♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Homemade Wonton and dumpling wrapper / membuat kulit pangsit sendiri di rumah

Make about 30 pieces(10x10 cm) / 440 gr
  • 250 gr all purpose flour
  • 50 gr tapioca starch, more for sprinkling
  • 6 gr salt
  • 15 ml cooking oil
  • about 130 gr hot boiling water.
How to make Wonton Wrapper:

Cheesy Chicken Balls/ Bola Ayam keju

"Children Learn more from What you are than What you teach"

Selam...... Merhaba from turkey....

With small kids around the house we must always ready with any healthy and yummy meals so anytime we can provide them within a minute. For that I always make stock some whether homemade chicken nugget, croquette or this cheesy chicken balls. Whenever I need it, I just take out from my freezer, let it defrost and warm it up.

Cheesy Chicken Balls/ Bola Ayam keju | Çitra's Home Diary. #cheesestuffedmeatball #chickenmeatball #chickenrecipeidea #cheesymeatball #resepmasakanindonesia
This cheesy chicken ball is one of my favorite too.. serve it warm and we'll get best cheesy chicken ball ever. I usually store them in freezer after fry them, just thaw some on room temperature before warm it up on microwave or low temperature oven.

HIKAYAH : Kisah Petani dan Keledainya.

Assalamu'alaikum.... Merhaba dari Turki..

Dulu sebelum tidur, Bapak Almarhum selalu mendongeng untuk saya dan saudara2 saya. Banyak sekali kisah mulai dari kisah nabi nabi sampai hikayat Abu nawas yg melekat di pikiran saya hingga saya setua ini. 

Saya pikir ada baiknya cerita-cerita yang beliau kisahkan  pada kami saat itu, saya tuangkan dalam tulisan di blog saya yang sederhana ini dengan harapan anak-anak saya kelak (dan juga pembaca yang lain) juga bisa mengenal hikayat-hikayat itu juga. 
Dan bagi saya dengan menuliskannya kembali disini dapat menjadi pengingat bagi saya akan almarhum Bapak dan kebiasaaan bercerita sebelum tidur tersebut dan meneruskan kebiasaan itu kepada anak saya, Inshallah...

I miss U Bapak......

Photo Credit: wwwayazdotcom via Compfight cc

Di sebuah desa hiduplah seorang bapak petani tua dan anak laki-lakinya. Kehidupan mereka sangat miskin hingga tak memiliki apa-apa lagi selain keledai tua. Akhirnya si petani memutuskan untuk menjual Keledai mereka ini.

Steamed Pandan Chocolate Marble Cake (from Egg white) / Bolu kukus Pandan dari Putih telur.

Resep dalam Bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah

"Children need our presence more than our presents"

Selam everybody .... Merhaba from Turkey..

My today's post is steamed cake from egg white again. If you are my  regular blog's reader you probably notice that I posted many steamed cake in this humble page, and some of them used egg white-mostly left over egg white.. 

Yes I do like steamed cake. Cake with steamed process I think it's more moist than bake one. And for me any recipe I use with steamed process it become fail proof recipe (^,^) ... trust me. I tried many time, with same recipe, when I steamed it, it always came out fluffy and moist cake, while - some time I got 'broken heart' cake out from my oven... in fact that recipe with oven bake method... I have no idea why.. 

Please do check other steamed cake post on "steamed" over cooking method section.
You can also check specific steamed cake from egg white like Spiced steamed cake here, Chocolate steamed cake from egg white, Steamed zebra cake here.

And today I just steamed another cake from left over egg white and this time I twist chocolate flavor with my favorite Pandan flavor on marble cake.
Steamed process took about 45 minutes, also you must check by inserted skewer in the middle, continue steam if your skewer comes out still wet (it should comes out really clean).


Assalamu'alaikum.... Merhaba dari Turki..

Dulu sebelum tidur, Bapak Almarhum selalu mendongeng untuk saya dan saudara2 saya. Banyak sekali kisah mulai dari kisah nabi nabi sampai hikayat Abu nawas yg melekat di pikiran saya hingga saya setua ini. 

