♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.
Showing posts with label Fried and stir Fry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fried and stir Fry. Show all posts

Rosettes / Honeycomb Fried Cookies / Kuih Loyang / Kembang Goyang

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia bisa dilihat disini

Selam.... Merhaba from Türkiye everybody 👋

First of all, I's like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

Rosettes / Honeycomb  Fried Cookies / Kuih Loyang / Kembang Goyang

In Indonesian we call it "Kembang Goyang", its traditional snack from Indonesia. 
Kembang means flower. Goyang literally means shaking. Cause we shake the mold (mostly flower shape) after dip into batter and fry in hot oil to release the cookie.

In old time, Indonesian made this cookies only for special occasion such as wedding ceremony, circumcision ceremony or other traditional ceremony. Also during some religious holiday celebration. 

Kembang Goyang basically made of rice flour which is mixed with eggs, sugar, a pinch of salt, and coconut milk. Even though some recipe use tapioca starch and or flour to enrich the texture. It is super crispy and ultra-thin, you'll enjoy not only 3 or 4 pieces ... you want to take 1 jar! 😄

Other combinations also on color and flavors. Mostly we find this snack in mild sweet flavor, but sometimes people make it savory as well. Adding traditional pandan flavor and color is common. If you want to play around with colors and flavors try with rose-pink color, or ginger-yellow. I remember my late grandmother added mild ginger flavor in it.
Adding sesame seeds also can be vary- just like what I made today.

Rosettes / Honeycomb  Fried Cookies / Kuih Loyang / Kembang Goyang

This fried snack also famous to neighboring countries with different name. In Malaysia, Singapore, Brunai , Thailand and further more. Some call it rosette cookies, lotus cookies or kueh loyang. Or behieve / honeycomb cookies, depends on the mold shape used.

Resep Chicken Katsu dan sausnya / Chicken Katsu recipe with katsu sauce.

Resep in English please visit this link

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Ketemu lagi ya... Ada yang kangen postingan saya gak sih? 😂 *GeeR monde on ya... hahaha 
Tapi kalau saya sih asli kangen pengen nulis terus lho... pengen sharing terus gitu 😊 Mudah-mudahan ada yang ambil manfaatnya.
Inshaallah masih banyak yang ingin saya share, baik masakan Turki-negara asal suami saya, atau masakan Indonesia buat saya kalau pas terserang rindu kampung halaman. Anak saya suka semua, baik Turki atau a la Indonesia 😃

Tapiiii hari ini pengen posting sesuatu yang lain. Ceritanya tiba-tiba pengen sesuatu yang "Japanese" tapi yang sesuai lidah saya dan bahannya gak susah juga di Turki. Maunya bikin ramen tapi susah nemu bahan-bahannya disini dan masih bingung dan perlu cari info pengganti beberapa bahan non-halal. Cari versi yang halal gitu.....
Yuukkk sharing ke saya yang bisa bikin ramen versi halal tapi rasanya yang mirip dengan versi otentiknya... Saya bakal berterima kasih bangeettt. ❤

Akhirnya saya putuskan bikin yang simple dan anak saya pasti suka juga..... Chicken katsu !
Sedikit tentang chicken katsu ini ya...

Katsu, atau “daging (yang) diiris” dalam bahasa Jepang, adalah daging yang dipukul ringan tipis sebelum dimasak. Chicken katsu adalah hidangan populer dari ayam goreng yang dibumbui, kemudian dibalur tepung, telur, dan terakhir dibalut remah tepung roti/ panko. Ada juga yang menyebutnya ayam panko atau tori katsu.

Easy Chicken Katsu recipe with katsu sauce.

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia bisa diklik disini

Selam everybody..... 
Merhaba from Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Hope you can come back again and again to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

Katsu, or “cutlet” in Japanese, refers to meat that's been pounded thin before being cooked. Chicken katsu is a popular dish of fried chicken where in the meat is seasoned, then dredged in flour, then egg, and finally panko breadcrumbs—a flaky type of breadcrumb made with white bread. Also known as panko chicken or tori katsu.

Katsu, or “cutlet” in Japanese, refers to meat that's been pounded thin before cooked. Chicken katsu is a popular dish of fried chicken wherein the meat is seasoned, then dredged in flour, then egg, and finally panko breadcrumbs—a flaky type of breadcrumb made with white bread. Also known as panko chicken or tori katsu.

