♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Resep Tahu Tek khas Surabaya (Surabaya style Tofu in peanut sauce)

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam.... Merhaba from Turkey....

You know, Indonesia has many many traditional food and each regions or city has their own typical food as well. 

And my today post is "Tahu Tek" , it's one of Indonesian traditional meal originally from Surabaya city-East Java. Tahu means tofu in Indonesian language. People call "tahu tek" maybe because the seller (mostly mobile traditional street vendor, we call it "gerobak") make a typical noise sounds  " tek..tek..tek..tek" very loud and shrilly along kampoong/ alleys. That sound comes from the wok clink with fork or spatula by the seller to get attention.

Surabaya is "the home" of "tahu tek" . You can find this food seller more than 2 or 3 sellers almost at the same time in same alley, it's different from in other city. You should go to a certain place where one seller have open a stall.

The typical of "tahu tek" is they use scissors instead of knife to cut everything during the serving with a very noisy sound they make...clak...clak...claakk. (^,^)
Another unique thing about this "tahu Tek" is they only sell this food only at night, in many kampoong/ alleys you probably can meet this "tahu tek" seller upper 8 or 9 pm. I have no idea why...but for me (also for my families) the taste would be different if you eat it at noon or morning... This tahu tek kick your appetite when it ate beyond 9 pm or even midnite! it's REALLY... ! So I call it "midnite snack" (^,^)

I am original from Surabaya..so I know almost everything about this my favorite food (^,^) 
poto sent by my sister

Membuat lontong di magic jar (how to make rice cake in rice cooker)

  • 2 cups rice, wash and drain
  • 8~10 cups of water (water can be reduced according to how hard rice cake you wanna go)
  • half lemon juice (optional). this helps your rice cake has a longer life time

Things you'll need
  • 1 loaf pan (10x20x7 cm)
  • plastic wrap larger than loaf pan ( I use plastic pouches and cut the sides to open wide)
  • rice cooker.
How to:
  1. Put all ingredients in your rice cooker. Push the "cooking" mode button and let it cook until the button up to "warm" mode. 
  2. Open the lid, with wooden spoon mix the rice inside rice cooker while push the soft rice between back of wooden spatula and rice cooker pan in order to make it almost like a puree. Close the lid and push button to "cooking" mode again. Let it cook until button goes up to "warm" mode.
  3. Do same method like no.2. Repeat 3 times or 4 times.
  4. Cover you loaf pan with plastic wrap, move your puree rice one wooden spoon at a time while press it hard to compress the rice cake and make it solid mass. Cover with plastic wrap and once again press it hard with something flat and let it cool at room temperature. 
  5. The rice cake will harder after keep in fridge few hours. Your rice cake is now ready to eat.
*Sorry I didn't include step by step picture, maybe next time I'll attach how to make it step by step so you will have better illustration.


Aşure tarifi / Ashure / Noah's Pudding / Turkish mix fruits, grains and nut dessert for special occasion Aşure day

Aşure Gününüz Mübarek Olsun Dualarınız kabul Olsun

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

Aşure tarifi / Ashure / Noah's Pudding / Turkish mix fruits, grains and nut dessert.| Çitra's Home Diary. #aşure #asurerecipe #turkishdessert #porridge #middleeasterncuisine

Aşure Günü or in Arabic ʻĀshūrā’ (عاشوراء) day is the 10th day of Muharram month (first month in Islamic calendar). In Islamic believed many important occurrences happened in this month. This month also important for Muslims and we also do Fasting a couple days in this month.
In Turkey, people make this aşure in Aşure day (Aşure Günü). Aşure or ashure is Turkish dessert congee made from mix dried fruits, grains, and nuts. Besides serve among the family, this dessert is generally shared among neighbors, relatives, and friends. Also calls Noah's pudding

And this year is my first time making this aşure... for few years before mostly I got this sweet congee from my neighbors. From some aşure I got from them I saw the ingredients is very much vary from each person, neither the grains they mix in or the dried fruits or nuts and even topping when they serve.