Saya pikir ada baiknya cerita-cerita yang beliau kisahkan  pada kami saat itu, saya tuangkan dalam tulisan di blog saya yang sederhana ini dengan harapan anak-anak saya kelak (dan juga pembaca yang lain) juga bisa mengenal hikayat-hikayat itu juga. 
Dan bagi saya dengan menuliskannya kembali disini dapat menjadi pengingat bagi saya akan almarhum Bapak dan kebiasaaan bercerita sebelum tidur tersebut dan meneruskan kebiasaan itu kepada anak saya, Inshallah...

Photo source ciktom.com
Suatu ketika, Rasulullah saw dan para sahabat ra sedang ifthar (buka puasa). Setiap kali mereka makan sebuah kurma, biji- biji sisanya mereka sisihkan di tempatnya masing-masing.

Beberapa saat kemudian, Ali menyadari bahwa dia memakan terlalu banyak kurma. Biji- biji kurma sisa mereka menumpuk lebih banyak di sisi Ali dibandingkan di sisi Rasulullah. Maka Ali pun secara diam- diam memindahkan biji-biji kurma tersebut ke sisi Rasulullah.

Kemudian Ali ra dengan tersipu-sipu mengatakan, “ Wahai Nabi, engkau memakan kurma lebih banyak daripada aku. Lihatlah biji-biji kurma yang menumpuk di tempatmu. ”Nabi pun tersenyum dan menjawab, “Ali, kamulah yang memakan lebih banyak kurma. Aku memakan kurma dan masih menyisakan biji-bijinya. Sedangkan engkau, memakan kurma berikut biji-bijinya”. (HR. Bukhori)


Fırında Kabak Mücver tarifi /Turkish Bake zucchini fritters

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

I can say I'm the most frustrated mom at least at my planet...😂
Should I or not frustrated surrounded by two people who hate vegetables? Should I or not frustrated surrounded by two people who picky at food?

As a mom I already headache making a healthy menu for my kid....then adding by one big man who picky on food and vegetables hates, my husband!
If you are in the same situation as mine...please do share some tips for me (^,^)

Fırında Kabak Mücver tarifi /Turkish Bake zucchini fritters.#Bake,#Breakfast And #Brunch, #Cheese, #SideDish, #Turkishfood, #Vegan, #vegetables
I always try to "smuggle" any vegetables in meal I make, for example peas and carrot on chicken nuggets... And when I knew this mücver dish I was so happy and was eagerly to try...

Mocca Spongecake Recipe

Resep dalam bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam.... Merhaba from Turkey..

Happy weekend to all of you.. 
What do you usually do with family to spend weekend together? It's summer time, maybe mostly you're on happy holiday this moment...Happy holiday for you!

Or you just stay at home with your family, enjoying togetherness in this hot lazy summer... laying down on couch whole day doing nothing but fingers do sport changing TV channels (^,^)

For us..week end is "go out from house day" since we have small kid who always boring stay inside home too long in summer days... Of course, almost everyday I took her to small kid park near our neighborhood... But it's very small playing yard, with only 1 slide, 2 pair swings.. with 70% good condition... surely my kid easily gets bore there too....
So...week end is really our family time, spending time together.

As every other week end in our house, week end is almost "cake" time ... so this week end I just make simple sponge cake with mocca flavor to accompany our tea and coffee time.

I made this cake many times using basic spongecake recipe (just vary in flavor), and it always turn out beautifully yet yummy.. it's super easy and fail proof, guaranty you gonna love it also...

Jagung Manis Keju (Cheesy Sweet Corn Cup)

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey

This is my kid's favorite snack.. I sometimes serve this between lunch and supper time. 
I like it also. It's slightly savory, slightly sweet and make me feel really full without being guilty (^,^) ... with reduce a little butter and cheese for me, this snack absolutely healthy.

