♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Terbiyeli Tavuk çorbası ( Creamy seasoned Chicken soup)

Selam Everybody....Merhaba from Turkey...

Soup or çorba (read chor_ba) in Turkey is always served as first/ opening dish in dinner or lunch time before we go to main dish. If you check my other Turkish soup you will find that mostly Turkish soup are creamy one as people's preferred. Use yogurt and or flour as sauce and thicken the soup.

Unlike Indonesian or other Asian soup, Turkish soups are smooth and no big chunk of meat or vegetable used. If using meat, cut it into very small chunks. For vegetable soup mostly we blend it to smooth and creamy.

Terbiyeli Tavuk çorbası ( Creamy seasoned Chicken soup)
And nothing can comfort us during cold days than a family and good creamy soup on our dinner table. And this tebiyeli tavuk çorbası it might become your choice too for bring the warmth into your house ^,^


Chocolate Chiffon Cake (resep oke Chiffon kek coklat !!)

Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah.

Chocolate Chiffon Cake (resep oke Chiffon kek coklat !!) | Çitra's Home Diary. #chocolatechiffon #chiffoncakerecipe #chocolatecake #bestchiffoncakerecipe #resepchiffoncake #valentinebakingidea

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey.....

This is my 1st chiffon cake I made in Turkey! Yes, 1st I made chiffon cake in Turkey because I didn't have bundt pan special for chiffon here. I did make chiffon cake before when I was in Indonesia because we had chiffon pan. And if you don't have chiffon pan in Indonesia (or mostly Asian countries) you'll easily get it in baking ware shop anywhere you meet.

Once I tried to bring it from my homeland 2 years ago and kept it in my luggage....And when I open my baggage...gosh....it was flat!! I was so disappointed and feel eerie to thought how bad "baggage people" handled our luggage!

Maybe because in Turkey people don't really familiar with chiffon cake (or maybe angle food cake) so I couldn't find it offline on bake ware shop or any shop like that here. There are some online shop but it's so expensive for me and it'll take months to delivered here cause they import from China or other Asian countries. 
So I decide to wait until I home to Indonesia or maybe somebody would go home to Indonesia and I'll ask help to bring one for me (^,^) with special note of course remembering my first bad experiment brought a pan in luggage (^,^)

And one day.... in very cold, snowy and boring day... I decide to take a walk to central market (we call it çarsı). My home is near that central market so anytime I'm boring I just drag my self there. That central çarsı is also tourists spot in Bursa, so it's big and never boring me although I went there many times.

So anywaaayyyy... I went into one glassware shop, nothing specific to look for...just wandering around and window shop sometime enough for me.... but that day I saw a cake mold similar to chiffon cake mold. It's written at label as angel food cake mold, but it's non stick pan and the bottom is fix (un-removable) like normally chiffon cake mould.

DIY Non toxic water color for kids

"Family is like branches on tree, We all grow in different directions yet our root remains as one"

Selam Everybody....Merhaba from Turkey......

Out door activities in my opinion is the best thing to do for our kids. I was grew up in tropical country with mostly sunshine almost whole year... Even when it rainy season, me  and my siblings also some neighbor's kids played under the rains without worrying and guilty feeling from our parents.... and guest what?! We hardly ever got heavy/ serious sickness due to those activities.

Maybe because playing out side require many physical activities which influence increasing immune system for our body. And beside that out door activities may reduce kid's stress.

And kids in my era (around 70~80's) there was not any electronic gadget like phone or any fancy toys like now days. We were simply happy play with mud, sand, kite, bike, snail, grass or anything we found ^,^
Surely every kids have their own era just like we do. 

My kid doesn't go to school yet, hence in summer time regularly I take her to park to play. But sometimes even in winter with thick snow I'll let her play with snow for few minutes. But that's it... not really much can do out door in winter.. so mostly I tried to make her busy in home. 


Lemon Chicken / Ayam saus lemon

Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Merhaba from Turkey everyone....

