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Melt in your mouth Oven Roasted Beef Tongue / Lidah sapi panggang yang enak dan empuk

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Selam everybody............
Merhaba from Türkiye 👋

Melt in your mouth Oven Roasted Beef Tongue / Lidah sapi panggang yang enak dan empuk | Çitra's Home Diary. #offalrecipe #beeftonguerecipe #roastedbeeftongue #reseplidahsapi #inekdiltarifi #lidahsapipanggang #dinneridea #caramemasaklidahsapi #howtocookbeeftongue #oxtonguerecipe #liverkebab #howtocookoffal

Tongue meat is rich in calories and fatty acids, as well as zinc, iron, choline, and vitamin B12. ... Folate is the vitamin in organ meats considered beneficial for fertility and for helping avoid fetal defects in a baby, such as spina bifida and heart problems

Tongue is a very well-used muscle and it needs to be cooked for a long time over low heat to become tender, and it can be very tasty.
So if you want to try this recipe, you should have a pre-cooked beef tongue. How to cook/prepare beef( ox) tongue see this link here

Melt in your mouth Oven Roasted Beef Tongue / Lidah sapi panggang yang enak dan empuk | Çitra's Home Diary. #offalrecipe #beeftonguerecipe #roastedbeeftongue #reseplidahsapi #inekdiltarifi #lidahsapipanggang #dinneridea #caramemasaklidahsapi #howtocookbeeftongue #oxtonguerecipe #liverkebab #howtocookoffal

I cooked beef tongue so many times, at least twice or three times in a month. My family enjoy it as well, especially this oven roasted beef tongue. The spices so simple and once you have precooked tongue in your fridge, you are ready to go with any recipes using this delicious beef tongue.
You can check my previous Indonesian style Braised Beef tongue / Bistik Lidah sapi

And for other offal recipe ideas, you can click on "offal" category here.

Melt in your mouth Oven Roasted Beef Tongue / Lidah sapi panggang yang enak dan empuk | Çitra's Home Diary. #offalrecipe #beeftonguerecipe #roastedbeeftongue #reseplidahsapi #inekdiltarifi #lidahsapipanggang #dinneridea #caramemasaklidahsapi #howtocookbeeftongue #oxtonguerecipe #liverkebab #howtocookoffal

Now let's jump to my delicious, melt in your mouth Oven roasted beef tongue recipe. This is a delicious and easy meal you can make very quickly. Perfect for your busy and exhausting days to provide a family meals. But as I mentioned before, your pre-cooked beef tongue should be on your refrigerator ready to execute.

Once I got my beef tongue from a butcher, I cooked it and clean it before keeping it in my freezer ready to use anytime.

Melt in your mouth Oven Roasted Beef Tongue
By: Çitra's Home Diary

Serve 2-3

🍴 500-600 gr pre-cooked beef (ox) tongue. See this post how to prepare tongue
🍴 6-7 big size carliston chili pepper (banana chili pepper), roughly sliced
🍴 3-4 big size tomatoes, sliced
🍴 3-4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
🍴 1 tsp salt or to taste
🍴 1 tsp black pepper or to taste
🍴 1-2 Tbsp ( as taste) red chili flake 
🍴 generous pinch of dried thyme
🍴 1-2 tsp cumin powder
🍴 generous glug of olive oil
🍴 butter

How to make:

1. Slice pre cooked tongue about 1 finger thick. Place in a bowl, add in banana chili pepper and other ingredients and spices except butter. Toss well and cover with plastic wrap and let it sit about 1 hour (until over night) in fridge.

2. Pre heat oven at 190℃-200℃. Place the marinated tongue into heat proof sallow bowl / ramekins. Add more tomatoes slice if you like and dollop some butter. Cover with aluminium foil and roast in pre heated oven for about 15 minutes. Take the cover and continue to roast uncover for about 15 minutes more.

Serve it hot with bread or potato mash.
Bon apetite.