Summer time like now days, we can meet many vendors on street selling this kind of satiated snack. But here in Turkey, the taste bit different from sweet corn cup sells in Indonesia. Sweet corn cup here simply mix the corn kernels with A LITTLE part of butter, for optional topping they let us choose ketchup, acılı sos (spicy sauce), and pomegranate vinegar. No other variation like when you visit Indonesian sweet corn vendors.

In Indonesian vendors we can have some sweet corn cup variant such as: cheese, mayonnaise, bbq sauce, milky sweet, and I don't remember else (^,^)

What I made today is sweet corn cup base on my taste with cheese topping. Of course feel free to choose your own taste and topping, it's basically boiled kernel mix with butter. For further taste and variation are depends on your liking.


Künefe Recipe /Turkish sweet cheese kadayif pastry (Kunafa / kanafeh)

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Künefe or kanafeh or kunafeh or kunafah or ... I don't know any other names of it.. But basically it's sweet pastry made from wiry kadaif filled/ layered with unsalty soft cheese and soaked in sugar syrup. Served hot or room temperature.  Künefe is popular from Turkey and from some Mediterranean countries (as a former Ottoman Empire).

Künefe or kanafeh or kunafeh or kunafah or ... I don't know any other names of it.. But basically, it's a sweet pastry made from wiry kadaif filled/ layered with unsalty soft cheese and soaked in sugar syrup. Served hot or at room temperature.
Künefe is popular in Turkey and in some Mediterranean countries (as a former Ottoman Empire).

In Turkey, some cities (like Hatay, Adana, Mersin, Sanliurfa, Mardin) had claimed where this Künefe originated from. But according to sources Künefe originally from Arabian. The soldiers of the Ottoman Empire which were sent on the road to the establishment of the Republic have gone to Yemen. Some of the troops here had made some "sweets/ dessert" and then later when they (ottoman soldiers) have returned to their home they started to learn making this dessert. Künefe came to Mersin the end of the year 1930, and to Hatay at 1940s.

Künefe or kanafeh or kunafeh or kunafah or ... I don't know any other names of it.. But basically it's sweet pastry made from wiry kadaif filled/ layered with unsalty soft cheese and soaked in sugar syrup. Served hot or room temperature.  Künefe is popular from Turkey and from some Mediterranean countries (as a former Ottoman Empire).

I ate this sweet pastry the first time a few years ago when I got to Turkey for 1st time ( I think it was around 2008). And my first impression was this dessert was away too sweet for me.. any Turkish dessert was too sweet for me as they mostly soaked in thick sugar syrup.
But after a few years of living here slowly, my taste has adapted, but still, I eat some sweets in moderation.


Bread rolls/ Roll-ppang 롤빵

Assalamu'alaikum..... Merhaba From Turkiye....

Since I live in Turkey, making bread is part of my daily work cause we eat bread in any ways almost everyday. Almost everyday or at least once in 2 days I always serve my family with fresh bread. Nothing can replace warm and fresh bread from oven serve at your family table... as warm as the togetherness it self..

As Turkish people mostly consume chewy (and slightly hard) bread so mostly I made that type of bread. Different type from Asian bread (which mostly I ate few years back) which has soft and spongy texture also mostly slightly more has sweet and milky taste. So of course my daily bread I made are more chewy and slightly hard in texture even once in a while we eat soft and spongy bread but I reduce as much as I can the amount of sugar in it.

You can check my soft bread (No egg required) here. Don't forget to check my other bread post on "Bread" category.

And my today's post also about bread and I want to try Korean style bread roll-ppang 롤빵.
I never make and it before so I'm a little curious about the real taste and texture... so if you are Korean or you tasted it before please do share with me....


Peynirli Poğaça (Turkish pastry with cheese filling)

Selam.... Merhaba from Turkey...

Poğaça (read: po a tja, with "a" vague). In Turkey it's savory pastry with various filling, start from cheese, meat, potatoes, olive and more. Mostly eaten for breakfast or brunch with hot Turkish tea. 

But I often find this food during afternoon aile toplantı(*) together with bulgur salad, couscous salad, potato salad, pasta salad and more.

