♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Membuat tape ketan hitam / Fermented black glutinous rice (tapai)

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Assalamu'alaikum... Merhaba dari Turkey

Kali ini saya akan bagikan cara membuat tape ketan hitam. Saya suka sekali tape ketan hitam ini ~ selain tape singkong tentunya. Tapi sayang sekali tidak ada singkong di Turki jadi gak bisa bikin tape singkong.

Saya selalu bikin tape ketan hitam ini tiap 6 bulan sekali pas mendekati musim panas, sebab suka banget dibikin es tape ketan a la es doger. Atau bikin pas bulan Ramadhan untuk saya bikin madumongso...tahu kan madumongso?? itu lho..semacam jenang yang dibungkus macam permen... jajanan jadul khas embah saya dulu. Insyaalloh bikin madumongso juga ntar saya posying juga.

Tapi hari ini saya postingkan cara membuat tape ketan hitam dulu ya. Bikinnya gampang kok, tidak serumit yang kita bayangkan.
Untuk membuat tape katan hitam ini, beras ketannya saya kukus saja, jadi tidak terlalu lembek. Tapi selama proses pengukusan sering-sering dipercik'i air secara merata dan kukus hingga beras ketan hitamnya mengembang hampir dua kali lipat dan lunak tapi tidak lembek.


Nastar isi keju / Sweet Cheesy tarts cookies~melt in your mouth

Resep dalam Bahasa Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

When you read the title of this post you maybe think this is savory cookies. But NO! not at all. This is another version of pineapple tarts cookies, but with cheese filling instead of pineapple jam. Are you starting interested? Well, you should (^,^)

Pineapple tarts cookies are one of Indonesian traditional (and some neighboring countries)  cookies that commonly made and serve during a religious holiday such as Eid-el Fitr or christmas along with many other traditional cookies like; kaastengels, putri salju, pastel mini, nastar and more. Check other cookies recipe on "COOKIES" category list.

Nastar isi keju / Cheesy tarts cookies~melt in your mouth

As I mentioned above this cookies is combination/ variation from classic nastar (pineapple tarts cookies). Beside cheese you can also fill this nastar with chocolate or homemade apple jam like I did on my old post. But for me, still classic one with homemade pineapple jam is my best fave. 

For the cookies shell I use NCC's (Indonesian Cooking Club) recipe. And for filling I took from one Indonesian blogger: "Coba-coba yuk" belongs to Isna Sutanto. 

The whole process exactly the same as we make classic nastar. We make the filling first then the cookie shell. The perfect nastar for among Indonesian is should has "melt in your mouth" in texture, smooth and shiny at the outside, no obvious crack and smooth (^,^)
Nastar isi keju / Cheesy tarts cookies~melt in your mouth | Çitra's Home Diary. #nastarkeju #resepnastarklasik #pineappletart #bestcookiesrecipe #indonesiancookies #Indonesiannastar #Indonesischkoekjes #koekjes #ananaskurabiye #nastar #pineappletartcookies #cheesycookies #nastarkeju #kuelebaran

Membuat susu kental manis sendiri II / Homemade condensed milk II

Selam everybody.... Merhaba from Turkey.

Making your own condensed milk as not as complicated or difficult as your think. What I am going to share today is simple homemade condensed milk. You just need a pan, full fat milk and sugar, also some time to spend in front of your stove.

This is actually my second recipe of condensed milk. I have another version homemade condensed milk using powdered milk that you can check here.
Membuat susu kental manis sendiri II / Homemade condensed milk II #homemadecondensedmilk
Nothing fancy ingredients for making this homemade condensed milk, nor complicated method. Just put milk and sugar into a pan-I prefer heavy bottomed and wide pan- and continuously stirring over medium high heat until you get thicker and slightly yellowish yield. Then you may add vanilla essence to give aroma and butter to give more thickened liquid and rich condensed milk.

Adding butter is optional. I made my condensed milk using this recipe many times now. Some batches I added butter while some other batches I didn't use one. Both result are completely fine, but I prefer didn't add butter if I'm going to use my condensed milk for mixing on my drink for example.


Körili Tavuk ya da hindi / Easy chicken (or turkey) curry

Selam everybody.... Merhaba from Turkey.

If you ask me what one specific food which has many variation... my answer would be curry! Yep... you can find more than 500 kind variation of curry base on ingredients used until where it come from.
As Indonesian of course I like Asian curry- Indonesian, Malaysian, Vietnamese and Thailand curry are my fave!

The definition of curry it self; is name of various braised dishes cooked with some spices to have sharp ad spicy taste. It believed came from South Asia mainly from India which have been spread to all countries in Asia Pacific and Europe

Curry popularity has spread from the Indian subcontinent into the treasury of world cuisine. Every country has different types of curries a distinctive tailored to the tastes of people in the country. Kari has become the world's food, and adopted into Thai cuisine, English cuisine and other country's cuisine

And what I am about to share today is Turkish style curry or in local language they call it Körili TavukKörili literally means with curry (spice) and Tavuk means chicken. Even the popularity is less compare local cuisine, still Körili Tavuk has become cuisine alternative among them.

Usually local people here use double or single pour cream to mix in to their curry, but I use canned coconut milk as I cook my Indonesian curry.


Semprit susu / Condensed Milk Spritz Cookies (eggless)

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey...

If you are my regular reader of this blog you might notice that these couple weeks I post many cookies recipe. Yep... I made many cookies few days before Eid al Fitr as Indonesian and some other countries' tradition to celebrate Eid Mubarek.