But when you go to the traditional market to buy "aşure packet/set" generally it's consists of whole wheat grain, dried apricot, dried figs, golden sultana/ raisins, hazelnuts, almond and peanuts with clove and cinnamon as spices.

You can really vary add or cook this aşure with ingredients you have but still, it should mix from grain (whole wheat), dried fruits (fig, apricot, raisins) and nuts (white bean and chickpea)... the rest are really according to your taste. This aşure or Noah's pudding should have a cinnamon aroma. Some people add few cloves but others didn't.


Pierre Hermé’s éclairs recipe

Untuk resep dalam bahasa Indonesia, scroll down

Selam everybody......merhaba from Turkey

Any pastries dessert is most requested in our house- beside cookies of course (^,^). Profiterol is most frequent dessert I made, yes...we are chocolate lovers! Any choux pastry with yummy cream and chocolate flush.... we never have left over.. (^,^)

And my today post again about choux pastry... I made this éclairs last weekend.. so it's a bit late post..it's okay ^,^
And since we love chocolate a lot... I made this éclairs double chocolate... chocolate pastry cream with chocolate yummy sauce. I tried many recipe for making puff pastries and all turned great for me most all time..but for this éclairs I try to use Pierre Hermé’s Eclair Recipe.. You already can imagine how this dessert would turn to be, right?


Tempeh/ Tempe Nedir? (What is tempeh?)

Turkiyenin her yerine Tofu (tahu) ve Tempeh satışı. Ürün hakkında bilgi için Sms veya Email arayınız.


Is a traditional soy product originally from Indonesia. It is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into a cake form, similar to a very firm vegetarian burger patty. Tempeh is unique among major traditional soy foods in that it is the only one that did not originate from the Sinosphere cuisine.

It originated in today's Indonesia, and is especially popular on the island of Java, where it is a staple source of protein. Like tofu, tempeh is made from soybeans, but it is a whole soybean product with different nutritional characteristics and textural qualities. Tempeh's fermentation process and its retention of the whole bean give it a higher content of protein, dietary fiber, and vitamins. It has a firm texture and an earthy flavor which becomes more pronounced as it ages. Because of its nutritional value, tempeh is used worldwide in vegetarian cuisine, where it is used as a meat analogue.

Tempe, dunanın en çok sağlık gıda 
ürün, aslen Endonezyanın geleneksel bir soya ürünüdür.Doğal kültürleme ve kontrollü fermentasyon işlemlerinden onra bir çeşit kek şeklini alır.Tempe Soya ürünleri arasında benzesiz bir yere sahiptir.Bugünün Endonezyasında, özellikle Java adasında Soya Proteini açısından vazgeçilmezdir.Tempe,Tofu gibi Soya fasulyesinden yapılır ancak beslenme özellikleri ve dokusal nitelikleri bakımından farklı karaktere sahiptir.Tempenin fermentasyon süreci yüksek protein,vitamin ve diyet lifi açısından yüksek içerik sağlar.Bu yüksek içerik sebebiyle dünya vejeteryan mutfağının gözdelerindendir.

Bugünün Endonezya kökenli, ve protein elyaf kaynak Java, adada özellikle popüler. Tofu gibi, tempe soya fasulyesinden yapılmış, ancak farklı beslenme özellikleri ve dokusal nitelikleri ile bir bütün soya ürünüdür. Tempeh en fermantasyon süreci ve bütün fasulye alıkoyma o protein, diyet lifi, vitamin yüksek bir içerik vermek olduğunu . Sıkı bir doku ve bu yaş gibi daha belirgin hale gelir dünyevi bir lezzet vardır. Çünkü besin değerinin, tempeh bir et analog olarak kullanılan vejetaryen mutfağı, dünya çapında kullanılmaktadır.

Check my homemade Tofu here.


General Tso's Chicken Recipe

" I didn't have any clue how to be a parent until I'm dealing with my kid daily now"--me

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey....