(*) Casual family gathering which sometimes Turkish women (or family) do in afternoon. They talk and share news/ story among them or family, drink tea, with light lunch such pastry ( börek poğaça çörek, etc) with salad ( like kısır, potato salad) and more. and close the gathering with turkish coffee.

In Turkey there are few type of Poğaça... some use yeast (they call mayalı Poğaça) and some use baking powder. 
And my today post is Poğaça with baking powder, so the texture is more to shortbread. Different with Poğaça with yeast which has texture to bread, but I like them both.... They just perfect for quick and light breakfast/ brunch.

For yeast version you can visit my post here and here

Telur masak Kecap / hard boiled eggs in sweet soy sauce

For Recipe in English, please scroll down.

Assalamu'alaikum.... Merhaba from Turkey

Sesuai janji saya sebelumnya, saya akan bagi salah satu lauk pelengkap lontong cap gomeh yang saya buat untuk menu lebaran Idhul Fitri kemarin.. yaitu telur masak kecap. Menu ini salah satu menu favorit saya. Biasanya saya menyantapnya dengan nasi hangat dan kerupuk udang saja.

Dulu saya biasa menambahkan irisan cabe rawit hingga mendapatkan pedas kesukaan lidah Surabaya saya... Tapi belakangan ini sejak saya juga harus share masakan yang saya bikin dengan putri batita saya... saya kurangi rasa pedas baik dari merica atau cabe rawitnya supaya dia juga bisa menikmati makanan khas Indonesia seperti ibunya ^,^

Syukur Alhamdulillah dia suka semua jenis makanan lho...baik makanan Turki atau tahu-tempe-krupuk yang Indonesia banget... tinggal ngelatih lidah dan perut dia dikit-dikit agar sukai pedas juga, biar bisa nge-rujak bareng sama Mommy nya ntar....hehehehehe...

Ini resep yang biasa saya pakai (juga ibu saya) dari dulu. Untuk kemiri kadang saya tambahkan..kadang juga saya tidak pakai (tapi nambahin jumlah cabe merah dikit). Dan untuk kuahnya suka-suka juga ya..mau yang agak banyak atau kental banget (masaknya agak dilamain biar kuahnya nyusut)...


Opor Ayam / Chicken braised in coconut milk ( javanese curry) Recipe

For Recipe in English please scroll down

Assalamu'alaikum.... Merhaba from Turkey..
Masih dalam suasana Idhul Fitri.... saya ingin sampaikan salam selamat hari raya Idhul Fitri 1 syahwal 1436 H..Mohon Maaf lahir dan bathin.

Memang kalau jauh dari tanah air... membuat kita makin menghargai tradisi yang dulu sewaktu kita di tanah air tidak terlalu kita perhatikan -- yang suatu saat kita akan rindukan...

Hal sekecil apapun yang biasa kita dapatkan di tanah air, kini menjadi suatu memori yang sangat berharga dan selalu ingin kita hidupkan kembali di tanah yang jauh dari kampung halaman kita...

Seperti halnya Lebaran yang kali ini saya lewati di Turki. Lebaran Idhul Fitri di Turki mempunyai nuansa yang berbeda dari lebaran di Indonesia- walau setiap orang sama bersemangat menyambutnya.  

Di Indonesia lebaran identik dengan aneka kue kering dan ketupat. Idhul Fitri di Turki terasa kurang jika tidak ada "baklava" dan permen/ turkish delight. Setiap rumah pasti menyajikan baklava untuk kerabat, teman dan sanak keluarga yang berkunjung di hari lebaran idhul fitri - dalam bahasa turkinya " Ramazan Bayram" atau kadang disebut "Şeker Bayram"

Baklava adalah pastry berlapis dengan isian semacam kacang kenari/ walnut atau dengan isian pistachio, dioven lalu disiram dengan sirup gula kental atau madu. Jadi bisa dibayangkan rasanya yang sangat manis legit dan gurih.

Tahun ini saya tidak sediakan Baklava di rumah. Hanya supaya tidak kehilangan nuansa "Şeker Bayram" (yang artinya Lebaran permen) saya juga sediakan permen coklat bikinan sendiri selain aneka kue kering khas Indonesia. Inshaalloh untuk permen coklat homemade akan saya posting terpisah.


