♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Dak Bulgogi / Korean Chicken BBQ

I don't know why I crave Korean food recently... I think Korean Food has kickin' my taste to the heart (^,^)  It's not because I've been in Korea before or I see Korean Drama or whatsoever. 
I just sometimes miss my time when I stayed in Jakarta, me and friends sometimes in weekend or weekday find something different for dinner.. Beside Japanese foods, we loved to try Korean foods. There were some Korean restaurants at that time and we kept changed places and kind of foods which suit for our taste and budget (^,^)

I remember Kimchi is my first fave, then Korean fried chicken...like it much..and I remember also Bulgogi, it's bbq meat with Korean spice.
Last time I already made my Kimchi, you can check how to make Kimchi here. But my today's post is Dak Bulgogi. Dak means Chicken in korean.. so it's chicken version of bulgogi for which use beef. For Dak Bulgogi you can use chicken thighs, boneless breast or a combination of both parts.
Next time maybe I'll make that famous Korean Fried Chicken... You'll love it also (^,^)

I was going to use Maangchi's recipe, then I found this recipe that I think I love to try first... then I meet this recipe already suit my my taste... it's simple recipe to follow and the ingredients are all available in my kitchen...
I use Asiatoku.com recipe. But if you are Korean food lover also and have something to share with me, please do let me know on comment bellow, I'll be love to try it also (^,^) 

And here the recipe:

Bihun Goreng udang / simply my shrimp fried rice vermicelli noodle (bee hoon)

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 
And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

I just made simple and quick menu for my self and my kid. It's fried vermicelli noodle a la me. This food is kinda comfort food for me especially if I don't really want to eat rice nor bread. My fave actually vermicelli noodle with a little gravy in it- thick and spicy gravy. Very great food especially in cold days like now.

But my kid doesn't like gravy one so I decide to make fried version. It's very simple to make and definitely great meal for you who crave asian flavor. You can skip the shrimp at all or just use chicken meat, it's up to any ingredients you have on fridge.

So here the recipe a la me (^,^)

Make about 5 share

  • 1/2 packet rice vermicelli (about 200 gr)
  • 1 Tbsp soy sauce or kecap manis/ sweet soy sauce
  • 1 Tbsp sesame oil
  • 1 bowl shredded cabbage (about 300 gr)
  • 1 small bowl shrimp (about 200 gr), remove the head but do not discard, it will mashed with spices
  • 2 stalks celery, finely chopped
  • 1 stalk leek, roughly chopped
  • 2 tsp salt or to taste
  • 1 tsp sugar (optional)
  • about 3 Tbsp cooking oil
ground spice:
  • 5 shallot
  • 4 garlic
  • 1 tsp peppercorn
  • shrimp's head

Donat Pisang / Banana Fritters

Merhaba from Turkiye.. Hope you are all happy and in well healthiness...
Warm and shinny weekend here in my place. But my husband must go for work overtime due to many jobs calls him for working this weekend... kinda lonely cause we can not spend our weekend as usual together. 

My daughter kept asking me to go out to park because maybe she was boring playing without her baba in home. So we went out just for fresh air. Then I saw a truck seller selling banana, maybe they brought those banana directly from it farmer (Banana field in Tukey mostly in Mersin area).
They were selling banana quite cheap than usual I bought from market or traditional market. They sold 2,75 tl per kilo (usually banana price can be 3,5 up to 5 tl per kilo).. I didn't know why they were selling cheap...But anyway I bought almost 2 kilo for 5 tl (turkish lira)

So here it is.... banana fritters for our weekend snack (^,^) . First, I want to make Indonesian style banana fritter cause I miss that snack, but since the type of banana here is different from our banana using fritter in Indonesia, I know it will end up messy on my frying pan ( I tried once before). So I was thinking to make different batter for this type of banana (which I thought it will not messy or become flabby when frying). Then I got the idea to cover the banana with doughnut batter. The batter will fluffy cover the banana during frying process and it won't make my banana too much messy/ flabby.

