♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Resep Donat kentang NCC

Recipe in English please visit this link

oleh: Fatma Bahalwan (NCC)

  • 500 gr terigu
  • 50 gr susu bubuk
  • 200 gr kentang, kukus haluskan
  • 11 gr ragi
  • 100 gula
  • 75 gr mentega
  • 4 kuning telur
  • 1/2 sdt  garam
  • 100 ml air dingin
Cara membuat:
  1. campur trigu, susu, ragi, gula, aduk rata
  2. masukkan kentang kukus, kuning telur, dan air dingin..uleni hingga kalis
  3. beri mentega dan garam..uleni lagi hingga elastis. Istirahatkan 15 mnt
  4. bagi adonan sekitar 50 gr (saya bentuk bulat kecil-kecil) .bulatkan. diamkan 20 mnt hingga mengembang
  5. goreng hingga kecoklatan
Resep ini ikutan even resep anti gagal NCC ↓↓


Resep Sate Lilit khas Bali dan sambal matah

Recipe in English please visit this site

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Kabar baik semua ya Inshaallah. Sudah seminggu ini hawanya menggigit sekali, tapi sejak awal musim dingin salju belum juga turun. Tahun ini di Turki tidak seperti tahun-tahun lalu, salju tidak turun terutama di wilayah Turki Barat. Saya masuk di wilayah Marmara.
Kalau salju tidak turun seperti semestinya, hawa cenderung dingin "kasar" menggigit sampai tulang, udara juga terasa tak nyaman. Ditambah bau kayu bakar atau batu bara dari rumah-rumah yang "bandel" tetap menggunakan dua bahan itu untuk penghangat- menambah polutan di udara makşn parah dan bikin nafas sesak.

Tapi tetap saja di tempat yang lebih tinggi seperti gunung Uludağ, musim dingin terasa kental dengan banyaknya salju dan turis yang datang 😊
Wilayah Turki sebelah timur, timur laut atau yang berbatas dengan bekas wilayah uni soviet, salju tebal dan beku disana.
Mudah-mudahan salju turun dalam waktu dekat ini, supaya udara lebih bersih dan hawa agak melembut. Amin.

Jadi critanya postingan kali ini menghibur diri dengan makanan tropis karena sangat merindukan suasana tropis yang hangat plus " sumuk" nya 😁
Sudah cucok belum Sate Lilit khas Bali ini buat penghibur kangen hati pemirsah?? 😊
Sandingannya sambal matah dengan aroma sereh dan daun jeruk yang tropikal banget... Pedes lho ini... tapi makannya gak pake keringetan! cuman m*l*r aja gak kuat .... (sorry sensor ya 😏)


Kembang Goyang / Rosettes / Honeycomb / Kuih Loyang Fried Cookies

Recipe in English please visit this link

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Kemarin bersih-bersih dan bongkar lemari yang isinya loyang-loyang dan peralatan baking... Ehh.. ketemu cetakan kembang goyang yang udah lama terlupakan. Terakhir bikin kembang goyang sekitar 2 tahun lalu.... wiiihhh..lama juga ya 😃
Bukan apa-apa... bikin kueh macam begini atau bikin rempeyek kadang males... nongkrong depan kompornya yang bikin males ya...hehehhe.
Naahh... setelah nyingkirin rasa males.. akhirnya kesampaian bikin kembang goyang lagi.

Kembang goyang ini konon kue tradisional asal Betawi, sepertinya peninggalan jaman kolonial. Walau dilansir berasal dari Betawi, kembang goyang ini juga banyak ditemui di Jawa Timur maupun Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Barat.

Kembang goyang sendiri mendapatkan namanya karena bentuknya yang seperti bunga dan digoreng dengan cara digoyangkan dari cetakannya di dalam minyak panas hingga terlepas dan digoreng matang merata.

Resep tradisionalnya terbuat dari tepung beras. Tapi ada juga versi yang dicampur tapioka dan atau tepung terigu untuk variasi tekstur nya.
Dalam perkembangannya, kembang goyang dibuat dengan berbagai warna dan berbagai varian bentuk cetakan.


