♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Best recipe Marble Butter Cake. Recipe with video / Resep Bolu Marmer jadul

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

In Indonesia, we call it "bolu marmer". Taken from the Portuguese language "bolo" means cake in English.

"Marmer" is marble in English. So this is our old classic Indonesian Marble cake.

My Best Marble Butter Cake / Resep Bolu Marmer jadul | Çitra's Home Diary. #marblebuttercake #poundcake #buttercake #bolujadul #marmercake #marblecake #coffeecake #resepbolujadul

Me and my siblings and my big family grew up with this old and classic cake. I remember my late grandmother and my aunty often baked this for us.
I think every kid my age also had the same memory about this cake. We can find this delicious kind of cake when somebody had a celebration like a birthday, circumcision, marriage or just a family gathering.
That is why make this so cake so memorable classic and every kids' favorite cake. And every family has its own recipe.

Y o u   m a y   b e i n t e r e s t e d   i n  STRAWBERRY&NECTARINE CRUMBLE BAR

And this cake has now also become my family's fave at home. My Husband especially my kid loves this Indonesian-style classic delicious butter cake. İ baked this delectable cake for our tea or coffee time almost every weekend for these few years and we never bore it 😃

İ want my family to experience what İ did especially my kid. İ want her to have something to remember about home, childhood and me! Her mom 😍 💖


Checkerboard Cookies / Kue Kering Domino

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Selam everybody....Merhaba from Türkiye.

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Checkerboard Cookies / Kue Kering Domino | Çitra's Home Diary. #holidaycookies #kuekeringlebaran #kuekeringdomino #checkerboardcookies #resepkuekeringlebaran #cookiesrecipe #chocolatecookiesrecipe

I fell blues cause the sun left me..
I lost my passion since the summer left my door..
Do not ask me why...
Sun and summer is my soul.😪

Well... Just give me some cookies and coffee.. maybe I won't escape from the winter 😄
Yep.. cookies and me (and my kid) are friends. Maybe because I am a "snack" person who enjoys small meals between our main mealtime.

And if you already knew me.. cookies are always on my house, not just during holiday time but always. 

Today I am going to share my ultimate checkerboard cookies. My kid loves it so much, and when she brought them to school, and shared them with her friends. The kids were so happy and they liked it! 😍
Some of them even asked my kid to bring it again another day 😃
Well... any kid should love cookies, right?! 😃

Checkerboard Cookies / Kue Kering Domino | Çitra's Home Diary. #holidaycookies #kuekeringlebaran #kuekeringdomino #checkerboardcookies #resepkuekeringlebaran #cookiesrecipe #chocolatecookiesrecipe

If you are a fan of checkerboard cookies, you should try this soon. For those who love matcha / green tea, you even substitute the cocoa with matcha powder. Next time I will post my matcha version of this checkerboard cookies.


Indonesian Lamb or mutton satay with peanut sauce / Sate Kambing Bumbu Kacang

Resep Dalam Bhs Indonesia bisa dilihat di sini

Selam Everybody...........Merhaba from Türkiye.

Sate Kambing Bumbu Kacang / Indonesian Lamb or mutton satay with peanut sauce. | Çitra's Home Diary. #lambkebab #lambsatay #muttonsatay #satayrecipe #indonesiansatay #peanutsauceforsatay #peanutrecipe #indonesianrecipe #resepsatekambing #satebumbukacang #indonesiansatayrecipe

Satay is a grilled meat dish famous throughout Southeast-Asia. Indonesians consider it a national dish conceived by street vendors. These tasty meat skewers are most popular with chicken, beef also lamb or mutton. We also have vegetarian satay version use tofu and tempeh instead of meat. 
Traditionally it served with white steamed rice or cake rice (Ind; ketupat and lontong). 

And generally it served with fresh cucumber pickle as well. Some area (like Madura island) serve together with bone soup or in middle Java serve this satay with gulai tongseng.

