♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.
Showing posts with label Coconut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coconut. Show all posts

Pandan Macarons with Coconut Cream filling #stepbystep

Selam everybody.....Merhaba from Turkey...

"You can't start the next chapter of your life, if you keep rereading the last one"--unknown

I am still in love with macarons. Yup..I don't mind keep reading my last chapter of my successful story of making macarons (^,^)
But since I adore these little fancy adorable sweets cookies (who doesn't?) I start to open my next chapter of my next new macarons flavor. And talking about new flavor of my next macarons, I have very very long list on my mind. So please visit my page more often to find out what's gonna be next.

And since I love the humble of pandan taste and flavor so today I make Pandan flavor macarons. And for enrich the pandan flavor I twist it with coconut! What do you think? Pandan and coconut, sounds like my homeland with touch of French's sweets!  😊


Coconut flavored Macarons with white chocolate coconut filling

Selam everybody.....Merhaba from Turkey....

If you are big fans of coconut...welcome to my boat. If you are hearty in love to macarons.... come and join me. 
But if you none of them...you should read this post till finish... you would might be coconut addict later and -worst-macarons lover 😄
Ever since I successfully bake some macarons from last year, I get hooked! Baking them and eat them. The delicacy of it's taste and cute in shape is just so beautiful and pretty on camera, don't you think so?

So after passing "bitter time" dealing with fails macarons, now I'm in the middle of my "journey" to find variety of flavors for my macarons. You can check my other macarons recipes to see what flavors I made previously. 


And this coconut flavor macarons is happen part of my flavor journey on macarons making....please bear with me and visit my page often to see what's up to next, cause I have few more idea in my mind


Urap Sayur / Indonesian vegetables mix with spicy coconut

For Recipe in English please scroll down

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟

Tanggal 22 Desember di Indonesia diperingati sebagai "Hari Ibu" nasional. Berbeda di Turki yang memperingati "hari Ibu" pada tanggal 8 Mei. 
So untuk kangen-kangenan dengan ibu yang jauh di tanah air, saya mencoba memasak masakan yang biasa ibu bikin untuk kami dulu. Sebenarnya banyak sekali makanan yang biasa ibu bikin dan semuanya pastinya enak tiada dua ^,^
Saya paling suka kalau Ibu masak kepiting kare campur sayur terong...kangeeennnn banget makanan itu...sayang disini susah banget nemu kepiting..hiks..kalaupun ada (itupun di supermarket besar) kepitingnya sering 'gembos' alias gak ada daging...

Terus Ibu saya kalau 'nyambel' maknyusss.... Mungkin tiap orang akan selalu bilang "sambal ibuku paling top" ..... ya..memang begitulah..tiap masakan ibu pasti berkesan dan melekat sepanjang hayat pada anak-anaknya.
Selain sambal uleg dan sambal tumpang, ibu suka masak sayur trancam dan urap-urapan.... hmm... harum kencur dan daun jeruk purutnya begitu menggugah selera...

So.... kali ini saya mau sharing Urap sayur a la ibu saya... Biasanya Ibu membuat ayam bakar bumbu rujak sebagai lauk pendampingnya..tapi karena disini saya sudah banyak "effort" untuk membuat urap sayur ini, jadi lauknya seadanya saja.... tempe goreng dan ikan asin. Walaupun sederhana..alhamdulillah terasa lezat dan enak sekali karena memang saya jarang masak makanan Indonesia disini. Mungkin lain kali saya akan masak ayam bakar bumbu rujak khas Ibu juga.....jadi kangen iiihh..

#Urap Sayur / Indonesian vegetables mix with spicy coconut-Çitra's Home Diary #indonesianfood #urapsayur #vegan #vegetarian #asian #vegetableswithcoconut

Seperti masakan rumah kebanyakan yang tanpa menggunakan takaran persis sama, Ibu saya pun kalau ditanya bumbunya apa aja dan berapa banyak, pasti jawabnya..kira-kira segini..atau sekitar segitu.... yaahh.sama halnya dengan urap-urapan ini... resep dibawah juga hasil kira-kira dari ibu (^,^) Utuk kesesuaian rasa, modifikasikan saja jumlahnya, bisa dikurangi atau tambah sesuai selera, yang pasti jenis bumbu-bumbu dasarnya seperti ini.
Urapan khas Ibu saya ini wangi kencur dan daun jeruk purutnya berasa sedap...itu kuncinya.


Resep Grontol Jagung (boiled corn with savory coconut)

Resep dalam bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Talking about traditional snack (Jajan pasar=Indonesian) is like open my childhood memory. I grew up with these foods like many other people in my age - maybe older. I don't know about kids in Indonesia now..are they still eating this "grontol jagung" or not since as far as I know (when I was in holiday to my homeland recently), very rare this food seller on street/ alleys. And parents.. maybe too busy to make this at home.

I remember there was one "grontol jagung" seller in front of my (elementary) school around year 198something. And I always bought at the morning before I entered my school yard to buy this for my breakfast cause I hardly ever got one in my house-sadly to say :(  
Yes this meal is really can make you full! so it's also something more for breakfast than a snack.

