♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.


Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Please come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Selam...Merhaba from Türkey.

İt's pineapple tart cookies AGAIN...!! 😉
YYaaayyy..... İ hope you are not bored with it. Yep. This is the MOST repeatable cookie İ made for our cookie jar.
İ lloovvee it and never get bored of it. İf you know what pineapple tart cookies ( İnd, Nastar) is and you ate them before İ believe you like them as well.

Pineapple tarts cookies is one of Indonesian traditional (and some neighbouring countries) cookies that commonly made and serve during religious holiday such as Eid-el Fitr or christmas along with many other traditional cookies like; kaastengelsputri saljupastel miniButter cokies or simple chocolate cookies and more.

But in my house, no need to wait until holiday season to have this melt in mouth yummy cookies. Me and family always have evening tea time just like other Turkish family~and it would be very nice to have some cookies with it, right?
So I always have jars full with some cookies and this pineapple tarts cookies (nastar) is almost never empty cause I love it so much!
With sweet slightly sour taste from homemade pineapple jam inside of melting yummy cookie dough, nothing can beat this favorite tarts till now.

Even İ make this nastar quite often, as İ mentioned above-we never boring of it because we can vary it as many as we can. Just check my COOKİES CATEGORY to see my "nastar" variations. Just like today, İ make cheesy pineapple tart cookie. Adding some cheese into the dough definitely enrich the taste of this classic Indonesian cookies. 💙


Chocolate Swiss Roll Cake / Bolu Gulung Cokelat yang lezat

Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Please come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Selam.... Merhaba from Türkey.

Roll Cake... something you never stop eating only one slice.

Especially when it's good...

And this chocolate roll cake is great! Really good.

İ have been trying so many recipes before and they were all turning out deliciously. But this is my second chocolate swiss roll beside my old post Almond Chocolate Swiss Roll Cake.

Found this recipe on youtube by Michael Lim and it really worth keeper recipe.

Absolutely will repeat making it since İ love the recipe and more important is my family like it too.

Best Chocolate Swiss Roll Cake / Bolu Gulung Cokelat yang lezat. #swissrollcake #chocolaterollcake #cakerecipes #dessert #chocolatedessert

Different from traditional Indonesian roll cake which requires small amount of cake emulsifier, this recipe use a separated egg method to allow the cake fluffy and soft.

The cake also moist and has delicate pores and crumbs. The sweetness is just perfect for us. And the most important thing for roll cake is this cake flexible and easy to roll, no crack problem.

The cake vanished just in one day! 
You should try it too and tell me how do you like it.


Indonesian Fried Vermicelli / Bihun goreng kecap

Resep dalm Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

Indonesian Fried Vermicelli / Bihun goreng kecap. This is one simple and common recipe how to cook vermicelli in Indonesia, fried vermicelli with sweet soy sauce or Bihun goreng kecap. İt's fast and simple way to enjoy vermicelli noodles in any time, morning to night. #indonesian #asian #noodle #vermicellinoodle #shrimps #seafoodnoodle

Beside rice, noodle is staple meal in Indonesia.
In fact we have so many type of noodle commonly consumed e.g; 
1. egg noodle (mie telor)--see my homemade egg noodle here , here and here.
2. Cellophane noodles (so'un) -- made of potato starch mix with green bean flour. The texture is very soft, suitable for soup, fried so'un noodle or filling for Indonesian fried dumpling. Sold in dry form, soak in hot water until soft and then ready to be processed into various kinds of cuisine.
3. Kwetiau / Rice stick noodles. Made by steam rice flour and water.
4. Bihun / Rice Vermicelli. Rice vermicelli is made of rice flour, the color is pure white and the texture is very soft. This noodle is very easy to cook so no need to be boiled, just soaked in hot water. Usually sold in dry form in plastic packaging.

Beside those noodle İ mentioned above we also familiar with neighbouring countries noodle, such as soba, somen noodles, or ramen from Japan.
Or some noodle type from China like Misua and Hokkien noodle.

