
3) Keep in refrigerator at least 4 ~ 5 hours, sprinkle with cocoa powder and garnish as your taste before serving.

Enjoy while it's cold.


Dim sum dipping sauce ( Saus celupan untuk dim sum)

One of dim sum dipping sauce that can complete your dim sum menu or just for another dipping sauce you like.

- 3 tablespoons chili sauce
- 3 tablespoons soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- small amount of  water

* If using sweet soy sauce, no need to add sugar

Mix and stir all dipping sauce ingredients and cook over low heat until thick.

Ready to use.


Chicken Dim sum

Asian taste menu this time I gonna serve Dim sum. But since hardly find a mackerel or shrimp--maybe not yet it's season here  :), I finally decide to make dim sum with chicken version only .... But it's  not less yummy than fish version ... just try it, you'll gonna like it  :)
For dim sum skin:
- 1 cup tang mien flour/starch, wheat flour (wheat starch) *
- 1  ½ tbsp corn starch
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 3/4 cup hot water (boiling)

* In Turkey use Buğday nisaşta

How to make dim sum skin:
Mix the tang mien flour (Wheat starch) and corn starch. Pour hot water while stirring with a wooden spoon. Then add the vegetable oil and knead the dough until smooth and can be flatten with a rolling pin.
Roll the dough with a rolling pin thinly. Ready for use.

Ingredients for filling:
- 300 minced chicken meat
- 4 pieces large size of pine mushrooms. chopped into small pieces
- 2 carrots medium. Grated harshly.
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- Salt, sugar, and pepper to taste
- 4 ~ 5 cloves garlic, puree.
- 2 teaspoon ground ginger

Mix all filling ingredients , test the taste. Ready to use as stuffing.

1) Roll thin the Dimsum skin and forms a circular shape according to your taste.
2) Fill with stuffing mixture and give a piece of carrot on top of it. brush with oil so it won't sticky to each other.
3) Steam for approximately 15 minutes. 

Serve warm with the sauce or with your own favorite chilly sauce.


Kue Bolu Coklat (Chocolate Sponge Cake)

I remember once my late grandmother making this cake when I was young once and started to like making something simple in the kitchen. There were currently no electricity mikser that time, so my grandmother only use manual eggbeater that looks like a circular and supple pear, but strong. Too bad we do not keep it anymore. "Kue Bolu" is just we always call. 
Now with the various developments and culinary techniques this sponge cake now beginning to develop into a modern recipe with the addition of several 'emulfier' and other additional materials sponge cake is more popular and varied from simple old recipes. 

Trying again this old recipe without emulfier, this time I make chocolate version because my first intention is going to make tiramisu later from this basic sponge cake

For pan size of 22 cm round.
-1/2 cup flour
- 1 +1/2 tablespoons cocoa powder
- 5 egg yolks
- 4 egg whites
- 1/2 cup caster sugar
- 100 gr unsalted butter. Melted.

Stuffed Tuna Pizza

Instead topping this pizza, I stuffed it !
Pizza variations can be quite variety ... start the variation of 'topping' up to the variations of pizza skin / bread  .. This time I make pizza with pizza basic dough II, which I mixed with basil and thyme in its bread / skin. And other variations are tuna and cheese, not as a topping, but as 'stuffing' ... hmmm ... yummy and would soon become a new favorite in your family


For stuffing / filling
- 300 g canned tuna
- Cheddar cheese (as much as you want)
- Olive oil (or other vegetable oil) to spread

Pizza basic dough II

Another Pizza basic dough other than I posted before. This time I add and combine dried basil and thyme in the dough, and also a little different on material and method. This basic dough also you can make for Stuffed Pizza


Material A:
- 1 tbsp all purpose flour
- 10 g instant yeast
- 1/2 tbsp caster sugar
- 1/2 cup warm water
Material B:
- 2+ 1/2 cup flour
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 1/2 cup warm water
- 1/2 tablespoon thyme
- 1/2 tablespoon basil / basil dried

1) Mix materials A until blended. Cover with plastic film or a towel, let stand about 1 hour until fluffy.
2) Mix the flour and salt (from material B). Add  ingredients A (after fluffy), knead. mix in olive oil, knead again. Add warm water gradually, knead again until smooth and not sticky (there may be additional flour at this stage).
3) Finally combine dried basil and dried thyme. Cover with plastic film or  towel and let stand 1 hour until the dough become double.
Ready to use.

After 1 hour


Brownie CheeseCake.

Another variation of Cheese Cake. Biscuit crumbs mostly used as a base of Cheese cake. This time I want to try using chocolate Brownie as a heavy foundation of cheese cake a la  New York cheese cake . And the Brownie I copy from "Aneka resep Brownies" (Brownies recipe book) published by 'Gramedia' Indonesia.
And the result ... hmmmm ... combination of sweet chocolate brownies and soft new york cheese cake .. guaranteed will not simply  take just one piece.

For Chocolate Brownie:


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