♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Lamb/ mutton Fried Rice / Nasi goreng kambing

Nasi Goreng or fried rice is one of Indonesian national food with rice as main ingredients, stir- fried in margarine/ butter or cooking oil generally cooked with Kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce), shrimp paste, sambal (chilly), shallots, garlic, egg or other variety spices and ingredients. 
In 2011, an Internet poll conducted by CNN International and attended by 35,000 people put fried rice (nasi goreng) on the second rank in the list of '50 most delicious food in the world 'after rendang.

Fried rice spread to Southeast Asia brought by Chinese immigrants who settled there and created a local typical fried rice which is based on the difference in the spices and stir-fry way. Fried rice actually comes from several properties in the Chinese culture, which did not like the taste of cold food and also remove the leftovers a few days earlier. Hence, the cold rice and then fried to be served back.

There are different kinds of fried rice recipe but the main element is rice, cooking oil, soy sauce. In addition, many other extras that may be included, ranging from vegetables, meat, until the chili, sauces, crackers and fried eggs. Fried rice in Indonesia and in other countries can have its own variations depending on the region of origin and seasonings or ingredients used. This variation is usually influenced by the foods commonly used by local communities.

My today's post is one of fried rice' variant, it calls Nasi goreng Kambing. This fried rice is different from common fried rice since it has distinctive aroma because use many aromatic herb to get a long with lamb/ mutton meat.

Give a try and have some more Indonesian flavor in your family dinner table ^,^
Lamb/ mutton fried rice serve with shrimp cracker and pickle
Make 4 portions

Paste spices:
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 5 shalots
  • 2 red chilli
  • chilli padi (optinal if you like it spicy)
  • 2 pcs of cloves or pinch of powdered one
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder (or 1 cm fresh turmeric)
  • 1/4 teaspoon caraway (or 1/4 tsp caraway seed)
  • 2 cardamom 
  • salt to taste
*pure all ingredients above.

Ekşili köfte / Turkish style Sour Saucily meatball

In Turkey, meatball known as köfte and one of the famous dishes of Turkish cuisine. Here they have many kind of köfte variations. According some sources, it has about 291 köfte variants but from all those variants the most popular are  Tekirdağ köftesiİnegöl köfteAkçaabat köftesi,Adapazarı Islama Köfteİzmir köftesiÇiğ köfte and Biga köftesidir.

You can check my other köfte recipe:
İçli Köfte/ Domates Fesleğen Soslu İçli Köfte
Inegöl Köfte
Izmir koftesi
Marcimek koftesi, and
Pideli Kofte

And today I made this Ekşili köfte ( Sour Saucily meatball). It's one of Turkish traditional daily meal. It's small meatballs cook in tomato sauce with potatoes. Some people also add carrot in it sometimes. One of comfort food which has sour and fresh flavor, really suitable in any occasion in any weather.
Serve: 4~5 portions

  • 2 medium potatoes (wedge or cubes or round shape like mine)
  • 1 medium yellow onion, chopped
  • 1 Tbsp tomato paste (pasta tomat)
  • salt and sugar to taste
  • enough cooking oil for sauteing
  • Beef broth / hot water around 1,5~2 lt
  • chopped parsley (for serve spread over)

Putri Mandi (mendut) #Indonesianfood / Glutinous balls with thick coconut sauce

Putri mandi is one of Indonesian traditional snack (Jajan pasar). It's glutinous rice ball fill with sweet coconut then flash with creamy coconut sauce. In (east and middle ) java island mostly people call it also "mendut"

In my homeland-Surabaya- this mendut mostly warped with banana leaf before steamed. But since I can not find banana leaf here in Turkey, so I make a little modification on cooking it.. and here it is my Putri mandi or mendut 's version don't worry, it's just as good as the original version :)

Check category Indonesian Snack (jajan pasar/ kue) for more Indonesian Kueh or snack.