Indonesian Fried Vermicelli / Bihun goreng kecap. This is one simple and common recipe how to cook vermicelli in Indonesia, fried vermicelli with sweet soy sauce or Bihun goreng kecap. İt's fast and simple way to enjoy vermicelli noodles in any time, morning to night. #indonesian #asian #noodle #vermicellinoodle #shrimps #seafoodnoodle

Beyond the wide varieties of the noodle, the way we cook it also has no boundary because in Indonesian has many cultures and bring their culture into Indonesian culinary in their own ways.
İt'll never bored when you are digging Indonesian culinary. İt's rich, exotic, spicy, savory, umami, cultured.....

This is one simple and common recipe on how to cook vermicelli in Indonesia, fried vermicelli with sweet soy sauce or Bihun goreng kecap. İt's fast and simple way to enjoy vermicelli noodles in any time, morning to night

Laz böreği / Turkish Custard Pastry Dessert

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Please come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Börek’ is usually savory, filled with meat or cheese or even vegetables.
But my today post is one of Turkish dessert called ‘Laz böreği’ (LAHZ’ buer-EY’-ee).
İt’s not savory borek that commonly known.

İt's a sweet dessert, made from layers of phyllo dough ( Türk; baklavalık yufka) and a filled with delish creamy vanilla custard.
The best way to describe ‘Laz böreği’ is like baklava filled with rich vanilla custard instead of pistachio or nuts.

‘Laz’ is the nickname in Turkish given to people from Black sea region - where this dessert comes from

What makes this dessert really unique is its secret ingredient – black pepper! ‘Laz böreği’ made the traditional way, has generous amounts of black pepper added to the custard.
But for my version İ added small pinch of nutmeg powder also to give richness to the custard, you can skip that or try my version.

The recipe is for 30 x 40 cm baking tray, fit with baklava phyllo size. But İf you have a small family member you can half the recipe and cut phyllo in half. So you will need a 15 x 20 cm baking tray.
This dessert best consume while still fresh and crunchy so you don't want too many leftover.


Peri peri Chicken Recipe

Resep dalam Bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah

PİRİ PİRİ CHİCKEN RECİPE. #piripirchicken #roastedchicken #maindish #grilledchicken #chickenandpoultryrecipe

Selam everybody.... Merhaba from Türkiye.

As İ mentioned on my previous post, chicken and poultry are most repeatable menu on our dinner table. İt's cheap and my kid's fave protein source.
And my İndonesian grilled chicken is my fave! Please check my post here and here for the recipes.

And today İ will share another delicious grilled chicken with Piri piri marinate sauce İ made before. The spicy savory sour of the piri piri sauce adding the fiery on your chicken (or poultry). You gonna love it.

Making this piri piri chicken is pretty simple, also faster if you have ready to use piri piri sauce you make in ahead before. Check this link for making piri piri sauce in advance.

Every 1 kg chicken (other poultry) you will need about ½ cup of piri piri sauce plus for basting during grilling. Or one whole chicken (about 2 kg) you will need about 1½ cup plus basting during grilling.
Marinate the chicken with the sauce and keep in fridge at least 3 hours before grilled / roasting.
You may prepare the marinating a night before to be grilled in the next day.


Piri Piri sauce (Peri peri sauce). Best recipe to make Piri Piri sauce in advance

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Please come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Piri Piri sauce. Best recipe to make Piri Piri sauce in advance | #hoomemadeperiperisauce #periperisauce #chickenpiripiri #periperichicken

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Türkiye.

İ love to cook. A lot!
When İ was single, even İ lived alone I tried to cook for myself when İ wasn't too tired from work. Or I cooked mostly at the weekend together with my friends.

And early time I married my husband, İ spent most of my time in kitchen.
Experimented and tried some new recipes İ never cooked before. More over İ should learn how to cook Turkish food for my husband. So kitchen is my new office after İ got married.

Then there come new phase in my life when İ had my baby. İ couldn't stay in my kitchen as much as before.
Things got changed. İ increased my new interest on sewing and crocheting-and my kitchen schedule less and less for new experiment except fast and easy daily meal for us.

Busy in kitchen still my biggest yearning. So as my kid gets bigger, İ try to be busy trial and error for new recipe in the kitchen ( İ finally succeed bake macarons! ... yay! 😄) 
But still İ need to lessen my time in kitchen cause my kid need more attention and more my present. 