Klassiske Vaniljekranse / Danish Butter Cookies Recipe

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

My post today again it's about cookies... Yes, since these Islamic Holiday (Eid al-fitr).. I made a lot of cookies..many kind.... And one of them is this Danish butter Cookies.

I decide to make this cookies because it remind me on my hometown during Eid al-fitr my mom always had this among our homemade cookies.. yes, we always store bought this cookies. It's so classic and memorable cookies for me and my siblings since it has been around veerryyy long time  - maybe since I was a kid as I remember.

So for bring back my childhood memories and having "Eid al Fitr like home" I make this nice and fragrant cookies for this Ramadhan Bayram...

Klassiske Vaniljekranse / Danish Butter Cookies Recipe | Çitra's Home Diary


Speculaas butter cookies / Butter kukis dengan bumbu spikoek

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey..

Celebrating Ramadhan Bayram/ Eid al-Fitr is always being a happiest moment in my life...after do our Fasting (sawm) during Ramadhan.The holiday celebrates the conclusion of the 29 or 30 days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadan. The day of Eid, therefore, falls on the first day of the month of Shawwal

In Turkey, Eid al-Fitr celebrated with baklava and candy or turkish delight. When you visit your friend or relatives during Eid al-fitri (Ramazan Bayram) they will serve you with that traditional sweets pastry.

But in Indonesian tradition, eid al-fitr identically with cookies, ketupat with many other traditional meals. Too bad I can not have ketupat here.. 😔

But even far away from my homeland I want to have my own Indonesian tradition to celebrate Eid al Fitr here... Beside Baklava (mostly I buy from patisserie here) I usually make some cookies to have Indonesian Eid al fitr's atmosphere in our house... And of course for my Indonesian fellows who visit our house they will get Indonesian aroma...

Speculaas butter cookies / Butter kukis dengan bumbu spikoek| Çitra's Home Diary. #speculaas #cookies #buttercookies #bumbuspiku #spicecookie #kuekering

We usually have many kind of cookies to serve in our living room table, waiting our guess... such as nastar, kaastengel, putri salju, sus kering, pastel mini, etc...Those are always serve on my house during eid al fitri ^,^
You can check my variant cookies recipe on cookies section. 

Patetes Gözleme (Turkish flat bread filled with potato)

Selam Everybody.....Merhaba from Turkiye.

Gözleme is a savoury traditional Turkish flatbread, made of hand-rolled dough that is lightly brushed with butter and eggs, filled with various toppings, sealed, and cooked over a griddle.

The name derives from the Turkish word göz meaning "compartment", in reference to the pocket of dough in which the various toppings are sealed and cooked. Traditionally, this is done over a saç griddle.


Kari Ikan / Indonesian style fish curry

Resep Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Selam Everybody...Merhaba from Turkey.....

My today post is Kari Ikan or Indonesian Fish Curry.
Generally we serve this curry with steamed rice together with some steamed simple steamed vegetables side dish like steamed casava's leaves or papaya leaves. 
It best makes this curry spicy as our original Indonesian style.

  • 500 grams of mackerel/ bonito/ tuna. Cut into approximately 1 inch thick
  • half medium lemon, take the juice
  • some birds eye chilies, according how spicy you wanna go
  • about 2 cm ginger, bruised
  • about 2 cm galangal, bruised
  • 4~6 kaffir lime leaves
  • 1 stalks lemongrass, white part only, bruised
  • 1 curry leaves--> I didn't use it, I use bay leaf
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 Tbsp  salt or to taste
  • 1/4 tsp ground pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 700~800 ml of coconut milk, medium thick
  • enough cooking oil.

Jamur goreng krispi /Crunchy fried mushrooms

Selam Everybody....Merhaba from Turkey...

Have you try this snack?
I remember had this snack few years ago. At that time in Indonesia, this fried mushrooms was one of favorite street snack. Even there were many franchises selling this booming snack everywhere. Big mall, school, campus, market, street stall..... 