Katsuretsu/ katsu (cutlet) was invented in Japan in 1899 at a Tokyo restaurant called Rengatei. Originally considered a type of yōshoku (a Japanese version of European cuisine) the dish was called katsuretsu or simply katsu. The term “tonkatsu” (pork katsu) was adopted in the 1930s.

Katsu has been around in Japan since the late 1800s (the Meiji era) when Western-influenced foods were beginning to be incorporated in Japan as yōshoku 洋食 to feed explorers and foreign military personnel. Julienned raw cabbage was pioneered by Ginza’s Rengatei. They were the first to replace misc. cooked vegetables with cabbage.

Katsu, or “cutlet” in Japanese, refers to meat that's been pounded thin before being cooked. Chicken katsu is a popular dish of fried chicken where in the meat is seasoned, then dredged in flour, then egg, and finally panko breadcrumbs—a flaky type of breadcrumb made with white bread. Also known as panko chicken or tori katsu.


Resep Donat kentang NCC

Recipe in English please visit this link

oleh: Fatma Bahalwan (NCC)

  • 500 gr terigu
  • 50 gr susu bubuk
  • 200 gr kentang, kukus haluskan
  • 11 gr ragi
  • 100 gula
  • 75 gr mentega
  • 4 kuning telur
  • 1/2 sdt  garam
  • 100 ml air dingin
Cara membuat:
  1. campur trigu, susu, ragi, gula, aduk rata
  2. masukkan kentang kukus, kuning telur, dan air dingin..uleni hingga kalis
  3. beri mentega dan garam..uleni lagi hingga elastis. Istirahatkan 15 mnt
  4. bagi adonan sekitar 50 gr (saya bentuk bulat kecil-kecil) .bulatkan. diamkan 20 mnt hingga mengembang
  5. goreng hingga kecoklatan
Resep ini ikutan even resep anti gagal NCC ↓↓


Kembang Goyang / Rosettes / Honeycomb / Kuih Loyang Fried Cookies

Recipe in English please visit this link

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Kemarin bersih-bersih dan bongkar lemari yang isinya loyang-loyang dan peralatan baking... Ehh.. ketemu cetakan kembang goyang yang udah lama terlupakan. Terakhir bikin kembang goyang sekitar 2 tahun lalu.... wiiihhh..lama juga ya 😃
Bukan apa-apa... bikin kueh macam begini atau bikin rempeyek kadang males... nongkrong depan kompornya yang bikin males ya...hehehhe.
Naahh... setelah nyingkirin rasa males.. akhirnya kesampaian bikin kembang goyang lagi.

Kembang goyang ini konon kue tradisional asal Betawi, sepertinya peninggalan jaman kolonial. Walau dilansir berasal dari Betawi, kembang goyang ini juga banyak ditemui di Jawa Timur maupun Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Barat.

Kembang goyang sendiri mendapatkan namanya karena bentuknya yang seperti bunga dan digoreng dengan cara digoyangkan dari cetakannya di dalam minyak panas hingga terlepas dan digoreng matang merata.

Resep tradisionalnya terbuat dari tepung beras. Tapi ada juga versi yang dicampur tapioka dan atau tepung terigu untuk variasi tekstur nya.
Dalam perkembangannya, kembang goyang dibuat dengan berbagai warna dan berbagai varian bentuk cetakan.


POPULAR INDONESIAN FOOD RECIPES / Became guest cook in Beyond Indonesian Kitchen event

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Today's post might be a bit longer than usual. Cause I will tell you a little more about Indonesian cuisines- my beloved country 💓

Last Friday I was lucky enough to be a guest cook for Beyond Kitchen by young chef and gastronomy - Mohammad Alard. We cooked and served some Indonesian menus for our expat fellows in Istanbul.

Beside cooking, I also presented and tell to the guests about the dishes they enjoyed that night. And I am going to share to you as well 😊

Well, where can I begin?
Indonesian has the most unique cuisine in the world due to the combination of cultural diversity and its geography.
Most Indonesian food is prepared with contrasting flavors, such as a spicy-sweet or hot sauce served over a bed of plain white rice, a popular meal throughout the country.

We serve simple foods in general, but using plenty of herbs, various roots, spices, leaves and grasses adds zest to most of our meals. Some of you may think that Indonesian foods are spicy and hot because we use chili pepper on mostly every dish. But it's not really true. In fact, the most widely used spices are cumin (caraway), coriander, and ginger. All relatively mild spices and give such a mild aromatic dishes.