Fall officially comes..... Everyday is raining and dark mostly this whole week. I have no complaint at all..weather come and go..changing as nature calls... But I get a little clueless dealing with my kid... she seems boring stay inside house whole day these few days....
I already tried to make her busy start making her play dough, buy her new puzzles (she bored already with her old solved puzzles), drawing, coloring.....anything that across my mind that kinder garden teachers mostly do.
Tell me if you have any idea how to "home schooling" 3 y.o kid... ^,^
If we were in my homeland, she could play outside during the day...plays with chickens, sheep, cats or even climbs small trees around my mom's house and with many other kids in my "kampoong" ^,^

So lately I don't want to spend too much time at kitchen...although yes she loves follow me doing things in kitchen..I like it ..but our kitchen is too small-just like design for 1 person only in it!! 
Of course I want her to have fun also with me in kitchen... she is just small girl, she always brings her step stool to kitchen to reach kitchen table..if so.. no more space for me to move freely...really..our kitchen that small... I think around 2 x 1,5 m square.... Hope we can move to our own soon, Ameen. ^,^
Well...enough my "daily report" for now.... just I hope few years later she will remember the time we spend together daily (^,^)


Turkish Baklava easy Recipe

Resep dalam bhs Indonesia bisa dilihat di sini

Selam...Merhaba from Turkey everyone.....

Sacrife feast has just finished few days ago... It was happy holiday for me and family. Just like in Ramadhan bayram (Eid al-fitr) as tradition, we visited families and relatives and some close friends.... Ate a lot of baklava and chocolate candies! :)
Yes, in Turkey baklava is served traditionally during major Islamic feast like Eid al-fitr or Eid al-adha together with turkish delight, chocolate and candies.

Baklava is a rich sweet pastry made of many layers of phyllo dough filled with finely chopped nuts between a few layers soaked in thick sugar syrup (or honey)
Every people in the Middle East, Eastern Mediterranean, Balkans, and Caucasia; Turks, Arabs, Jews, Greeks, Armenians, and Bulgarians introduce baklava as their national dessert. When we consider that all of these regions once belonged to the Ottoman Empire, it is possible to think of Baklava as an Ottoman dessert.

Well, I won't talk about baklava history... it could be such long long writing and we must read many valid sources you can googling or go to local library. I need rest and you need recipe, right? (^,^)
For Kurban bayram (eid al-adha) last week beside I made this cevizli baklava (baklava with walnut filling) I also made Şöbiyet baklavaBoth turned to be great bayram's treats (^,^)
Here I will share my easy recipe on how to make baklava at home. Why I call it easy? cause I use ready bought phyllo dough for baklava. Some people (including my mother in law) still made their own yufka, but for me, rolling the dough into such a veerrryyyy thin and looks transparent is not my skill (YET) ^,^
Indeed.. homemade baklava mostly have slightly thicker layers than store bought baklava in patisseries..it's all about "ROLLING" the dough..hehehehe..

Şöbiyet Tatlısı / Turkish Sobiyet Baklava Recipe

"Kurban Bayramınız kutlu olsun....Happy Eid al-Adha 1436 H"

Assalamu'alaikum..... Merhaba from Turkey...

Eid al-Adha or feast of sacrifise or in Turkey calls Kurban bayram is the great festival of Islam to honors the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son as an act of submission to Allah's command, before God then intervened, through his angel Jibra'il and informs him that his sacrifice has already been accepted.

The Sacrifice Feast comes about 70 days after the Ramazan Festival. The meat from the sacrificed animal is preferred to be divided into three parts. The family retains one third of the share; another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; and the remaining third is given to the poor and needy.

Şöbiyet Tatlısı / Turkish Sobiyet Baklava Recipe. #Turkishfood #baklava #sweets #phyllo #sobiyetbaklava #baklavarecipe #resepbaklava #turkishdessert #turkishsweet #baklavafoodphotography

Like Ramadhan bayram (Eid al-fitr) traditionally baklava and other sweets also serve in Kurban bayram here in Turkey. Generally people make at home or buy künefe or baklava or Rıvani or turkish delight and chocolate sweets and other sweets for serve to the guests.