Ingredients for filling:
• 2 cups roughly grated coconut (you can use fresh or dry one)
• 1 pandan leaf (you can use vanilla if you don't purchase pandan)
• Pinch of salt
• about 200 gr* gula jawa/ palm sugar-->finely shredded (you can use dark brown sugar too)
• 1 cup water

(*)you can add more sugar if you like sweeter version
In medium pan, stir water and gula jawa/ palm sugar until all sugar dissolve. Add other ingredients and cook over medium heat until it thickened. Cool it and shape them as small as marble (slightly smaller then the skin dough you will make later)

Homemade Egg Noodle and simple fried noodle / membuat mie telur sendiri

Noodle.. in Bahasa Indonesia I call it Mie [read: mee] . Is a long, thin rolled dough and cooked in boiling water. Arabic, Chinese and Italian claimed that they are noodles' inventor, although the oldest written about mie come from the Eastern Han Dynasty, between AD 25 and AD 220. In October 2005, the oldest noodles estimated 4,000 years old was found in Qinghai, China. (source:Wikipedia)

Anyway, regardless of the first inventors of noodles ... let's us make our own egg noodles at home ... this might be the first favorite in your home. And for more how to use (cook) this homemade noodle, I also include one simple fried noodle recipe below. 

Before making favorite noodle recipe you have.. let's make our egg noodle. I have my pasta rolling machine to help me doing rolling and cut the noodles. But don't worry if you don't have one, you can just simply roll the dough with rolling pin and cut the dough with sharp knife. You can see my other homemade egg noodle post without pasta rolling machine here.

Gulai / Kare Kambing Berempah / Indonesian style Spiced Lamb Curry

First I'd like to say Happy Eid al Adha (feast of sacrifice) for all muslim readers. Bayramınız Mubarek Olsun.

Muslim’s today sacrifice a sheep or a goat, the meat of which is shared among friends, family, and the poor, with each receiving a third. People sacrifice animals but are required to make arrangements to ensure it is slaughtered humanely.
The Greater Eid also marks the end of Hajj, the five-day religious journey that takes Muslims to the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

This year 2014 we celebrate Eid al Adha at Friday 3rd October. Eid al Adha is one of religious holiday that Muslims celebrate each year beside Eid al Fitr. For you who wants to know more about our Eid al Adha you can visit this page to have more knowledge.

Elhamdulillah, this year my husband's family sacrifice few goats. Beside we shared to whom in need, we also get some part of it. Unlike years before, this time I didn't make satay as my "a must food" in every sacrifice feast. But this food also mostly make and served during sacrifice feast in Indonesia together with satay. You can check my lamb satay recipe here.

For some Indonesian friends who visited us I made this Spiced Lamb Curry. If you search on google about this "gulai" you might find many kind of different recipe of it. Yes we have many kind of "gulai" some of them are in yellow colored and some of "gulai" have different spices and taste depends on local area. What I made here is spiced gulai cause I use some spices which is dry fried/ toasted (without oil) then grinded into fine powder. This recipe actually I copied from my mom. And as home "chef" she couldn't mentioned about how much exactly the ingredients being used.. She just said this A"about this much" or that B"more or less" bla..bla.bla..  So I must try to measure it by my self and adjust the taste exactly like my mom made :)

Make about 15 portions.

  • 800 gr lamb/ mutton meat (you can add some ribs and bones too) / daging kambing dengan tulang
  • about 700 gr mix offal such as heart, tripe, lung (optional) / jerohan
  • 1 tbsp tamarind water (dissolved a thumb of tamarind in 1/4 cup of water ) / asam jawa, larutakan dalam 1/4 cup air
  • 1 stalk lemongrass, crushed / sereh digeprak
  • 1 cinnamon stick (about 5 cm) / 1 (5cm)batang kayu manis
  • star anise 4 ~ 5 / bunga lawang
  • 2 Indonesian bay leaves /daun salam
  • 2 cm fresh ginger / jahe
  • about 1 1/2 tbsp sugar (to taste) / gula sesuai selera
  • about 2 tbsp salt (to taste) / garam 2 sdt atau sesuai selera
  • about 1/2 cup of cooking oil / minyak goreng
  • about 500 ml thin coconut milk / santan encer
  • about 1 cups dried / fresh grated coconut. Toasted and finely grind. Set a side / 1 cup kelapa kering (bisa juga yg segar), sangrai hingga kering dan kecoklatan, lalu haluskan dan sisikan.

Sawi Putih tumis Kembang Tahu / Stir-fry Napa cabbage with beancurd skin

I bought this napa cabbage 2 weeks ago in farmer market downtown. Pretty expensive though since summer is over at last September. Before summer and during summer I can get this napa cabbage around 2 lira (approx 2 USD) per piece but last two weeks ago they sold 4 lira/ pc. So I bought 2 pieces with had no idea what will I do with those later. I was planning to make another Kimchi or other salad.