Some other countries have bread as a staple food. In Indonesia, rice is the most important staple food. We eat it for breakfast until dinner. İt normally accompanies every meal too. For daily consume we eat steamed white rice. Even you may find some other type of rice such as white Glutinous rice and black glutinous rice. But those glutinous rice usually being used for our snack (jajan) , cakes or on sweet treats. check Indonesian food category  and Indonesian snack (kue) for more.

But rice is not the only staple for All Indonesian. In eastern Indonesia, like Maluku, we can find sago as their staple food. And some other regions people eat cassava and corn as main staple. 

The most common method for preparing food is frying, sautéing, and steaming. Although of course grilling, simmering, roasting, and even baking are also popular. 

Besides famous with a variety of spices and herb, using coconut is commonly find in mostly Indonesian foods. We use coconut start from its flesh, its water, coconut milk, until its leaves. Coconut used in main dishes, side dish until sweet treat.



Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam everybody ...... Merhaba from Türkiye 👋

İf you are my page's regular reader... you should probably know that I cook Indonesian and Asian cook more than Turkish food. 
Yep... daily I serve my mixed family with variant cuisine mostly Turkish food and Indonesian / Asian. Even not every day I eat Indonesian food but at least Asian spice always on my menu.
My kid enjoys both Indonesian/ Asian cuisine as much as Turkish food.

My husband still prefers Turkish food as main dish. Also, he starts to enjoy some Indonesian snacks or "kueh", Indonesian cookies that he never knew before, or some beverages.
He likes  tofu and tempeh as well😊 

And today I will share one of my repeatable menu. İt's Kung pao Chicken... my fave! Maybe some of you think that cooking Asian food is complicated. And seeing long list of ingredients might discouraged you.
But actually, once you get all your ingredients on the table, cooking Asian food is very fast, quick and flavorful- you gonna love it and enjoy the food instantly.

Spicy Plum sauce Chicken Bowl / Ayam saus buah Prem

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba from Türkiye everybody 👋........... Selam.

You may agree that chicken is the cheapest protein source that we cook and eat daily. 
Same here at my house, my kid, and I love chicken so much.
Please check my chicken/poultry category if you want to know my various recipes cooking with chicken/ poultry in many styles; Turkish, Asian, Indonesian, or worldwide.

I like my chicken in many ways. Fry, grill, in soup or stew. For you who always looking for idea for kid's lunch box, you should try my homemade chicken nugget, or my cheese chicken balls, or Indonesian "kaki naga" .

And for my today post, İ am going to share my new fave Spicy Plum sauce Chicken. The sweet and sour in this recipe remind me of sweet and sour chicken, but it's deliciously different.

Maybe you remember previously I'd shared my homemade plum sauce. Beside soy sauce and kecap manis (sweet soy sauce), plum sauce is one of my staple sauce in my pantry.
So if you are Asian food lover... you should have that sauce also in your pantry. You will ready anytime whenever you have Asian food party 😍



Resep dalam Bhs İndonesia bisa diklik disini

Selam everybody.... Merhaba from Türkey.

Indonesian cuisine varies greatly by region and has many different influences. Sumatra cuisine, for example, often has Middle Eastern and Indian influences, featuring curried meat and vegetables such as gulai and kari, while Javanese cuisine is mostly indigenous, with some hint of Chinese influence. The cuisines of Eastern Indonesia are similar to Polynesian and Melanesian cuisine. Elements of Chinese cuisine can be seen in Indonesian cuisine: foods such as bakmi (noodles)bakso (meat or fish balls), and lumpia (spring rolls) have been completely assimilated.

Throughout its history, Indonesia has been involved in trade due to its location and natural resources. Additionally, Indonesia’s indigenous techniques and ingredients were influenced by India, the Middle East, China, and finally Europe. Spanish and Portuguese traders brought New World produce even before the Dutch came.

The Indonesian islands Moluccas (Maluku), which are famed as "the Spice Islands", also contributed to the introduction of native spices, such as cloves and nutmeg, to Indonesian and global cuisine.

Indonesian cuisine often demonstrates complex flavor, acquired from certain ingredients and bumbu spices mixture. Indonesian dishes have rich flavors; most often described as gurih (savory which equate to umami) and pedas (hot and spicy), and also combination of basic tastes such as manis (sweet), asin (salty), asam (sour) and pahit (bitter). 


