♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Sausage Pastry

From Pastry basic batter we can vary many kind of pastries... like this one, I fill it with sausage, as my husband favorite.
It's simple and ready anytime for breakfast or afternoon tea...

- 1 recipe pastry dough  Or you can use ready use pastry dough
-800 Grams of sausage. Slightly slices the surface
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 egg yolks
- Sesame black or white sesame seeds for topping

 - Boil 1/2 liter of water add salt and pepper. Put sausage and cook until the spices marinated the sausage. Set aside.
- Roll pastry dough using rolling pin approximately 1 cm thick and cut them into squares (adjusted with the size of the sausage). Then wrap the sausage into triangle form.
- Preheat oven to 160 deg C. rubbing the surface of a sausage pastry with egg yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake until golden yellow.


Smoked Sweet Paprika Chicken Grill

It was almost perfect Sunday. Almost. The temperature outside reach 19 deg C, Sunny, no cold wind. So me and hubby decide to make something to grill for lunch and dinner. So I prepare fish grill burger and sweet paprika chicken grill. But forgive me I just can post the sweet paprika chicken grill cause the fish grill burger couldn't survive for picture taking ..hahahhaa... we couldn't wait the fish burger getting cold d(^_^)b. 
Maybe next time I can share by posting here also. 
Sunday barbecue time as I said almost perfect, except suddenly cold wind blew bring sudden rain during we grilled the chicken...
But overall, our weekend grill was great and fully tempting, especially for this cat. I think he waited for our grill fish and chicken done... @(^_^)@
Cat is waiting our fish and chicken grill done I think

He is ready to jump to our balcony to get his share ^_^
Things to Prepare to make Sweet Paprika Chicken Grill:
- 1 kg chicken thighs (about 7 ~ 8 pieces chicken thighs). Stab/ Pin-prick with a fork.
Marinate with these seasoning :
- 3 cloves garlic (or more-if You like), grated / puree.
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 tbsp smoked sweet paprika powder
- 1 tsp black pepper powder
- 2 ~ 3 tbsp lemon juice
- 2 tsp chili powder (If you like more hot spicy, you can add as much as you want)
- 2 tsp dried thyme
- 2 teaspoons dried basil
- salt to taste

Soak chicken in marinade at least 3 hours or overnight. Grilled over coals until done.

Enjoy your Sweet Paprika Chicken Grill. I dip my chicken grill  in hot thai Chilly sauce.


Cheddar Cheesecake with Fruits Topping

Selam everybody..Merhaba from Turkey.

my another Cheddar Cheesecake post. My previous post was Cheddar cheese Cupcake . After succeed with Cup cake trial, I was trying to make a bigger dessert, cheddar cheese cake. I use mix fruit as topping. Beside pomegranate jam  I also use fresh kiwi and fresh navel oranges. But of course topping your cheese cake is about your own style and taste. Just be more creative and have fun with it d(^_^)b

The ingredients and method is almost the same with the cupcake, only you will need 7" fixed based baking pan (If you are using springform pan, make sure it's wrap tidily with heavy duty-aluminium foil to make it waterproof). You also need bigger pan for water bath baking. Fill it with hot water. Set a side.

Ingredients A:
- 1 fully press cup grated unsalted cheddar cheese.
- 130 ml whole milk
- 40 gr unsalted butter
Ingredients B:
Sifted ¼ cup all purpose flour. 
Sifted ¼ cup cornstarch.
Ingredients C:
- 4 medium egg yolks
- 1 tsp lemon zest
Ingredients D:
- 4 medium egg whites
¾ cup caster sugar
- 1 ½ tsp lemon juice

Castle Cross-stitch Handicraft (Karajinan tangan Kristik- Gambar Kastil)

Cross-stitch is a popular form of counted-thread embroidery in which X-shaped stitches are used to form a picture. Cross-stitch is usually executed on easily countable evenweave fabric called aida cloth. The stitcher counts the threads in each direction so that the stitches are of uniform size and appearance. This form of cross-stitch is also called counted cross-stitch in order to distinguish it from other forms of cross-stitch. Sometimes cross-stitch is done on designs printed on the fabric (stamped cross-stitch); the stitcher simply stitches over the printed pattern.

Cross-stitch is one of the oldest forms of embroidery and can be found all over the wold. Many folk museums show examples of clothing decorated with cross-stitch, especially from continental Europe and Asia.
If you are interesting to do this crafting you can googling or visit some nice page to know and learn more about this fabulous craft like http://www.dmc.com/majic/pageServer/1z010000hy/en_US/What-is-Cross-Stitch.html

This is another crafting hobby that I love to do to kill my boring time beside cooking. This cross-stitch project I finished about 3 or 4 months.

