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Crunchy Crispy Chocolate Chips Cookies. Recipe with video

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Merhaba From Tรผrkiye ๐Ÿ‘‹

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Crunchy Crispy Chocolate Chips Cookies. Recipe with video . | ร‡itra's Home Diary. #chocolatechipcookies #cookierecipe #resepkuekeringlebaran #kurabiyetarifi #cocochipcookie #chocolatecookie

Cookies are one of the snacks I am never bored making and creating for a new flavor. Every day must be at least a jar full of cookies at our house ๐Ÿช

Besides other desserts or other meals, I bake cookies at least once a week. So if you visit my house.. don't worry... you always get cookies to accompany our tea or coffee ๐Ÿต
For me, drinking tea without snacks or cakes or pastries doesn't taste very good.
That's why the cookie jar is rarely empty at my house even though it's not Eid ๐Ÿ˜Š

Crunchy Crispy Chocolate Chips Cookies. Recipe with video . | ร‡itra's Home Diary. #chocolatechipcookies #cookierecipe #resepkuekeringlebaran #kurabiyetarifi #cocochipcookie #chocolatecookie

After a long time didn't post any cookies recipe ( my last cookie recipe was "Langues-de-chat cookie"). 
But as I mentioned above, I bake cookies at least once a week, and mostly I bake our favorites ones, just like my favorite and "the legend" Pineapple tart cookies.
I already shared many versions of my pineapple tart cookies.

If you are looking for pineapple tart cookie recipes you can check my recipe below:

Crunchy Crispy Chocolate Chips Cookies. Recipe with video . | ร‡itra's Home Diary. #chocolatechipcookies #cookierecipe #resepkuekeringlebaran #kurabiyetarifi #cocochipcookie #chocolatecookie

And of course, you can find many cookie recipes which I already shared before. Just check my Cookies category on the sidebar, you will find more than 60 yummy cookies recipe I shared. 
Don't forget to follow me on social media as well so you can come back anytime for another cookie recipe and other unique recipes.

This chocolate chip cookie is a crunchy/ crispy one. Not a chewy/ soft kind. I will post a chewy one next time, inshallah.

This cookie has a better taste in next day after it's slightly "soft"

This recipe is also freezer friendly. You can keep the mixed cookie dough in an airtight container/ plastic bag. Keep in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days or in the freezer for up to a month.

You can bake the cookies anytime when you are ready, direct from the refrigerator.
If you keep it in the freezer, defrost it in the refrigerator before baking them.

Don't forget to subscribe to my YT channel

Crunchy Crispy Chocolate Chips Cookies
By: ร‡itra's Home Diary

Yield ±1300 gr (about 125 pcs medium)

๐Ÿช 400 gr AP flour
๐Ÿช 50 gr milk powder
๐Ÿช 25 gr cocoa powder
๐Ÿช ½ tsp salt
๐Ÿช ½ tsp baking powder
๐Ÿช ½ tsp baking soda
๐Ÿช 100 gr rice cereal (white or chocolate), pounded coarsely
๐Ÿช 200 gr soften butter
๐Ÿช 200 gr brown sugar
๐Ÿช 100 gr caster sugar
๐Ÿช 2 egg yolks
๐Ÿช 1 tsp vanilla
๐Ÿช 180 gr vegetable oil ( I use sunflower oil)
๐Ÿช 200 gr white and chocolate choco chips ( more for toppings)

How to make : 

1) Sift together; ap flour, milk powder, cocoa powder, salt, baking powder, and baking soda.

2) Lightly pound the rice cereal into finer pieces, but not too powdery. Then mix into flour mixture.

3) Place softened butter, brown sugar, caster sugar, and vanilla in a mixing bowl.
Use medium speed to mix until well combined, light, and creamy. Don't forget to scrape down and sides of the bowl as well.

4) Then mix in the vegetable oil while continue mixing at medium speed. Mix until incorporated.

5) Mix in the dry ingredients, use low speed to mix the batter. Then add the choco chips. Use a wooden spoon to mix the batter until thoroughly mixed. 
Cover with plastic film then refrigerate it for about 30 minutes.
Note: You can keep this cookie batter in a ziplock bag and keep it in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Bake it any time you want.

6) Preheat oven at 150°C / 140°C (fan force). Line 3 wide cookie tray with parchment paper. I use a half tablespoon for scooping my batter. Take the cookie batter then start to shape it into a small ball
Arrange them onto a baking tray with some space between them. Sprinkle with the rest of the choco chips then gently push with the back of the fork. Do to the rest of the batter.

7) Bake in preheated oven for about 14-16 minutes. Turn the baking tray halfway through. 
Note: Adjust temperature and baking time according to your own oven condition.
time and temperature only guidance. 
the cookies are soft once out of the oven and hardened after being cooled.

Move the cookies to an airtight jar after they are completely cooled.

Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you're making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me ๐Ÿ˜Š Send me some ๐Ÿ’š

 ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓
Crunchy Crispy Chocolate Chips Cookies. Recipe with video . | ร‡itra's Home Diary. #chocolatechipcookies #cookierecipe #resepkuekeringlebaran #kurabiyetarifi #cocochipcookie #chocolatecookie

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Merhaba dari Tรผrkiye semuanya ๐Ÿ‘‹
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

Crunchy Crispy Chocolate Chips Cookies. Recipe with video . | ร‡itra's Home Diary. #chocolatechipcookies #cookierecipe #resepkuekeringlebaran #kurabiyetarifi #cocochipcookie #chocolatecookie

Apa kabar? Inshaallah tetap sehat ya ๐Ÿ˜Š
Kue kering atau camilan kecil lainnya selalu ada di rumah saya. Di kebanyakan keluarga Turki tradisi minum teh sore hari setelah makan malam bersama keluarga selalu ada. Bukan saja diantara keluarga, diantara teman dan kerabat lain, saling mengundang minum teh adalah hal yang rutin dilakukan.... Menyenangkan bukan? ๐Ÿ˜Š

Bagi saya pribadi, minum teh tanpa ada makanan kecil atau kek atau kue kering rasanya kurang sreg ya.. ๐Ÿ˜Š
Karena itu saya selalu bikin stok makanan ringan atau camilan buat teman minum teh. Kalau tidak ya selalunya ada kue kering.
Maka itu toples kukis jarang kosong di rumah saya walau bukan lebaran ๐Ÿ˜Š

Crunchy Crispy Chocolate Chips Cookies. Recipe with video . | ร‡itra's Home Diary. #chocolatechipcookies #cookierecipe #resepkuekeringlebaran #kurabiyetarifi #cocochipcookie #chocolatecookie

Setelah lama nian tidak posting resep kue kering, hari ini saya ingin membagi resep kue kering yang ternyata disuka banget oleh keluarga saya. Rasanya mirip-mirip dengan kue kering yang dijual disini (tapi kata anak saya "rasanya jauuuuhhh lebih enak dari yang di toko itu" ๐Ÿ˜‹).

Yaaa... anakku.... yang dibikin di rumah pastinya lebih enak donk.. karena ada tambahan๐Ÿ’— di dalamnya ( *ciieeeee ๐Ÿ˜)

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Crunchy Crispy Chocolate Chips Cookies
Oleh: ร‡itra's Home Diary

Hasil jadi ±1300 gr (± 125 kuker)

๐Ÿช 400 gr terigu serba guna
๐Ÿช 50 gr susu bubuk
๐Ÿช 25 gr kakao bubuk
๐Ÿช ½ sdt garam
๐Ÿช ½ sdt baking powder
๐Ÿช ½ sdt soda kue/ baking soda
๐Ÿช 100 gr rice cereal (yang plain atau coklat), tumbuk kasar
๐Ÿช 200 gr mentega suhu ruang
๐Ÿช 200 gr gula palem/ brown sugar
๐Ÿช 100 gr gula kastor
๐Ÿช 2 kuning telur
๐Ÿช 1 sdt vanilla
๐Ÿช 180 gr minyak goreng ( saya pakai minyak biji matahari)
๐Ÿช 200 gr coco chip coklat dan putih (plus untuk topping)

Cara membuat : 

1) Ayak dan campur jadi satu; terigu serbaguna, susu bubuk, kakao bubuk, garam, baking powder, baking soda.

2) Tumbuk kasar rice cereal lalu campurkan ke bahan kering diatas.

3) Dalam mangkok besar, masukkan mentega (suhu ruang), gula palem, gula kastor, dan vanila. Kocok dengan mixer kecepatan sedang, hingga tercampur rata dan gula larut sebagian. Jangan lupa spatula bagian pinggir dan bawahnya agar semua tercampur rata. Lanjutkan mixer hingga creamy.

4) Masukkan minyak sayur, mixer lagi kecepatan rendah hingga rata.

5) Masukkan bahan kering, gunakan mixer kecepatan rendah saja hingga semua tercampur rata.
Lalu aduk dengan spatula atau sendok kayu jika adonan berat untuk mixer. Campurkan coco chip, aduk merata lalu tutup dan simpan dalam lemari es kurleb 30 menit.
Note: Dalam tahap ini adonan kue kering bisa disimpan dalam kantong plastik bersegel rapat dan simpan dalam lemari es. Bisa dipanggang kapan saja jika membutuhkan. 
Simpan dalam lemari es hingga 5 hari.

6) Panaskan oven suhu 150°C / 140°C (jika pakai kipas). Alasi loyang dengan baking paper.
Saya menggunakan takaran setengah sendok makan untuk menakar adonan kuker. Ambil adonan kukis dengan sendok takaran, bentuk bulat dan susun di loyang. Beri jarak kurang lebih 3 cm sebab kue kering akan melebar jika dipanggang.
Tekan bulatan dengan garpu pelan saja (tidak perlu sampai tipis). Lalu beri tambahan coco chip untuk topping.
Lakukan hingga adonan habis.

7) Panggan dalam oven kurang lebih 14-16 menit. Putar loyang agar matang merata ketika memanggang.
Note: Suhu dan waktu memanggang sesuaikan dengan kondisi oven masing-masing. 
Kue kering akan lembek ketika panas, tapi akan mengeras ketika dingin. Jangan dipidah-pindah dulu ketika masih lembek agar bentuknya bagus.

Simpan kue kering ke dalam toples kedap udara setelah benar-benar dingin.

Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.

Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you're making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me ๐Ÿ˜Š Send me some ๐Ÿ’š


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Lemon Madeleines. Easy Recipe with video

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