Piri Piri sauce. Best recipe to make Piri Piri sauce in advance. #piripirisauce #chickenpiripiri

Then İ finally manage having fun in kitchen yet still can play with my kid. İ Sometimes bring her to the kitchen to help me - of course an easy part for her 😍
You can see some pictures post of her during makes cake or cookies with me 😊

And now İ found new way to cook fast and serve various menus for my family-- İ make some spices mixture or spice sauce in advance! 
You should check my Yemeni spice Hawaij mix and Turkish spice mix (baharat karışımı) İ posted previously.

And also İ make some frozen friendly recipe --if you are my regular readers you should probably notice that 😃
Check my homemade chicken nugget, shrimps cake "dragon feet", chicken kebab, cheesy chicken balls, and more.

Today İ am going to share my new fave spice; Portuguese Piri Piri sauce.
Chicken and poultry are the most repeatable protein sources in our house, so this piri piri sauce is one of many other chicken meals served on our dinner table.


Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Please come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Selam everybody....... Merhaba from Türkey.

İ always love roll cake.
İt's like enjoy b'day cake with delish buttercream or whipped cream in a small version.

And nothing more refreshing and indulging our summer taste than a fluffy and soft sponge cake rolled with sweet whipped cream and fresh strawberries.
This combination has a perfect balance between sweet and sour, fluffy and creamy and fruity. It’s amazing with a cup of tea in a sunny breezy summer day 😃

İ really enjoy trying and playing with many various recipes for my Swiss Roll Cake. İt gives me many experiences of knowing many roll cake type as much as İ can.

Indonesian shrimp cake "dragon leg". Freezer friendly (Kaki Naga Udang)

Resep dalam bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah.

Selam everybody.....Merhaba from Turkey.

Indonesian cuisine often demonstrates complex flavour, acquired from certain ingredients and bumbu spices mixture. Indonesian dishes have rich flavours; most often described as gurih (savory which equates to umami) and pedas (hot and spicy), and also combination of basic tastes such as manis (sweet), asin (salty), asam (sour) and pahit (bitter).
Seven main Indonesian cooking methods are goreng (frying), bakar (roasting) or panggang (grilling), tumis (sautéing), sangrai (roasted), rebus (boiling) and kukus (steaming).

Throughout it's history, İndonesian has been involved in trade due to its location and natural resources. Additionally İndonesian indigenous techniques and ingredient were influenced by İndia, middle eastern, China, even Europe.

And as an archipelago country with the longest coastline on earth İndonesia has countless type of fish and seafood as protein source beside poultry and meat.

And my today post is one of everybody's favorite and any kids will love it, call "kaki naga". "Kaki naga" literally means dragon feet 😊 . Don't ask me why we call this food dragon feet.. İ don't think it's looking like dragon feet either 😃.

Anyway, this "kaki naga" mostly using minced fish as main ingredient, sometime combine with chicken or shrimp as well. But today İ am going to share shrimp version of "kaki naga" / dragon feet. İ combine with chicken meat to ease the sharpness of shrimp taste and also to add the texture of final product because when İ use whole shrimp, sometimes it ends up with more runny batter. 

So.. if you are ready to try new cuisine for your family.. note this recipe down. Believe me your kids would love it too! 😏
And more...it's freezer friendly and can be another idea for your kid's or your family lunch box!

#Homemade Apricot Jam with spice aroma

Selam everybody.... Merhaba from Türkey.

Summer peak.
Love anything İ find in my local market.
Fruits or vegetables. İ just love summer! 
And look what İ found today... apricot.. many apricot. We enjoy them simply fresh as it is also it's perfectly yummy as jam.

Since apricot is in peak season now... we can get them so cheap and they are so perfectly ripe, that's what İ am looking for perfect yummy apricot jam.

Different from apricot jam İ usual make, today İ will share my homemade apricot jam with Spice. 
The spice gives mild aroma to the jam which is wonderful.
İ love it!

But if you want to skip the spice, you free to go. Just add lemon juice and zet in it and you'll have yummy homemade apricot jam!

Homemade Apricot Jam with Spice aroma

Homemade Pineapple jam / membuat selai nanas untuk isian nastar pakai magicjar

Resep dalam Bhs İndonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam , Merhaba from Turkiye.

İ am making this pineapple jam for filling my Eid cookies- as our tradition- İndonesian Nastar or pineapple tart cookies. İf you are my regular reader or if you check my cookies category, you should already know that İ made pineapple tart cookies almost like dozen times which you can check here, here, here, or here.