Kapuska #turkishfood ( Turkish style Cabbage stew)

Selam.....Merhaba from Türkiye

Yesterday I went to the local market in our neighborhood and found many cabbages in low price. It seems cabbage season is on the air..hehehe.. In Turkey, we only can find cabbage mostly during winter together with broccoli, cauliflower.

For very big size of cabbage (around 4 kg) I got only 3 tl. So maybe I will post many things using cabbage after this 😃

And today I made this Kapuska or Cabbage stew. The kapuska name is derived from the Russian language mean cabbage, but although the name is imported, the dish is a Turkish version of a cabbage stew common in Russia and Eastern Europe. Kapuska is widely known and eagerly consumed in Thrace, as a result of Eastern European impact and Albanian and Bulgarian immigrants, and is consumed in the Black Sea region of Turkey neighboring Russia.

Kapuska is cooked in different ways in Turkey: with garbanzo beans, bulgur, rice, ground meat, lamb, beef, or vegetarian.

Kapuska #turkishfood ( Turkish style Cabbage stew)

Ingredients: serve 3

Perkedel Kentang (Indonesian style potato patties)

Perkedel Kentang (Indonesian style potato patties) | Çitra's Home Diary. #potatoe #perkedel #vegan #asianfood #indonesianfood #sidedish
Do you know that many Indonesian cuisines influenced by other country? We have 'peranakan food' which influence by china. Some food also influences by Indian food and Arabic. And since Dutch colonial were in Indonesia long time ago, many Dutch influence in our cuisine heritage also. 

Like previously I mentioned on my last post, I shared some "dutch influence" foods in my previous post, like Oliebollen, Kaastengels, Kroketten, Bitterballen, and much more

Perkedel came from Dutch language, frikadel. Frikadel originally from Europe which is made from minced meat and fried. But in Indonesia we adapted that food according to our taste and our common ingredients. This perkedel made from mashed potatoes mix with minced meat then we fry it. Commonly we eat this as side dish or complement of Nasi tumpeng or nasi kuning (yellow rice)

Perkedel Kentang (Indonesian style potato patties) | Çitra's Home Diary. #potatoe #perkedel #vegan #asianfood #indonesianfood #sidedish

And since I didn't make this perkedel so long..I kinda miss and crave about it... And also I wanna introduce more food variety as many as I can to my little girl. And if you want to make this vegetarian version you just can skip minced meat and just go ahead with use only potatoes.

Perkedel Kentang (Indonesian style potato patties) | Çitra's Home Diary. #potatoe #perkedel #vegan #asianfood #indonesianfood #sidedish

And here I recipe I adapted from my auntie.


Double Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins, copy cat recipe

Hello again... Merhaba from Tukiye. Happy great weekend for you. Hope you always enjoying wonderful time with your family and love ones. Bright sunny yet cold outside this Friday in my place, time to bring my kid outside to enjoy little bit short time sunshine and get rid off her boring time stay in house this winter. We went to park in our neighborhood today.

And after enjoying her time played around with swing, slide and played a ball with some other boys--yes, my daughter prefer plays a ball with boys than play a doll or cooking toys with other girls (^,^)-- we went home passed by one local bakery. She saw some chocolate muffins and cried for it... Oh , no... I hate when my kid cries in the middle of the street and I must "drag" her to walk quickly away from something she cry for... It was not because I didn't want to buy her that chocolate muffin...But I remember I already made muffin at home earlier last night.

But... instead of stop crying and walk with me away from that bakery, she strikes and cries more loud while her finger point at those muffins behind the bakery's window.. of course some people turned and look at us.....hhhhhsssss.... what to do.... so I buy her one chocolate muffin she wants. As I thought before, she didn't finish eat that muffin from bakery near our house... :(

Our evening teatime as usual in my family, I serve my banana chocolate muffin I made. And you know what.. my daughter finish banana chocolate muffin I made one whole muffin (that muffin I made big size).. And seem she loves it much and so does my husband. 