I didn't make baklava at last Ramadhan bayram, so I promise my self I would make some baklava at Kurban bayram or next ramadhan bayram.... So here my homemade Şöbiyet baklava recipe using ready bought baklava phylo sheet. There 's no reason using store bought phylo sheet but for practical and easy way to make delicious baklava with very thin phylo layer and crunchy in every sheet.

Şöbiyet Tatlısı / Turkish Sobiyet Baklava Recipe. #Turkishfood #baklava #sweets #phyllo #sobiyetbaklava #baklavarecipe #resepbaklava #turkishdessert #turkishsweet #baklavafoodphotography
Yufka or phylo sheet for making baklava dessert is different for making börek pastry. Phylo sheet for making baklava we call it baklavalık yufka, it has very much thin, dry and almost transparent layers while phylo sheet for making börek pastry has thicker and slightly moist layers.

Indonesian food recipe, Bandung style steamed fish dumpling /Siomay Khas Bandung

“Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation.” ― Robert A. Heinlein

Selam everybody.... Merhaba from Turkiye..

Siomay (some people also call somay) is steamed fish dumpling serve with mix vegetables and tofu, flush with peanut sauce, kecap manis (sweet soy sauce), chili sauce and lemon juice or kaffir lime. So it's deliciously sweet-sour spicy dish.

Siomay is ubiquitous in Indonesian cities, It can be found in street-side food stalls, mobile carts, bicycle vendors, or even in restaurants. But the most popular place is in Bandung (West Java) so people call it siomay Bandung.

This food derived from Chinese cuisine shui mai (or shumai or shaomai). Beside influenced by Dutch cuisine (in Dutch colonial long time ago), Indonesian cuisine also had influence by other countries like India, Arabic, and Chinese. 

And my today's post is Bandung style siomay. I use haddock fish fillet mix with shrimps, but optionally feel free to use chicken minced mix with shrimp/ fish. But my suggestion if you mix with chicken, use bigger portion of fish/ shrimp than chicken meat. 

For other vegetables complements, usually people use bitter gourd/ bitter melon, white cabbage- boiled and rolled, boiled potato. There's also tofu and hard-boiled eggs. 
Enjoy your siomay with lime juice (mostly from kaffir lime), sweet soy sauce and chilly sauce.

Mercimek Çorbası / Turkish Red lentil soup

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin

Selam everybody...... Merhaba from Turkiye...

Mercimek Çorbası / Turkish Red lentil soup | Çitra's Home Diary. #souprecipe #turkishfoodrecipe #redlentilsoup #mercimekçorba #winterrecipe #resepmasakanturki
Raining during the weekend marking of the spring has started. Soft and fresh (slightly cold) wind swept the summer heat. Welcome rains, welcome cloudy days... welcome fall.

And I believe this red lentil soup could bring us a little warmth on our family table. I made this simple version without carrot and potato. Quick, simple yet fulfill our family nutritious.


Resep dalam Bhs İndonesia ada di bagian bawah

"We Never know the Love of parent until we become parents ourself"

Selam..... Merhaba from Turkiye.....

Today I'd like to share other steamed cake recipe. As you know steamer method has been used for centuries in mostly Asian cuisine. Unlike mostly western cooking method which require oven bake on mostly their cooking process, we are Asian people accustomed with steam cooking process than oven bake. We steam almost everything starting from the main dish, side dish, and bread, until dessert.

With steam process we can avoid of burning or overbaking/ overcooking on food. And with steaming I believe we can get healthier and more nutritious especially when we steam vegetables.

I like steam my cake also. Cake with steamed process has more moist than baking one. And it's moist can last until few days (keep in an airtight container). And for me steam cake is always fail-proof in any recipe I make. 

And today I'll share one of my favorite cake recipes, it's definitely delicious and champion in my family. I use this recipe long time ago and still not boring of it. It's rich and intense of chocolate flavor, moist yet fluffy. With silky chocolate sauce even it's a plus plus.. (^,^) 😄

Silky chocolate sauce: (make it ahead)
  • 140 gr chocolate chip
  • 1 Tbsp butter
  • 3 Tbsp full-fat milk

Cherry Flaky Pie

“Never do for a child what he is capable of doing for himself.”--Elizabeth Hainstock

Salam..... Merhaba from Turkey everyone.....