Those are only a few, besides pineapple jam filling you can also vary with cheese filling, chocolate or homemade apple jam filling. Please do check my "COOKİES" category and find my 60+ cookies collection.

This homemade thick pineapple jam is made for cookie filling, if you want to use it as spread you can make it slightly runny.


Resep Kue Kering Good Time / Crunchy Double Chocolate Cookies copycat recipe

Resep dalam Bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Selam, Merhaba from Turkiye...

Today İ am going to share one of Indonesian favorite cookies. İt's crunchy yet yummy full of chocolate flavor. This cookie actually copycat from popular İndonesian cookies; Good Time cookies. 
And when Eid- el Fitr is coming this cookie is absolutely presented among other classic İndonesian cookies like İndonesian peanut cookies, nastar (pineapple tart cookies) , kaastengels cookies, spritz butter cookies, and more. You can check other cookie recipes İ made in the "cookies" category and see my various yummy cookies that you'll love.

This recipe İ got from one of İndonesian food bloggers on her İnstagram page. She said it was her family fave cookies recipe. And indeed now İ think become my family's fave as well 😍
Thank you Hesti for the recipe.


HOMEMADE BROWN SUGAR, make from just 2 ingredients.

Selam everybody....Merhaba.

Brown sugar is a sucrose sugar product with a distinctive brown color due to the presence of molasses. Brown sugar is often produced by adding sugarcane molasses to completely refined white sugar crystals to more carefully control the ratio of molasses to sugar crystals and to reduce manufacturing costs.
In general, the lighter the brown sugar, the more delicate the flavor. Very dark or old-fashioned brown sugar has a more intense molasses flavor.

And do you know that you can make this brown sugar at home.. as easy as flip your palm.. and quicker than you go to market! 😏


Wingko Babat Pandan / Indonesian Pandan Coconut base cake

Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Please come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Selam everybody....Merhaba from Turkey.

Wingko Babat is one of the old Indonesian traditional snack (jajan Pasar) which may already exist decades ago together with other some traditional snack/ food. Made from grated coconut and glutinous rice flour as main ingredient. Wingko is very famous on the northern coast of the island of Java.

Check category Indonesian Snack (jajan pasar/ kue) for more Indonesian Kueh or snack.

The most famous Wingko is made in Semarang. It causes a lot of people who think that wingko also came from this city. Nonetheless, wingko babat actually comes from small town calls "Babat" . It is a small area in Lamongan, East Java. 

Wingko mostly has round shape but is sometimes presented in small square chunks at warm or room temperature. Has a slightly soft yet somewhat chewy texture. Sweet taste and is so aromatic from vanilla or sometimes pandan.

Today I'm going to share this favorite ever of mine in Pandan taste. You can check my previous Wingko Babat recipe for the original taste here. For this pandan flavor İ bake in oven and cut into portion, different from pancake version. But if you want to cook over pan / round shape feel free to do so, check the link İ give above.

So let's gather some ingredients and experience the traditional Indonesian sweet for your afternoon tea/ coffee.


AYAM BAKAR MADU YANG LEZAT / Indonesian Spicy Honey Grilled Chicken

Resep dalam bahasa İndonesia ada di bagian bawah.

Selam everybody......Merhaba from Turkey.

İ think grilled chicken has the widest varieties of spice. You can do and add any flavor you like start from spicy, sweet, sour, salty, or simply garlicky.

İn İndonesia grilled chicken calls ayam bakar, also has very much variety base on bumbu/ spices uses, or base on originated. 

We have ayam bakar sunda, which comes from Sunda (west Java). Or ayam bakar Padang, from Padang-west Sumatra. Or Ayam bakar Taliwang, from Lombok island and each province/ region has own typical grilled chicken (ayam bakar).

Also base on spices used, we have ayam bakar bumbu bali, ayam bakar bumbu rujak (spicy grilled chicken), ayam bakar kecap (sweet soy sauce grilled chicken-see the recipe here), ayam bakar cabe hijau (green chili grilled chicken)... and more.


Lavender Macarons with honey lavender white chocolate filling

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Please come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Some of you may doesn't like macarons-even İ doubt it 😖. And İ believe many of you loovvveee macarons or even addicted to it.