It is really easy but need patience to make it. For you Indonesian fellow (who born at 197something or older) who miss this food and want to make it at home..here my late grandma used to make long time ago as I remember...


Dadar Gulung Unti Pandan (Indonesian style roll pancake with Coconut pandan filling)

Selam everybody...Merhaba from Turkey

My today post is another Indonesian traditional snack (Jajan pasa (kue)). If you are my regular readers you must notice that lately I post many Indonesian snack. Yes.. those posts to enliven "concurrently post" with theme #30daysindonesiantraditionalsnack on "Your Kitchen My Kitchen" group in FB.  So during this April member may post anything with that theme.

Jajan Pasar (kue) is Indonesian bite-sized snack or dessert food. Kue is a fairly broad term in Indonesian to describe a wide variety of snacks; cakes, cookies, fritters, pies, scones, and patisserie. Kue are popular snacks in Indonesia, which has the largest variety of kue.

Ingredients for filling:

Ketan Hitam tabur kelapa / Indonesian steamed Black glutinous rice with palm sugar syrup

This is my breakfast this morning, Steamed black glutinous rice with slightly savory shredded coconut then flush with palm sugar syrup. This type of food is generally can be found at morning time in Indonesian "kampoong" /alleys. But sometimes people eat it as snack at their tea time.

Serve about 4 shares.


Wingko Babat recipe / Indonesian Coconut base small pancake

Resep dalam bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

This snack reminds me back at once upon a time in Jawa Island... a long time ago... Ooohh..where should I start... I have many memories blues my mind with this snack... Really... even when I start writing this post, my eyes already tears...I don't exaggerate it...maybe I just miss my homeland and my late father.

Back loongg time ago when I was a kid, my late father brought me,my smaller sister and big brother to his homeland, Tuban town. It's a small town in border of East Java and middle Java. 
A small town with very big fishes from the sea--at least that was on my mind when I was a kid. 
Because once my father took me to town's harbor to saw some fisherman with their bamboo fishing rod. They pulled one giant fish--bigger than me at that time from the sea! and I was so scary that time.
Then my father took me home again and bought me Wingko Babat from wingko seller at province's roadside, that seller was a boy, older than me I thought. 
Can you believe how strong our childhood memory is? Even I remember every detail that time. Since that bite, I was instantly love that snack.

And when I was living in Jakarta, far away from my family in Surabaya and anytime I miss my mom and families I should take 12 to 15 hours train from Jakarta to Surabaya. And every time the train stopped at each town's station, there were always many Wingko Babat seller came into our train wagon together with many other sellers offered what they sold. 
And usually, I bought Wingko Babat for my family at home. This "ritual" unexpectedly now became a valuable thing to remember. 

One time I really want to take my husband and kid to travel by train as I did a long time ago before I marry him, and feel what I lived before.

Wingko Babat is one of Indonesian old traditional snack (jajan Pasar) which may already exist decades ago together with other some traditional snacks/ food. Made from grated coconut and glutinous rice flour as main ingredient. Wingko is very famous on the northern coast of the island of Java. This cake is often sold at train stations, bus stations or also in pastry/ snack shops. In Java, Wingko also often become "snack souvenirs" for the family, which makes this snack famous for a nostalgic snack.

Plaited Coconut Pandan Bread / Aneka Kreasi Roti

Joining a group/ club could be very fun. It can be cheer up a bit our boring days sometimes (^,^) and sometimes we can find some new friends from those groups and of course a lot of new experiences we get from them. New point of view, new experiences, and who knows..new challenge! (^,^)
For that we must join a group which has same as our interest or hobbies. Just like recently I did-I join a group based on cooking and baking-- as my hobby, named "Your kitchen-My Kitchen" from Facebook page. It's a group to whom enjoying their time in kitchen cooking and baking. For culinary lover across the globe. This group wants to introduce especially Indonesian culinary to the world.
You must do same thing especially if you have a blog page, beside can increase your page's reader (stat), joining one or two or more group had more positive things more than I mentioned above (^,^)

What I like about this group is they regularly gathering an event challenge to their member. And more fun is they provide some gift/ reward for the winner!...yyyaaiiii ! (^,^) ...who doesn't like gift? But for me it's more on that challenge thing--as I always mentioned, I love challenge ^,^ And this time YKMK (Your kitchen-My Kitchen) make an event challenge: BREAD !

“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.” 


Dadar Gulung Hijau Indonesian Filled roll pancake

Selam everybody....Merhaba from Turkey.

Green pancake stuffed with sweet grated coconut.
Suddenly I feel like want to eat this traditional green roll pancakes, miss it so much!. Been so long I do not eat this childhood snack. Back when I was in Indonesia I also had rarely make it at home, easy way, I just went to bakery which selling traditional snack or there would be somebody always around our alley selling many traditional snacks ...hhmmm... I just miss my homeland ...

Ingredients and how to make:
For Filling:
- 4 cup grated coconut (I use dessicated coconut)
- 50 gr palm sugar
- 5 tablespoons brown sugar (add more if you like more sweet)
- 2 tsp vanilla powder
- 1/2 cup water
- Pinch of salt
Heat the sugar and brown sugar with water and salt, put grated coconut and vanilli. stir over medium heat until the water a bit dry. Remove and set aside.


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