♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Pecel Tumpang / #sambaltumpang (Indonesian sambal from tempeh)

For Recipe in English please scroll down

Assalamu'alaikum....... Merhaba dari Turkey.

Selain suasana kampung ketika kita kecil dulu, hal yang selalu dirindukan jika jauh dari kampung halaman adalah makanan. Yaa... makanan adalah sebuah tradisi/ kebiasaan yang tumbuh bersama kita. 
Misalnya saya masih ingat ketika setiap pagi bapak saya (almarhum) selalu bersepeda bersama saya dan adik untuk mencari sarapan berupa ketan bumbu kedelai atau jajan pasar lainnya. Kadang kami mencari kompyang, roti goreng atau cakwe untuk sarapan.

Tapi yang paling melekat dalam benak adalah masakan ibuk tentu saja. Makanan ibuk menurut kami adalah makanan paling enak, terutama sambal uleg nya. Mbah uti (ibunya ibu) juga pinter masak mungkin itu diturunkan ka ibuk saya. Mbah Uti dan Ibuk saya kalau bikin bumbu pecel..wahhh..top markotop! nomer satu pokoknya! ^,^
Bahkan dulu sempat ibuk buka warung nasi pecel di rumah di Surabaya dulu ketika kami masih kecil. 

Ketika Ibuk sudah tidak berjualan pecel lagi, di rumah ibuk masih suka membuatkan kami bumbu pecel. Kadang Ibuk membuat pecel tumpang juga buat pendamping/ campuran bumbu pecel kacang... jangan tanya lagi rasanya.... hmmmm.... kita sampe "tanduk" (nambah nasi) berkali-kali ^,^

Kali ini saya mau sharing resep pecel tumpang a la ibu saya. Biasanya kalau bikin sambel tumpang Ibuk selalu kasih cabe rawit agak banyakan sebab rata-rata orang rumah jago makan pedes semua jadi semua masakan ibuk kebanyakan pedas.


Lebeniye Çorbası (Turkish Lebeniye Soup)

Assalamu'alaikum...... Merhaba from Turkey....

Lebeniye Çorbası or Lebeniye soup is a refreshing soup made from broth seasoned with yogurt sauce (in Turkish we call it "terbiyeli") consist of meatball, chickpea and rice/ wheat grain. Flush with butter mint during serve.

This is number one chosen soup during winter in my family due to the freshness, health and warmth of it. Traditionally came from Gaziantep and generally serve in family dinner table as appetizer or sometimes entree.

Each family has owned its own recipe and vary in ingredients compositions. Some thinner and some prefer thicker soup for family taste. But basically use the same ingredients below.

And here my recipe base on my family preference. I use 2 egg yolk to give more richness in my soup, the yogurt and flour ratio is just perfect for our taste.


Wedang Ronde (Indonesian Glutinous balls in ginger syrup)

Selam everybody..... Mehaba from Turkey....

My today post is Indonesian glutinous dumpling balls in ginger sugar syrup or Wedang Ronde. Wedang means hot drink in Indonesian language.
I don't know if I should call this "drink" because there are glutinous dumpling in it, either I can't call this dessert because mostly we didn't eat/ drink this after meal.
Just we are usually consume this herb dish to warm up our body during cool days like in rainy season.

And here in Turkey still, uncertain weather, frosty windy...that's why I am thinking to make something that could warmth us a bit. Beside that this dish is very good to fighting cold cause made from ginger and lemongrass herb. 

Wedang Ronde (Indonesian Glutinous balls in ginger syrup) | Çitra's Home Diary. #wedangronde #Indonesianbeverages  #glutinousriceflour #Asianfoodrecipe #hotbeverages #healthydrink
Generally we didn't make this at home. There are plenty street stalls selling it during rainy season. Well...they sell a long all season actually, but mostly increase during cool days or rainy season.
Generally they open their stalls only at night or start afternoon. 


Mini #Apple Pie #recipe / resep pie apel mini

Resep dalam Bhs İndonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam Everybody.... Merhaba from Turkey...

We love pie especially fruit pie as dessert and tea time. And this mini apple pie is the best apple pie for our tea time. Serve individually with vanilla ice cream or simple whipped cream then flush with the syrup from the filling...hmmm...just heavenly yummy.

 For pie shells
  • 125 gr cold butter, cut into small chunks
  • 180 gr all purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp almond essence 
  • 75~85 very cold water

Susamlı Gevrek Toplar (Sesame balls cookies)

If "plan A" didn't work... don't worry, there are still 25 more letters in alphabet  (^,^)

Selam Everybody...Merhaba from Turkey....

Talking about alphabet... in Turkçe (Turkish language) we have 29 letters seven of which are (Ç, Ğ, I, İ, Ö, Ş, and Ü) but letters W, Q and X (replace by V, K and KS) do not occur in Turkish alphabet.

So Turkish has more than 26 other plans if "plan A" failed (^,^)
It was just an intermezzo from me.... the point is we should not give up on things we want to reach because - like other proverb says - many ways to go to Rome... right?

Well.... those are nothing to do with my recipe I'm going to share today because making this crunchy sesame balls you don't have to make plan A or B or C .... this snack is simple as it looks yet best companion for your tea or coffee time.

It's simple and quick to make so this is absolutely your choice when you have an unexpected guest come by.
This recipe I took from iyiyemeginsirri.blogcu.com with minor adjustments.

Jamie Oliver's easy Brownies

Selam Everybody..... Mehaba from Turkey....

Nothing can comfort me in this 8°C days better than hot Turkish tea together with this warm brownies... 
Yes... I'm craving something chocolaty these few days.... 

And this time I use Jamie Oliver's recipe. This recipe should have dried cherries combined with roasted chestnuts... But I don't wanna anything in my brownies today so I skip those two. This is the brownies I like,  gooey with yummy crust outside..just perfect for my chill lazy days...
This brownies absolutely gorgeous! Rich chocolate taste just like melting in your mouth, indulge your sweet tooth with its chocolate richness.. I just love it....
Maybe next time I will twist this recipe with cream cheese or walnuts...

Nasi Goreng Seafood (Indonesian style fried Rice)

Selam Everybody...... Merhaba from Turkey.

Rice is staple dish in Indonesia. We eat rice in breakfast, lunch and even for dinner. We make many food's variant made from rice. Not just for pilaf and rice cake (lontong or ketupat), we even process rice to become traditional snack and dessert.

And one of popular dish is Nasi Goreng or fried rice. Fried rice it self has many kind of varieties. You can check my lamb/mutton fried rice for one of variety.

And today I am gonna share my seafood fried rice. You can vary the ingredients as your liking beside shrimp and calamari as long as there is seafood in it, like fish meatball or slice of fish. And for the greens you can add some baby spinach too...

Make 4 shares

• 500 gr white steamed rice (preferable left over one)
•3 medium calamari, cut into square or ring
•200 gr shrimp
•½ cup peas
• a hand full mung bean sprout
•1 spring onion, finely slice
•2 tsp oyster sauce
•2 Tbsp kecap manis/ sweet soy sauce
•1 tsp salt or to taste
•2 tsp black pepper powder
•1 tsp sesame oil
•2 + 1 Tbsp cooking oil
• 1 large egg, lightly beaten

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