And today I cooked one of them this stir-fry mix with beancurd sheet. I just love it. It's simply and quick dish to make and comfort me enough during "getting cold" days in this fall in Turkey.

Make 2~4 portions

- About 300 grams napa cabbage, roughly cut (I separated middle stem from leaves)
- 1 sheet of bean curd, soak in water for 5 mnts, drain and roughly cut in smaller pieces.
- About 150 grams of chicken breast/ leg, cut lengthwise 
- Chicken / beef / fish meatballs 4 ~ 6 pieces, cut into chunks 
- 1 small onion, finely chopped 
- 5 cloves garlic, crushed and finely chopped 
- 1 teaspoon black pepper 
- 1 tsp salt (to taste)
- 1 tsp sugar (to taste)
- 2 tablespoons fish sauce 
- 1 tbsp sesame, plus for sprinkle when serve 
- 1 tablespoon cooking oil 
- 1 tbsp sesame oil

Indonesian Honeycomb Caramel Cake / Bolu Sarang Semut (cake karamel)

Selam everybody..Merhaba from Turkey....

Sarang semut mean ants nest in Indonesian or others call this bolu karamel (caramel cake). I think you already get idea why it calls "ants nest" :)

Before  put into the oven, I let the batter about 3 hours so "the crater nest" or honeycomb will perfectly formed. 

And beware cause this cake is kinda addictive cake. Once you eat it, you gonna love it and you will make it more and more.... ^,^ real story!

Indonesian Honeycomb Caramel Cake / Bolu Sarang Semut (cake karamel)

Making this actually really simple. But for some people might be a bit tricky especially making caramel correctly and not burning it. So for you who already make caramel-like dozen times, I think it wouldn't be a problem for you.

Sorry for this post I didn't put step by step photo cause I'm kinda bit busy doing something else while making this cake. Maybe next time I'll add some step by step picture to guide you more clear. Meanwhile bookmarked this recipe cause you gonna love this cake!

Make 1 loaf pan

      for caramel

  • 250 gr caster sugar
  • 200 ml hot water
      Ingredients B

Garlic Butter Pizza Bread Stick

Happy Saturday. May you have a great weekend with your family and everybody you love. 

Since having a growing child in our house, I start a little bit busy making "schedule" to provide her snack or food start from breakfast till dinner. I think you are too when you have one like me :)

I never want my kid to eat any store bought snack-- try not too much though. That's why I regularly make something for her. Some food which I can make a head and can be stored in freezer. I think making our own snack (food) is more healthy-- that's my 1st concern about food for my kid. And other reason is maybe more economical in budget :)

Well, talking about snack today I want to share one of our fave one. It's surprisingly become new favorite in our house, not only by my kid, but also for her baba :)
Try it, maybe it'll become most request also in your house :)

You can use any pizza dough recipe you have--or you can browse my other pizza dough recipe in Basic dough label. Or you can use recipe below..it's just incredibly easy and fun for cooking project with your little one too. :) 

Make about 23 sticks

For Basic Pizza Dough:
  • 1 cup warm milk (or water)
  • 1 tsp instant yeast
  • 1 Tbsp glucose / honey / sugar ( I use honey)
  • 340 gr all purpose flour 
  • 1 tsp table salt
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil other vegetable oil

For topping:
  • 3 cloves of Garlic. finely grated/ chopped
  • 100 gr salted butter, room temperature. (if you use unsalted butter, add pinch of salt, or no need more salt if you have strong salty cheese)
  • 2 tsp sweet paprika powder 
  • 1 Tbsp dried thyme
  • 1 Tbsp dried basil

>>Mix all until well blended. Divide it into 2 equal parts. Set a side

Sandwich White Bread / Roti empuk tanpa telur

Resep dlm Bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam everybody.......Merhaba from Türkiye

Yes, I make my own bread to served daily for my family...even mostly I still eat rice more than I eat bread because my stubborn Asian stomach still can not fully adaptable with just eat bread in one whole day :). 

I have some other bread recipe also, artisan no-knead bread that you can check here, here and here. Besides those recipes, you can search my other bread recipes for your meal idea for family.