Me; İ am addicted too ... but more on baking them. İ like macarons so much of course but İ try to limit my self to eat sweet things too often or too much. 

İ also addicted to take pictures of them. İ guess you already know how cute and adorable this sweet little thing in front of camera 😍. Aren't they just photogenic? 😃

İ have a pot of lavender flower in my balcony which beautifully bloom in this June, so İ took the flower for these pictures. So what you see here are real lavender flower. But İ use dried lavender tea from local seller for the recipe.

Macarons, a sweet treat meringue-based confection made of egg white, sugar, icing sugar, almond powder, and sometimes food coloring is added. 
The confection is characterised by smooth, squared top, ruffled circumference (referred to as the "foot" or "pied"), and a flat base. It is mildly moist and easily melts in the mouth. Macarons can be found in a wide variety of flavors that range from the traditional (raspberry, chocolate) to the new (foie gras, matcha).


Kıymalı Yaprak Sarması / Turkish Grape Leaves stuffed with rice and meat

Selam everybody.....Merhaba from Turkiye.

Firstly let me wish you Ramadhan Mubarek for you my muslim sisters and brother around the globe. Have a happy and full of blessed of Ramadhan, keep healthy and fill this holy month with many good deeds.
Ramazan-ı şerifiniz mübarek olsun.

And my recipe today is definitely one of the typical Ramadhan (and Eid-el Fitr) meal among others.
İt's Kıymalı yaprak sarması which literally means rolled vine/ grape leaves with meat. İt's a grape leaves stuffed with rice, meat and some herbs. Sometimes black currant or pine nut added. Cook with splash of olive oil and lemon. Then serve hot or room temperature with sarımsaklı yogurt (garlic yogurt sauce) and /or ezme (meze).
Originating in Turkey and spreading all over Mediterranean, Middle east, east Europe and beyond.

Some recipe didn't use meat/ meatless so we call it etsiz yaprak sarması as vegan version-which is İ prefer to make. But my husband is "meat person" , he loves anything with meat in it. 


#Strawberry Labneh Cheese Souffle Cake with Strawberry compote

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Please come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

İf you are my regular reader you should probably familiar with my labneh cheese recipe. You may already know (or tried-maybe) my latest Labneh souffle cheesecake with spicy warm honey fig.
What about my fave dessert ever; Three tone Labneh "Cheese" Chocolate mousse . Or simply delicious Yogurt "Cheese" Souffle Cake
Well yes..İ am using labneh a lot daily not even for dessert but also for soup and other cooks.

What is labneh cheese? it's yogurt that has been strained to remove its whey, resulting in a thicker consistency than unstrained yogurt. Due to the straining process to remove excess whey, even non-fat varieties of strained yogurt are much thicker, richer, and creamier than yogurts that have not been strained.

Fresh labneh, made from yogurt with live or active cultures are a very healthy food that contain probiotics, that enhance the immune system, lower cholesterol, aid in digestion, protect against constipation, protect against diarrhea, improve lactose digestibility.
Labneh is like yogurt is an excellent source of protein, casein, whey, beneficial fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitimins and minerals (B12, Calcium, Phosphorus and Riboflavin.) Labneh has less lactose and sugar than regular yogurt.


Etsiz Çiğ Köfte / Turkish Meatless Raw kofta "meatball"

Selam.....Merhaba from Turkey.

Merhaba..... Have you been to Turkey before? 
Turkey, where you can indulge your eyes with countless beautiful and historical places and scenes. And the place which satisfy your taste with dozens of shockingly delicious street foods. 

Many of my previous post of Turkish food are street food with homemade style cause İ love experiment and taste new flavor of Turkish street food then try to copy for cooking at home.
But of course İ love to learn basic and traditional Turkish food that local women serve for their family as well.
And my post today is Etsiz Çiğ Köfte, literally means meatless raw "meatball". İt's no meat version of Çiğ Köfte (read; chee kuf-te),  one of Turkey's favorite fast food/ street food. The raw meat (non fat) mixed and knead with fine grain bulgur and many kind of baharat / spices. Çiğ Köfte traditionally shaped in small long balls serve with many fresh vegetables, cucumber pickle and chili pepper pickle, with adding of sour pomegranate molasses (nar eksisi) and lemon juice. Some love to enjoy with lavash (flatbread) while other just wrap it with lettuce. 


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