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Yüksük Çorbası / Delicious Turkish Dumpling (mantı) Soup. Recipe with video

Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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Yüksük Çorbası / Delicious Turkish Dumpling (mantı) Soup | Çitra's Home Diary. #mantıçorbası #turkishcuisine #resepmasakanturki #turkishmanti #mantidumpling #turkishsoup #souprecipe

This dish is famous in Mersin and Adana regions. Even though, it's also claimed in some other regions of Turkiye.

It is a traditional dish and is usually made and served at social events such as weddings or funerals.

This soup contains Turkish dumplings ( calls mantı) and chickpeas, cooked in fresh and hearty tomato and mint broth.

Yüksük Çorbası / Delicious Turkish Dumpling (mantı) Soup | Çitra's Home Diary. #mantıçorbası #turkishcuisine #resepmasakanturki #turkishmanti #mantidumpling #turkishsoup #souprecipe

You can use ready store bought frozen mantı (turkish dumpling), or you can check how I make my homemade "mantı" here.
There is also dried "mantı" sold here, but I didn't like it cause I think there is no meat inside it.

For the chickpeas, I soaked my dried chickpeas a night before, then boil them until soft. I always have my precooked chickpeas in my refrigerator. So anytime I need it, I already save the time.
But if you don't have precooked chickepeas or you want to skip the step, just use canned one, no body will judge you  😊

I have medium thickness for my soup, so if you want thinner version you can add another 1 cup meat broth (or just hot water) from the recipe below.

Well, if you are looking for something to warm up the chill days ahead, you should try this delicious hearty Turkish mantı soup 🥣

And if you have any comment or questions, please do leave a note below. I will answer it as soon as I get it.

Yüksük Çorbası / Delicious Turkish Dumpling (mantı) Soup.
By: Çitra's Home Diary

Serve 4-5 shares

🥣 2 tbsp (30 gr) butter
🥣 2 tbsp (30 gr) olive or vegetable oil
🥣 2 tbsp tomato paste
🥣 1 tbsp dried mint (separated)
🥣 1 ½ cup (250 gr) precooked chickpeas
🥣 2 cups (± 300 gr) fresh or frozen Turkish mantı (see recipe here)
🥣 ± 5 cups (1,2 lt) meat broth *see note
🥣 2 tsp salt or to taste
🥣 pinch of sugar (optional)

* Add another 1 cup for thinner soup, mine is medium.

How to cook:

1) In a medium pan, melt butter with olive oil. Use medium heat, and add in tomato paste and half of the dried mint. Stir well for a couple minutes.
Add precooked chickpeas, and continue to stir for a minute before adding the meat broth. 

2) Add the broth and let it boil. Then add the mantı dumpling, salt, and pinch of sugar (if using). Let the soup bubble and the mantı dumpling gets soft and cooked through. Don't forget to check the taste, add salt if needed.

3) The soup is now boiling, add another half of the dried mint before turning off the heat. Your yüksük çorba is ready to serve.

Enjoy it hot.

Afiyet olsun.

Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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Yüksük Çorbası / Delicious Turkish Dumpling (mantı) Soup | Çitra's Home Diary. #mantıçorbası #turkishcuisine #resepmasakanturki #turkishmanti #mantidumpling #turkishsoup #souprecipe



بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Oh iya.. jangan lupa untuk subscribe youtube channel saya dan aktifkan tanda bell nya untuk dapat video resep baru saya ya.

Yüksük Çorbası / Delicious Turkish Dumpling (mantı) Soup | Çitra's Home Diary. #mantıçorbası #turkishcuisine #resepmasakanturki #turkishmanti #mantidumpling #turkishsoup #souprecipe

Çorba dalam bahasa Turki berarti Sup.

Sup ini terkenal berasal dari wilayah Mersin dan Adana. Namun demikian, hidangan ini juga diklaim berasal dari beberapa wilayah lain di Turkiye.

Sup ini adalah salah satu hidangan tradisional dan biasanya dibuat dan disajikan di acara-acara sosial seperti pernikahan atau ketika ada anggota keluarga yang meninggal.

Sup panas ini terbuat dari "mantı" atau dumpling kecil-kecil khas Turki. Dimasak bersama " nohut" atau chikpeas dalam saus pasta tomat yang segar.

Jika kalian pengunjung rutin blog saya, mungkin ingat ya postingan saya sebelumnya bagaimana cara membuat "mantı" atau dumpling isi daging khas Turki ini. Postingannya bisa dilihat di tautan ini ya.

Disini banyak dijual "mantı" beku siap pakai maupun dalam bentuk yang dikeringkan. Jadi jika malas bikin sendiri di rumah, para ibu biasa beli yang siap pakai itu.
Tapi bagi saya, bikin sendiri di rumah, lebih ekonomis dan isi dagingnya itu lho,,, kerasa! tidak pelit seperti yang dijual-jual itu ya 😉

Yuukk.. yang ingin coba sup hangat dan enak ini, bisa dicek di video dan resep saya dibawah ini ya.

Yüksük Çorbası 
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary

Serve 4-5 shares

🥣 2 sdm (30 gr) mentega
🥣 2 sdm (30 gr) minyak zaitun atau minyak sayur
🥣 2 sdm pasta tomat
🥣 1 sdm daun mint kering 
🥣 1 ½ gelas (250 gr) chickpeas matang
🥣 2 gelas (± 300 gr)  Turkish mantı (lihat disini homemade mantı)
🥣 ± 5 gelas (1,2 lt) kaldu/ atau air panas *lihat note dibawah
🥣 2 sdt garam (sesuai selera)
🥣 sejumput gula (optional)

* Bisa ditambah 1 gelas lagi untuk konsistensi lebih encer

Cara memasak:

1) Lelehkan mentega dan minyak dalam panci ukuran sedang ( kap.3 lt). Masukkan pasta tomat dan setengah sdm daun mint kering. 
Aduk-aduk dan masak sebentar hingga wangi. Lalu masukkan chickpeas.
Lalu tambahkan kaldu / air panas. aduk-aduk dan masak dengan api sedang hingga mendidih.

2) Setelah mendidih, masukkan "mantı" nya. Bumbuhi dengan garam dan sejumput gula (jika pakai). Aduk-aduk dan cicipi rasanya. Masak lagi hingga mendidih kembali dan "mantı" matang--kurang lebih 7-8 menit.

3) Setelah "mantı" masak dan sup mendidih, masukkan lagi setengah sdm mint kering. Aduk-aduk rata. Sup siap disajikan.

Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat

Afiyet olsun.

Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚


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