Well, basically Indonesian like street food so much..seriously! If you visit Indonesia you will easily finding street vendors selling anything almost everywhere... and they are mostly open 24 hours!

And if there's new food on street and people like it, it will easily booming and spread so fast like virus...hahahha.. including this fried mushrooms. People are like addicted to eat it, that's why fried mushrooms' vendors spread so fast like mushrooms in rain season :)

There are many variant of mushrooms they sell, like oyster mushrooms, champignon mushrooms until enoki muhsrooms.

And today... suddenly I miss to eat that snack again.. and more I want to give other snack variant to my kid... so happy she loves it and ask again and again...

So here my recipe if you wanna try it also at home...

Damla Sakızlı Fırın Sütlaç (Turkish Rice Pudding with mastic gum)

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

Damla Sakızlı Fırın Sütlaç (Turkish Rice Pudding with mastic gum). #turkishcuisine #ricepudding #dessert #tatlı #bakericepudding #sütlaç #fırınsütlaç  #sweetporidge #turkishcuisine #ricepudding #dessert #tatlı #fırınsütlaç #turkishdessert #turkishfoodrecipe #masticgum #puddingberaskhasturki #resepmasakanturki

Almost halfway of this blessing Ramadhan.... Full of blessing because this summer generally Turkey area are like spring. Usually summertime temperature so high and the air is somehow dry. Even though weather forecasts predict temperature will increase slowly start next week but again... this lovely Friday Bursa is wet and fresh again... ^,^
May Allah always gives easiness for you who are doing Ramadhan fasting. And May Allah forgive our sins and accept our deeds in this holy month.

Talking about Ramadhan and fasting... I always remember the Ramadhan atmosphere in Indonesia especially in my mom's house. She always prepared Iftar table for us, full of homy meals and "takjil". "takjil" is something sweet that we eat/ drink once the adzan echoed. It's  mostly a light thing to eat/ drink-almost like dessert- before we eat the main dish... 
How I miss my hometown now.....

Damla Sakızlı Fırın Sütlaç (Turkish Rice Pudding with mastic gum). #turkishcuisine #ricepudding #dessert #tatlı #bakericepudding #sütlaç #fırınsütlaç  #sweetporidge #turkishcuisine #ricepudding #dessert #tatlı #fırınsütlaç #turkishdessert #turkishfoodrecipe #masticgum #puddingberaskhasturki #resepmasakanturki
And here in Turkey we have a little things different than I had in my homeland but generally Ramadhan is the most joyful that we always waiting for each year.

Our today's dessert after iftar is Damla Sakızlı Fırın Sütlaç (Turkish Rice Pudding with mastic gum). The recipe I take from "Şeker bank tatlı kitab" with minor adjustment. The addition of  mastic gum in this recipe gives slightly chewy texture. But you can also try my other recipe without using mastic gum here.

Cherry Galette

Merhaba From Turkiye.... Selam.

Cherry is in season..... yes, I love cherry...the fruit I never ate before in my homeland... I don't know... was there cherry tree some where I didn't know or really there was not one. But cherry is very hard to find in Indonesia, except cherry in can/ preserved.
That's why I really enjoy eating them fresh or make them something. 

Yesterday there were two Indonesian students visited us.. So happy to see them because I didn't meet them for a quite long time due to their exam before summer holiday. So touching also cause they came to farewell to me and family before they spend summer holiday in Indonesia... They are both good and nice girls.. I miss them already...

They brought us a bag of sweet cherry that I like...thank you girls! so I'm thinking to make a nice yet crunchy dessert for our iftar.... so voalla.. I got this idea.. Cherry galette...
With sweet delish cherry filling meet with slightly savory flaky crust... what could be delight than that? Oh. yeah.. with warm love of family...  

Cherry Galette | Çitra's Home Diary. #cherrygalette #galetterecipe #cherryrecipe #inseason #pierecipe #cherrypie #dessert #summerbaking

For the dough, I use smitten kitchen's flaky pie recipe. Besides it's using all butter in the recipe (no shortening required) also the crust is so nice with the flaky crunchy result. I just love it.