Marble Sponge Cake with Pandan swirl

Some my facebook friends posted their beautiful good looking and scrumptious spongecake with many variant in flavors, it makes me drool and finally I got that "spongecake virus" (^,^) in the result.
But beside that "virus" actually I crave about pandan cake lately.... I really really want to make something with pandan flavor. I love pandan since we have many meal using this aromatic leaf...even my mom plants two kind of pandan (aromatic pandan and pandan suji) in our small yard. Aromatic pandan (we call it pandan wangi) mostly has larger leaf than pandan suji and give wonderful aroma in your meal/ dessert. Pandan suji has smaller leaf, it gives strong and nice green color in your meal/dessert, the aroma not really fragrant as aromatic pandan.

And as a "spongecake virus" result, here I made my Pandan Sponge cake (^,^).... 
There was small "accident" during made this cake... I was planning to add few drop of green color to give more vivid green color, but when I tried to drop some color, the inner cap slipped off so almost quarter bottle of green color dropped into my batter..!!
My first plan to make swirl only..end up with slightly layer spongecake.... hhhhh
But it didn't affect taste of the cake thanks God only not as good looking as I wish...anyway.. I'll do better next time. 
This spongecake I copy from my friend's page here which is adapted from NCC page here. Those sources using Indonesian language, so I'll write for you if you want to try it also in your kitchen. I'm telling you this recipe really fail proof...many people use this recipe and end up with fluffy and scrumptious sponge cake.

Kısır (Turkish style bulgur salad)

My today post is Kısır... one traditional Turkish side dish. It makes from fine wheat bulgur as main ingredients, soak in hot water then mix with tomato paste and vegetables . Served cold, and often serve as salad also. The vegetables adding in it can be vary according to your taste and availability in your frigged.

I remember this is my first Turkish food I can eat before I can adapted my taste to other Turkish food. I like this dish because it so fresh, with slightly sour taste form lemon juice and sumac easily acceptable by my Asian tongue. And I like vegetables mixed in it too...

This is my other recipe's version of Kısır. But if you make it more traditionally you can see  my previous post here

Serve about 2 or 3 portion.

  • 1 cup fine bulgur
  • 1 cup hot boiling water.
  • half yellow onion, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste ( I use homemade one)
  • 1/2 tsp cumin powder
  • 1 tsp sumac
  • 1 tsp smoke paprika powder or sweet cayenne pepper (optional)
  • salt to taste
  • fresh lemon juice to taste.

Lemon Macarons with lemon curd filling

Yaaayyyy...!!! Finally Macarons ..! ^,^ Yes, this is my first post and my first attempt making macarons... İ don't know why gets me so long to bake them.. İ just too busy reading and reading and comparing recipes.. search about this tiny delectable dessert which everybody crazy about...Yeaahh..İ was just too worry (almost afraid) that my first batch of macarons will be my nightmare..hahahahaha.. hyperbola indeed ^,^ .... No..it's true actually.. when it come about baking, İ'm kinda traumatic person... once (mostly first time) baking something and fail... need sssooo long time for bring my baking mood back again... 
Again..İ'm sensitive person ^,^ --even in baking.

Anywaaaayyyy... today's post is my first macarons. And since İ still keep my lemon curd from last batch so İ had an idea to make lemony macarons to gets along with my lemon curd as filling later. The recipe İ took from many other's people journal about macarons..many people's note about it.. tricks and tips ... and mostly the came up with almost same recipe which you can browse also around the net. Just note from me: Don't be afraid baking your macarons, it's not as bad as you think ^,^ 

After succeed with my first attempt.. definitely there will be another second or third and fourth... need more practise to perfect my macarons. 


Indonesian Lemongrass herb drink for chill days / WEDANG SEREH

Selam everybody....Merhaba from Turkey

Indonesia is rich of spice and tropical herb plants. You can easily find- for example -ginger, galangal, turmeric and so on in any house' yard or people plant them in a pot.
Just like my mom. She has many kind of herb plant in her small yard in front of our house in Indonesia. Next time I'll take some picture of them.

We have pandan leaves, ginger, turmeric, chili pepper, also lemongrass. They are so easily to planted and grow so fast in our tropical environment. Oh how I miss my homeland!