And today I want to share another bread recipe. Our family's fave sandwich white bread.

Sandwich White Bread / Roti empuk tanpa telur



I open my blog page daily as usual to edit or write something on it..but suddenly I got this notification from google.... Any body here had ever got this issue before??? what would I do??

What should I do to protect my computer and page contents from malware like this??
Please give me a clue.

Drop me an email please.
 Thank you.

Black Nastar / Brown Pineapple bite for IdFB Challenge#16 Cookies

I llooovveeee making cookies...any cookies. Love to make them as much as I eat them. My family love it too. You know, in Turkey people very much love drinking tea. Anytime, any where, any occasion. Hot weather or cold weather Turkish people enjoy their tea so much. 

That tea time tradition I can not avoid in our home :). Usually we drink tea together after dinner. For me, drinking tea without any snack along with it, is like going to market without money.....hahahahahha..it just can not be! Back when I was in my homeland Indonesia, I always have traditional snack along with my morning tea as breakfast. Or some cookies in my afternoon coffee :)

So, when you are visiting our house..don't worry..we always have a jar (or two) of cookies. And those jar won't be empty (almost every time) because we love our tea with cookies along with it :)

Well, today I'll share one of my family fave ... Dark pineapple tart ( I call it black Nastar) cookies. Believe me..it's so good and almost too pretty to eat :)

This post also goes to Indonesian Food Blogger Challenge#16 Kue Kering Cookies
You can visit Indonesian Food Blogger page to see many great contents from other IdFBer's

Cheesecake between Red Velvet Cake for our wedding anniversary

This is not too late post--I think. Yes, me and my husband just celebrate our wedding anniversary. At this 28th August we celebrate our 5th year, love and respect each other, live and rowing our small boat facing-sometimes ripple waves- and sometimes big waves and scary wind. I know it's still too much too young to reach our dreaming island...but at least this 5th year we can remember that we are still rowing same boat to go to the same way.

Nothing is easy in our marriage. We came from different place! Totally different culture, different language, different nationality, different taste... My husband is Turkish and me my self is Indonesian.  If you understand what I mean, person who came from different background is never easy to walk together with at same rhythm... 
The things we have in common is only care, love and good willing to reach blessing of Allah.

 I  knew my husband around 2004 ... We knew each other from Internet. It took us so much time to finally decided to be together in holy marriage. Many things had to think about and calculated.... But hey... love is not a math that we can calculate😍 
I'm not exactly remember why we decided (finally) to marry .... after my first visit to Turkey in 2008, one year after that I married my husband 😃

Well, enough about old story of us.. I'll tell you many thing again later... We just want to grateful to Allah that we are still now having each other with great love from HIM.
So for just remembering our 5th year of marriage, I made this cake. I know my husband likes cheesecake a lot s much s he likes chocolate cake... so I decided to make this Red velvet cake with cheesecake in between. For garnish, I use classic vanilla butter cream flowered with small red fondant flower (I have small amount of -don't know what to do-fondant in my refrig).


Kroket Tuna / Tuna Potato croquette

Resep dalam bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah.

Happy Sunday Everybody. 

Weekend for me is busy time.... well..as busy as week days actually (^,^).. But in week end I always spend more times to makes additional snacks for the family-- especially for my little one. For some kind of snack which can be frozen (make a head) I usually stock up a bit much so any time my Sahnaz wants a snack it can be ready in a minute ..just heat it in oven or just fry it.

This time I make tuna croquettes. I  mixed my croquettes with carrots for more healthy reason . But If  you want to make it and skip it .. go ahead .. but I prefer snack for my kid ..anything..with vegetables. 
You can make it in advance and store in freezer. Use within 1 week. 

Make about 20 pcs 

- about 500 gr potato (peel and wash)
- 2 medium carrot
- 2 spring onion, chopped coarsely 
- Canned tuna 160 ~ 180 g (strain the oil )
- ± 40 g  butter or margarine (I use butter) 
- 2 tablespoons flour 
- 1/2 cup (120 ml)  milk
- 1 small onion. finely chopped 
- 3 cloves of garlic. finely chopped 
- Pepper powder to taste 
- Sugar and salt to taste


Celebrating Eidul Fitr (Ramazan Bayram) and also My kid's 2nd B'day

Happy Eid al Fitr 1435 H for you who celebrate it. 

