♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Potato Filling Bread. Easy and soft breakfast bread you will keep the recipe!


Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Potato Filling Bread. Easy and soft breakfast bread you will keep the recipe! | Çitra's Home Diary. #breadrecipe #breakfast #softbread #potatobread #potatofillingbread #poğaça #softbreadrecipe #breakfastbread

Like other Turkish families, breakfast and bread are something in my house that inseparable 😊. We enjoy bread breakfast until dinner.
We always eat bread at our breakfast time. Yes, I have also one or two jars of cereal, but those only for "very" emergency use 😄 . Even my kid is not a fan of breakfast with cereal.

Besides bread, pastry, bagels, or soft bread (we call it poğaça) are also served at breakfast time. And if you visit Turkiye and you go to a local restaurant (or hotel restaurant) for breakfast, you will find traditional Turkish breakfast. Which you can find anything... I mean everything! They will serve start from bread to pastries (any kind of pastries), menemen, fried egg in Turkish " sucuk" (Turkish spicy sausage), many kinds of jams, and more. And of course, breakfast in Turkiye is not complete without a hot Turkish tea 😊
I will make another post about this Turkish-style breakfast in another post.

Potato Filling Bread. Easy and soft breakfast bread you will keep the recipe! | Çitra's Home Diary. #breadrecipe #breakfast #softbread #potatobread #potatofillingbread #poğaça #softbreadrecipe #breakfastbread

I bake bread almost every day.  You can check my other bread recipes in the Bread category here.

And today I will share another bread recipe with filling. This is one kind of soft bread that we enjoy for breakfast or brunch. And this is the best idea also for your kid's (or even husband's) 
lunch box.

If you are my regular blog reader, you may remember my previous sausage filling bread here. I took the idea from that post and use potato filling for my today's breakfast bread.

The potato filling is so creamy and cheesy so you will get the no-flat flavor from this bread. optionally you can add more cheese topping on top of the bread.

You can keep the bread in a container and keep it in the refrigerator for up to 5-6 days. Warm up in a microwave for a half minute, before enjoying it. Or in a preheated low-temperature oven for a few minutes.

Don't forget to subscribe to my YT channel

Making this bread is a pretty simple, straight dough method, let the dough rest, fill and shape, rest again and bake.
And between that, we can make the filling which also simple and quick.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to leave me a comment down below, I will answer them as soon as I get them.

Potato Filling Bread. Easy and soft breakfast bread
By: Citra's Home Diary

Make 26-30 pcs

🥔 700 gr AP flour 
🥔 60 gr (4 Tbsp) sugar
🥔 3 tsp (11 gr) instant dry yeast
🥔 400 gr warm milk
🥔 2 egg whites
🥔 100 gr butter, melted
🥔 1½ tsp (10 gr) fine salt

🥔 500 gr boiled potato
🥔 2-3 tbsp mayonnaise
🥔 200 gr shredded mozzarella or white cheddar cheese (separated) 
🥔 salt and pepper to taste

brush topping:
🥔 2 yolks
🥔 1 tbsp milk
🥔 1 tbsp oil

How to Make:

1) In a big bowl mix together flour, sugar, and dry instant yeast. Make a well in the middle. Then add the milk and egg whites.

2) Now start kneading the mixture. You can use an electric mixer or knead by hand. Knead the dough just until incorporated. 
Then add the melted butter followed by salt. Continue to knead until you get a smooth and elastic dough. 
Check the dough by taking a piece of the dough then stretching it wide without tearing. Remains opaque when held up against a light, so your dough is ready. 

3) Place the dough into a lightly oiled bowl. Cover and let it rest until double in volume.

4)  Meanwhile, we can make the filling.
Mash the boiled potato while it's hot. Mix in mayonnaise, salt, and pepper. Add also half of the shredded mozzarella. Mix well, set aside.

5) Take the dough and punch it. Lightly knead a few times before shaping into a ball. Divide the dough into 50 gr each, you may end up with 26 to 28 parts. Shape each part into a small ball using a rolling pin flatten it into a long oval shape (see my video on how to shape). 

6) Put the filling in the middle along the dough. add the remaining part of cheese  (see my video). Make shortcuts at both sides of the dough, from the middle near filling toward the outside. Fold each cut making crisscrossed to cover the filling. 
Do the same procedure to the dough until finished. Loosely cover with a plastic sheet/ kitchen napkin until noticeably puffy. Meanwhile, preheat the oven at 170-180℃.