Firecracker chicken balls Recipe

Resep dalam Bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah

Selam everyone..... Merhaba from Türkey.

When İ hear a word firecracker sauce... my mouth instantly watery. 

For you who already know what firecracker is and even tasted it probably you would be like me, except you don't like it.. 😁 

But İ doubt you don't like a savory garlicky spicy and sweet with a light tangy sauce. 

This firecracker sauce definitely worth trying, believe me it'll be repeatable.

This sweet-spicy hot sauce could be used in almost all protein sources. 


Indonesian Fried Vermicelli / Bihun goreng kecap

Resep dalm Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

Indonesian Fried Vermicelli / Bihun goreng kecap. This is one simple and common recipe how to cook vermicelli in Indonesia, fried vermicelli with sweet soy sauce or Bihun goreng kecap. İt's fast and simple way to enjoy vermicelli noodles in any time, morning to night. #indonesian #asian #noodle #vermicellinoodle #shrimps #seafoodnoodle

Beside rice, noodle is staple meal in Indonesia.
In fact we have so many type of noodle commonly consumed e.g; 
1. egg noodle (mie telor)--see my homemade egg noodle here , here and here.
2. Cellophane noodles (so'un) -- made of potato starch mix with green bean flour. The texture is very soft, suitable for soup, fried so'un noodle or filling for Indonesian fried dumpling. Sold in dry form, soak in hot water until soft and then ready to be processed into various kinds of cuisine.
3. Kwetiau / Rice stick noodles. Made by steam rice flour and water.
4. Bihun / Rice Vermicelli. Rice vermicelli is made of rice flour, the color is pure white and the texture is very soft. This noodle is very easy to cook so no need to be boiled, just soaked in hot water. Usually sold in dry form in plastic packaging.

Beside those noodle İ mentioned above we also familiar with neighbouring countries noodle, such as soba, somen noodles, or ramen from Japan.
Or some noodle type from China like Misua and Hokkien noodle.

Indonesian Fried Vermicelli / Bihun goreng kecap. This is one simple and common recipe how to cook vermicelli in Indonesia, fried vermicelli with sweet soy sauce or Bihun goreng kecap. İt's fast and simple way to enjoy vermicelli noodles in any time, morning to night. #indonesian #asian #noodle #vermicellinoodle #shrimps #seafoodnoodle

Beyond the wide varieties of the noodle, the way we cook it also has no boundary because in Indonesian has many cultures and bring their culture into Indonesian culinary in their own ways.
İt'll never bored when you are digging Indonesian culinary. İt's rich, exotic, spicy, savory, umami, cultured.....

This is one simple and common recipe on how to cook vermicelli in Indonesia, fried vermicelli with sweet soy sauce or Bihun goreng kecap. İt's fast and simple way to enjoy vermicelli noodles in any time, morning to night

Indonesian shrimp cake "dragon leg". Freezer friendly (Kaki Naga Udang)

Resep dalam bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah.

Selam everybody.....Merhaba from Turkey.

Indonesian cuisine often demonstrates complex flavour, acquired from certain ingredients and bumbu spices mixture. Indonesian dishes have rich flavours; most often described as gurih (savory which equates to umami) and pedas (hot and spicy), and also combination of basic tastes such as manis (sweet), asin (salty), asam (sour) and pahit (bitter).
Seven main Indonesian cooking methods are goreng (frying), bakar (roasting) or panggang (grilling), tumis (sautéing), sangrai (roasted), rebus (boiling) and kukus (steaming).

Throughout it's history, İndonesian has been involved in trade due to its location and natural resources. Additionally İndonesian indigenous techniques and ingredient were influenced by İndia, middle eastern, China, even Europe.

And as an archipelago country with the longest coastline on earth İndonesia has countless type of fish and seafood as protein source beside poultry and meat.

And my today post is one of everybody's favorite and any kids will love it, call "kaki naga". "Kaki naga" literally means dragon feet 😊 . Don't ask me why we call this food dragon feet.. İ don't think it's looking like dragon feet either 😃.

Anyway, this "kaki naga" mostly using minced fish as main ingredient, sometime combine with chicken or shrimp as well. But today İ am going to share shrimp version of "kaki naga" / dragon feet. İ combine with chicken meat to ease the sharpness of shrimp taste and also to add the texture of final product because when İ use whole shrimp, sometimes it ends up with more runny batter. 