This Eid al Fitr 2014 is the happiest and memorable moment for me. After more than 5 times celebrated Eid in Turkey, this is the first time I feel like celebrate Eid al Fitr in my own country. Many my Indonesian fellow came to visit with their family. Some students who study here also came to visit.. to tied more closely relationship.

Beside that memorable Eid al Fitr, this year coincide with  my lovely baby's birthday, Sahnaz Kale this July turns 2! .. Time feel too fast passing by.. I still feel I just born her few months ago..now she turns 2 !

Two happy reasons (Eid al Fitr and my princess' B'day) is enough for me to celebrate it, just simple celebration. We invited some Indonesian to spend happy moment with simple Indonesian and Turkish Foods.

Like normally b'day party I also made one simple b'day cake for my daughter. This chocolate cake  made from 1 recipe of steamed chocolate sponge cake and 1 recipe chocolate brownie recipe steamed with simple fondant decoration. And chocolate frosting recipe here.


Easy Strawberry Ice cream (No machine required)

Ramadhan comes in summer this year 2014... Long day for fasting and so hot outside... May Allah gives us more 'pahala' (reward). And I think nothing more comfort and refreshing us after iftar in this Ramadhan than a cup (or more) of strawberry ice cream. I have no ice cream machine at home but it can't stop me to festive our summer days in this holy month.
You can make this also for your family.

Make about 800 ml
- about 400 gr fresh strawberry ( you can use frozen one too)
- Condensed milk about 1 cup
- Thick cream 1 cup
- Sugar about 4~5 Tbsp (according your taste) -- I used 4 because I add strawberry jam in my ice cream.
- few tsp homemade or store bought strawberry jam (optional)

Peynirli Yumurtalı Pide / Turkish Pide bread with cheese and egg topping

In Turkey, pita (called pide) has a soft, chewy texture. The pizza-like foods called lahmacun are made with oval-shaped pieces of pide dough topped with finely chopped meat and herbs before baking. Pide also refers to another pizza-like food made of pide dough topped with different ingredients. Regional variations in the shape, baking technique, and topped materials create distinctive styles for each region. Such pides can include chicken, beef, cheese, potatoes, garlic and many other ingredients. Beside Pide with meat toppingchicken toppingTurkish sausage topping, this time I made it with cheese and egg  topping. Also you can choose ayran for drink.

Serve: 8 pieces medium size

Crunchy Teriyaki Chicken Rice bowl / Ayam saus teriyaki

Selam everybody... Merhaba from Turkey

Suddenly missed and wanted to eat this food. This menu reminds me on typical menu of Japanese restaurant with a taste of Indonesia. If you live in Indonesia you will understand and know exactly the unique and characteristic of foods I mean. In Bursa, city I live now, as far as I know, it's hard to find a Japanese fast food restaurant .. maybe in starred hotel provides one or two Japanese food in their menu, mostly sushi-and I don't really like the taste...

Well, to ease sense of longing of Japanese food (with Indonesian taste), this Chicken rice bowl is enough to treat it .. Let's try it also in your kitchen. It won't disappoint you ...

Since this is my first attempt to make it, I didn't measure the exact amount of some ingredient... it's just simply according to my taste based on how it's real taste on my memory.

Serve about 2 portion
Ingredients A:
- Boneless chicken (about 300gr) thinly sliced, season with a pinch of salt and pepper.
- 1 medium egg, beaten off
- 3 Tbsp cornstarch
- 2 Tbsp flour
- pinch of salt and pepper
- small amount of water (the batter has thinner consistency than pancake's)
- Flour (about 4 tbsp)
- Oil for deep fry


MANTI ÇORBASI / Turkish Ravioli soup

Merhaba from Turkiye Everybody!!! It's been ages I had gone.. but believe me I didn't neglect my blog... as You can see I did something again to my blog page ..I changed the appearance...What do you think about this new look?? please tell me, I need your opinion :)
And sorry for not write any post since I've been busy with my lil baby... but time flies so fast..she is growing up now...almost 2 year old...she turns into adorable lil angel :)

She likes eating with bare hand (just like her mommy :p ) and her favorite food now is fruty yogurt. She also likes soup and some Indonesian foods as well.