Weekend is my favorite time..when we can spend time with family, husband and kid or with your friend. Don't you agree of that? Spending quality time with your love ones.

Welcome September.. the month where summer will end and fall will come. And as the season changes, I should prepare some change on our wardrobe---yeahhh... maybe it's too early for some of you-- but for me as a mom of growing kid, I am not sure that my kid still has some fall/winter clothes which still suit for her.

Kids growing so fast you know. We change her shoes twice. I remember bought her new shoes for summer at early summer this year... but couple weeks ago she complained that her feed was pain.. she said in her mix language "mommy, my feet sıkıstı"
sıkıstı she means like in bind or being pressed in Turkish (^,^) . So Last week we bought new shoes for her.

And of course with her clothes.... I should check and prepare all for upcoming fall/ winter-head to toe...
Anyway.... summer almost end and I'm a little regret I didn't buy much cherry this summer. I love cherry and like always do previous summer I freeze them for dessert in fall/ winter. Sometimes I made cherry jam. But as I said, I didn't buy much cherry this season.... 

Flaky Pie Dough

“Where parents do too much for their children, the children will not do much for themselves.”--Elbert Hubbard

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey...

My today's post is pie basic dough. I'm planning to make a pie for dessert this weekend.. I still have no idea what kind a pie I will make but surely a pie for this weekend dessert (^,^) ... long time though I didn't make any pie..

So I prepare to make this pie dough... anytime I I want to make a pie it'll just ready to go. I want flaky pie dough. And since it's very difficult to find shortening here in Turkey, so I googling recipe use whole butter, no shortening... Then I found this recipe on Smitten Kitchen... 


Homemade Wonton and dumpling wrapper / membuat kulit pangsit sendiri di rumah

Make about 30 pieces(10x10 cm) / 440 gr
  • 250 gr all purpose flour
  • 50 gr tapioca starch, more for sprinkling
  • 6 gr salt
  • 15 ml cooking oil
  • about 130 gr hot boiling water.
How to make Wonton Wrapper:

Cheesy Chicken Balls/ Bola Ayam keju

"Children Learn more from What you are than What you teach"

Selam...... Merhaba from turkey....

With small kids around the house we must always ready with any healthy and yummy meals so anytime we can provide them within a minute. For that I always make stock some whether homemade chicken nugget, croquette or this cheesy chicken balls. Whenever I need it, I just take out from my freezer, let it defrost and warm it up.

Cheesy Chicken Balls/ Bola Ayam keju | Çitra's Home Diary. #cheesestuffedmeatball #chickenmeatball #chickenrecipeidea #cheesymeatball #resepmasakanindonesia
This cheesy chicken ball is one of my favorite too.. serve it warm and we'll get best cheesy chicken ball ever. I usually store them in freezer after fry them, just thaw some on room temperature before warm it up on microwave or low temperature oven.

HIKAYAH : Kisah Petani dan Keledainya.

Assalamu'alaikum.... Merhaba dari Turki..

Dulu sebelum tidur, Bapak Almarhum selalu mendongeng untuk saya dan saudara2 saya. Banyak sekali kisah mulai dari kisah nabi nabi sampai hikayat Abu nawas yg melekat di pikiran saya hingga saya setua ini. 

Saya pikir ada baiknya cerita-cerita yang beliau kisahkan  pada kami saat itu, saya tuangkan dalam tulisan di blog saya yang sederhana ini dengan harapan anak-anak saya kelak (dan juga pembaca yang lain) juga bisa mengenal hikayat-hikayat itu juga. 
Dan bagi saya dengan menuliskannya kembali disini dapat menjadi pengingat bagi saya akan almarhum Bapak dan kebiasaaan bercerita sebelum tidur tersebut dan meneruskan kebiasaan itu kepada anak saya, Inshallah...