Few weeks ago there was a friends of mine just came back from Indonesia and she brought me some fresh lemongrass, pandan leaves also some fresh herb and spices that I couldn't find here. They are such a treasure for me!

So today I made traditional Indonesian lemongrass herb drink This 

Indonesian Lemongrass herb drink for chill days / WEDANG SEREH | Çitra's Home Diary

These two days, Bursa city under the snow. Since last Tuesday night smooth cotton-like snow pouring gently until this Wednesday evening. My house' path covered by snow. Actually that's my perfect time to go out walking and take some 'white' pictures...And after all..it's my rare moment as İ'm tropical person....but with my small princess??? İ don't think so. She was just passing her bad time a week ago with cough and cold..İ won't be selfish to do that. So we spend our time watching from windows how the sky was so grey and snow flying here and there in the air cause so windy outside....brrr..

Ayam goreng Mentega / Spiced butter fried chicken

Resep dalam bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Selam everybody..Mehaba from Turkey.

My today's menu is just simple and fast. İt's ayam (Chicken) Goreng (fried)  Mentega (butter). This meal is part of peranakan food in İndonesia. You can find it easily in Chinese restaurant or stall everywhere in İndonesia. But some people make it at home too due too some reasons (halal issue mostly). 

And today İ will share my recipe for you who wants to experience Asian cuisine in your family dinner table.

Ayam goreng Mentega / Spiced butter fried chicken| Çitra's Home Diary

Serve 5~8 big portion

What you need:

Kandil Simidi / Turkish shortbread bagel

Selam everybody....Merhaba from Turkey.

İt's late post. Since İ had been a little busy with my cleaning schedule at house  before and after kandil night^,^. My today's post is about Kandil simidi. 
Kandil Simidi is a traditional Turkish simit pastry, which is eaten during the Kandil religious holiday. It is ring-shaped and coated in sesame seeds cookie-look alike. 
During the five nights of Kandil, these pastries are baked and offered to neighbors and relatives.

There are five kandil night celebration in Turkey. Kandil taken from word candle from the time of Sultan Selim II who had candles lit in the Mosques Minarets to mark the holy evenings.
The five holy evenings on the Muslim calendar are called Kandil. During the Ottoman Empire Sultan Selim II of 16th century lit candles on the minarets of the mosques in order to announce these holy nights to the public. Since this calendar is calculated with the revolution of the moon around the earth the dates of the Kandils differ every year.
Mevlid Kandili (Mawlid an-Nabi) - The birth of Prophet Mohammad
Regaip Kandili – The night of Muhammed's conception
Miraç Kandili (Lailat al Miraj) – Prophet Mohammad's rising to sky
Berat Kandili (Mid-Sha'ban) – The forgiveness of the sins
Kadir Gecesi (Laylat al-Qadr) – The Koran's first appearance to Prophet Mohammad

And as follow the tradition here in Turkey İ also made this Kandil simidi. Different from my other simit İ post before here, this kandil simidi has more or less like shortbread. And here the recipe for you who want to make, just accompany your tea or coffee.


Opor ayam kuning / Indonesian food recipe: Yellow Chicken braised in coconut milk

My first post in 2015. İt's İndonesian style yellow chicken braised in coconut milk. İt's been quite sometimes İ didn't eat anything made by coconut milk. Beside coconut milk is very rare and expensive thing here in Turkey, also İ'm not really fan of meal in coconut milk-- İ mean as main dish or side dish. İ like coconut (any part of it, e.g coconut water, coconut milk, fresh coconut flesh) but as dessert. İndonesia as part of Asia country has various dessert with coconut as main ingredients ( check my other post about İndonesian dessert and snack).

This Opor ayam kuning recipe İ get from my mom. She normally uses free caged chicken ( we call it ayam kampung) which have tastier meat. And in my hometown we make fresh coconut milk from fresh coconut which easily found in any corner of our alley... How İ miss my hometown.... 