And taaddaaa.... now I'll share our family fave soup ! Ravioli Soup ( Mantı Çorba). So yummy and creamy..you and family gonna love it! try and tell me what do you think.. :)

Served 4 ~ 5 portions
Ingredients A:
- 2 small bowls of ravioli (about 300 g)--  you can use homemade mantı here or this recipe to make by your own
- 1 cup pre-cooked chickpea (about 100 gr)
- 1 egg yolk
- ¾ tbsp flour
- 1 cup yogurt
- Salt and dried mint 


Sesame Cookies (Kue kering Wijen)

For us nothing more suitable in our tea/ coffee time but cookies. And this sesame cookies just perfect one for you to try also. 

 250 gr butter, room temperature
 2 medium eggs, room temperature
 80 g (± 3 tablespoons) sugar
 80 g (± 1/3 cup) sesame paste
 ¼ tsp fine salt
 400 g all-purpose flour
 5 g (± 2 tsp) baking powder

To spread:
 1 egg yolk, beaten
 Sesame seeds to taste


Jajan Pasar "Klepon" (Indonesian traditional sweet dumpling snack)

Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Please come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.
Jajan Pasar Klepon/ Indonesian traditional glutinous rice flour sweet dumpling) | Çitra's Home Diary. #resepjajanpasar #kleponresep #kleponpandan #Indonesianfoodrecipe #glutinousriceflour #Pandanleaf #sweetdumpling #asiancuisine

Hello everybody....Merhabalar..

Hello everybody...I know.. I know..it has been ages I didn't post anything... For you (new readers of this page) maybe didn't know why, or my old blogger / foodies friends might just figure it out...yes since I was pregnant I didn't post regularly..... coz as you know, during my pregnancy I didn't want to go to my own kitchen or any other's one. My cake deflated, my cooking burnt, etc..so I couldn't post anything new in my blog... and also I was ssoo ssoo lazy doing anything. I just love to walk...walk around my city...lol

Oliebollen recipe (Dutch Donuts)

 Selam evrybody...Merhaba from Turkey.

Oliebollen is a fried food-similiar to donut flavor containing raisins and apple slices, originally from Dutch. Oliebollen also known in Indonesia and are often listed in an old book recipe cause it's very popular also in Indonesia as one of Dutch food's heritage . In Netherlands, this food is traditionally eaten on New Year's Eve (But I love them in my breakfast with my hot Tukish tea). 

Oliebollen made ​​by frying dough in hot oil until lightly browned. Dough made ​​from flour, eggs, yeast, salt, and milk. The dough is left for about 1 hour and fried, then dusted with powdered sugar. 

Other than this Oliebollen, you also can check my other Dutch heritage's recipe which are quite popular in Indonesia: Bitterballen, Kaastegels, Kroketten, and others

Check category Indonesian Snack (jajan pasar/ kue) for more Indonesian Kueh or snack.

Oliebollen recipe (Dutch Donuts) | Çitra's Home Diary

Makes ± 35 ~ 40 small balls

 500 g all-purpose flour
 2 medium egg, lightly beaten
 200 ml (1 cup) warm milk
 200 ml (1 cup) warm water
 11 g (1 packet) instant yeast
 50 g (± 2 tbsp) 
+ 1 tsp granulated sugar 
 1 tsp salt
 1 tsp vanilla powder
 2 pieces (± 250 g) medium apples, peeled, cut into 1x1 cm cubes, drizzle with lemon juice
 75 g (± ¾ cup raisins), soak in warm water a few hours earlier, drained
 50 ounces dried apricots (optional), chopped coarse
 Icing sugar for dusting
 Cooking oil for deep fry


Mercimek Köftesi (Red lentil balls)

for those of you who want to enjoy a vegetarian meatball .. This one you should try ... red lentils (meat) balls. It's also a favorite here in Turkey. You can eat it beside börek (pastry) or other favorite pide. Check out the recipe and will definitely become your favorite too.