So.. if you are ready to try new cuisine for your family.. note this recipe down. Believe me your kids would love it too! 😏
And more...it's freezer friendly and can be another idea for your kid's or your family lunch box!

Çiğ Börek / Turkish meat filling fried pastry

Resep dalam bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

Çiğ börek (Turkish Raw meat pastry). And since börek is almost everyday meal in our house, today İ am going to share on of our favorite börek called çiğcbörek (read; chee borek). Çiğ means raw, because this börek, filled with raw mincemeat and fried in oil. #börek #burek #borek #cigborek #çiğbörek #turkishfood #meatpastry #turnoverrecipe #breakfast #friedpastry

Selam everybody....Merhaba from Turkey 

From many foods you should try during your visit to Turkey is börek. 
Börek/ burek/ borek is made in numerous different shapes and filling but its unifying characteristic tends to be the usage of cheese.

Börek can be either  oven baked, pan fried or slightly deep fried. Generally, the preparation method is adapted to the given shape of the pastry.
This popular meal may be prepared in a large pan and cut into portions after baking or as individual pastries. You can check my "böreklar" category to know more about this wide various Turkish pastry

Çiğ börek (Turkish Raw meat pastry). And since börek is almost everyday meal in our house, today İ am going to share on of our favorite börek called çiğcbörek (read; chee borek). Çiğ means raw, because this börek, filled with raw mincemeat and fried in oil. #börek #burek #borek #cigborek #çiğbörek #turkishfood #meatpastry #turnoverrecipe #breakfast #friedpastry

Sate donat kentang / Potato doughnuts holes in skewer

Resep dalam bhs İndonesia klick di link ini

Selam everybody......Merhaba from Turkey.

One of repeat request snack in my house is this potato doughnut. İf you never make potato doughnut before you might try this soon. The mashed potato using here is adding the fluffy -ness of these donuts. Believe me, it will be a new fave around your house soon as well.

From this basic recipe you can freely shape your donut as your liking. topping them with anything your fave or even fill it with any filling you want. But this donut hole in skewer is the most request from my daughter. İ just simply coat them with icing sugar and cinnamon

One of repeat snack in my house is this potato doughnuts. İf you never make potato doughnut before you might try this soon. The mashed potato using here is adding the fluffy -ness of these donut. Believe me, it will be new fave around your house soon as well. #doughnuts #potatodoughnuts #doughnutholes

Indonesian style Chicken skewer sausage a.k.a Sempol Ayam

Resep dalam bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam everybody.......Merhaba from Turkey.

Indonesian people very much love eating outside. That is why you will find many kind of street food everywhere. Mobile cart or stall along some main streets. 
Also we have many kind of street food, start from snack, main dish until dessert or even beverages. One from those thousand outside is this chicken skewer sausage or in Indonesian we call it "sempol ayam".

This skewer snack most popular in east Java. This snack is most favorite especially among students because mostly the seller open their mobile cart near schools. But later on the popularity wasn't just around the school anymore since it became everybody's favorite now.

So today I will bring Indonesian street food favorite in my house. Beside we can get the best and healthy ingredients we also can vary it with some vegetables which we never find in street food version.

Indonesian style Chicken skewer sausage a.k.a Sempol Ayam| Çitra's Home Diary. #sempolayam #chickenskewer #indonesianfood #streetfood #asianfood

The recipe I find from one Facebook cooking group. Few people already tried and recooked that recipe and said it was great and worth to try. So here I'm using the recipe from Shaafiyya Suwarno~I didn't know her (^,^) . But thank you for sharing your recipe.

Sesame Chicken Rice Bowl Recipe

Selam everybody..Merhaba from Turkey.

Asian style dish is always my prefer. Just like this restaurant style dish-Sesame chicken. 
Today I am going to share sesame chicken rice bowl. The dish seems look alike general tso's chicken, but it is different actually in taste where this sesame chicken has more on sweet and light sour rather than spicy.

For the vegetable side dish I made simple shredded carrot and napa cabbage dressing with my simple version of thousand island dressing. It's just perfect for the sesame chicken.

This take away style dish amazingly easy and relatively quick to make So if you are asian food's fan as well I am sure you are going to love this. (^,^)


Lento dari Kacang tunggak / Indonesian style Black eyed peas fritter

Please Scroll down for recipe in English

Assalamu'alaykum...Merhaba dari Turkey.