Well...anyway..İf you want to experience İndonesian home cooking meal..here İ write down my mom's recipe

Opor ayam kuning / Indonesian food recipe: Yellow Chicken braised in coconut milk | Çitra's Home Diary. #Chickenrecipe #oporayamresep #foodphotography #Indoneianfoodrecipe #endonezyamutfağı #resepoporkuning
Serve about 10~12

1 chicken-better free caged one- (about 1,5 kg)
1 kaffir lime (İ use lemon), juice it

How to Decorate Anniversary Cake

All are edible except those toothpick :)

Maybe this is my last post in 2014 and also 1st post on 2015. Because İ was planning to post this lemon cake decoration for #YKMK challenge #8 for their 1st anniversary.
As İ mentioned in my previous post about this YKMK (Your Kitchen My Kitchen) is a Foodie community based in İndonesian language. 

And this very early 2015, 1st Jan.. they celebrates their 1st anniversary. And for celebrating it they gather an event challenge calls "B'day Cake". Every contestant should present 1 decorated cake--widely range from any cake decorating idea and ingredients e.g fondant, butter cream, ganache, whipped cream, etc... see the rules for joining this event... Hurry.. it's just starting and will end on last January 2015.

MOİST LEMON CAKE and tip how to bake cake flat

İf you want to make a cake to decorate later or even stack them later. You don't want to remove too much uneven risen swell cake to form it flat, right? Nice and even surface cake is everybody's ideal cake to decorate with.
İ saw on internet you can use a pan with a lid to make even your cake surface during baking. Or there is "strip bake even" from w*lto*. This strip you can Wrap around your pan during baking.

So İ want to have that nice flat surface too on my cake but İ don't purchase those things. So İ saw some people make their own strip.. yes, That's it. İf you don't have ready to use (and fancy) w*lto* "strip bake even" you can make it by your own. All you need is just old kitchen towel. Cut lengthwise (depend on your pan size)-- give some spare, you can always adjust the length later. Just before baking dump that towel with water and Wrap it around your baking pan.  And other thing you will need is a pin to secure the towel after you Wrap it on your pan. That's it...try it..and you will get perfect flat cake.

Now let's talk about my moist and yummy lemon cake. Today İ bake a lemon cake for decorate later. Easy yet delish cake you'll ever bake..
Let's go to the kitchen.... ^,^


Lemon Curd Recipe II

Salam everybody. Merhaba from Turkiye.

My today post is my favorite one.....lemon Curd. Yes, this is my fave for anything. İ use it for jam on my soft bread. İ use as filling on my choux pastry, or my donut. And İ dip my croissant  in it ! Believe me, that so good! ^,^

This lemon curd is also my second recipe beside my other one here. And my today lemon curd İ use recipe from  here... İ think both recipe are great... you can use whatever you want if you will try to make your own lemon curd.

İ love lemon. No question about it cause İ know if you do love lemon too..you know how this shiny yellow fruit can give you many good things. Use it for infused water lemon--Like İ do every morning. Or put inside your hot tea (Love it!). Drink lemon juice with hot water and rock sugar=healthy . And İ love to make them in my cake recipe. Check my previous lemon cake recipe here.

Okay..okay ... you all know many benefits of this yummy sour fruit..now let's make this lemon curd.. try it also and tell me how you like it.


Apple Strudel recipe from phyllo sheet

Apple Strudel recipe from phyllo sheet | Çitra's Home Diary. #inseason #fallbaking #applerecipe #applestrudle #phyllodessert
İ love apple.. specially green one..there's sour a bit sweet in it. Back few years ago.. İ remember İ ate green apple almost everyday before İ eat anything in my breakfast time. That's why there was always apples stock in my fridge. Nowadays İ still love to eat apple but if it's not season you hardly find any apple here... there is, but with triple or four time more expensive than when it's season.


Kimchi / 김치

Kimchi (hangul: 김치 Korean pronunciation: [kimtɕʰi]; English pronunciation: /ˈkɪmtʃi/), also spelled kimchee or gimchi, is a traditional fermented Korean side dish made of vegetables with a variety of seasonings. It is often described as spicy and sour. In traditional preparation kimchi is often allowed to ferment underground in jars for months. There are hundreds of varieties of kimchi made from napa cabbage, radish, scallion, or cucumber as a main ingredient.