I miss U Bapak......

Photo Credit: wwwayazdotcom via Compfight cc

Di sebuah desa hiduplah seorang bapak petani tua dan anak laki-lakinya. Kehidupan mereka sangat miskin hingga tak memiliki apa-apa lagi selain keledai tua. Akhirnya si petani memutuskan untuk menjual Keledai mereka ini.

Steamed Pandan Chocolate Marble Cake (from Egg white) / Bolu kukus Pandan dari Putih telur.

Resep dalam Bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah

"Children need our presence more than our presents"

Selam everybody .... Merhaba from Turkey..

My today's post is steamed cake from egg white again. If you are my  regular blog's reader you probably notice that I posted many steamed cake in this humble page, and some of them used egg white-mostly left over egg white.. 

Yes I do like steamed cake. Cake with steamed process I think it's more moist than bake one. And for me any recipe I use with steamed process it become fail proof recipe (^,^) ... trust me. I tried many time, with same recipe, when I steamed it, it always came out fluffy and moist cake, while - some time I got 'broken heart' cake out from my oven... in fact that recipe with oven bake method... I have no idea why.. 

Please do check other steamed cake post on "steamed" over cooking method section.
You can also check specific steamed cake from egg white like Spiced steamed cake here, Chocolate steamed cake from egg white, Steamed zebra cake here.

And today I just steamed another cake from left over egg white and this time I twist chocolate flavor with my favorite Pandan flavor on marble cake.
Steamed process took about 45 minutes, also you must check by inserted skewer in the middle, continue steam if your skewer comes out still wet (it should comes out really clean).


Assalamu'alaikum.... Merhaba dari Turki..

Dulu sebelum tidur, Bapak Almarhum selalu mendongeng untuk saya dan saudara2 saya. Banyak sekali kisah mulai dari kisah nabi nabi sampai hikayat Abu nawas yg melekat di pikiran saya hingga saya setua ini. 

Saya pikir ada baiknya cerita-cerita yang beliau kisahkan  pada kami saat itu, saya tuangkan dalam tulisan di blog saya yang sederhana ini dengan harapan anak-anak saya kelak (dan juga pembaca yang lain) juga bisa mengenal hikayat-hikayat itu juga. 
Dan bagi saya dengan menuliskannya kembali disini dapat menjadi pengingat bagi saya akan almarhum Bapak dan kebiasaaan bercerita sebelum tidur tersebut dan meneruskan kebiasaan itu kepada anak saya, Inshallah...

Photo source ciktom.com
Suatu ketika, Rasulullah saw dan para sahabat ra sedang ifthar (buka puasa). Setiap kali mereka makan sebuah kurma, biji- biji sisanya mereka sisihkan di tempatnya masing-masing.

Beberapa saat kemudian, Ali menyadari bahwa dia memakan terlalu banyak kurma. Biji- biji kurma sisa mereka menumpuk lebih banyak di sisi Ali dibandingkan di sisi Rasulullah. Maka Ali pun secara diam- diam memindahkan biji-biji kurma tersebut ke sisi Rasulullah.

Kemudian Ali ra dengan tersipu-sipu mengatakan, “ Wahai Nabi, engkau memakan kurma lebih banyak daripada aku. Lihatlah biji-biji kurma yang menumpuk di tempatmu. ”Nabi pun tersenyum dan menjawab, “Ali, kamulah yang memakan lebih banyak kurma. Aku memakan kurma dan masih menyisakan biji-bijinya. Sedangkan engkau, memakan kurma berikut biji-bijinya”. (HR. Bukhori)


Fırında Kabak Mücver tarifi /Turkish Bake zucchini fritters

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

I can say I'm the most frustrated mom at least at my planet...😂
Should I or not frustrated surrounded by two people who hate vegetables? Should I or not frustrated surrounded by two people who picky at food?

