♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Kue kering #nastar bentuk daun/ Leaf shape pineapple cookies

One among many other Indonesian classic cookies. With pineapple jam as filling, just nice thing to be side of your coffee/ tea cup d(^_^)b

- 500 grams of flour
- 200 gr cornstarch
- 250 gr butter
- 250 g margarine
- 120 grams of milk powder
- 200 gr powdered sugar
- 1/2 tsp powdered Vanilla
- 4 egg yolks


Daily Salad

Daily coz it's almost always be on our dinner table. Fresh and perfectly suit with any meal you have...
Simple to prepare also. 

Just provide all materials as many as you needs.
red cabbage, cut into thin coat of salt until wilted, then wash.
cucumber, cut into squares
tomato, cut into squares
long green chillies, chopped also
onions. roughly chop.

1/2 pieces of lemon juice (or to taste),  squeezed
enough olive oil
salt to taste

Arrange all salad materials on a salad plate before serving, pour and mix with lemon juice, olive oil and salt before serve. Better served cold.

Bahasa Indonesia


Choux pastry in Chocolate flush (Turk:Profiterol)

Another kind of 'Choux' variation... fill with vanilla custard and flush with plenty of chocolate sauce...hmm...seems sssooo..tempting right?

One of  husband's fave dessert ...

Easy to make..

Materials used:
- 1 basic choux pastry dough recipe. You can check here

For the custard:
- 500 ml of milk
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- Pinch of salt
- 1 + 1/2 tablespoon cornstarch, mixed with 1 tablespoon flour and dissolved it with enough water
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1/2 tablespoons margarine
- 2 egg yolks. Beaten.

For chocolate sauce:
- 100 gr dark cooking chocolate, chopped
- 2 tablespoons cocoa cream (or you can vary with peanut butter)
- 1/2 tablespoon granulated sugar
- 5 tablespoons milk


Beef Yakiniku

Back when I was living in Indonesia, easily I can find Japanese restaurant there. And one of my favorite is beef yakiniku...
Bursa is not really small town, but I still have no idea where I can find Asian restaurant -with real Asian taste ..  @(^_^ )@
So.. just to fulfill my desire (hehehehe..) to eat Yakiniku..voallaa... here you are..homemade yakiniku  !

- ½ kg of beef. Cut into thin 
- 2 tablespoons Hoisin sauce (but I did not have it, so I used soy sauce)
- 2 tablespoons sesame oil
- 2 medium cloves garlic. finely chopped.
- 3 cm ginger. finely chopped
- ½ tsp pepper powder or to taste
- 1 teaspoon salt or to taste
- 2 tsp sugar or to taste

Mix all ingredients above together with the meat. And let all spices soak for approximately one hour.

- 1 medium size onion. cut round like a ring
- 1 green and 1 red peppers. Cut a round shape ring
- 1 tablespoon butter for sauteing
- Enough sesame seeds For a sprinkle when serve.

How to cook:
Heat butter in frying pan. Place the meat and all marinade ingredients, and cook until meat is tender and cooked (If necessary, you can add more broth and cook until meat becomes tender).
After the meat tender, put onions and bell peppers. Cook until onions and peppers to wilt ( I don't like onion over cook or too much wilt.. so it's your own taste as well). Turn off the heat. Sprinkle with sesame seeds when served.

Serve hot with warm rice, too...hmmm..yummy~!


Sucuklu kuru Fasulye (Turkish Sausage Dried Beans)

One of many Turkish daily meal. Basically consists of dried beans, cooked  with tomato pasta. We can vary with other ingredients such as meat, meatball or 'Sucuk'... this time I try to cook it with 'Sucuk', which is typical of Turkish sausage. And the result ..... It's worth trying as well!

- 1 cup dried beans, seeds. Soak in water overnight and left soften.
- 1 medium onion. finely grated.
- 2 cloves garlic (optional). finely grated.
- 1 medium tomato. Peeled and finely grated.
- Salt and sugar according to taste.
- 1 tablespoon tomato paste. You can mix with chili paste if you like.
- 50 gr "sucuk" (coil sausage). Diced.
- 1 medium red bell pepper. Diced.
- 3 tablespoons olive oil.
- Enough hot water to cook dried bean until soft (about 1~1 1/2 lt)

how to cook:


Choux pastry with cinnamon custard / Soes Vla kayu manis

 Just perfectly nice snack for a family gathering. Drinking tea with friends. Or just as a companion watching TV with your family in nice evening.

Ingredients for pastry:
-150 gr unsalted butter
- 300 ml water
- 1 cup flour. Sifted.
- 3 eggs. beat.
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 / 2 teaspoon salt


"Choux Pastry Dough" ( adonan Dasar soes) I

Favorite snack of everybody. Choux is one from pastry kind.. Because it has unique and hollow texture, choux is very easy to formed and varied according to your imagination.. From the most simple forms till the children's favorite funny shape.
Other cool shapes called croquembouche, which is high form kinds like Christmas trees.

Choux pastry-making process is quiet easy. Basically, margarine or butter boiled in water until boiling and then mixed with flour and stir until smooth. After a cold, blended eggs one by one. At this stage can also add baking soda to help improve the pastry expands perfectly.

Mixing process can use a Whisk or electric mixer or with a wooden spoon.

Ingredients for basic dough I:
-150 gr unsalted butter
- 300 ml water
- 1 cup (140 gr) flour. Sifted.
- 3 eggs. Beaten.
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 / 2 teaspoon salt

How to make :

1. Boil butter and salt in water. Stir until boiling. Turn off the heat.
2. Turn on small heat. Pour the flour gradually, keep on stirring until the dough is completely smooth. Remove from heat and chill.
Note: As you chill the dough, keep stirring the mixture in order to produce nice hollow choux shell.

3. Once completely chill, add baking powder, then eggs one at a time while stirring. Stirring can use a wooden spoon, electric mixer or manual whisk.
4. Grease pan with butter. Shape the dough on baking sheet according your own taste.
5. Bake for about 25 min with a temperature of 180 deg C.
Note: Know the condition of your own oven. The size and condition of  your oven, produces different heat result.


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