The earliest references to pickled vegetables in East Asia are found in the Chinese Xin Nan Shan 信南山 poem of theShi Jing (), which uses the character 菹 or 葅 (Korean "jeo", modern Mandarin Chinese "ju1"). The term ji was used until the pre-modern terms chimchae (hanja: 沉菜, lit. soaked vegetables), dimchae, and timchae were adopted in the period of the Three Kingdoms of Korea The word then was modified into jimchi, and is currently kimchi.

Early kimchi was made of cabbage and beef stock only. Red chili, a New World vegetable not found in Korea beforeEuropean contact with the Americas, was introduced to Korea from Japan after the Japanese invasions (1592–1598) and became a staple ingredient in kimchi, although its use was not documented until the 18th century. Red chili pepper flakes are now used as the main ingredient for spice and source of heat for many varieties of kimchi. In the twelfth century other spices, creating flavors such as sweet and sour, and colors, such as white and orange, were added.

Kimchi is Korea's national dish. During South Korea's involvement in the Vietnam War its government requested American help to ensure that South Korean troops, reportedly "desperate" for the food, could obtain it in the field; South Korean president Park Chung-hee told U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson that kimchi was "vitally important to the morale of Korean troops".It was also sent to space on board Soyuz TMA-12 with Yi So-Yeon after a multi-million dollar research effort to kill the bacteria and lessen the odor without affecting taste.

Source: Wikipedia
For more information about Kimchi you can visit here.

For my Kimchi post today İ copy from Maangchi.com (Cooking Korean Food) with minor adjustment.

Churros with Chocolate sauce

Frankly speaking İ never eat churros before, even there are some counters in Jakarta, cıty İ was living in before, İ didn't had intention to taste it. But after some my FB friends make by them self recently it finally tickling me... So İ'm very much curious about it. İ search what churros is.. how's the recipe and try to find out some people opinion on their blog describe how it taste.... And again-as always- wikipedia become my source to find it more ^,^

During my recipe searching İ found some recipe claimed Mexican churros while some other write about Spanish Churros.. According to wikipedia the origin of this churros is unclear. One theory is they were brought to Europe by the Portuguese. The Portuguese sailed for the Orient and, as they returned from Ming Dynasty China to Portugal, they brought along with them new culinary techniques, including modifying the dough for You tiao also known as Youzagwei in Southern China, for Portugal. However, they modified it by introducing a star design because they did not learn the Chinese skill of "pulling" the dough (the Chinese Emperor made it a capital crime to share knowledge with foreigners). As a result, churros are not "pulled" but rather extruded out through a star-shaped die.

Another theory is that the churros was made by Spanish shepherds, to substitute for fresh bakery goods. Churro paste was easy to make and fry in an open fire in the mountains, where shepherds spend most of their time.

And about the taste and texture, some people it's refer to donut taste with cinnamon. But after check mostly recipe -- and finally İ made by my self-- İt's more on fried pastry with sugar cinnamon... What do you think?
Anyway, in fact now İ like churros and definitely it's perfect friend during my chill day and best friend accompany me during my 'book time' alone after my kid sleeping, with hot coffee latte, in silent night :)

For my first adventure of churros I decide use recipe from mowielicious.com here. No spesific reason. İ saw many recipe almost same in ingredients and method. Maybe next time İ will try Martha Steward's which use milk instead of water. 
And here the recipe....

Stolen picture ..Stolen Recipe...not link back...çalıntı fotoğraflar.

Making  a blog page it's not as easy as you think..especially cooking blog. There are many effort we put there. We trial error of some recipe, then make "report" for our reader so they can take some learn and evaluations from our failure. So it's not just write recipe that we never really try in our kitchen then we can easily take somebody else' photos.

And if we were success with our recipe..still we make so many effort to photograph them..edit those picture ..make a file ..then present them to our audience/ reader so our reader-again- can take some learn and evaluation from it...YES!! WE ARE WORKİNG to make our page !

But how do you feel if you find your recipe or your photograph suddenly on other'page without our permission or even didn't link to us...and worse is: taken our photo work for their own commercials purpose? What will you do?