7) Beat the yolks+ milk+ oil. Brush each bread dough just before baking. 
Bake in preheated oven for 17 to 20 minutes, until golden. Turn the tray halfway on baking time.
Remove them from the oven, and brush the sides with melted butter (optionally). This will give the buns a satiny, buttery crust.
Cool the buns on a rack.
Note: Time and temperature of baking are only guidance, adjust to your own oven condition.

Happy baking 😊

Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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Potato Filling Bread. Easy and soft breakfast bread you will keep the recipe! | Çitra's Home Diary. #breadrecipe #breakfast #softbread #potatobread #potatofillingbread #poğaça #softbreadrecipe #breakfastbread

🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Oh iya.. jangan lupa untuk subscribe youtube channel saya dan aktifkan tanda bell nya untuk dapat video resep baru saya ya.

Potato Filling Bread. Easy and soft breakfast bread you will keep the recipe! | Çitra's Home Diary. #breadrecipe #breakfast #softbread #potatobread #potatofillingbread #poğaça #softbreadrecipe #breakfastbread

Roti manis isi kentang creamy
By: Citra's Home Diary

Hasil jadi 26-30 buah

🥔 700 gr Terigu serba guna
🥔 60 gr (4 sdm) gula pasir
🥔 3 sdt (11 gr) ragi instant
🥔 400 gr susu uht
🥔 2 putih telur
🥔 100 gr mentega (atau margarin), lelehkan
🥔 1½ sdt (10 gr) garam halus

untuk isian:
🥔 500 gr kentang kukus
🥔 2-3 sdm mayonnaise
🥔 200 gr mozzarella atau cheddar putih parut (pisahkan, dipakai separuh-separuh) 
🥔 garam dan merica bubuk secukupnya

topping (kocok jadi satu):
🥔 2 kuning telur
🥔 1 sdm susu uht
🥔 1 sdm minyak sayur

Jangan lupa subscribe ke YT channel saya ya dan aktifkan loncengnya

Cara membuat:

1) Dalam mangkok besar, ayak tepung dan campur dengan gula dan ragi instant. Buat lubang ditengahnya. Lalu masukkan susu uht dan putih telur.

2) Lalu uleni hingga setengah kalis. Masukkan mentega cair dan garam. Lanjutkan menguleni hingga kalis elastis. Cek juga windowpane.
Cara mengetes apakah adonan sudah windowpane:  ambil adonan dan coba rentangkan lebar tanpa robek. Kalau sudah mencapai tahap itu berarti pengulenan selasai.

3) Bulatkan adonan dan taruh di wadah bersemir minyak tipis. Tutup dengan plastik film atau serbet lembab bersih. Istirahatkann hingga mengembang.
Berapa lama waktunya, tergantung temperatur dan kelembaban ruang masing-masing.

4)  Sementara itu bisa membuat isiannya (filling):
Haluskan kentang panas-panas. Lalu masukkan mayones, garam dan bubuk mericanya. Aduk rata. Masukkan juga sebagian parutan keju, aduk hingga rata. Sisihkan.

5) Setelah mengembang, kempiskan adonan dan uleni ringan saja, bulatkan.
Bagi dan timbang adonan masing-masing 50gr. Jika tidak ditimbang, bagi adonan menjadi 26 atau 28 bagian sama rata.
Bulatkan tiap bagian.

6) Membentuk dan mengisi roti:
Ambil satu bagian adonan, gilas dengan rolling pin memanjang menyerupai bentuk oval panjang (Lihat video untuk ilustrasinya). Lalu beri isian dibagian tengahnya. Beri parutan keju. Lalu kerat-kerat bagian sisi kiri-kanannya. Kemudian lipat saling menyilang hingga menutupi isian dibagian tengah.
Lakukan hal yang sama sampai adonan habis. Susun di loyang beralas kertas baking, beri jarak satu sama lain. Tutupi dengan serbet dan diamkan hingga terlihat mengembang. Kurang lebih 30-45 menit.

7) Sementara itu panaskan oven suhu 170-180℃.

8) Kocok kuning telur, susu dan minyak untuk olesan topping. Olesi permukaan roti dengan eggwash ini secara rata sebelum dipanggang. Panggang dalam oven yang suda dipanaskan terlebih dahulu selama 17-20 menit atay sampai kuning keemasan.
Note: Waktu dan suhu memanggang tergantung kondisi oven masing-masing.

9) Keluarkan dari oven dan olesi permukaannya dengan margarin leleh. Step ini opsional ya, boleh diskip. Taruh diatas rak pendingin hingga suhu ruang.

Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.
Happy baking 😊

Let's befriend on Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚


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