As a mom I already headache making a healthy menu for my kid....then adding by one big man who picky on food and vegetables hates, my husband!
If you are in the same situation as mine...please do share some tips for me (^,^)

Fırında Kabak Mücver tarifi /Turkish Bake zucchini fritters.#Bake,#Breakfast And #Brunch, #Cheese, #SideDish, #Turkishfood, #Vegan, #vegetables
I always try to "smuggle" any vegetables in meal I make, for example peas and carrot on chicken nuggets... And when I knew this mücver dish I was so happy and was eagerly to try...

Mocca Spongecake Recipe

Resep dalam bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam.... Merhaba from Turkey..

Happy weekend to all of you.. 
What do you usually do with family to spend weekend together? It's summer time, maybe mostly you're on happy holiday this moment...Happy holiday for you!

Or you just stay at home with your family, enjoying togetherness in this hot lazy summer... laying down on couch whole day doing nothing but fingers do sport changing TV channels (^,^)

For us..week end is "go out from house day" since we have small kid who always boring stay inside home too long in summer days... Of course, almost everyday I took her to small kid park near our neighborhood... But it's very small playing yard, with only 1 slide, 2 pair swings.. with 70% good condition... surely my kid easily gets bore there too....
So...week end is really our family time, spending time together.

As every other week end in our house, week end is almost "cake" time ... so this week end I just make simple sponge cake with mocca flavor to accompany our tea and coffee time.

I made this cake many times using basic spongecake recipe (just vary in flavor), and it always turn out beautifully yet yummy.. it's super easy and fail proof, guaranty you gonna love it also...

Jagung Manis Keju (Cheesy Sweet Corn Cup)

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey

This is my kid's favorite snack.. I sometimes serve this between lunch and supper time. 
I like it also. It's slightly savory, slightly sweet and make me feel really full without being guilty (^,^) ... with reduce a little butter and cheese for me, this snack absolutely healthy.

Summer time like now days, we can meet many vendors on street selling this kind of satiated snack. But here in Turkey, the taste bit different from sweet corn cup sells in Indonesia. Sweet corn cup here simply mix the corn kernels with A LITTLE part of butter, for optional topping they let us choose ketchup, acılı sos (spicy sauce), and pomegranate vinegar. No other variation like when you visit Indonesian sweet corn vendors.

In Indonesian vendors we can have some sweet corn cup variant such as: cheese, mayonnaise, bbq sauce, milky sweet, and I don't remember else (^,^)

What I made today is sweet corn cup base on my taste with cheese topping. Of course feel free to choose your own taste and topping, it's basically boiled kernel mix with butter. For further taste and variation are depends on your liking.


Künefe Recipe /Turkish sweet cheese kadayif pastry (Kunafa / kanafeh)

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Künefe or kanafeh or kunafeh or kunafah or ... I don't know any other names of it.. But basically it's sweet pastry made from wiry kadaif filled/ layered with unsalty soft cheese and soaked in sugar syrup. Served hot or room temperature.  Künefe is popular from Turkey and from some Mediterranean countries (as a former Ottoman Empire).

Künefe or kanafeh or kunafeh or kunafah or ... I don't know any other names of it.. But basically, it's a sweet pastry made from wiry kadaif filled/ layered with unsalty soft cheese and soaked in sugar syrup. Served hot or at room temperature.
Künefe is popular in Turkey and in some Mediterranean countries (as a former Ottoman Empire).

In Turkey, some cities (like Hatay, Adana, Mersin, Sanliurfa, Mardin) had claimed where this Künefe originated from. But according to sources Künefe originally from Arabian. The soldiers of the Ottoman Empire which were sent on the road to the establishment of the Republic have gone to Yemen. Some of the troops here had made some "sweets/ dessert" and then later when they (ottoman soldiers) have returned to their home they started to learn making this dessert. Künefe came to Mersin the end of the year 1930, and to Hatay at 1940s.

Künefe or kanafeh or kunafeh or kunafah or ... I don't know any other names of it.. But basically it's sweet pastry made from wiry kadaif filled/ layered with unsalty soft cheese and soaked in sugar syrup. Served hot or room temperature.  Künefe is popular from Turkey and from some Mediterranean countries (as a former Ottoman Empire).