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Melt in your mouth Oven Roasted Beef Tongue / Lidah sapi panggang yang enak dan empuk | Çitra's Home Diary. #offalrecipe #beeftonguerecipe #roastedbeeftongue #reseplidahsapi #inekdiltarifi #lidahsapipanggang #dinneridea #caramemasaklidahsapi #howtocookbeeftongue #oxtonguerecipe #liverkebab #howtocookoffal



Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Kali ini saya ingin berbagi resep kesukaan suami saya. Resepnya sangat mudah, cepat dan praktis. Yaitu Lidah sapi panggang. Rasanya enak deh, sesuai dengan lidah kita Inshaallah. Bisa sebagai alternative jika bosan dengan hidangan rumahan yang biasa kita bikin sehari-hari. 
Enak dan sesuai disantap bersama roti khas Eropa ( yang keras kulitnya dan empuk dalemnya itu lho). Atau bisa dengan kentang goreng atau dengan mashed potato. Boleh donk sesekali coba menu yang lain 😊

Oh iya.. resep ini cepat jika kita sudah punya lidah sapi yang sudah dimasak (pre cooked) sebelumnya. Jika ingin tahu bagaimana mengolah lidah sapi sebelum dimasak, bisa dilihat di postingan saya sebelumnya ya di " Bagaimana mengolah lidah sapi) di link ini.

Saya selalu langsung mengolah/ menyiapkan lidah sapi begitu saya beli dari "butcher" atau tukang daging disini. Lalu saya simpan di frezer, jadi begitu ingin memasak sesuatu tinggal ambil saja, sudah siap.

Yuukkk... yang pengen coba juga dirumah. Catat ya resep saya dibawah ini.

Melt in your mouth Oven Roasted Beef Tongue / Lidah sapi panggang yang enak dan empuk
By: Çitra's Home Diary

🍴 500-600 gr lidah sapi yang sudah dimasak sebelumnya. Lihat link disini bagaimana menyiapkan lidah sapi.
🍴 6-7 cabe hijau yang besar-besar, iris melintang
🍴 3-4 tomat ukuran besar, iris tipis
🍴 3-4 bawang putih, cincang halus
🍴 1 sdt garam atau sesuai selera
🍴 1 sdt bubuk merica atau sesuai selera
🍴 1-2 Sdm chili flake ( bubuk cabe) 
🍴 thyme atau bisa oregano kering sesuai selera
🍴 1-2 sdt bubuk jintan
🍴 minyak zaitun ( atau bisa pakai minyak kelapa)
🍴 mentega, beberapa sendok.

Cara memasak:

1. İris lidah sapi melintang kurleb 1 jari tebalnya. Taruh di mangkok besar lalu campurkan semua bahan yang lain dan bumbu-bumbu kecuali mentega. Aduk-aduk rata sampai lidah sapi terlapisi semua bumbu. Tutup dengan platik film dan diamkan dalam lemari es kurleb 1 jam atau bisa semalaman untuk dimasak esoknya.

2. Panaskan oven suhu 190℃-200℃. Taruh lidah sapi yang sudah dimarinate dalam pinggan tahan panas. Jika suka tambahkan irisan tomat lagi diatasnya. Beri mentega sedikit-sedikit dibeberapa bagian. Tutup pinggan dengan aluminium foil dan panggang dalam oven kurleb 15 mnt.
Ambil penutup aluminium nya lanjutkan memanggang tanpa penutup kurleb 15 mnt lagi.

Sajikan hangat denga potongan roti atau kentang goreng atau mashed potato.

Sajikan panas. Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.

Melt in your mouth Oven Roasted Beef Tongue / Lidah sapi panggang yang enak dan empuk | Çitra's Home Diary. #offalrecipe #beeftonguerecipe #roastedbeeftongue #reseplidahsapi #inekdiltarifi #lidahsapipanggang #dinneridea #caramemasaklidahsapi #howtocookbeeftongue #oxtonguerecipe #liverkebab #howtocookoffal



  1. My family every time say that I am killing my time here at web, but I know I am getting knowledge everyday by reading such pleasant

  2. Wow, not a lot of people have had tongue before. I've had it in several dishes but this is a new one to me. Very nice.

  3. I grew up eating beef tongue but didn't know how to cook it. Thanks for such an amazing recipe.


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