Different from Turkish tradition that serve baklava and share a lot of candy to kids, in my homeland we welcome our guest with jars of various cookies. Check my Cookies category list to see other traditional and classic cookies I had made.

And what I am about to share today is semprit susu or milk spritz cookies made of condensed milk with cornstarch. I found the recipe from one cooking group in facebook. It become new fave and popular among Indonesian baker since it has melt in mouth texture as Indonesian prefer.

Making this cookies is super-easy. You just cream the butter with condensed milk. No electronic mixer require, if you beat the butter until pale and fluffy you might end up with flat cookie. Add in the cornstarch and just use wooden spoon or spatula to combine well. Add the essence as your prefer to give aroma to the cookies. Bake the cookies at low temperature.

Bubur Biji Salak Labu kuning / Indonesian pumpkin tapioca ball sweet porridge

Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam everybody......Merhaba from Türkiye..

Bubur biji salak literally means snake fruit's stone/seed porridge. 
It's one of the traditional Indonesian food made of tapioca starch mix with ketela/ ubi jalar (same to sweet potatoes). The mixture dough is then shaped like "salak" fruit's stone (slightly oval shape) and cook into boiling water until floating. The balls then cook in thick palm/ coconut sugar sauce, thicken by adding some tapioca/ cornstarch. Served with a tasty slightly savory thick coconut milk. So this dish doesn't use any salak fruit at all in it.

It looks like Bubur candil indeed, but the difference is bubur candil is made of glutinous rice flour. Check this link for making bubur candil.

Although it tastes sweet, this porridge is not categorized as a dessert. I usually like to eat this sweet porridge in the morning for breakfast only as a substitute for rice.

Traditionally biji salak made of ubi jalar/ sweet potatoes puree, but people now days vary it with other tubers like potatoes or pumpkin. And today I am going to share my Biji salak made of pumpkin. I use homemade pumpkin puree, but you can use the canned one.
Before use your pumpkin puree make sure you reduce the water content by cook it first until you get thick consistency.
So let's jump to the recipe and get traditional Indonesian Biji salak on your family table.

Check category Indonesian Snack (jajan pasar/ kue) for more Indonesian Kueh or snack.

Kari (kare) Udang terong / Shrimp and eggplant curry- my mom's style

Selam everybody.... Merhaba from Turkey.

I crave for curry for this couple weeks. I made chicken or fish curry mostly. Actually I miss my mom's crab curry with eggplant and long beans in it.
But what to do... sadly I couldn't find any big crab here in town I'm living. The last time I ate crab was 3 years ago when I was in my homeland.

After I checked up my freezer, I found a kilo of shrimps-I almost forgot I have a shrimp from last 2 months ago.
So I should cook them soon. And since I miss to eat my mom's crab curry, so I wanna try to substitute crab with shrimps for my mom's curry.

Immediately I whatsapp my sister asking mom's crab curry recipe--glad living in fast technology era--I got answer instantly for the recipe...But as usual (or like mostly 'homy chef'), mom's answer only the ingredients...not specify how much for each ingredients.
She said: "dikira-kira saja" means approximately/ as your prefer taste.

Well.... if you are asking any moms out there about their recipe they cook almost everyday for the family... probably you'll get same asnwer as mine (^,^)
All you should do is just remembering actual taste of the meal your mom cooked for you.

Yep..so here I am making my mom's version of crab curry using shrimps with ingredients "clue" from my mom with flavor/ taste I should adjust to make it same as my mom's.
And the result..... taaddaaa.... yes! I can feel like home when I eat it. So I can say It's my mom's curry indeed...
I wish my mom could taste it s well....... ☺

If you want veggie version of this curry, you can! Sometimes I made just with long bean or green bean and eggplant only. Add some fried tofu puff before serving and you'll get best veggie curry ever. But please don't skip the eggplant. 
Do you know that eggplant has ssooo many benefit and full of nutrient? Yep.. most of us should knew that all vegetables have many benefit and nutrition. 

But eggplant is so special. I found a really good article about this eggplant from Well-being secret mention that this Eggplant is mainly know for its high antioxidant which provide wide variety of health benefits. Read more about this wonderful eggplant from Well-being secret here.

Kue kering #PutriSalju II / snow white cookies II

Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey....

When latest week of Ramadhan like nowadays.... and when eid-el Fitr getting near...most muslim family in Indonesia would be very much busy preparing things for welcoming biggest Muslim religious festivals.

If you live in Indonesia, the vibrancy and spirit of Eid-el Fitr sorely can be felt in malls, supermarket, offices, terminals until kitchen at the last week of Ramadhan like now days.
Malls gets very much crowded triple like normal days. Kids are the happiest one cause they will have plenty of new clothes for Eid-el Fitr * I'm missing my childhood.
Hectic also increase at many terminals since people start flooded the terminal for travelling to their home town.

And since many family member mostly already home for spending last week of Ramadhan, the most busy person at home of course, MOMS! (^,^)

And part of the kitchen hectic in Indonesian families is making cookies. A lot of them. We make any kind of traditional cookies like Kaastengel, Nastar (pineapple tart), semprit butter cookies, and many others. Also this Putri Salju cookies. 
These cookies are like "must cookies" on our living room table during Eid-el Fitr.

My today's post is another Putri Salju cookie. I made these cookies before but with a different recipe, check my previous Putri Salju cookies here for another version.
Both recipes I think is great and will give you the best snow-white cookies for your family and friends. 

Try both recipes and tell me which one suits your taste.


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