Melon and Chia soda drink with Cocopandan syrup(Es Melon dan selasih)

Selam everbody.... Merhaba from Turkiye...

Until Ramadhan day 6 the weather still so friendly here... Even tonight when I post this Melon Chia soda drink.. Rain pouring soft on and off..it's just so peaceful. 

This Melon chia drink I made for our iftar today. In summer like this we can find melon easily and the price these days is so cheap.

The chia .... Hmmm.. I love chia. In Asia mostly we mix it in our cold beverages. The texture is so unique and if you search for more... it has many benefits.

What you need:

Strawberry and Chocolate hand pie

Assalamu'alaikum....... Merhaba from Turkey..

It's late post.... actually I made this few days ago but since early Ramadhan day 1 I've been busy with things around the house. And like many other time in Ramadhan I have a little less sleep. And thanks God this Ramadhan in summer time the weather is so friendly... so many rain... air is so fresh with bit of windy sometimes... It's really helpful to keep my energy still fresh during day light.

Today's post is simply easy strawberry with chocolate hand pie. It's so simple, quick, easy yet double yummy. Serve it with vanilla ice cream or simple whipped cream will be more delish. But I serve it with Kaymak, it's a creamy dairy product similar to clotted cream, made from the milk of water buffalos, cows, sheep, or goats
Mostly recipe I googling around is directly put fresh strawberry over the pastry dough but as my own experiences with fresh fruity pie, it will end up with wet and messy looking pie. Yes.. some people okay with that.. But this time I want my pie looks pretty as I bought from patisserie (*_*)... So I bake my strawberry before filling it to the dough. The result is so nice and yummy in taste yet pretty good looking hand pie...

Ramazan Pidesi (Ramadhan pide recipe)..make it at home!

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

HOMEMADE Ramazan Pidesi (Ramadhan pide recipe)| Çitra's Home Diary. #ramazanpidesi #turkishpide #flattbread #pidebread #homadepide #homadebread #rotikhasturki

Marhaban ya Ramadhan.... 
Ramazanimiz Mubarek Olsun...... Wishing you and family blessed and joyful Ramadhan.... May Allah accept all your prayers in this holy month.

In Turkey, the atmosphere welcoming Ramadhan is so warm and makes me feel a bit missing my homeland. Everywhere people say "Hayirli Ramazanlar" to each other as selam. I can feel that everyone rejoice to welcome this grace month......

And there is one bread which only found in Ramadhan month.... it's Ramazan pidesi (Ramadhan pide bread). Every public baker (halk fırını) or market sell this pide only in Ramadhan. It's slightly leavened flatbread with egg glaze and sprinkles with black and white sesame seeds. This pide is slightly more expensive compared to normal daily bread.

Here my recipe for you who want to make it at home. the method is the same as when you make bread, just you flatten it and glaze with egg yolk.... it's so fluffy and yummy to try...

make 2 medium pide bread.

Tahu Acar (Tofu Salad) / Indonesian tofu salad

Selam everybody... Merhaba from Turkey...

I am so joyful and grateful because Ramadhan will soon start in these few days.... 
Ramadhan is the 9th month in Islamic calendar. The most important and sacred month to all Muslims and a month when we must "fast" during the hours of daylight which is part of our 5 pillars of IslamThe Qur'an was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during this month. The actual night that the Qur'an was revealed is a night known as Lailut ul-Qadr ('The Night of Power').

Ramadhan is so important for me and family. And since this 2015 Ramadhan month is on summer time, we must prepare our self so well due to in summer time we will "fast" about 16 hours during daylight. So healthiness and good stamina are become our priority....