I love chicken, my kid loves chicken and it's great and cheap choice to fulfill protein source for our family. All I need to do is just make as many variations as I can so my kid won't be bore to eat it.

My today post is Chinese style Lemon Chicken. I love the sweet and sour taste in it, just reminded me of my Indonesian sweet and sour chicken.

Ingredients for Chicken:
  • ± 700 gr boneless chicken thigh/ breast, small chunk about ±4 cm
  • 3 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tsp salt (to taste)
  • 1 big egg
  • 2 Tbsp water
  • ± 150 gr all purpose flour
  • ± 100 gr cornstarch or tapioca
  • 1 tsp black/ white pepper
  • pinch of salt for flour mixture
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • Enough cooking oil for deep fried

Pistachio Butter Cake Truffles

For English recipe scroll down

Pistachio Butter Cake Truffles

Assalamu'alaikum...... Merhaba dari Turki....

Coklat, siapa yang gak suka coklat? Ya kalau kamu salah satu yang gak suka mungkin postingan saya hari ini boleh kamu lewatin ^,^

Karena hari ini saya mau bagi resep Butter cake coklat truffles. Saya sih termasuk yang moderate saja kalau makan coklat, sedang-sedang saja. Tapi suami dan anak saya... wohooohooo... they are sweet tooth banget! Ya mungkin karena suami saya orang Turki yang terbiasa dengan dessert yang manis-manis apalagi kalau creamy dan nyuklat.
Kalau anak saya sih maklum, anak kecil mana yang gak suka coklat coba? ^,^

Apa sih istemewanya butter cake truffles ini? Biasanya saya bikin pure dari cooking chocolate plus cream sebagaimana layaknya basic chocolate truffles. Tapi kali ini saya ingin buat dengan bahan dasar cake. Karena kebetulan saya punya sisa Marble butter cake yang karena saya bikinnya porsi besar (bagi keluarga saya)--kita jadi bosan makannya.

Jadi ceritanya manfaatin cake left over hasil baking 2 hari lalu. Sebenarnya cakenya sendiri masih bisa dimakan atau disimpan di freezer sampai dengan sebulan sih..tapi males ah nyimpen-nyimpen segitu lamanya. Kalau pengen lagi ntar baking lagi aja ^,^

Pistachio Butter Cake Truffles
Jadi kalau kalian punya cake sisa atau bosan dimakan gitu aja, coba deh resep ini. Untuk bahan-bahannya bisa dikonversikan sesuai banyaknya cake yang ada. Kalaupun gak punya cake sisa tapi pengen bikin, cake dasar apapun bisa kok dipakai, tetep aja konversikan bahan lainnya sesuai banyaknya cake. Paling gampang baking cake dari cake box siap pakai saja kalau ingin membuat cake truffles ini.


Marble Butter Cake Recipe / Resep Cake marmer

Resep dalam Bhs İndonesia di bagian bawah

Selam everybody....Merhaba from Turkey...

Butter cake, one of cake I grew up with. I still remember taste of my grand mother's butter cake until now. 
Back then in my homeland I remember anytime there was an event like wedding or birthday or new born baby or circumcision ceremony there was always this kind of cake.
Slightly crumble with swirl pattern like marble is typical cake we can find easily in "kampong" or Indonesian alley as homemade.

Unfortunately my grandmom past away when I was still at high school and had no chance to ask her any of the recipes. Well, my auntie do made this ... yet I didn't ask her yet until today ^,^ ... maybe later. 

Hence lately I wander around the net about this marble cake recipe. I found some- both western and east/ Asia style and try to compare them. Read and review some of them. Mostly western style use whole egg method to their recipe while east/ Asia style mostly separate egg method--well few of east style also use whole egg but still bit different here and there from western method.


Creamy Carrot Soup Recipe (Soup Wortel)

Selam Everybody.....Merhaba from Turkey...

If you notice I recently post many soup recipes. Yes, it's chilly outside and nothing can suit with that than a bowl of hot yummy soup.

And what about carrot soup? definitely, it's always my choice to bring warmth not only on our dinner table.
Serve 4~5 sharing

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