İt often happens to me. Sometimes directly İ comment that post which content my work then link to my page--mostly they delete my comment but still continue using my photo work...İt's truly annoying! some other time İ email them to delete my photo work or at least link to my page blog. yes..this way also sometimes we deal with stubborn person..sometime if İ'm lucky İ get positive respond from them... But still it's annoying right? We can not all time randomly googling our own post to see who use our work without permission or link to us.

And here some of my photo work which being used by others without my permission. İ show their link also for you. İ will not take down those picture until they contact me personally or comment in this post to say sorry and remove the picture they use.

For now İ only googling randomly those my 2 posts and found that..Who knows how many more İ don't see it.
So.. until they didn't say sorry or ask permission to me İ will not take those pictures down.

My email: benim.citra@gmail.com


Cupcake flower bouquet recipe. #cupcakebouquet and #friendship

Hello again..how are you?? Any plan for your weekend? Me..İ will just relax stay home with my little fam. My little angel is a bit sick this whole week... cold and got red and itchy skin like allergic symptom--main reason we don't hang out outside as every weekend.
Well..İ hope you are having precious time also with your family.

Now İ will talk about my today's post. This weekend post is flower cupcake bouquet. İ was so exciting when one of my friend text me message that she will give something to her dearest friend. They met when my friend worked in Turkey..now my friend already back to İndonesia. But seems their relationship develop into close and best friend. Best friend between two continental. Yes, a distance doesn't cut a friendship.... 
She ask me to make something special, unusual yet pretty and touchıng. Presenting friendship and caring. We talked many ideas then İ gave her this cupcake flower bouquet idea. She agree..then...voallaa..! İ did it ^,^


Homemade Playdough DIY (no Cook)

My lil girl looks easy to get boring one... She was exciting when she had new toys for the first time. But then after twice, three or four time plays with that toys she will neglect it right away...
İ do not know if you moms out there have same fact like mine ^,^

But İ always try to make her busy and learn much more things though... And this is one of many other things I do for her..make her play dough. İf you have lıl kid who still put anything on her mouth, maybe you must start to try make your own playdough for them because you know exactly what ingredients you put in ıt...This play dough still save accidentally get in toddler's mouth even the taste not very nice for them to swallow it ^,^

 What you need:

Plaited Coconut Pandan Bread / Aneka Kreasi Roti

Joining a group/ club could be very fun. It can be cheer up a bit our boring days sometimes (^,^) and sometimes we can find some new friends from those groups and of course a lot of new experiences we get from them. New point of view, new experiences, and who knows..new challenge! (^,^)
For that we must join a group which has same as our interest or hobbies. Just like recently I did-I join a group based on cooking and baking-- as my hobby, named "Your kitchen-My Kitchen" from Facebook page. It's a group to whom enjoying their time in kitchen cooking and baking. For culinary lover across the globe. This group wants to introduce especially Indonesian culinary to the world.
You must do same thing especially if you have a blog page, beside can increase your page's reader (stat), joining one or two or more group had more positive things more than I mentioned above (^,^)

What I like about this group is they regularly gathering an event challenge to their member. And more fun is they provide some gift/ reward for the winner!...yyyaaiiii ! (^,^) ...who doesn't like gift? But for me it's more on that challenge thing--as I always mentioned, I love challenge ^,^ And this time YKMK (Your kitchen-My Kitchen) make an event challenge: BREAD !

“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.” 


Spaghetti Shrimp Scampi

Hello Everybody..Hello December... (^,^)

Nothing can break cold situation between two strangers but talking about weather, right? I mean when you meet somebody totally new in same room, you don't know each other and you both have nothing to do but waiting something which is boring us. What do you think? What would you do or say if you were in that situation above?

Well...talking about weather, it was soft and cold rain welcoming December here in Bursa, Turkey...I mean the rain continuously since a day before. Not heavy rain though..just soft. I think the snow will come very soon. I didn't have any intention to go out or what so ever. Unfriendly weather for me (as tropical person) and especially for my kid. What to do.... nothing than play with my daughter inside as usual and made us one easy yet simple food for our self ^,^ . 