Beside keeping our health... preparing Ramadhan menu is also preoccupation for me and for mostly Muslim moms .... We usually already have at least 30 kind of meals, 30 kinds of dessert and 30 kind of beverages for whole ramadhan month in our mind or written on sticky paper on fridge's door :)

Well... maybe next time I will share my Ramadhan menu also here... :)

And maybe my today post also can be an idea for your Ramadhan menu .... :)


Cacık (Turkish style yogurt cucumber salad)

Cacık (read: Jajeek) is a dish made of seasoned yogurt mix with some vegetable such as cucumber, mint leaf or dill, olive oil, and garlic. Other variant people use purslane  (turk: semizotu). Some recipe use thick yogurt without dilute it and serve as meze (appetizer or side dish).
But mostly in my family I make it from dilute yogurt and we eat it as cold soup. It's just so refreshing and yet healthy in this summer time.

To make it is so easy and almost no effort and quick! All you have to do is just preparing all your ingredients near you then you go....

Cacık (Turkish style yogurt cucumber salad) | Çitra's Home Diary. #turkishfoodrecipe #yogurt #cacık #healthyfood #sidedish
So here I share my daily recipe how to make this healthy dish.

Strawberry Cheese Panna Cotta and Sunday's Election in Turkey

Merhaba from Turkiye everyone...
Today 7 June 2015... happy voting day for Turkiye...

Political wind warmly blows since these last few weeks before the peak of the general election day (genel seçim) 2015 last week. Everyone talked about politics and possibilities after elections later. From çay bahçesi / tea house(where Turkish people drink tea) nearly stand every inch in area where I lived, until at offices (at least at public offices that I know).

It seems everyone here is very concerned about politics and government, including my husband. He also got "political fever" like any body else.  Every evening after work, He watched all politic channel, from one channel to another .... ppffff ... I can not even watch my favorite show!

Well ... today the people of Turkish have fulfilled their rights in the election booths .... 
The result of Sunday's general election is a major blow to the biggest party now (AK Party), which has failed, for the first time since it came to power in 2002, to obtain enough votes to form a single-party government, although it is still the party that received the most votes.Well .... I only follow the news here. I'm not voter because I am not Turkish citizen ... Just wait and see where the political wind blows...But I found an interesting unique quote ...

EmilysQuotes.Com - politics, against, kill, people, destroy, planet, being a good person, morality, nature, unknown

anywaayyy....enough about what makes hot in this fresh summer in Turkey.... Let's talk about something cooler..something delightful and yummy... yes... I made Strawberry cheese panna cotta for our weekend dessert at home.
Before stawberry season ending soon... I still grab some of it from farmer market last week. Some I made this yummy Strawberry Cheese Panna Cotta, and some I will make simply strawberry hand pie later (it's a plan *_*)


Fish and Chips

Fish and chip... the meal that commonly eaten across British. One source said it's the most favorite take away food nationally. It's so popular among the British even beat Mac D ( 8 fish and chips outlets every 1 Mac D's outlet)

The potato is thought to have been brought to England from the New World in the 17th century by Sir Walter Raleigh although it is believed that the French invented the fried potato chip.

Both Lancashire and London stake a claim to being the first to invent this famous meal - chips were a cheap, staple food of the industrial north whilst fried fish was introduced in London’s East End. In 1839 Charles Dickens referred to a “fried fish warehouse” in his novel, 'Oliver Twist'.

The populace soon decided that putting fried fish and chips together was a very tasty combination and so was born our national dish of fish and chips!

A combination of Britain’s new railways and trawler fishing meant that fish could be reliably supplied inland, which coincided with chip shops spreading rapidly. It provided an exciting meal for the family that otherwise had to make do with the bleak fare of the Industrial Revolution.

Starting with just one chip shop in 1860, by 1910 there were roughly 25,000, and by 1927 there were 35,000, which shows just how popular the meal had become.

Fish and chips also had a role to play in both world wars. Due to their popularity, the government kept them off the ration list to increase morale and ensure basic nutrition for the munitions workers. Queues were often hours long once word got around that the chip shop had fresh fish! Winston Churchill even referred to them as the “good companions”.

So, there you have it; fish and chips, a national institution that’s considered by many outside it to be quintessentially British, owes its introduction to 15th century refugees, has provided nutrition and a morale boost during the Industrial Revolution and two world wars, and tastes great to boot!


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