So if you want this satay in quick, you should prepare your white rice or cake rice in advance. Also you need to make peanut sauce and fresh pickled cucumber ahead.

Sate Kambing Bumbu Kacang / Indonesian Lamb or mutton satay with peanut sauce. | Çitra's Home Diary. #lambkebab #lambsatay #muttonsatay #satayrecipe #indonesiansatay #peanutsauceforsatay #peanutrecipe #indonesianrecipe #resepsatekambing #satebumbukacang #indonesiansatayrecipe

In Indonesia it self there are many types of satay from various regions and of various ingredients. For example, from Padang city (Sumatra), I like satay Padang. There are also "sate kelapa" (beef satay wrapped with grated coconut-My best favorite)-it's mostly common from Madura Island, quail eggs satay, clam satay, 'tempeh' and tofu satay or mushroom satay for vegetarian option.
And there are dozens of other types of satay (which is nearly I have eaten already). 


My Basic French Macarons with caramel chocolate filling

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Türkiye

M a c a r o n s

İt' a flavoured meringue cookies
Has  smooth surface but chewy at the middle
Petite, and perfectly round
Filled with buttercream or ganache
Ribbon-soft in mouth for no doubt
Take two bites..  😍

My Basic French Macarons with caramel chocolate filling| Çitra's Home Diary

Personally İ enjoy my macarons with dark Turkish coffee or just regular espresso.
Mostly at afternoon at 4 p.m , watching my favorite TV program or just wandering around then lost in the internet 😃
What do you see in the internet that can make you forget the time- or forget how many macarons did you eat already?...  😄

İ lost my self in the web world anytime İ click anything about cooking, start from bakeware sale until food photography.
And İ love crafting like crocheting, so İ mostly drifting away searching hundreds of patterns.. 😊

Eniweeeeyyy...my today post is my latest macarons baking. 
Yep... İ enjoy to eat them as much as İ love to bake them. Give me a pro camera then İ will capture them in many styles! 😊
They are so adorable in front of camera, don't you think so? 

My Basic French Macarons with Chocolate caramel Filling| Çitra's Home Diary. #macaronsrecipe #frenchmacarons #cookiesrecipe #chocolateganache #caramelmacaronsfilling #dessert #caramelfrosting

What is macarons?
Macarons, a sweet treat meringue-based confection made of egg white, sugar, icing sugar, almond powder, and sometimes food coloring is added. 
The confection is characterized by smooth, squared top, ruffled circumference (referred to as the "foot" or "pied"), and a flat base. It is mildly moist and easily melts in the mouth. Macarons can be found in a wide variety of flavors that range from the traditional (raspberry, chocolate) to the new (foie gras or matcha).


No knead Ramazan Pidesi / Turkish Ramadan Pide (flat bread) with step by step pictures. Best and authentic recipe.

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

No knead Ramazan Pidesi / Turkish Pide bread (flat bread) with step by step pictures| Çitra's Home Diary

Bread or ekmek we call in Turkish language is a staple of all food in Türkey as well very much important in Turkish culture.  Not just bread, we treat our food with respect. Wasting foods (bread) is disrespectful and günah or sin.

Eat and finish what you take.

Bread is always on our dinner table. Serve morning to evening. Dip in a hot creamy soup, eaten with Turkish köfte (meatball) in between or any meal. Or just simply spread it with salça (homemade tomato paste) for hurry brunch.

You can find a dozen types of ekmek/ bread in market or local fırın (bakery) which always serve fresh and hot bread from a traditional big stone oven. And there is one bread that is specially baked on a special occasion, Ramadhan or Ramazanİt's Ramazan pidesi.

There are many classic dishes that are associated with Ramazan in Turkey. But no other item signifies the breaking of the fast better than a loaf of pide (read; pee-deh).
Ramazan pidesi is round and flat in form and has a weave-like patterned crust shape by fingers.
Ramazan pidesi is made of wheat flour with yeast, rub with egg wash, and topped with sesame and black sesame seed.