Enhanced by Zemanta

Making your own POMegranate Jam (Membuat selai Delima)

Pomegranate. I love it. I love the color and I love the sweet (slightly sour) taste. And do you know that pomegranate also can prevent prostate cancer and very much good for your heart?
Yes.. healthy and yummy at one packet! (^_^)
Few days ago I made my own pomegranate jam and it goes along lovely with some of my desserts, like Cheddar Cheese Cake with fruits ToppingBrownie Tangerine Cheesecake, Cheddar cheese cupcake. And I bet it will be suit with your other dessert too. In fact I'm planning to make some more dessert using this beautiful and healthy and delicious Pom jam :D

Cheddar Cheese Cup cake

It's like Japanese Cheesecake style except I use unsalted cheddar cheese instead of normal cheese cream and I made it as cupcake. Pretty cute though. The texture's so light and as soft as cotton. You can eat them with or without your favorite jam. But mostly cheesecake (cheese cup cake) is better goes along with fruits jam.
 Here I use my pomegranate jam as topping and adding the flavor.

Things You will need and how to make that cute yummy cupcake:
Preheat your oven at 160 deg C. We will need a pan for a water bath, fill it with hot water. Careful not too much water to pour. simply estimate your muffin pan will not sink or float much.

Ingredients A:
- 1 fully press cup grated unsalted cheddar cheese.
- 130 ml whole milk
- 40 gr unsalted butter

* Double boil all ingredients A until melted. Quick stirring while doing this melting work. remove from heat and let it slightly warm.

Ingredients B:
- 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/4 cup cornstarch 
* Mix ingredients B into cheese mixture. Stir well until smooth and  no more lump

Ingredients C:
- 4 medium egg yolks
- 1 tsp lemon zest
* Mix in all ingredients C. Set aside after everything well blended.

Sate Ayam Bumbu Kacang (Indonesian Chicken Satay with peanut sauce)

Originated in Java, Indonesia, Satay gradually spread its appeal over the entire East Asian and Southeast Asian peninsula, before becoming a hot meal of choice among the whole world of gastronomists. While applauding the refined and luscious taste of this dish, how many of you have really wondered about the brilliant blend between the satay and the accompanying sauce? Curiously, this sauce is called by the gourmets simply Satay Sauce, without knowing, that this is in fact a variant of peanut sauce.

I think now everyone is familiar with sate/ satay. One of Indonesia's most popular traditional foods and become every one's favorite. I personally really really really am number one fans of satay  . In Indonesia it self there are many types of satay from various regions and of various ingredients. For example, from Padang city (Sumatra), I like satay Padang. There are also "sate kelapa" (beef satay wrapped with grated coconut-My best favorite)-it's mostly from Madura Island, quail eggs satay, clam satay, 'tempeh' satay and there are dozens of other types of satay (which is nearly I have eaten already). For mutton/ lamb satay you check here for the recipe
Beside of many variations of satay, satay usually also served with various sauces. "Sate Padang" has different sauce from most general one--You can check recipe here . There is also satay with sweet soy sauce (kecap manis) here the recipe . This time I made chicken satay with peanut sauce--the most common and popular sauce among of all.

Things you will need:
- 2 boneless chicken breasts. Diced 2x2 cm, puncture on satay skewer.
- kaffir Lime or lemon
- Sweet soy sauce/ kecap manis
- Some shallots, finely sliced , set aside, sprinkle when serve.


Sup Buntut Goreng (Indonesian Oxtail Soup)

Oxtail Soup, Famous and favorite of everyone in Indonesia :p  . This time I also fry the oxtail after being cooked and serve it separately from the soup (just like my favorite). Actually you can serve it right away without fry (or roasted) it. Usually served with "sambal Kecap" or sweet soy chilly and squeeze with lemon juice to give fresh flavor.

-1 kg oxtail, wash and cut into pieces to taste. Bring to a boil in 2 liters of water until completely soft.
- Fresh Ginger (tip of the thumb size). Crushed.
- 3 ~ 4 pcs dried cloves.
Dried clovesImage via Wikipedia

- 4 ~ 5 carrots, peeled and cut into round.
- 1 large size potato, peeled and diced
- Leek, cut roughly.
- A few celery sticks. Tie them together.

Make ground spices from ingredients as follows:
- 3  garlic
- 3 small shallots
- 1x1 cm fresh ginger
- 1 tsp peppercorn
- A small piece of nutmeg.
You can use pestle and mortal or small blender to do this.
- Lemon juice.
- "Sambal kecap" or sweet soy sauce chilly (*see note below how to make it)

How to cook:


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