♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.


Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam everybody ...... Merhaba from Türkiye 👋

İf you are my page's regular reader... you should probably know that I cook Indonesian and Asian cook more than Turkish food. 
Yep... daily I serve my mixed family with variant cuisine mostly Turkish food and Indonesian / Asian. Even not every day I eat Indonesian food but at least Asian spice always on my menu.
My kid enjoys both Indonesian/ Asian cuisine as much as Turkish food.

My husband still prefers Turkish food as main dish. Also, he starts to enjoy some Indonesian snacks or "kueh", Indonesian cookies that he never knew before, or some beverages.
He likes  tofu and tempeh as well😊 

And today I will share one of my repeatable menu. İt's Kung pao Chicken... my fave! Maybe some of you think that cooking Asian food is complicated. And seeing long list of ingredients might discouraged you.
But actually, once you get all your ingredients on the table, cooking Asian food is very fast, quick and flavorful- you gonna love it and enjoy the food instantly.



Hello everybody.......
Merhaba from Türkiye 👋

Baking bread is an almost daily routine for me. Any kind of bread, Asian style soft bread until artisan European style bread with chewy texture cause my husband is a bread eater. 
My kid, she enjoys everything. She can enjoy food from my culture as much as she likes Turkish food.
Me as Asian, mostly consume rice or noodle but of course, I can not resist hearty warm delicious soup with warm bread in chill days 😍

And since she started school a few years ago, baking burger bun is become my routine for her lunch box or sometimes for the fathers too.
And just today I want to share also with you since I have documented in pictures this time. This recipe I use for few years already and it works for me and turns into nice beautiful buns just like storebought.

You can check my other Bread recipe at Bread/ Bun category.

For you who never bake bread or bun before this recipe might be very easy for you to start. Here I make my own burger rings to get nice shape when it bakes but of course it's optional for you. İf you bake your own buns very often this ring pretty much help. You can get it ready at baking store but I prefer make them by my self.

Spicy Plum sauce Chicken Bowl / Ayam saus buah Prem

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba from Türkiye everybody 👋........... Selam.

You may agree that chicken is the cheapest protein source that we cook and eat daily. 
Same here at my house, my kid, and I love chicken so much.
Please check my chicken/poultry category if you want to know my various recipes cooking with chicken/ poultry in many styles; Turkish, Asian, Indonesian, or worldwide.

I like my chicken in many ways. Fry, grill, in soup or stew. For you who always looking for idea for kid's lunch box, you should try my homemade chicken nugget, or my cheese chicken balls, or Indonesian "kaki naga" .

And for my today post, İ am going to share my new fave Spicy Plum sauce Chicken. The sweet and sour in this recipe remind me of sweet and sour chicken, but it's deliciously different.

Maybe you remember previously I'd shared my homemade plum sauce. Beside soy sauce and kecap manis (sweet soy sauce), plum sauce is one of my staple sauce in my pantry.
So if you are Asian food lover... you should have that sauce also in your pantry. You will ready anytime whenever you have Asian food party 😍


Indonesian style Braised Beef tongue / Bistik Lidah sapi

Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Please come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

İt has been a while I didn't post anything. Been Veeerrryyy busy moving house. Last month we were moving into our new apartment. And I love our new home 🏠. Many sunshine with a beautiful Bursa view from our balcony.

Moving house is pretty much exhausting. Packing and more packing especially with many glassware and small things from my kitchen.
Well... finally we made it. Even today I still have some boxes not opened yet, but at least we already (almost) have normal routine life again. Especially I can cook in my new kitchen 😊

Bistik Lidah Sapi / Indonesian style Braised Beef tongue | Çitra's Home Diary. #steaklidah #bistiklidah #howtocookoffal #beeftongue #resepmasakanindonesia #steak #dinneridea #cookingwithoffal #jerohan #meat #beeftonguerecipe #oxtongue

Anyway.. this is my late post. I made this braised beef tongue a few weeks ago before we were moving out. This is one of our repeatable menus in our home. I made this many times. So I can assure you gonna love it too.

You can check my previous post on how to prepare the beef tongue before cooking it here. For you who never cook with offal before, I think this braised beef tongue could be a perfect start.
For those who love to cook with offal, you can check my other post here
There you can find my other recipe that is amazingly delicious make from offal...yep..maybe some of you will not touch that animal part and I won't try to convince you to love it 😊


FIRIN SÜTLAÇ / Turkish Baked Rice Pudding. Best and authentic recipe with video.

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

FIRIN SÜTLAÇ / Best Recipe Turkish Bake Rice Pudding| Çitra's Home Diary. #turkishdessert #turkishfoodrecipe #bakepudding #ricepudding #bakericepudding #resepmasakanturki #fırınsütlaç #tatlı #tatli #sutlac #dessertandsweet #dessertidea

Fırın Sütlaç or baked rice pudding, is one famous traditional dessert from Turkey. Served much better after keeping in the fridge to develop the texture and taste.
Some recipes can vary from one cookbook to another. Some people may add cornstarch or rice flour to their recipe. And mostly we use damla sakızı or mastic gum for this dessert. You can check my previous post for version using mastic gum here.

Another type of  Sütlaç is nonbake, but both are just great. Try it and I believe your family will like it as well.


Please Scroll down For Recipe in English.