Beside I made hot chocolate drink mix (which I will post here very soon) I made this Spaghetti with shrimp scampi. Cloudy outside makes me a little hesitate to make more complicated meal than this ^,^

Serve 3


Gurame Asam manis /Carp or sea bream in Sweet and sour sauce

Resep dalam bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba from Turkey...Selam.

I love this November, many celebration, many happy occasions and more.... it's a hectic, busy yet fun and full of challenge... Challenge? Yes...those many things came to me, I considered as a challenge... Challenge to be better, challenge to dare  my self to become better one in anything I do.

Talking about challenge event for my blog you can scroll down to see what else my previous post on challenge post. And if you moms, guys, dearly blogger friends who will make any fun cooking and baking event for blogger..hey..just let me know! I would love to join too ^,^

And now I dare to challenge my self for join another event from Indonesian Food Blogger Community (IdBF) . Last August'14 I also joined one of their challenge event-cookies. This month IdBF makes an event challenge together with one of Indonesian food magazine publisher call "Kreasi Dapur Bersama Sajian Sedap"here is the link on how to join. This event will hold during this November 2014.

For this event I make this Gurame Asam Manis or Carp fish in Sweet and sour sauce. And this recipe I copy from Sajian Sedap--I rewrite the original recipe below from original source. I made some adjustment from the original recipe cause it didn't mentioned about to stir in the vegetables. My recipe base on my experience in my kitchen.


Crunchy (brined) Fried Chicken

After rain for few days the temperature drop faster than I thought. The sky so grey and still some dark cloud hanging there ready to pour their heavy snow I think.... Well, winter I guess knocking the door already. Even I can see peak of mount  Uludağ(*) already white covered by snow

Well.. what can we do? It's weekend and weekend should be our "go out side" time. But I can not risk my kid for having bad depressingly cold weather before the snow really come. Because as you know how bad the cold air before snowing, it's dry and unpleasant cold.

I knew that we would not "go out side" this weekend, so I prepared to make something that can cheer us up a little. We couldn't eat outside so I made this crunchy fried chicken instead. With fried potatoes and homemade orange juice..well I brought "restaurant" in home ^,^

Make 10 or 12 delicious crunchy chicken 


Red Velvet "Yogurt Cheese" Swirl Brownies for #nccbrowniesweek

I looovvveeee brownies ( who doesn't?) ... and more even I love red velvet.... I don't know, I kinda admire those red velvet color on my dessert... so pretty and yet appetites .. Don't you thing so?

Beside this Red Velvet brownies you can check my previous post with this adorable red velvet. I had made Steamed Red Velvet brownies with cream cheese topping, check it here.
And not so long ago I also made Red Velvet cake for my wedding anniversary, you can check that post here.

And my post today is Red Velvet Brownies with Cheese Swirl. Beside my craze about Red Velvet...I made this brownies also to join and celebrate "Natural Cooking Club (NCC) Brownies Week"

A little about NCC Indonesia, it's a club and forum for all culinary lovers. The group mainly in Indonesian language, but if you want to join, it also open for you with English language. I heard about this group from long time ago before I dare to join it lately. 

They have many great culinary events which dare your baking and cooking addict become more fun. And this month they have Brownies Week event that I eagerly join to ^,^
Please do check other members' post for this Brownies event here.

Now, let's talk about my red velvet brownies. For the brownies recipe I adapted from here and for the swirl cheese I use my homemade "yogurt cheese" and make a little modification. To have "yogurt cheese" you can drain/ strain one or two cups of thick yogurt a day before (or at least over night). You can check my other post using this yogurt cheese in my previous post: Yogurt Cheese souffle, Yogurt Cheesecake, Three tone yogurt "cheese" Chocolate mousse... and wait..I'll have more experiment with this healthy "cheese" ^,^

Note: For bigger batch of this yogurt cheese you need to drain plain thick yogurt to separate the water (whey) in cheesecloth-lined strainer for at least 24 hours before. From 1 kg yogurt I get about 860 ~ 900 gr drained yogurt 'Cheese' (it depends the thickness of yogurt you use)

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