It is traditionally served for the iftar and sahur meals during the holy month of Ramadan
is a highlight bread in turkey during Ramadhan month.

Bakeries all over Turkey provide this Ramazan pidesi hot and fresh about an hour or two before iftar time. So you will see a long queue in front of fırın/ bakery before iftar time to get this delicious pide hot from the oven during the month of Ramadhan.

How to prepare and cook beef (ox)/ Lamb tongue / Cara memasak lidah sapi / kambing

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

How to prepare and cook beef (ox) tongue / Cara memasak lidah sapi | Citra's Home Diary. #cookingtips #howtocooktongue #beeftongue #caramemasaklidahsapi #bistiklidah #offal #jerohansapi #howtocookoffal

For some people eating offal or another part of an animal sounds gross. Or maybe some of you just don't know how to prepare or cook them.

Offal could be delicious as normal meat if we know how to cook it, for example, cow's feet (or legs) or (beef) tongue. You can be hooked once you taste a delicious meal using those animal parts because it is prepared correctly and cook in a clever way. 

Today I am going to share a tip on how to prepare and cook beef tongue. Beef tongue is lean meat that can be very tasty. But when you didn't cook it properly it can be pretty chewy and almost rubbery.

Since it's quite lean as I mentioned above, it'll take some time to cook to have a butter-soft texture which we look for. Some said 30 minutes per pound, some said an hour. 
Personally, I didn't really use a timer or whatsoever, İ just cooked and check my beef (ox) tongue periodically and test it by inserting a big fork in the thickest part of the tongue, when it easily slip off from the fork it's done.

How to prepare and cook beef (ox) tongue / Cara memasak lidah sapi | Citra's Home Diary. #cookingtips #howtocooktongue #beeftongue #caramemasaklidahsapi #bistiklidah #offal #jerohansapi #howtocookoffal
Recipe 1

Red Velvet Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting

Merhaba from Türkiye Everybody....... Selam

Me and red velvet cake is like friend in exploratory stage 😃. 
İ enjoy and baking this cake since long time ago but still İ need to explore it more and try get along with it often 😊

Yes.. İ can't denied that İ fall in love in this red velvety color cake, with delicious slightly tangy of cream cheese frosting.
İ baked many RVC before and still want to bake more 😏

You can check my Cheesecake between Red Velvet cake here, or try my unique Steamed Red Velvet Brownie here- you'll get shock how it easy to make and so delish! 
And if you want to impress your family with Swiss Roll Cake.. you should try my Red Velvet Cake roll here.

Red Velvet Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting

And today İ'll post my favorite Red Velvet Cake again. 
İ baked this seriously moist and delicious Red Velvet cake my my kid's birthday 🎂. And since this cake for her she was the one who decorated the cake with small colorful heart candy  😍 . her fave.

İ didn't decorate much, just thinly cover the cake with my cream cheese frosting, piped some star shape and using cake's crumb to make it more nice 😊

For the cake İ use 2 deep pans with diameter 18cm (about 8") and cut each cake into two. 
İ wrapped my baked cake with plastic film after cool and keep in refrigerator over night before frosting.

Red Velvet Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting

Turkish Food Recipe; Köfteli Patates Yemeği / Potato and meatballs in tomato sauce

Selam everybody...... Merhaba from Türkiye

Knowing about Turkish foods is like reading history book, so old with many surprising delicious fact. İt might because mostly Turkish cuisine is the heritage of Ottoman cuisine from centuries ago. 

It is also has mixture and refinement of Central Asian, Middle Eastern and Balkan cuisines. Therefore it is impossible to fit Turkish cuisine into a short list.

İncluding my post today is one of daily meal which mostly Turkish mothers serve for the family. Köfteli patates is home style meal that served generation to generation. Every kids fan of their mom's version of this food 😍

İt's a potato cook in tomato sauce, adding small meatball to meet the family taste. Some version adding ground beef instead of meatballs. Sprinkle with dried mint leaves this meal is a must to try when you visit Turkiye.

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