LONTONG KIKIL KHAS SURABAYA / INDONESİAN FOOD; COW FOOT (trotters) SOUP | Çitra's Home Diary. #indonesiancuisine #indonesianfoodrecipe #cowfootrecipe #trottersrecipe #foodcowsoup #lontongkikilsurabaya #reseplontongkikil #resepkikil #resepmasakanindonesia #cowfeetbenefit #soup

Assalamu'alaykum.........Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Apa kabar semuanya? ... Semoga dalam keadaan sehat dan berbahagia ya. Juga saya ingin ucapan selamat menunaikan İbadah puasa ya bagi teman muslim sekalian. 

Ramadhan tahun ini msh jatuh di musim panas, tp udah bergeser ke bulan Mei yang hawanya tidak terlalu panas... karena mungkin masih deket-deket musim semi ya. 
10 thn lalu, Ramadhan pertama saya di Turki jatuh bulan Agustus, puncak musim panas yg panasnya bisa sampai 42℃ diluar rumah. 
Puasa hari ini dimulai saat fajr pukul 03.41 pagi dan iftar nanti inshaallah pkl 20.30 malam. Jadi praktis kita berpuasa 17 jam . Tiap hari ada pergeseran waktu 1 atau 2 menit  waktu puasanya menjadi lebih lama.
Tadi pas ke pasar pukul 1 siang suhu diluar 30℃, tapi angin masih lumayan sepoi jadi tak terlalu panas.

Sebenarnya kalau Ramadhan saya cenderung malas makan, maunya buka cuman dengan minuman yang segar saja..sudah terasa kenyang. Tapi kan harus makan ya buat energi siang hari. Jadi saya masak kesukaan saya saja biar nafsu makan ada 😊 . İtupun saya makannya habis sholat İsya' jam 12 malam gitu deh.
Jadilah saya masak Lontong kikil ini, kebetulan anak sayapun suka, sampai mau nambah-nambah kalau makan 😤. 

Karena saya asli surabaya jadi saya bikin lontong kikil ini yang khas Surabaya ya. Tapi memang masakan kikil yang terkenal ya dari Surabaya ya.

Lontongnya saya bikin malam sebelumnya. Untuk yang ingin tahu bagaimana cara membuat lontong pakai magic com bisa dilihat di link ini ya. Tapi saya kali ini bikin lontongnya gak paka magic com, tapi pakai plastik saja. 

LONTONG KIKIL KHAS SURABAYA / INDONESİAN FOOD; COW FOOT (trotters) SOUP | Çitra's Home Diary. #indonesiancuisine #indonesianfoodrecipe #cowfootrecipe #trottersrecipe #foodcowsoup #lontongkikilsurabaya #reseplontongkikil #resepkikil #resepmasakanindonesia #cowfeetbenefit #soup

Yuuk..yang pengen wisata kuliner khas Surabaya di rumah silahkan coba resep lontong kikil Surabaya a la saya, dijamin ketagihan deh 😚


Süt Helvası / Turkish dessert; Bake Milk Pudding

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

This dessert well know from city of Bursa, where I am living. Everybody know and love this milk pudding. Every kids grow up with this simple yet delicious dessert. Beside Fırın Sütlaç or other sweets, this süt helvası is always on iftar menu in every Turkish family.

Ramadhan Mübarek for you my friends who celebrating Ramadan feast this month. Wishing you and your family a blessed and joyful Ramadhan.... May Allah accept all your prayers in this holy month.

Ramadhan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and the month in which the Quran was revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The month is spent by Muslims fasting during the daylight hours from dawn to sunset.

This dessert well know from city of Bursa, where I am living. Everybody know and love this milk pudding. Every kids grow up with this simple yet delicious dessert. Beside Fırın Sütlaç or other sweets, this süt helvası is always on iftar menu in every Turkish family.

During Ramadan, two main meal are served. İftar, is the meal to break the fast after sunset. Typically, people will enjoy dates, dried apricots and Ramadan juices, before heading to evening prayer.
And Suhoor is a meal taken just before sunrise (the fajr), before the day of fasting starts.

Ramadan is known for its wide variety of irresistible meals as an iftar. And it cannot be completed without having dessert or sweets. I know, in Ramadhan we should prepare our body and soul more on ibadah than cooking but as a mother we should also provide our family with good quality of food during Ramadhan.


Turkish Recipe; Dızmana / Göçmen Böreği

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia bisa di klik disini

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

Turkish Recipe; Dızmana / Göçmen Böreği | Çitra's HOme Diary. #turkishfoodrecipe #börekler #turkishborek #pastryrecipe #breakfast #brunch #turkishcuisine #turkishpastry #resepmasakanturki #gocmenboregi #yogurt #softbread

Selam.... Merhaba from Türkiye.. 👋

We call this dızmana (read;desh-mana), dizman or dıclama. But mostly people just named it göçmen böreği

İt's not really like pastry you probably know which made from thin layers of phyllo dough or puff pastry or flaky dough pastry.
İt's a pastry dish, bread-like pour with yogurt egg sauce then bake.
Sometimes fill with cheese or mashed potatoes, but plain without any filling also as good as with filling.

This dızmana is commonly made in Bulgaria by Thracian immigrants. But now everybody across regions also love to bake it.
Also see my other Turkish pastry (börek) in "Börekler" category.


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