Mercimek Köftesi (Red lentil balls) | Çitra's Home Diary. #vegetarian #turkishfoodrecipe #vegankofta #veganrecipe #lentilkofta

makes 25 ~ 30 balls


Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

SATE PADANG / PADANG STYLE SATAY | Çitra's Home Diary. #Indonesiancuisine #indonesisch #indonesianfoodrecipe #indonesiansatay #satayrecipe #satepadang #resepsatepadang #beeftongue #cookoffal

Known as sate in Indonesian (and pronounced similar to the English), Indonesia is the home of satay, and satay is a widely renowned dish in almost all regions of Indonesia and is considered the national dish and one of Indonesia's best dishes. Satays, in particular, are a staple in Indonesian cuisine, served everywhere from street carts to fine dining establishments, as well as in homes and at public gatherings. As a result, many variations have been developed throughout the Indonesian Archipelago. In Indonesia, there are some restaurants that specialized in serving various kinds of satay and present it as their specialty, such as Sate Ponorogo Restaurant, Sate Blora Restaurant, and also chains of Sate Khas Senayan restaurants, previously known as Satay House Senayan. In Bandung, the West Java Governor's office is popularly called Gedung Sate (Indonesian: Satay building) to refer to the satay-like pinnacle on its roof.

Indonesia has the richest variations of satay in the world. The satay variants in Indonesia usually named after the region it originated, the meats, parts, or ingredients its uses, also might be named after the process or method of cooking.

I felt to miss posting something ... but lately, I frankly do not have any inspiration at all for writing. I am trying to write my daily activities but only ended up in my diary. Neither for cooking, no new idea that I try in my kitchen, I don't know when this moody feeling will be over, I hope it'll pass soon :)
Well ... for the start, last week I had time to cook my favorite food when I was single--Sate Padang. Just wanted to share with you all I write down the recipe, not as complicated as you might think .. just try it .

 Make about 45 skewers


 400 g of beef heart or beef tongue

 400 beef liver

 400 gr tenderloin

 ½ cup vegetable oil

 3 bay leaves

 3 cm galangal, lightly crushed

 1 stalk lemongrass, lightly crushed

 3 tablespoons rice flour

 ½ tablespoons cornstarch

 Some bamboo skewers

Asem Asem Ayam (Spicy Sour Chicken gravy)

Resep dalam Bhs İndonesia ada di bagian bawah

The sour and spicy in this food really can increase my appetite, nourishing yet comforting food for me lately. Simple and quick to prepare also.

Serve: 4 servings

 ½ kg chicken, cut into pieces according to taste
 Lemon juice of 1 lemon
 5 ~ 7 shallots, finely sliced
 3 ~ 5 cloves garlic, finely chopped
 ½ tsp turmeric powder
 Some bird aye chili (amount depends on your taste), cut roughly or let it whole
 ± 1 tablespoon tamarind paste
 Some stalk spring onion, cut roughly
 1 medium tomato, cut roughly
 Salt and sugar to taste
 bay leaves and 1 cm galangal, crushed

How to cook:
1) Boil chicken with enough water (about 2 cups), add lemon juice and cook until chicken  change in color. Drain chicken and discard the water. Put chicken back into pan and cook again with ± 2 lt water, bay leaves and galangal.
2) Once it boils, cook in all spices (except tomatoes spring onion). Taste the flavor. Then put in spring onion and tomato slices, cover the pan and immediately turn off the heat.

Serve hot with warm rice.


 ½ kg ayam, potong sesuai selera besar/ kecilnya
 perasan jeruk limau
 5 ~ 7 bawang merah, iris tipis
 3 ~ 5 bawang putih, iris tipis

 ½ sdt bubuk kunyit
 beberapa biji cabe rawit sesuai selera banyaknya, iris kasar atau biarkan utuh
 asam jawa yang dilarutkan dng sedikit air, ambil ± 1 sdm
 daun bawang beberapa batang, potong kasar
 1 tomat ukuran sedang, potong kasar
 Garam dan gula sesuai selera
 daun salam dan laos/ lengkuas geprak

How to cook:
1) Didihkan air sekitar 2 gelas, masukkan potongan ayam, tambahkan perasan jeruk limau dan masak hingga ayam matang. Saring ayam dan buang air rebusannya. Masukkan kembali ayam ke dalam panci dan masak kembali dengan kurleb 2 lt air, daun salam, lengkuas.
2) Setelah mendidih masukkan semua bumbu iris (kecuali tomat dan daun bawang). Bumbuhi garam dan gula dan koreksi rasanya. tambahkan garam atau air asam sesuai selera. 

Lalu masukkan potongan tomat dan daun bawang, tutup pancinya dan matikan api.

Sajikan hangat.

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