I ate this sweet pastry the first time a few years ago when I got to Turkey for 1st time ( I think it was around 2008). And my first impression was this dessert was away too sweet for me.. any Turkish dessert was too sweet for me as they mostly soaked in thick sugar syrup.
But after a few years of living here slowly, my taste has adapted, but still, I eat some sweets in moderation.


Bread rolls/ Roll-ppang 롤빵

Assalamu'alaikum..... Merhaba From Turkiye....

Since I live in Turkey, making bread is part of my daily work cause we eat bread in any ways almost everyday. Almost everyday or at least once in 2 days I always serve my family with fresh bread. Nothing can replace warm and fresh bread from oven serve at your family table... as warm as the togetherness it self..

As Turkish people mostly consume chewy (and slightly hard) bread so mostly I made that type of bread. Different type from Asian bread (which mostly I ate few years back) which has soft and spongy texture also mostly slightly more has sweet and milky taste. So of course my daily bread I made are more chewy and slightly hard in texture even once in a while we eat soft and spongy bread but I reduce as much as I can the amount of sugar in it.

You can check my soft bread (No egg required) here. Don't forget to check my other bread post on "Bread" category.

And my today's post also about bread and I want to try Korean style bread roll-ppang 롤빵.
I never make and it before so I'm a little curious about the real taste and texture... so if you are Korean or you tasted it before please do share with me....


Peynirli Poğaça (Turkish pastry with cheese filling)

Selam.... Merhaba from Turkey...

Poğaça (read: po a tja, with "a" vague). In Turkey it's savory pastry with various filling, start from cheese, meat, potatoes, olive and more. Mostly eaten for breakfast or brunch with hot Turkish tea. 

But I often find this food during afternoon aile toplantı(*) together with bulgur salad, couscous salad, potato salad, pasta salad and more.

(*) Casual family gathering which sometimes Turkish women (or family) do in afternoon. They talk and share news/ story among them or family, drink tea, with light lunch such pastry ( börek poğaça çörek, etc) with salad ( like kısır, potato salad) and more. and close the gathering with turkish coffee.

In Turkey there are few type of Poğaça... some use yeast (they call mayalı Poğaça) and some use baking powder. 
And my today post is Poğaça with baking powder, so the texture is more to shortbread. Different with Poğaça with yeast which has texture to bread, but I like them both.... They just perfect for quick and light breakfast/ brunch.

For yeast version you can visit my post here and here

Telur masak Kecap / hard boiled eggs in sweet soy sauce

For Recipe in English, please scroll down.

Assalamu'alaikum.... Merhaba from Turkey

Sesuai janji saya sebelumnya, saya akan bagi salah satu lauk pelengkap lontong cap gomeh yang saya buat untuk menu lebaran Idhul Fitri kemarin.. yaitu telur masak kecap. Menu ini salah satu menu favorit saya. Biasanya saya menyantapnya dengan nasi hangat dan kerupuk udang saja.

Dulu saya biasa menambahkan irisan cabe rawit hingga mendapatkan pedas kesukaan lidah Surabaya saya... Tapi belakangan ini sejak saya juga harus share masakan yang saya bikin dengan putri batita saya... saya kurangi rasa pedas baik dari merica atau cabe rawitnya supaya dia juga bisa menikmati makanan khas Indonesia seperti ibunya ^,^

Syukur Alhamdulillah dia suka semua jenis makanan lho...baik makanan Turki atau tahu-tempe-krupuk yang Indonesia banget... tinggal ngelatih lidah dan perut dia dikit-dikit agar sukai pedas juga, biar bisa nge-rujak bareng sama Mommy nya ntar....hehehehehe...

Ini resep yang biasa saya pakai (juga ibu saya) dari dulu. Untuk kemiri kadang saya tambahkan..kadang juga saya tidak pakai (tapi nambahin jumlah cabe merah dikit). Dan untuk kuahnya suka-suka juga ya..mau yang agak banyak atau kental banget (masaknya agak dilamain biar kuahnya nyusut)...


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