Kalau sudah mulai masuk musim dingin kayak gini maunya pengen nyemil yang gurih dan pedas. Terus minumnya teh panas.... halllaa... apa'an sih. Musim dingin dijadiin alesan...heheheh..padahal kalau mo ngemil..ngemil aja kali ya.... (^,^)

Lagi pengen makan lento nih. Kalau di Surabaya suka tinggal beli di tukang gorengan deket rumah ibuk aja. Tapi disini dimana ada tukang gorengan? yang ada bakul börek (pastry khas Turki) atau roti di tiap sudut jalan.
Ya sudah... pasrah aja semua-semua kudu bikin sendiri kalau pengen makanan kampung di negeri orang. Kalau biasanya lento dibikin dari kacang tolo, kali ini saya bikin dari kacang tunggak. Kacang tunggak dan kacang tolo sebenarnya gak beda jauh dalam soal rasa dan gizi. Kacang tolo berwarna sedikit kemerahan sedangkan kacang tunggak berwarna putih kelabu. Kacang tunggak berasal dari butir/ isi kacang panjang yang dikeringkan dalam bahasa Inggris disebut black eyed peas. Di Turki disebutkan kuru börülce.


Pastel Renyah Isi Bihun / Indonesian fried dumpling with vermicelli filling

Resep dalam bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Selam everybody....Merhaba from Turkey.

Indonesia has many....probably hundreds of variant of snacks. Start from traditional snacks e.g many kind of kueh basah (literally means wet snacks), fried snacks (in bahasa call gorengan) and other type of jajanan (snacks) mostly known as street food/ snack; for example batagor, siomay, kerak telur and more. 
Kueh basah are more often steamed than baked and normally have sweet taste, but some are savory as well.

Each type has very long list of snacks variant. Check some of them on my "snack" category list. And what I am going to share today is Pastel isi bihun, means fried dumpling filled with vermicelli noodle. You can fill it also with vegetable like my previous post here or mini version with beef/chicken floss here.

Just like many other Indonesian who enjoy tea/ coffee time with many kind snacks with it, I made this snack for my light breakfast or just evening coffee.

There are two parts should prepared to make this snack; filling and skin shell. I usually make vermicelli noodle first before prepare the skin dough. Or sometimes if I have some left over of fried vermicelli I previously made, I prefer use it for the filling.

So..are you interesting make one of Indonesian snack like this pastel bihun.... let's knead some dough now... 😊

Check category Indonesian Snack (jajan pasar/ kue) for more Indonesian Kueh or snack.

Kimchi-bokkeumbap / Fried Rice with Kimchi 김치볶음밥

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam everybody ....Merhaba from Turkey...

For me rice is a staple meal. Indonesian and some neighboring countries eat rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For quick and easy breakfast/ brunch most of time I make fried rice with any ingredients available in my fridge. We have many kind of fried rice base on original or ingredients.

But today I will not share Indonesian fried rice but Korean fried rice with kimchi. You know I like kimchi. I made my own kimchi once or twice a year when napa cabbage in season. Usually in July~ August I can find napa cabbage in local farmer market here. A week ago I just have my kimchi fully fermented and ready to dig in, so here I am now crave some fried rice with kimchi calls Kimchi-bokkeumbap 


Körili Tavuk ya da hindi / Easy chicken (or turkey) curry

Selam everybody.... Merhaba from Turkey.

If you ask me what one specific food which has many variation... my answer would be curry! Yep... you can find more than 500 kind variation of curry base on ingredients used until where it come from.
As Indonesian of course I like Asian curry- Indonesian, Malaysian, Vietnamese and Thailand curry are my fave!

The definition of curry it self; is name of various braised dishes cooked with some spices to have sharp ad spicy taste. It believed came from South Asia mainly from India which have been spread to all countries in Asia Pacific and Europe

Curry popularity has spread from the Indian subcontinent into the treasury of world cuisine. Every country has different types of curries a distinctive tailored to the tastes of people in the country. Kari has become the world's food, and adopted into Thai cuisine, English cuisine and other country's cuisine

And what I am about to share today is Turkish style curry or in local language they call it Körili TavukKörili literally means with curry (spice) and Tavuk means chicken. Even the popularity is less compare local cuisine, still Körili Tavuk has become cuisine alternative among them.

Usually local people here use double or single pour cream to mix in to their curry, but I use canned coconut milk as I cook my Indonesian curry.


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