Indonesian National Food Recipe - GADO GADO

Resep Dalam Bhs Indonesia bisa di-klik disini

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Indonesian National Food Recipe - GADO GADO / Resep gado-gado khas Surabaya  | Çitra's HOme Diary. #indonesiansalad #indonesiangadogadorecipe #indonesianfoodrecipe #veganrecipe #tofu #resepgadogado #gadogadosurabaya #rujak #howtomakegadogado

Merhaba from Türkiye everybody 👋 

Indonesian cuisine is one of the most vibrant and colorful cuisines in the world, full of intense flavor. It is diverse, in part because Indonesia is composed of approximately 6,000 populated islands of the total 18,000 in the world's largest archipelago, with more than 300 ethnic groups calling Indonesia their home. Many regional cuisines exist, often based upon indigenous culture and foreign influences. Indonesia has around 5,350 traditional recipes, with 30 of them considered the most important. 

Indonesian National Food Recipe - GADO GADO / Resep gado-gado khas Surabaya  | Çitra's HOme Diary. #indonesiansalad #indonesiangadogadorecipe #indonesianfoodrecipe #veganrecipe #tofu #resepgadogado #gadogadosurabaya #rujak #howtomakegadogado

The diversity in Indonesia has led to a rich culinary heritage. From the famous rendang to Indonesian salad gado-gado, every Indonesian food is really worth to try.
Just like what I am going to share today- as my promise before from the previous post, that I will post Gado gado Salad in a different post. 
So here it is..... 😃

Gado gado is one of popular Indonesian dishes. Its on the list of Indonesian national dish among with others.
It's a dish consist of a mix of pre-boiled vegetable and fried tofu (or sometimes with tempeh) and dressing with creamy umami peanut sauce then served with kerupuk (shrimp cracker or other type of cracker). Lontong or rice cake also serves as a complement. Adding simple chili sambal is most people's choice to enjoy this delicious and healthy gado gado.




Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Originated in Java, Indonesia, Satay gradually spread its appeal over the entire East Asian and Southeast Asian peninsula, before becoming a hot meal of choice among the whole world of gastronomists. While applauding the refined and luscious taste of this dish, how many of you have really wondered about the brilliant blend between the satay and the accompanying sauce? Curiously, this sauce is called by the gourmets simply Satay Sauce, without knowing, that this is, in fact, a variant of peanut sauce.

AUTHENTIC INDONESIAN SATAY RECIPE With Homemade Satay Peanut Sauce / RESEP SATE AYAM BUMBU KACANG | Çitra's Home Diary. #indonesiansatayrecipe #resepsateayam #resepbumbusatekacang #sataysaucerecipe #howtomakesataysauce #peanutsauce #chickensatay #indonesianfoodrecipe #resepmasakantradisional #bumbusateresep

I think now everyone is familiar with sate/ satay. One of Indonesia's most popular traditional foods and become everyone's favorite. And it's one of Indonesian national dishes among others eg; Rendang, nasi goreng, gado gado and more.

I am personally the number one fan of satay . In Indonesia itself there are many types of satay from various regions and of various ingredients.
For example, from Padang city (Sumatra), I like satay Padang. It made of beef/ ox tongue mix with beef meet, flush with thick yellow, curry-like sauce. Sumatranese typical food.
There is also "sate kelapa" (beef / chiken satay coated with grated coconut-My best favorite) -its mostly from Madura Island. Served with peanut sauce or simple dark sweet soy sauce.

AUTHENTIC INDONESIAN SATAY RECIPE With Homemade Satay Peanut Sauce / RESEP SATE AYAM BUMBU KACANG | Çitra's Home Diary. #indonesiansatayrecipe #resepsateayam #resepbumbusatekacang #sataysaucerecipe #howtomakesataysauce #peanutsauce #chickensatay #indonesianfoodrecipe #resepmasakantradisional #bumbusateresep

Did I mention quail eggs satay, clam satay, 'tempeh' satay, mushrooms satay and there are dozens of other types of satay (which is nearly I have eaten already). For mutton/ lamb satay you check here for the recipe

Besides of many variations of satay, satay is usually also served with various sauces. "Sate Padang" has a different sauce from mostly generally satay sauce --You can check recipe here . There is also satay with sweet soy sauce (kecap manis) here the recipe . This time I made chicken satay with peanut sauce--the most common and popular sauce among of all.

AUTHENTIC INDONESIAN SATAY RECIPE With Homemade Satay Peanut Sauce / RESEP SATE AYAM BUMBU KACANG | Çitra's Home Diary. #indonesiansatayrecipe #resepsateayam #resepbumbusatekacang #sataysaucerecipe #howtomakesataysauce #peanutsauce #chickensatay #indonesianfoodrecipe #resepmasakantradisional #bumbusateresep
Homemade Satay peanut sauce

And today I will show and share my recipe on how to make authentic famous Indonesian satay with satay peanut sauce, all from scratch. No worry... it's easy than you think 😊
First thing first. We must make satay peanut sauce in ahead. You can keep this sauce in an airtight clean jar, store in the refrigerator up to 5 days. in the freezer for up to 2 weeks, defrost before use. Warm up in a microwave or over low heat stove for 2 minutes or so.

Trileçe / Pastel de Tres Leches / Tres Leches cake. Perfect and Best recipe.

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagiab bawah


Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 . 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes. 

Trileçe / Pastel de Tres Leches / Tres Leches cake. Perfect and Best recipe.

The name tres leches derives from the Spanish words "tres" means "three" and "leches" which means "milk". 
During the preparation, three different milks are used in the syrup poured on the cake, mostly sponge cake base. It called trileqe in Albanian language and people called it trileçe in Turkish language. 

Rumors said originally it made from three kind of milk: cow, goat, and water buffalo. But then after 1930s it started using processed milk (like UHT) and cream due to an increase in industrialization and urbanization. That made tres leches more popular since then all over Northern Mediterranean. 

A variety of tres leches known as trileçe in Turkish language, has recently become popular in Turkey. One theory is that the popularity of Brazilian soap operas in Albania led local chefs to reverse-engineer the dessert, which then spread to Turkey. It was later popularized by the then Albanian Prime Minister Fatos Nano, who was spotted eating the dessert on the Bosphorus Bridge. 
The Albanian/Turkish version is sometimes made literally with three kinds of milk: cow's, goat's, and water buffalo's, though more commonly a mixture of cow's milk and cream is used. Tres leches (trileçe) consist of three main elements; Cake, Milk mixture, and Sauce/ topping. Mostly in local patisseries here in Turkey, we use caramel or chocolate sauce topping while some using different kinds of fruits jam sauce also - next time I will try fruity sauce. 

Trileçe / Pastel de Tres Leches / Tres Leches cake. Perfect and Best recipe.


POPULAR INDONESIAN FOOD RECIPES / Became guest cook in Beyond Indonesian Kitchen event

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Today's post might be a bit longer than usual. Cause I will tell you a little more about Indonesian cuisines- my beloved country 💓

Last Friday I was lucky enough to be a guest cook for Beyond Kitchen by young chef and gastronomy - Mohammad Alard. We cooked and served some Indonesian menus for our expat fellows in Istanbul.

Beside cooking, I also presented and tell to the guests about the dishes they enjoyed that night. And I am going to share to you as well 😊

Well, where can I begin?
Indonesian has the most unique cuisine in the world due to the combination of cultural diversity and its geography.
Most Indonesian food is prepared with contrasting flavors, such as a spicy-sweet or hot sauce served over a bed of plain white rice, a popular meal throughout the country.

We serve simple foods in general, but using plenty of herbs, various roots, spices, leaves and grasses adds zest to most of our meals. Some of you may think that Indonesian foods are spicy and hot because we use chili pepper on mostly every dish. But it's not really true. In fact, the most widely used spices are cumin (caraway), coriander, and ginger. All relatively mild spices and give such a mild aromatic dishes.

Some other countries have bread as a staple food. In Indonesia, rice is the most important staple food. We eat it for breakfast until dinner. İt normally accompanies every meal too. For daily consume we eat steamed white rice. Even you may find some other type of rice such as white Glutinous rice and black glutinous rice. But those glutinous rice usually being used for our snack (jajan) , cakes or on sweet treats. check Indonesian food category  and Indonesian snack (kue) for more.

But rice is not the only staple for All Indonesian. In eastern Indonesia, like Maluku, we can find sago as their staple food. And some other regions people eat cassava and corn as main staple. 

The most common method for preparing food is frying, sautéing, and steaming. Although of course grilling, simmering, roasting, and even baking are also popular. 

Besides famous with a variety of spices and herb, using coconut is commonly find in mostly Indonesian foods. We use coconut start from its flesh, its water, coconut milk, until its leaves. Coconut used in main dishes, side dish until sweet treat.


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